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TITLE: Childhood Crush II [Part 2 - Complete]

DATE: Jul 30, 2014
AUTHOR: Untroubledsoul
MODIFY DATE: 2015-05-28 20:30:09


Childhood Crush II

Author's note:
Hello Crushers! And yes we meet again.
Anyway, before you enter in this realm again, I highly recommend you to listen or
search up the songs already here in the story.
Mostly I have already uploaded it in here, but to those reading at their phones, I
don't know if you might have the same ambience. So I hope when I indicate the songs
in the story, you can search it up and listen to it, so you'd have a better feel to
the story.
And yes, votes, comments, library adding and following is very very much
Well maraming salamat! (Thank you very much!)


I had a hard time choosing between these two, so here's my cover banner from
Chapter 01 (A prodigy of CJ Monroe)

Chapter 02 (The Transfer)

CJ cleared his reading glasses; they were at the airport of Paris. "Now
Aries, do behave in your aunt's house okay?" CJ instructed, "And take good care of
your kid brother." He looked at him sternly.

"Opo papa." (Yes father) Aries replied meekly and then Luna spoke to him in
Indonesian, since they were after all half Indonesian because of their mother and
half Filipino because of their father. He nodded respectfully at his mother's
instructions. CJ then faced his other son, "Now study hard. I know you want to go
there for Anastasia but you mustn't forget about your studies too son. A smart
person can also impress girls." He winked at his son.
Marco giggled, "Seriously papa, you're advising me about girls?" he asked
incredulously. CJ shrugged, "What? I did the same thing with your mother. It may
have took me 12 years but it was worth it." He smiled as he reminisced those days.
Luna held his hands, "Yes your father was very persistent. That's where you get
your perseverance from baby boy." She looked fondly at him.

"Flight to Kuwait, plane 0023 please proceed to the lobby." They announced.
Marco and Aries said their goodbyes to their family.

"Marco!" CJ shouted. Marco glanced back. "FIGHTING! Do your best on

Anastasia, anak!" (son) he grinned, supporting him. Marco was touched, "Thanks pa!"
he smiled back.

Marco was both sad and happy that he was finally going back to Kuwait and
study at the same school with his childhood crush-Anastasia Kedreo Greene and with
his cousin-Alexander Monroe Morris. He knew by heart that it was also used to be
his aunt's and Anne's father's old school. He loved the "Childhood Crush" movie
that Alexander's grandfather-Jack Morris directed and produce as his wedding gift
for the couple-Cassandra and Chuck.

After eight hours, they had finally arrived in Kuwait. They could've taken
their aunt's private plane but since they were leaving Paris, they wanted to do it
in the traditional way.

When he was a child, he has always been at awe of the mere presence of Chuck
Morris. Cassy and Chuck was still such a royal couple in Hollywood at the age of 47
and 49.

They saw Cassy who looked beautiful with her curly dark brown hair cut short
above her shoulder, showing off her slender neck. Her hair was just like in the
70's style, so elegant. Meanwhile Chuck looked like a demi-god with his arms around
his gorgeous wife's small waist. Next to them was a very excited Alexander.

Alexander inherited Chuck's gray eyes and blond hair and Cassy's curliness. He
looked liked a "Ken doll", people usually recognizes them as cousins because of the
curliness of their hair, because while Alexander looked awesome with his silky
blond hair, thanks to his American roots from his grandfather in his father's side.
Marco on the other hand, looked hot with his curly red hair thanks to his mother.

And despite of the busy schedule of the twins who was now 33 years old, they
still came out to the airport to welcome their cousins.

Jack now had a dozen kids and worked as an engineer while Jared inherited the
love of acting from his father and is now a famous actor too, just like his
parents. He even has a baby boy with his wife now, which was the opposite of Jack
who had three kids in tow already.

"Hello po tita at tito!" (po-for respecting; tita-aunt; tito-uncle) Marco smiled

with pure joy. "Oh don't be so formal with me Marco! Come give us a hug!" Cassy
hugged her nephew. Aries gave their bags to the Morris' loyal butler who was a
retired bodyguard of Mister Monroe (Cassy's father) and also at the same time
driver-Mahmod. Even at that age, he was still robust. He was just practically
family to them now.

Aries greeted the family too. "Wow! You're all so grown up now Aries!" Chuck
was astonished. Aries was now the height of 5'7 actually, and was turning into a
handsome young man. It just runs in the family blood. But he just covered it all up
with his hoodie and baseball caps. He was more into baseball than soccer. CJ could
care less, he was just glad that his son had a sport, because in his youth, he had
none. His hobbies were only skate-boarding and chasing after his wife-Luna Ariseno.
So he was relieved that Aries was sporty at least.

"Come here you little twerp!" Jared hugged Marco. "Hey leave some for me!"
Jack teased. And then the two boys faced each other excitedly.

"Duuude!" Marco grinned from ear to ear.

"Duuuuuude!" Alexander grinned back.

They wrestled each other, "Duuuuuude!!"

"Duuuudey duuuudey duuuudee!" Marco laughed, Alexander couldn't stop giggling.

"Duuu~uude!!" Marco repeated.

"I swear if I hear another "dude" I'll both kick your arse!" Aries grumbled.
When he turned around, Marco mimicked his elder brother, Alexander couldn't almost
breath from laughing. "Come on you two, stop teasing Aries." Cassy smiled
affectionately at them.

They drive into the Jabriya neighborhood where it all begun. "Oh wow! That's
the parking lot where aunt Cassy and uncle James had their first kiss! Well on the
forehead." Marco gushed, pointing at the parking lot that was beside the BRBR
(famous for their falafel and other food) and the other stores that was in line

Everyone looked at him. Aries smack him on the arm. He realize his mistake,
"Oh men! I mean I'm sorry tito Chuck." He stuttered. How could he be so mindless he
reprimanded himself. Chuck only laughed, always the happy-go-lucky person that he
is. He was merely amused. "So you really memorized the Childhood crush movie, huh?"
he asked, Marco nodded gravely. "It's okay son, I'm not offended." He kindly
assured him. He sighed in relief.

They finally arrived. They went out of the car. Candy Morris Dale was beside
herself, she ran excitedly up to them. She was the same age with Marco, while
Alexander was now 18 years old. Candy is the adopted daughter of Claire Morris-the
younger sister of Chuck. So technically she was the cousin of Alexander in his
father side.

"Oh my gosh! Marco! I can't believe this! You're really here!!! I'm so happy
you're here!" she squealed. Alexander, Marco and Candy were inseparable ever since
they were kids. And the only thing that hindered them from Marco was a vast
continent between them. And now that their little troublemaker was there to stay,
their lives have just become interesting.

"I'm sorry Kuya Chuck, kagabi pa yan excited eh." (I'm sorry big brother, she
was very excited since last night) Claire laughed. After a dozen of boyfriends,
Claire finally settled down with her last boyfriend and after a year of being
married, they decided to adopt a child. Candy had a sibling too, a real biological
son of Claire but he was still a baby. Little did they know, Aries had a huge
secret crush on her ever since the day of Jack and Jared's wedding day in Paris.
"Hi Aries! I mean kuya Aries!" Candy gave him a friendly smile. He avoid eye
contact because of his shyness, "Hi..." he whispered back, and then in his
embarrassment, he immediately went to the house. "Oh well! If CJ and I didn't end
up together as I had hope, then maybe there is still hope for Candy and Aries."
Claire commented. The boys laughed and went inside the house too.

