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GE 107
Justine Gil A. Cailing October 2, 2021

1. Answer the following;

a. What is Heidegger’s definition of “technology”? how did he come up with this definition?
explain what technology means according to Heidegger very briefly.

Accordingly, Heidegger defines technology as a way of bringing forth of what’s

real, technology unravels something we thought of something to be true yet behind the
aid of technology it’s not true. Like for an instance before, people thought of the world
as flat they were in fear to travel for, they might fell on the worlds edge to nowhere. This
flat earth theory was then debunked, it was proven that the earth was spherical through
the aid of technology.
b. How is technology a mode of revealing?

Technology is a mode of revealing since it is an aid to us people who is known to be

limited in capacity to perceive, technology was made to address man’s limit. Like for an
instance, we humans are having a pair of eyes to have a vision but this vision isn’t
enough to see minute organisms. The technology entranced here; through the lens of
microscope we are then enabled to reveal those minute organisms which greatly affect
our living.
c. Do you think human persons are being swallowed by technology? Explain your answer
and give a concrete example.
Yes, I do believe that human is swallowed by technology. Why? As per observation
people residing in the city are very much bound to technology, from their very rising
from bed to their lying again to rest. Like for an instance people who are living in a
highly civilized city are very much reliant to technology, especially in this time of
pandemic. They are working at home aided with computers, they cook up foods through
gas and electric stoves, their water is flowing through pump machines, their ventilation
is powered by air-conditioning machines, and their very routine is assisted by machines.
d. In your daily experience of technology, what else is revealed to you aside from its
Aside from its function it revealed to me that this technology is causing people to be
lazy, they rely much to technology. What I mean is that if they fail to manage something
through that technology, they start to complain than to work manually. Like for an
instance our neighbor usually fetch water through the aid of their motorcycle, one time
their motorcycle malfunctioned and they also stopped fetching. Is this what the
technology is teaching us? to be lazy? Really?
e. Why should technology be questioned?
Technology should be questioned for it sometimes leads to people’s deception and
idleness, technology is just an aid and it should not be relied on.
f. How is questioning the piety of thought?
Questioning is the piety of thought for by wondering or questioning we are feeding our
very mind with thoughts, this time also we are enriching our imagination to seeing of
what is possible. Like for an instance I asked myself how did I sprout from this world, of
all the million sperms why me? I then start to see the privilege the world has offered
me, the world has much to offer for me. From mere questioning to great enlightenment
which oftentimes help us to reflect.
g. How does art provide a way out of enframing?
Art provides a way out of enframing for through this enframing we reveal something in
the world. We better grasp the world through enframing, we enframe to calculate and
box something. This means that we better understand and facilitate the nature, art here
will show up. Why art? For we know that art is beauty, by better understanding nature
we develop a new means of consuming the nature. Consuming in a more efficient way
where there is security that there won’t be depletion and waste of nature. Clearly It
provides a way to better living of life.

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