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“Your partner in education since 1946”

October 2021
Name: _______________________________________ Section: ___________________

I. Multiple Choice. Read the following items comprehensively. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the supercontinent, also known as the big landmass that was formed 200 to 250 million years ago?
a. Laurasia b. Gondwanaland c. Pangaea d. Juan de Fuca
2. Which modern continents were derived from Gondwanaland?
a. Africa, Antarctica, Australia, India, South America
b. Africa, Antarctica, Australia, North America, South America
c. Asia, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, South America
d. Asia, Antarctica, Australia, North America, South America
3. The observation that the continents fit together like puzzle pieces and may once have been connected led to a theory in
1910 called __________.
a. Continental plowing c. Wandering continents
b. Continental drift d. Shape matching continents
4. Who is the person credited with developing the theory of continental drift?
a. Harry Hess b. Galileo Galilei c. Alfred Wegener d. Isaac Newton
5. What two specific continents fit together most noticeably?
a. Africa and North America c. South America and Europe
b. South America and Africa d. Antarctica and Africa
6. All of the following fossils were used by Wegener to support his idea of continental drift, EXCEPT?
a. Lystrosaurus b. Glossopteris c. Cynognathus d. Tyrannosaurus
7. Which of the following evidence did not support the idea of continental drift?
a. Mountain ranges on different continents lined up when coastlines were matched up.
b. The thickness of layers of ice in the Antarctic.
c. Rock strata on different continents lined up when coastlines were matched up.
d. Fossils of plants and animals in climates where their survival would have been impossible.
8. What was the main reason Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis was rejected?
a. He was not well liked by other scientists.
b. He could not provide a mechanism for the movement of the continents.
c. He could provide only illogical explanations for the movement of the continents.
d. His evidence was incorrect.
9. What do you call the theory used to explain the formation of the earth’s crust and its movements, collision and
a. Continental drift b. Plate tectonics c. Slab Pull d. Mantle Convection
10. Why do tectonic plates move?
a. Due to active volcanism and earthquakes
b. Due to thermal convection in the mantle
c. Due to earth’s gravitational force
d. Due to earth’s rotation
11. If all the inner layers of the Earth are firm solid, what could have happened to Pangaea?
a. It remained as a supercontinent.
b. It would have become as it is today.
c. It would have slowly disappeared in the ocean.
d. It would have stretched and covered the whole world.
12. Which of the following can be explained by the theory of plate tectonics?
a. the symbiotic relationship between tubeworms and bacteria
b. the extinction of the dinosaurs
c. the movement of continents and the occurrence of volcanoes and earthquakes
d. the Earth’s ability to support life
Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
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Tel Nos: (043) 311-3927/ (043) 774 3578
“Your partner in education since 1946”
13. What characteristic of the asthenosphere helps explain the evidence of crustal-plate motion?
a. the magnetic properties c. the ability to deflect solar winds
b. the semiliquid physical state d. the ability to absorb heat energy
14. Earthquakes, volcanism, and mountain building are three of the most spectacular earth processes related to tectonic
activity. Which statement justifies the occurrence of a number of volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire?
a. The magma is most active in the peripheral areas of the Pacific Ocean Basin.
b. The peripheral areas of the Pacific Ocean Basin contain the boundaries of several plates where subduction takes
c. Earthquakes and tsunamis occurred when these volcanoes were formed, thus, changing the landscape.
d. The plate beneath the Pacific Ocean is constantly moving, thus, forming more volcanoes.
15. Which of the following is true about plate boundaries?
a. All boundaries are areas for lithosphere formation.
b. All boundaries are areas for lithosphere destruction.
c. Boundaries are active sites for volcanic and seismic activities.
d. None of the preceding
16. Why does the oceanic crust sink beneath the continental crust at the subduction zone?
a. The oceanic crust has a greater density.
b. The oceanic crust is pulled downward by Earth’s magnetic field.
c. The oceanic crust is pushed from the ridge.
d. The continental crust has a denser composition.
17. Which of the following statements about plate movement is TRUE?
a. Convergent boundaries can be described by the movement of plates away from each other causing ridges and
rift valleys.
b. When two oceanic plates move toward each other, both of the plates descend due to its dense composition.
c. Mountains are formed when there is no subduction process involved.
d. Divergence of plates occurs when the plates slide passing against each other.
18. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. The location of earthquake epicenters cannot be found on the location of volcanoes and mountain ranges.
b. It is not possible to have mountain ranges if there are no volcanic eruptions.
c. Geological processes such as earthquakes and the formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges are related with
each other because volcanic eruptions are results of earthquakes.
d. Occurrence of geological processes can occur at the same place because they are products of plates movement.
19. How do you compare the densities of the Earth’s crust, mantle and core?
a. The mantle is less dense than the core but denser than the crust.
b. The mantle is less dense than both the core and the crust.
c. The mantle is denser than the core but less dense than the crust.
d. The mantle is denser than both the core and the crust.
20. You are the president of your grade 10 class. You have studied earthquakes in the past but this school year is almost
over and the school has not conducted an earthquake drill yet. What should you do?
a. Educate your classmates about earthquakes.