Marco glanced across the street at Anne's house. He caught Anne peeking out of
the window, then she quickly closed the curtains in her embarrassment. "Hoy
Anastasia Kedreo Greene! I already saw you! You'll marry me someday you'll see!!!
SOMEDAY YOU HEAR!?" he shouted. She didn't show herself again. He grinned and then
went inside, satisfied at annoying her.

Her heart was pounding loudly in her rib cage. "That little troublemaker has
really come!" she tried to relax or else she'll have her asthma episodes again. The
unpleasant memories of his every weekend, holidays and summer vacations went
flashing by. She realized one thing; "My gosh! I'm going to die early because of
that ugly pig!"

Anne didn't relished being teased by everyone just because of that troublemaker
who snored like a fat mat. He didn't even care if he insulted by her every time. He
seemed to have grown accustomed to it, he thrived in it. When they were younger, he
would send her designer clothes to impress her, but instead of being impress; she
only feels insulted because it was like saying that she couldn't afford to buy
expensive clothes. All she wanted to with those clothes were to burn it into

"Hoy Anne! Dinner na. Kuya Charlie visited, we keep on calling you. Why
didn't you respond ah?" Chad frowned. Charlie was the eldest of the Greene kids;
his mother was James' old girlfriend who ran off with another guy. But he was now
out of the house because he had his own family now too.

Chad and Anastasia meanwhile were the offspring of Marjorie, the French wife.
But then she died out of giving birth to Anastasia, and after five years, their
father re-married again; her name was Julie, a Filipina this time. She was now nine
months pregnant. She was like the mother that they never had, the Greene kids
adored her.

"Hmmm base on your terrified look, I'm guessing Marco Monroe has arrived, hasn't
he?" Chad asked. Anne nodded, she sighed, "My life is officially over!"

Chad and Charlie laughed at their little sister, "Silly kid! Bata lang yan."
(He's just a kid) Chad pointed out. She shook her head violently. "Kuya! That boy
is not human! I'm telling you he's a monster! He's a mushroom that sprouts out of
nowhere just to annoy the living hell out of me! He drives me nuts!" Anne

They laughed amusingly at her, "As they said little sister, the more you hate,
the more you love. Just think about this then; your life has just become more
interesting now that he's here." Charlie winked teasingly at her. "Awww! Our poor
bunso." (little sister)

Chapter 03 (The Living Hell Begins)
Anastasia was still in her third year high school because she started
schooling late. But unlike her father, Anastasia took after he biological mother.
She was a bright young student, active in her school; in fact she was the
cheerleading captain, she was a member in the debate team and she was really
popular because she was bright and gorgeous even if she was weird sometimes. But
her best asset about her was her flaming straight red hair that was up to her hips,
her hair resembled that of a mysterious witch in the early century. It looked like
it has a life of its own. To top it off, she had a thin figure and had a body of a
On the other hand, Serra Brooks was the opposite of her. She was the only
daughter of Helen and Kevin Brooks-the childhood best friends of Cassandra. So it
was only natural that Anastasia became best friends too with Helen Joy Brooks.
To describe Serra Brooks, she was a nonstop chatterbox; a radio as what her
friends calls her. That was why she was also so popular because of her
friendliness. She was also in the cheer leading team. She had a short black hair
that was dyed into blond and had a medium height. Serra was in her sophomore year
and had the same age with Marco.
Anne sighed as she parked her car to school. Serra frowned, "What your problem
Annie?" she asked. Anne sighed again, "Well it's because I know for sure that my
life would be a living hell starting from now on. Serra frowned even more, "Why?"
Anne looked at her, "You seriously haven't met Marco Seo Ariseno Monroe?" her
eyebrows raised skeptically. Serra shook her head. Although Marco always went to
Kuwait, they never got to see each other. Anne laughed hysterically, "Well good
luck girl!" she warned, walking towards the gate.
In their first day of class, everyone was already wearing their school uniform,
everyone except one person. The two entered the gate. They held their breath when
they saw a tall boy, the height of 5'9 who looked like a male super model. He was
wearing a flannel shirt, all design by his mother. And when he smiled, everyone's
eyes were glued to him. Even Serra was enchanted. She couldn't believe that he was
so handsome. Although his cousins were more handsome than him, in Serra's eyes,
Marco was the best. Alexander on the other hand, looked like an angelic "Ken doll",
if he wanted, he could land in any lead roles to become a famous actor but he
"What are you doing here?" before Anne could even finish her sentence, Marco
immediately hugged her tightly. "I've missed you so much!" he whispered raggedly
into her ears. Serra coughed nervously; she just didn't like how he was hugging
Anne pushed Marco's face away from her, disgusted by him. "Hey you toothless
mushroom, go wear a uniform already! You're really such a troublemaker." She
snubbed him again and walked away. Marco pouted. Why am I always just a little boy
to you? I'm not that toothless boy anymore. But yeah, I still sprout out of nowhere
to give you a surprise. He sighed. He started to walk away too but then Serra
thrust out her hands to him for a handshake.
"Hi my name is Serra Joy Brooks! Ikaw?" (and you?) Marco just ignored the
hands, "Eww. Why are you talking to me?" he frowned.
She ignored his rudeness, "What's your name?" she repeated. He really hated
girls like her, he walked away. "Heyyyy you!!! I like you! I really do! That's
challenge accepted!" Serra joked without no shame at all, although that was true.
But he didn't care.

Credits to: @-Fraz-
Chapter 04 (The Party Crashers)

The boys were alone in the house, inside Alexander's room. No one was home yet.
Serra was having a huge party at her house, again. They were invited to go but
since it was a school night, Cassandra didn't allow them to go.

Marco kept rolling on his bed uneasily. Alexander was distracted; he glanced at
his cousin from his laptop. "Hey yo, what's up dude?" he asked. Marco sighed, "Do
you know its Anne's 17th birthday today but she didn't celebrate it with me! Only
with her family awhile ago!" his face full of annoyance.

Alexander who has chinito (*Chinitio- chinese like eyes/ he got this from his
grandmother in his mother's side) gray eyes squinted with confusion, "So?" still
not quite getting what his kid cousin's point was. Marco slapped the bed in
frustration, "So she should've celebrated it with me! I'm her future hubby you
know. Plus I can't really believe you don't know what this day really means for
her..." his voice trailed away. Alexander frowned even more, "I don't know...

He was rolling on the bed, "Ahhh never mind!" he dismissed it. Alexander
shrugged, shifting his attention back to his laptop. Marco suddenly got up,
browsing his cabinet for something to wear.

"Ummm... Marco what are you up to?" Alexander frowned. "I'm going to find Anne
and give her my birthday gift. She's probably at Brooks' house."

"The more we should not go there. Mom didn't allow us to that party remember?"
he reminded Marco. "What tita and tito doesn't know wouldn't hurt no one. Besides
your parents is at a party too to promote their new movie. While Kuya Aries is with
his friends, so let's go!" he encouraged Alexander deviously.

Alexander felt uneasy. "Wear this!" Marco ordered, throwing him some clothes.
Marco wore a stylish outfit that made him look like he was 17 and not 15. While
Alexander just wore a simple v-cut white t-shirt, a black pants and sneakers.

Since Mahmod was not around, Marco wanted to drive Cassandra's red Lamborghini,
the gift of Chuck to her when she turned 18. "Marco do you know how to even
drive!?" Alexander panicked. Actually he knew how to drive but he just didn't dare
do it yet because he was still waiting for his driver's license.

Marco shrugged, "I saw my elder brothers do it all the time. It's a piece of
cake!" he assured him. Before he could start the engine, Alexander stopped him.
"Let's just take the new car of dad. If something happens to this baby, we are both
dead! This car means a lot to the both of them."

He came to his senses, and conceded with his cousin. Instead of taking the red
Lamborghini, they took the new blue sports Porsche car of Chuck.

The party was off the roof. Even if you were a mile away from the house, you
could hear the music of the party blaring off the walls. The drinks were
overflowing; the people were drunk with happiness and youth. When they entered the
house, they saw Serra dancing to the music of the "Ying Yang twin's Dangerous
dirty" with a guy. The way she danced entranced everyone.

Alexander's dimples were showing when he grimaced in disapproval. They were

also close because his mother and her mother were best-friends since childhood. And
then she suddenly saw them. She flashed them a huge friendly smile, "Hi guys! I'm
soooo glad you came! Welcome!" she smiled even more with her dimples showing,
especially to Marco.

"Blah blah blah! Where's Anastasia?" Marco cut to the chase, once again
ignoring her charms. She was taken aback. No boy had ever resisted her before. He
was the first. This made her want him even more because he was a challenge.

"Umm, she's probably hiding from the crowd, as usual." She replied. He ignored
her, immediately searching for Anastasia. Alexander apologized to Serra for his
cousin's rude behavior.

Serra was right. Anne was in the party, but she was outside the party,
listening to her ipod. She was surprised when Marco suddenly put a handcuff on her
wrist. She was infuriated, she was about to burst but she was silenced by Marco's
finger. "I just want you to show something to you before you reject me again. I'm
really just afraid that you might not come with me."

"You're such an idiot Monroe. You could've just asked you know." Anastasia
rolled her hazel eyes. She stood up, and followed Marco towards the car. He opened
the trunk, giving her an expensive guitar. Anastasia was surprised, "M-Marco...
ohmygoshhh thank you!" she was touched.

Marco smiled happily, "I know you like music, and you should show your talents.
It's such a waste hiding it. And..." he bit his luscious lips, "I hope you would be
able to forget the sadness of this day. Happy birthday day Annie <3" he said it oh
so sweetly.

She really loved it and at the same time she was surprised by his words, "Even
if you're an annoying kid, you actually have a use." She frowned, "How did you know
the secret of this day by the way? I thought only a few people knows why I hated my

He shrugged, "When you're a stalker of someone, when you're really interested,

you would do everything to know how to touch their hearts." He looked at her
sincerely. He wanted to touch her face so badly so that he could try to ease her
pain away but he was afraid that he might ruin her birthday. She had such sad eyes,
which made anyone want to take care of her at that particular moment.

"When you said the "sadness of this day" what exactly do you know?" she asked
him seriously. He sighed, "Do you really want to divulge into that?"

"I wouldn't ask you if I didn't want to." She rolled her pretty hazel eyes. He
sighed again, "Well I heard tita Cassy and tito Chuck one time when we were still
kids, they said something about them pitying you and tito James because..." he
couldn't bring himself to say it. She looked so vulnerable at this point it was
breaking his heart. "Marco! Go on." She ordered.

He cleared his throat, "It's just sad that your mother had to die for you to
be born." Marco was freely crying because he had such a soft heart, that surprised
Anastasia. He really wasn't like any guys who were so afraid to show their
feelings. It was not a gay thing to show your weakness sometimes, in actual truth
seeing him so vulnerable at that precious moment made Anastasia soften her heart
for him a little bit too.

He looked away, wiped his tears and stared at the empty lonely street
instead. She didn't want to admit it, not even to herself that for that one night,
Marco Seo had touched her heart beyond comprehension.

"It's the reason why you only prefer to celebrate you birthdays alone. You
don't want to be a burden to you family. And most especially you don't want to be a
painful reminder to your father." He tried to reach out for her hand but he stopped
midway, he already made a promise to himself that whenever it was her birthdays, he
would give her space.

"But you don't have to think that Anne. You're a gift from god, especially to
me. I don't regret that you were born. I'm so thankful for the stars that you
were!" he passionately said it. This actually terrified her. This kind of emotions
that he was stirring up, she must get a grip on herself.

"Marco! Stop being so OA!" (Over Acting) she stood up. "You can already let go
of me from this handcuffs!" she tried to held her emotions in check. She was always
good at having a poker face. It was better than being asked. "Ah okayyy. But the
key is with Alexander. Come on, let's look for him." They went back to the party.

He was nowhere to be found. They went upstairs. That's when they saw the most
horrible scene in Anastasia's seventeen years of existence. They found him with
some girl. And right in-front of them, they saw how Alexander kissed the girl on
the cheeks, and how he did his moves on her, confessing his feelings for the girl.
She said yes and for the second time in her life, she found another reason to hate
her birthdays.

Alexander finally saw them, and then he gave them a smile. He was glowing with
happiness, "Hello guys! Meet Bea Saunders! My girlfriend." She was his third
girlfriend. The first one left him for another guy, the second one ended briefly
because Alexander grew bored. And now he has a new girlfriend. And to make things
more torturous for Anne, this time Anastasia felt like Alexander did really like
this girl a lot.

Who could resist Alexander anyway? He was also a heart-throb in their school
because he was the baseball captain in their team. He was also good at karate.
Although in that area, it was Anastasia who excelled in that since she was a black
belter just like her father. And all of his sports and hobbies were also the same
with Marco, only Alexander was better at it. Plus Marco had a beautiful voice while
Alexander was good at acting; both talents that the two cousins were keen in

Marco smiled brightly at Bea, "Nice meeting you!" he shook her hands. Bea
smiled at Anne too, "Hello!" she said. Anne tried to smile back but her lips felt
like there was a heavy lid to it, she did not shake her hands. "Marco, the keys?"
Anastasia couldn't look at Alexander in the eyes. She felt like crying and it was
taking her a lot of effort not to make a fool out of herself at that moment.

"Annie, here's the keys. " Alexander offered, freeing them. He was still
oblivious to what she was feeling. She was annoyed, "K fine. Whatever bye!"
Anastasia left them confused.

After awhile when the boys saw it was past 10 pm, they panicked. Marco drove
hastily towards home. Hoping against hope that Cassandra, Chuck and his elder
brother were not home yet or else they were dead meat. As they raced home, they
thought they were finally safe but then Marco didn't saw the car of James Greene
parked in-front of his house, he bumped the newly bought Porsche car of Chuck into
James' Chevy. The rear was damaged.