b. Educate your adviser about earthquake hazards.
c. Conduct an earthquake drill with your classmates during homeroom period.
d. Consult with your adviser and principal and suggest an earthquake drill for the school.
21. Your family recently migrated to Japan due to your father’s job. You have watched videos of the tsunami in Japan a few
years ago. Which among the following is not a good practice during a tsunami?
a. Watch the tsunami and try to see if it will even reach you before evacuating.
b. Get out of the water and move away from the water’s edge.
c. Go to a higher ground.
d. Take your emergency preparedness kit and evacuate.
22. How should the Filipino people respond to the laws and programs created by the Philippine national and local
government on disaster preparedness and risk reduction?
a. Volunteer to help.
b. Be informed, support, participate and take action.
c. Coordinate with your city or town mayor and local officials.
Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
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Tel Nos: (043) 311-3927/ (043) 774 3578
“Your partner in education since 1946”
d. Watch news on TV or read the newspaper and prepare your family.
23. You live in an area very close to an active fault, what should your earthquake emergency survival kit contain?
a. Money, important legal documents, radio, backpack
b. Water, non-perishable food, whistle, flashlight with batteries
c. Food, medicine, identification, toiletries, clothes
d. Water, toiletries, flashlight, cash
24. What is the first thing you should do during an earthquake?
a. Drop, cover and hold. c. Grab a fire extinguisher and check for any fires in your house.
b. Stand under a doorway. D. Check for gas leaks and turn off the main gas valve, if so.
25. Your father just got a promotion and his already high salary was even doubled. However, your family had to move to
Camiguin Island several kilometers away from Mount Hibok-Hibok, which is an active volcano. Having known that you live
near an active volcano, what information should you know and preparations should you take in case the volcano will show
signs of an eruption?
a. Check out the website of PHIVOLCS and read on the past eruption history of Mt. Hibok-Hibok from your local
b. Interview local community folks in the island about the past eruptions of this volcano and asked what they did.
c. Be prepared for a possible volcanic eruption by keeping and regularly maintaining a bag of clothes, footwear,
non-perishable goods, bottled water, toiletries, flashlight, batteries, and cash which is always ready to carry
d. Search the internet or other resources for pertinent data about Mt. Hibok-Hibok, talk to long-time residents or
officials in the area, and discuss with your family a possible volcanic disaster preparedness plan.
26. Japan and the United States are developed countries. Japan and the west coast of the USA are located along the
Pacific Ring of Fire. Are these two countries vulnerable to the effects of earthquakes?
a. They are not at risk because they have the latest technology.
b. They are at risk because of their geographical location.
c. They are at high risk, however the extent of damage that may be caused by an earthquake may depend on its
magnitude, their level of preparedness and the kind of technology they used to lessen damage.
d. They are at high risk even if they are rich countries because the Pacific Ring of Fire lies along plate boundaries
where active volcanism and most major earthquakes occur.
27. Why is an emergency disaster kit necessary at home if you live in the Philippines?
a. Because it is a highly vulnerable country
b. Because it is prone to typhoons
c. Because its geographic location puts it at high risk to natural disasters
d. Because it is at high risk to the effects of climate change
28. Mr. and Mrs. Villanueva bought a house and lot in Zambales in January 1988, though they have an apartment in Manila
where they spend most of their time. The husband’s work sometimes requires him to spend time in Zambales wherein they
have to stay there three times a year in a span of about 4-5 months. Five years later, their home in Zambales lost its value
due to some damage. They decided to sell the land in Zambales at a lower value due to nature’s wrath, and they didn’t want
to spend money to repair the house. Which among the following could have been the biggest factor in terms of natural
hazards that influenced the couple’s decision?
a. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake in northern and central Luzon in July 1990
b. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in June 1991
c. Typhoon Pablo
d. Typhoon Milenyo
29. On 26 December 2004, a tsunami occurred in the Indian Ocean. It was the result of the Indio-Australian Plate
subducting below the Eurasian Plate. It was caused by an earthquake measuring more than magnitude The earthquake
caused the seafloor to uplift, displacing the seawater above. This was the cause of the tsunami in Thailand. The following
are some of the significant post-tsunami impacts except:
a. The mortality rate of the Thai people increased in the next 5 years.
b. An early warning system between countries surrounding the Indian Ocean has been set up.
c. The confidence of European tourists in travelling to places such as Phuket, Thailand took some time to recover.

Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas

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Tel Nos: (043) 311-3927/ (043) 774 3578
“Your partner in education since 1946”
d. The fishing industry has been damaged by the extensive destruction of fishing boats and tackle which individual
fishing families couldn't afford to replace.
30. If you were given the following choices of permanent residence when you become an adult, which place would be less
prone to natural disasters?
a. Los Angeles, California, USA
b. Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines
c. Singapore, Republic of Singapore
d. Sicily, Italy

“Once you stop learning, you start dying.” _Albert

Prepared by: Approved by:


Head, Science Department Principal

“When you stop

learning, you start
 A

Address: Y Zuño St., Poblacion B., Rosario, Batangas
Email: e/
Tel Nos: (043) 311-3927/ (043) 774 3578

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