"God! We are so dead! Dad would skin us alive!!!" Alexander was in hysterics.
The boys panicked even more when James' car wailed noisily throughout the whole
neighborhood. Instead of not being found out; James, Cassy, Chuck and Aries went
out of the house to the source of the noise. "Dear cousin! I'm so sorry farewell to
you!" Marco dramatically conveyed to Alexander. He on the other hand, could not
respond when his heart was in his throat from fear.

"ALEXANDER MONROE MORRIS!!!" WHAT DID YOU DO!?"Chuck shouted angrily. The boys
immediately said their prayers, and then went out of the car. They were so afraid.

"Dad, I love you!" Alexander tried to abate his father's anger. "Uncle Chuck!
Oh wow, you look more handsome today! What did you use? Please don't kill us!"
Marco joined in. They were guilty as hell. Chuck raised his hand to silent them,
"HUSH!" the boys fell into silence.

Chuck faced James, "I'm so sorry for this pare ah? I'll just pay you for all
the damages." (*Pare-Friend) he promised earnestly.

James was not really mad. He saw Cassy. She felt uncomfortable that another
man was looking at her that way, when she was only in her robe. She tightened it
even closer to her. He made her feel conscious. He diverted his attention towards
Chuck, not really meaning to frighten her. He wave his hand in dismissal, "It's
nothing to me pare! Besides its Alexander and Marco, they're like sons to me!" he
faced the boys, "Just don't do it again boys okay?" the boys nodded gratefully.

They were about to go inside the house but Cassy stopped them, "Not so fast!
Why are you two out this late? Didn't I say you weren't allowed to go out at school
night? You still have school tomorrow!"

They gulped nervously. Cassy was pissed. Oh God! Please help us! The boys
prayed silently. Her arms crossed. No one spoke a word. James interceded for them,
"Cassandra, it's not like you didn't went through the same thing when we were

"James, by 9 PM or earlier than that I was already in the house. What they did
was wrong!" she said. "Sige na pare, matulog ka na. Kami na bahala dito." (Come on
dude, just go to sleep. We'll handle this) Chuck said, suddenly feeling tired.
James nodded, "Okay goodnight." He went inside.

Cassy turned towards the boys, "You both are in so much trouble! You do know
that right?" she gritted her teeth in anger. They nodded gravely. "First of all,
Marco you drove the car that is newly bought and then you're only 15 years old! Do
you want to be in jail? And what would your father say when that happens huh?"
Marco lowered his gaze, feeling so ashamed of himself.

"Second, Alexander how could you tolerate him when you're older than him!
You're supposed to be the one responsible! And thirdly you destroyed the car of
Chuckie and James! What you did was very irresponsible! I expected more from you
son." They cast their eyes downward in utter guilt.

"And fourthly, Marco you little troublemaker, not only have you destroyed
someone else's property, you both have deliberately broke my rules!" Cassy's face
became red from smoldering anger. Marco felt like crying, unlike Alexander who felt
just as horrible but just like his mother, he was too prideful to show his weakness
in public.

Cassy looked at her husband, "Chuckie what do you think is the appropriate
punishment for this?" she consulted him. Chuck sighed, "Well I suggest they should
help out Annie in taking care of the new born baby of James and Julie. You should
take care of baby Cody for one month." They saw Marco's face lit up with joy at the
mention of Anne's name. Chuck frowned, "It's a punishment Marco Seo Ariseno Monroe.
Just a reminder okay?" he chided. Marco nodded.

"Hoy troublemaker! At least pretend that you're devastated! You idiot kid look
too happy, you look even more a bigger idiot!" Aries scolded him. Marco tried to
get a grip on himself. Alexander on the other hand wasn't too fond of the idea of
taking care of an infant and not being able to have his dates with his new

Cassy cleared her throat, "As I was saying, Alexander and Marco that isn't your
only punishment. You are also grounded from using your gadgets for one week.
Understood?" the boys nodded sadly.
Chapter 05 (O'Sweet Punishment!)

"Flash news, Miss Cassandra Monroe-Morris and Mister Chuck Morris' kid and
nephew-Alexander and Marco was found out last night that they had crashed the
famous actor's newly bought Porsche car to the car of James Greene-who had acted
once in the movie "Lover's nest" alongside the royal couple. James Greene is also
now renowned as a world class artist for his undeniable talent for drawing." The
host reported.

"Isn't Alexander being offered with the role of the new Wizard series?" another
reporter asked. His face brightened, "Oh yes! But according to a reliable source,
that Mister Chuck Morris decline because he wants his son to concentrate on his
studies first."

"Oh how sweet! Well anyway, we are from E! news reporting live from Hollywood!"

Chuck turned off the T.V. He glared at the boys who were eating their
breakfast at the table. If they could only disappear and melt from the intense gaze
of Chuck's angry grey eyes, they would. "After your breakfast, go straight towards
your Uncle James's house." He ordered authoritively. "Opo!" (This is how you say
"Yes" in the utmost respect in the Filipino culture).

Anastasia opened the door. She was pleasantly surprised to see them on her
doorsteps, except for the sight of Marco of course. He was someone just to
tolerate. They could hear a baby crying inside the house. "Come in guys!" she
courteously said to them.

Her parents weren't at home, they were all at work. So she was left to
babysit her 1 month old baby brother. And since Anastasia was smart, Cassy asked
her to tutor the boys while they were grounded and at the same time they could also
learn how be responsible.
They went inside the house. "Alexander, I'll help you with your bags since
you also have an asthma like me." Anastasia offered thoughtfully. "Thanks Annie!"
Alexander smiled, letting her help him. "Anna banana, here's my bag too." Marco
tried to push his luck.

Anastasia glared at him. "What do you think of me, your butler? Duh!" Marco
pouted, "This is so unfair!"

"Why, do you have an asthma too? Or are you weak? When in fact your much
stronger than horse! You can even outrun a "Running man" member by how you ran
after me all the freakin' time!" (Running Man is a Korean variety hit T.V show)
they settled at the living room.

"Ha! Whatever you say I won't get turned off from you that easily! So give it up
Anna banana!" he sticks out his tongue. "Hoy you toothless good for nothing
mushroom! Just concentrate on what I'm going to teach you okay? Don't be too
enchanted by my beauty. Behave you idiot kid!" she scolded him. He blushed as
Alexander laughed. He was so used to them bickering; it has become an amusement to

Actually if Marco wasn't too busy running after Anastasia all the time and
if he wasn't too lazy to study, he could excel in his academics since he was a
pretty smart boy. After two hour of studying, Marco went to check on baby Cody. So
it was Anastasia and Alexander who was left all alone in the living room.

The atmosphere suddenly got hotter. Anastasia was too conscious of him, while he
could care less, diligently studying his lessons well. She found herself being
drawn towards him. Instead of focusing on her assignments too, she was starting at
Alexander's handsome face.

The sun played with Anastasia's beautiful red hair. She looked like a Barbie
doll as she batted her thick eyelashes. Anastasia loved to look at Alexander's
expressive grey eyes, they were so beautiful. She was too focused on him that she
was taken by surprise when he raised his handsome face and had eye contact. He
frowned, "Do I have dirt in my face?" he asked softly.

She snapped back into reality and blushed, "I-I umm... I'm beautiful." She
stuttered. Alexander frowned, then he broke into fits of giggles. She blushed even
more. "I-I mean "Do I have dirt on my face?" he asked softly.

She snapped back into reality and blushed, "I-I umm... I'm beautiful." She
stuttered. Alexander frowned, and then he broke into fits of giggles. She blushed
even more. "I-I mean you're beautiful." Alexander laughed even harder, he takes her
breath away. "I meant you're... oh my gosh!" she was so embarrassed.. In her panic
as she was reaching for the ball pen, at the same time, Alexander was also reaching
for it; accidentally making him brushed his against her soft hands, it was enough
to send a thousand army of butterfly in her stomach.

They both looked away when they felt a spark at that exact moment. Alexander
cleared his throat, "Annie I'm sorry for my cousin. You know how he is. He's still
a kid, and he has a lot of growing up to do. At least you're 17 already and I'm 18,
so we're a bit matured already. But guys like him at that age, well... they're very
passionate at that certain time. Plus he was pretty spoiled by tito CJ."

Anastasia could really care less about Marco. She was too embarrass being
alone in the same room with Alexander to even think properly, "Ah? Oh yes, he's
still a kid." She murmured absentmindedly. Just in time Marco burst into the living
room with baby Cody in his arms. "Hey guys! Look at this. Baby Cody loves me!!! I
wish his elder sister would too!" he stared at Anastasia's reaction. And as usual
she ignored his idiocy.

Why does this toothless mushroom have to come back? Just when Alexander and I
are having a good conversation at last. Uuugh! She thought darkly. Alexander
pinched the chubby cheeks of the baby. "Cool, he just looks like a boy version of
Annie! How cute!"

Awesome! So he's indirectly saying how cute I am too? Yaaay! Her inner goddess
was smiling. Anastasia tried to get a grip on herself. "Hey! Let's go back to our
lessons! Come on!" she said with authority. "Yes ma'aaaaam!"

And so the boys' lessons continued. One day, Marco got sick so he wasn't
allowed to come to the Greene's house in case of transferring his disease to the
baby. So Cassy made him stay at home to get well first. Nevertheless even if it was
against his wish, Alexander was sent to Anastasia's house alone.

In that one week of being grounded, Alexander and his girlfriend had a fight
because he didn't have any time for her, as she accused. Alexander hadn't slept all
night, that's why he looked so horrible with his eye bags and messy blond hair (It
was dyed to blond just like his father). He apologized for his appearance.

Anastasia smiled sweetly, "It's okay dude. You know, you're now really fit
for the role of "The Wizard series" with that look!" she teased him. And in spite
of his depression, she has managed to make him laugh. And that was the most
beautiful melody she has ever heard.

He noticed that Marco wasn't around. "The little troublemaker got sick, so
mom made him stay at home." He answered. "Oh? You mean that mushroom actually gets
sick too? Wow! Congrats to him!" Alexander laughed, purely amused by her. "Hahaha
what did my cousin ever did to you Annie?" he asked.

She shrugged, "I just really really love him?" she replied sarcastically. He
laughed even more. "You know if that happens for real, then you're a dead meat." He
warned. She pretended to vomit, "Eww! That's such a disgusting though Alexander!
Wait, I need to check up on baby Cody." But before leaving she glanced at him, "Oh
and how's school by the way?"

"It's fine, thanks to you! We're doing better. It's just that Marco really
has such a bad luck not being able to come here." He sat comfortably at their sofa,
wearing only his hoodies over his pajamas since his house was only in-front of
theirs. "Huh why?"

"Well Anastasia, it's also fun hanging out with you." He didn't look up as he
scanned his notes. Anastasia bit her lips from feeling pleasure from his words even
though it meant nothing to him. "Oh by the way Annie, you have any food? I'm

"Yep just check out our refrigerator!" she was amused at his ease. She then
went t o check on her baby brother. Meanwhile Alexander prepared snacks for them,
composing of; sandwiches, juice and a bunch of chips and then putting it on a tray.
"Annie?" Alexander called out. She didn't answer. He searched out for her in the
house, at last he found her sleeping fitfully on her parent's bed, beside baby
Cody's crib. She looked like a graceful cat taking a nap. The Stephen Speaks' "Out
of my League" started playing on her computer that was in a loud speaker that
vibrated throughout the whole house. It was on the shuffle mode.
"It's her hair and her eyes today that simply takes me away." Alexander held
his breath as he touched his chest, checking if it was still there. He was
wondering why he was feeling a weird stirring in his heart.

"...and the feeling I'm falling further in-love makes me shiver but in a
good way." He smiled, slowly sitting beside her, careful not to wake her up. She
must have been so stressed out studying these past few days because their exams
were coming up.

"All the times I've sat and stared as she thoughtfully thumbs through her
hair..." he tucked a stray hair of hers behind her ears. "...and she purses her
lips, bats her eyes and plays with me sitting there, slapshows and nothing to say,
'cuz I love her with all that I am..." the music and hazy afternoon made him sleepy
too. He slept besides her willing his eyes to succumb to sleep. He yawned and soon
enough fell into slumber.

"...and my voice shakes along with my hands, 'cuz she's all that I see and
all that I need and I'm out of my league once again."

Anastasia woke up; it was already past 6 PM. She opened her hazel eyes,
seeing Alexander sleeping peacefully next to her. She went into shock when she saw
that they were holding hands when they fell into sleep. He really didn't do it on
purpose their hands jut found their way towards each other. She freaked out,
standing up abruptly.

Alexander stirred from his sleep. He opened his chinito grey eyes, he saw
Anastasia starting at him unbelievably. His heart made a triple cartwheel. He sat
up immediately too. "A-Alexander... umm let's go study." She stuttered and blushed
like a fool. He fixed his blond wavy hair, "Okay." He followed her to the living
room with baby Cody being pushed towards that direction in his crib, so they can
keep an eye on him too.

While they were studying, she couldn't help stealing glances at him. Lord
why do I feel this way? She sighed. "Here read that essay then answer me
comprehensively later okay?" she said. He nodded, obeying her. He sat back and
tried to concentrate on his assignments but instead, he found himself being drawn
to her.

Anastasia finished doing her calculus homework, she looked up.

"Alexander..." she called him, he was too busy. She frowned and got curious; she
tried sneaking up on him. Almost giving him a heart attack. Alexander
instantaneously hid the sketch of her.

"Uyy who was that? Was it Bea?" she asked excitedly. He shook his head,
"Nope. It's just a girl I like." He answered mysteriously, trying his best to avoid
his gaze. She was not fully distracted from her studies, "So who? Can I guess?" she
asked. He shrugged, "If you want."

"Umm is it Beatrice?" she asked again. He frowned, "I said no. You just
completed her name! But no, it's not her." He was annoyed. "Okay okay! Jeez. Chill
okay? Hmmm..." she twirled the end of her hair as she thought. Baby Cody woke up
and started to cry like a banshee. She took him into her arms to make him fall
asleep again. He wished it was him instead.

"How about Serra?" she continued.

He shook his head, "She's just my childhood friend."

"Elizabeth?" she guessed again, that was his first girlfriend. He shook his head.

"Ally?" his second, a definite no.








He frowned, "Seriously?"

She laughed again, "Cool it dude. Umm... si ako?" (Is it me?) she teased.

He almost choked when she said that, he turned crimson red. "H-Ha? Hindi ah!"
(No way) he blushed fervently. She sighed, "Ah! Well I give up. I think I've
already mentioned every girls we know in the school already." She said in
frustration, "Who is that anyway? My mind is literally itching to know!"

His dimples showed as he smiled, "She's super kind; she's really pretty and a
bit crazy when she gets mad, but she really really has a beautiful heart. I swear!
Whenever I see her, she makes me feel like I want to draw. She's my inspiration!"

"If you're not going to tell me who she is, then WHATEVER!" she sticks out her
tongue childishly. He laughed. It was a kind of a laughter that whenever you heard,
it made you feel better. His smile was a very rare sight to see that it was
infectious when you do see it.

"By any chance are you jealous of that girl?" his chinito grey eyes sparkled
with happiness. She laughed prettily, "No way hu-zaaaay! I was just curious 'cause
you were acting all weird." She went back scanning her notes. Unknown to her, he
was still staring at her affectionately. If only you knew. "One day, you will also
know who is my secret crush, Miss Greene." But she was not paying attention
Chapter 06 (Bruises)

AN: That my crushers is Anastasia Greene the beautiful daughter of James Greene.

It was a cold morning, so cold that you could have frostbite on your nose.
Winter was fast approaching that was why everyone was preparing for it, for
although Kuwait can be scalding when in summer, during in winter it was torture.
Anastasia opened her door, surprised to see Marco on her doorsteps, early in the
morning. He smiled brightly, giving her a cup of coffee. "So you won't get cold."
He conveyed sweetly. She frowned, "You're still alive I guess, too bad." She felt
almost disappointed, knowing fully well that would annoy him.

"You're so mean!" he chided. And as usual she shrugged it off. "Well if you
might ask, I'm already well, that's why I went straight to you. And that's because
I've missed you!" he was about to hug her, but she stopped his invasion with her
palm, squashing his face with it. She rolled her eyes, and then started walking

"Hey babe wait up!" Marco shouted. Anastasia looked at him dangerously. If
looks could kill, he would have died at that moment. "Call me that again, and
you're a goner." She threatened. "Too late! I already love you waaaaaay too much!"
he grinned.

"Jeez! Get a grip on yourself kid! Have some pride at least." She was annoyed.
He ignored her comment; whatever she says, he was already immune to her meanness.
If she ever becomes kind to him in the future though, now that would shock him.
"Where's Alexander?" she finally noticed.

"Oh, he picked up his girlfriend early in the morning." He informed her. Ouch!
She winced. "Umm why, what's up?" he glanced at her.

"Nothing... I just thought." She glanced at Marco's hopeful face, she suddenly
felt guilty. She was mean to him but not that mean. She decided not to continue
what she had to say, but if she did, her line of thoughts run along like this; I
just thought that maybe, just maybe we've got a shot at this. But I guess
Alexander's such a brick when it comes to my feelings. *sigh*

Serra Brooks saw them; she went to them with a big smile on her pretty face.
"Hey Marco! Didn't you promise us that you would teach us baseball?" Marco was
annoyed at her for interrupting his and Anastasia's "moment".

"Hoy Brooks! Can you just ask my cousin instead? Or my kuya Aries? They're way
better than me anyway."

She pouted, holding onto his arms. "B-But you're better for me. I want you to
teach us!" she batted her thick eyelashes in an attempt to charm him which was of
course futile. "You're kuya is busy, they said he went somewhere and then
Alexander... well I don't want him to be my teacher because he's strict."

"Well I'm more strict! Hahamapasin kita pag hindi ka matuto agad!" (I will
spank you if you don't learn quickly) Marco smiled to annoy her.

"Ahhh, so I can't ask you to teach me then." Anastasia commented. He quickly

glanced at her, "For you it's totally okay. Annaaaa Banaaaanaaa <3" he winked at
her playfully. She rolled her eyes, "Whatever!" Anastasia took Serra by the arms to
enter their classroom.

It was after their class. The baseball team settled on their field, preparing
to play. Alexander was shock to see the two girls joining them. Nevertheless for
the sake of fulfilling a promise, they let them play along. And since Alexander was
the baseball captain, he was going to teach Anastasia how to pitch while Marco was
the one who'll catch the ball.

"You ready?" Alexander whispered. She nodded. Anastasia had the wrong stance,
so he taught her to stand properly. Her first throw was a failure. "It's okay Anna
banana <3 fighting!" Marco cheered on.

She breathed out. She was really tense having Alexander so close to her. She
could hear his heartbeat behind her. She started to perspire from cold sweat. She
badly wanted to impress him. "Annie, this is how you hold the ball." They both
blushed when they realized what he just said, "I-I mean..." he stuttered, she
nodded. "Yeah I know what you mean." Indicating him to go on; He then enclosed his
sturdy arms around her, directing her hands to the right position. She held her
breath. Oh my this is driving me nuts! But what she doesn't know was that it was
also driving him insane having her in his arms at the same time. "Relax Annie, then
swing your arms with your body and then let go off the ball."

She did as he said. She swung the ball, throwing it at Marco to catch. He was
usually good at his game but because he was distracted by what he saw awhile ago,
he wasn't able to concentrate. The ball hit him on his right arm. He crumpled to
the ground in pain. Everyone rushed to him immediately.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Marco!" Anastasia apologized profusely. He was really
in pain. "Marco what do you want? Do you want me?" Serra asked hopefully. Marco sat
up straight when he heard her, "Never mind! If you're the one who'll comfort me,
then I'm okay!" everyone laughed at that bit. But he stopped midway when he saw
Anne frowning, "Seriously are you okay?"

He then started to writhe in pain, when in fact he wasn't that hurt. "Oh my
god! It hurts so bad!!! I NEED YOUUUU!" Marco acted badly, which only extracted a
light smack on the head by Alexander. "Crazy kid! You're already in pain, and
you're still managing to think of other things?! Do you want me to add to that pain
huh?!" he scolded his cousin. Marco shook his head.

Anne assisted him to the clinic, "I'll accompany you to the clinic. Alexander
you concentrate on your practice." She offered. He was a bit worried, "You sure you
can handle him?"

"Yep!" she waved goodbye, letting Marco lean on her for support as they headed
towards the clinic. God I'm so happy I could die right now. He giddily thought. He
snuggled closer to her. Anne pinched his cheeks painfully, "Do you want me to add
to that bruises of yours?" she threatened. He shook his head, "Heh! I looooveeee
youuuuu!" he shouted shamelessly, she rolled her eyes. "Huh. What's new?"

He opened his eyes. He was surprised to see Serra beside his bed, he poked her
on her arms. She opened her eyes, giving him the brightest smile she ever gave a
guy. "I'm glad you're awake."

"Where's Anna banana? Didn't she said she would be responsible for me?" he
said. Ouch. It's my best friend again that he's looking for. Why can't you see me
instead Marco? Serra thought bitterly. "Umm well it's their overtime for our cheer
practice. Well you know how she's the captain and all..." her voice trailed away,
trying her best to hide her sadness.

He tried to hide his disappointment too. "Ahh... okay so bye!" he quickly stood
up, then a pang of pain hit him. Serra rushed to him. "There! Don't be such a hard
headed! I'll let my driver bring us home." She helped him with his bags, and then
drove home.

There was no one around the house. The maids went to the market while the royal
couple was still promoting their new movie, they would be gone for one month. But
Chuck asked James to watch out for the kids once in awhile.

The moment they went home, Marco immediately went to bed. He suddenly missed
his family in Paris. "Umm, by the way Seo, why did you transfer here?" she
preferred to call him by his second name because it felt more special to her, that
way she could be the only one calling him that.

He sighed, "It's all because of Anastasia Greene. I wanted to be close to

her." He admitted. "Ahhh... my best friend is really lucky." She feigned a smile,
even though she felt a little bit hurt. "Ha! I wish she could be aware of that
too." He yawned.

"Sorry if I'm boring to talk to." She was kind of offended. His brown eyes grew
large in protest, "No! It's no that at all! I was just really tired this day."

He took a closer look at her. In truth, Serra was beautiful. In fact a lot of
guys in their school has a crush on her too. It just that he had already set his
heart on Anastasia ever since. It was easy to love Serra though; he just really had
a stubborn heart.

She stood up, "It's getting late. I need to go home, my parents might be
worried. Rest well Marco." She surprised him by stealing his first kiss on the
lips. And then she ran away, leaving him breathless and confused with utter shock.
Chaper 07 (Falling, like literally)

"Hey you mushroom! Come out of the house!" Anastasia called Marco out. He
was awakened by the ruckus she was making outside their house. He thought he was
dreaming, apparently he was not. His big brown eyes widened when he saw it was Anne
upon their doorsteps. Am I dreaming? Why is she so damn beautiful even at this
early in the morning? He mused. After awhile, he suddenly grew conscious of

She snickered, "Ha! You're so fugly! I bet you haven't even brush your teeth
yet right?" (fugly- f*cking ugly *abbreviation) she teased. He was enraged, "NO!
For your information I still smell good even if I haven't brush my teeth yet." He
noticed she was wearing her uniform. "And why are you here so early?"

She shrugged, "Papa got mad when he found out that I left you behind in the
clinic for my practice, he wanted for me to make amends." Marco frowned, "But I
didn't tell anything to my aunt. They aren't here."

"Your aunt called." It was as if it was an enough explanation for her. She
took his cellphone without any warning, putting in a number. He was a bit perplexed
at what was going on. Why was she suddenly being attentive to him? Oh yeah. Uncle
James got mad. He's merely just an obligation, that kind of stings a bit.

"Hey so can you become my slave? Is that what this implies?" Marco looked up
hopefully. Her beautiful face darkened in disgust, "Ugh! No way. I'm too hot for
you." She threw the cellphone back to him. "Now go change your clothes! We'll be
late for school, and I still have a meeting in the debate team." she ordered.

When they arrived at school she was forced to drag him at his classroom. Marco
was glowing undiluted happiness, being assisted by his ultimate crush was next to
heaven. When they reach the middle of their school ground, Marco made a big mistake
by pretending that his feet hurt, forcing Anne to support him, putting his arms
around her tightly.

"HEY YOU KID! If this is all an act;!" she hissed. She
blushed fervently when everyone was staring at them. He laughed inwardly. Serves
you right for being so all high and mighty! He hugged her closer. She looked at him
warningly, "Remember, I'm also a black belter like my father!"

"I promise, I'm not acting!" he pouted, batting his thick eyelashes at her,
as if that was enough to charm her. Her face retorted only to annoyance. Gosh! I'm
at the brink of really murdering this kid to bits. They were even seen by; Aries-
Marco's elder brother, Serra and worst... Alexander.

Aries was a junior just like Anastasia. While Serra and Marco were batch
mates, Alexander on the other hand was a senior. She was so damn embarrassed.

"It hurts so much baaaaaaaaaaabeee!" Marco acted even more, hugging her
closer. That was the last straw. She was so annoyed that Anastasia surprised
everyone by grabbing his arms around her, twist it around and flipped him to the
ground. Everyone was too shock to react. With a temperament like that, she was
really her father's daughter. Anastasia stormed out, not giving anybody a chance to
reprimand her.

Everyone rushed towards Marco. He was aching n pain. "Marco can you still
take going to the clinic?" Alexander asked with concern. He shook his head. Aries
on the other hand, instead of comforting his younger brother, he nudged his head a
bit roughly. "That's all your fault dude. You kept on acting, you asked for it."

Alexander and Serra looked at Aries. "Ha? You already saw his in so much
pain, stop it Aries." Alexander chided his cousin.

He rolled his brown eyes, "Duh! Aren't you even used to my brother's antics?
Can't you tell the difference from what is real and not?" he looked at Marco was
was so distressed. "Now that my dear friends is genuine pain and hurt by her
abandonment. And well, he karate exhibition on him; awhile ago was only an act."

Marco sniffed. He didn't defend himself though since he knew that his elder
brother was right, he knew him too well. Serra sighed, "Come on Marco, let's get
you to the clinic." she glanced at Aries, "Hey Future-brother-in law i'll take it
from here okay?" asking his permission.

Aries had an amused expression on his face, "Oh sure. You know it would've
been nice if that troublemaker had a crush on you instead."

"KUYAAA!" (Elder brother) Marco exclaimed. They all laughed and then the
school bell rang. Aries went to his class while Alexander and Serra accompanied
Marco to the clinic.

Marco opened his brown eyes. His right arm's conditioned worsened because
now it was in a cast. He was surprised to see Anne waiting beside his bed. "Anne?
Whyyy-?" she interrupted him and cleared her throat, "Look I'm sorry again. That
was very rude and mean of me. I shouldn't have done that."
He smiled his sweet smile, "Did Uncle James put you up to this again?" (In
the Filipino culture even if they weren't his biological uncle, people still calls
them that way as a respect especially when they treat them as such).

She shook her head "Out of the goodness of my pretty heart, I am sorry.
Truly." she then took his phone and started typing something there, she then took
her phone out too and typed something in there as well.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "Call this number when you need someone, I
also took your number so i'll find you when I want to."

"So we can already be textmates?" he perked up eagerly, "Like anytime and

anywhere I can finally go to you and you to me?" his face beamed with eagerness.

Anastasia rolled her eyes in disbelief and a bit of amusement, "As I said, it's
free to dream. Come on, let's go home."


AN: so how do you like it so far Crushers?? Sorry it took me awhile to update. And
well now that I have, I hope you like it!

So how do you like the characters so far? How about Anastasia Greene? :)

Votes, comments, follows!

Or not!

hahaha. Whichever works for you.

Chapter 08 (Will you even notice?)

AN: So "Chinito" comes from Spanish, and it means "little Chinese man/boy". The "-
ito" ending is a diminutive in Spanish. Though Alexander is a mix Filipino, he got
his chinito eyes from his father's side (grandfather) who has a blood of Chinese.
That's why he had blond hair (from his grandmother side who was half American).

"Mapapansin mo ba, kaya ang tulad ko, kahit nasa sulok lang ng iyong mga mata"
(Will you even notice a person like me even if it's just in the corner of your
eyes?) Anastasia was in ther garden, tending to the flowers as her daily chores,
while singing "Chinito" by Yeng Constantino.
"Mahuli mo kaya ang pagsulyap sa'yo, kahit hindi naman ako ang iyong kaharap. Oh
chinito" (Will you catch me staring at you even if I'm not in-front of you? Oh
Chinito) she was waving her hand in the air, feeling the breezy atmosphere of the
fresh summer air and grooving to the rhythm of the music.
"Balang araw ay, malalaman mo rin" (Someday you will also find out) she was
thinking of Alexander as she closed her eyes.
"At kung ikaw ay nakatawa, ako pa ba ay nakikita, nalilimutan ko ang itsura ko
kapag kausap na ikaw" (And if you are laughing, can you still see me? Because I
tend to forget what I look like when I'm talking to you) she started to dance.
"Sana naman ako'y pakinggan at nang ikaw ay malinawagan, dahil nabihag mo ang
aking paningin at damdamin. Oh! Chinito... Chinito..." (I hope you will notice me
someday and so that you will know, because you have captured my eyes and my heart,
Oh chinito) she thought of Alexander and how his eyes that is so chinito becomes
even smaller and how it twinkles when his delighted. She acted like it was her own
concert; she grabbed the rake, acting as if it was her own microphone.
"Kung hindi inaantok, kung hindi nasisilaw. Pwede bang malaman ko may pag-asa pa
kayang matatanaw. Bakit ba ang kulay ng bintana ng iyong mundo" (If you're not
sleepy, if you're not dazzled, may I know if I have a chance to the person that I'm
looking at. Why is window pane of your world is so colorful?) she twirled around.
(Someday you will also know) the sprinkler started to sprout water, soaking her.
She giggled playfully, twirling and twirling like a fairy dancing gracefully on a

"At kung ikaw ay nakatawa, ako pa ba ay nakikita. Nalilimutan ko ang itsura ko

kapag kausap na ikaw. Sana naman ako'y pakinggan at nang ikaw ay malinawagan. Dahil
nabihag mo ang aking paningin at damdamin." (And if I ever see you, can you see me
too? I tend to forget the way I look whenever I talk to you, I hope you will listen
to me, so that things would be clear to you, because you have captured my eyes and
my feelings.) she kept swaying to the music, not a care in the world. (...Oh
Chinito) she actually had a beautiful voice, which she got from her mother. Anne
was just to shy to show it to other people, afraid of being ridiculed.

She bowed to the flowers, "Thank you! Thank you very much!" Anne giggled. A
sound of clapping surprised her ears, which made her turn around quickly. In her
horror and embarrassment, Alexander was leaning casually by their fence with that
sensual smile playing upon his luscious lips.
He had that amused look in his handsome face that can make any girl melt.
"Marco was right, you do have a hidden talent. Why don't you show it to other
people?" his chinito gray eyes sparkled with a hint of teasing.
She blushed fervently, instinctively covering herself because she was all
wet. He might see her body through the transparency of her clothes due to the fact
of getting wet earlier. "What do you need?"
"We have a meeting at the parking lot later." He informed her. She frowned,
"We have a date?" she grinned, teasing him as well. They both laughed.
"Date with our friends" he corrected. She nodded, and then he started to
leave but stop halfway, staring back at her for awhile as the sun played with his
blond hair. She held her breath for awhile, anticipating what he had to say. He
smiled slowly, clenching at her fragile heart. "By the way, you really have a
beautiful voice Miss Greene." She gasped inwardly as he waved goodbye, not knowing
what riot he had created inside her heart.
Anastasia was really happy. "I have a beautiful voice..." she whispered,
lavishing it in her brain. "Oh wow... I HAVE A BEAUTIFUUUUUUUUL VOIIIICEEEE!!!" she
shouted at the top of her lungs, giddy with happiness.
"ANASTASIA GREENE! Why the hell are you shouting this early in the morning??"
her elder brother went out of their house. Chad then noticed his sister still soak
in her wet clothes, he frowned, "And why are you wet?" It was Saturday, he was
visiting their family, and also so that he could do his laundry there.
"Kuya kase I have a beauuuutifuuul voice!" (because kuya...) she grinned ear
to ear, having a dreamy look upon her face. Chad frowned, "So what's the
connection? And wipe that stupid grin off your face! It's annoying already."
She stood up, "Okay" she complied readily. He frowned even more, "And can you
wash the car of papa for me?" he asked her a favor. She walked towards the car like
a zombie, "Okay..."
Chad was amused at his baby sister, something was up. What's wrong with her?
They would usually argue whenever he tried to tell her to do something, today was a
miracle. "Can you also clean my rubber shoes later? My friends and I would play
basketball later and I need it." he knew he was pushing it, but he wanted to see
what her reaction would be.
"Okay!" she obeyed again without any objection. NOW it was getting really weird.
"And then dance like a monkey after all your work okay?" he almost choke up on that
suggestion. "Okay..." he almost burst into tears of laughter when his father called
"Chad! Anak tapos muna yung pag linis ng kotse?" (Chad! My son, are you done
cleaning the car already?) James went out of the house.
"Ah? Hindi po papa. I asked Annie to do it for me instead." Chad grinned. (Ah?
No father; po- to show respect) James bushy eyebrows crinkled in confusion, "You're
the one I ask to do that chore, and then you passed it onto your baby sister.
What's wrong with you?" he growled, scolding his son.
Chad's eyes grew large in fear, "But papa, totoo okay lang yan. I also don't
know what's up with Annie though. She's really very obedient today." (But father,
truly it's okay) they both glanced at Anastasia.
James observed his one and only daughter too. She was cleaning his car
diligently. He frowned, "Annie, we'll go inside the house now okay? Just go inside
when you're done already, you don't have to finish doing that."
"Okay..." she said in a daze. Chad laughed so hard.

It was four in the afternoon. Aries Monroe and Marco Seo Ariseno Monroe,
Alexander Monroe Morris, Candy Morris Dale (Alexander's cousin from Chuck's one and
only sister-Claire), Serra Brooks and Anastasia Greene and their friends met up at
the parking lot.
Anne tried to ignore the stupid grin on Marco's face but he was just to annoying
to be ignored. "Why are you smiling? Stop being so happy! It irritates me!" she
said snobbishly. Marco smiled even more, "Don't you remember what happened to this
place my dear?"
She had a bored expression, "Nope! Don't know, don't care." His smile broadened,
"Okay! I'll tell you!" he insisted, her facial expression darkened,
"I.said.I.don'! SHHH PLEASE!"
Marco ignored her, "Well..." he faced everyone dramatically. "This was the
place your father and my aunt had their first kiss." He looked at her intensely.
Anne was blushing from embarrassment.
"MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!That's not really something appropriate to mention!
Sometimes you could be so tactless!" Alexander scolded him, everyone fell silent.
Marco cast his eyes down, "Oh yeah... sorry cousin."
"AHEM! Okay let's start the gaaaaaaaame!" Candy tried to make peace.
They were divided into two groups; the first group was led by Alexander and his
team mates were; Anastasia, Jeh, Aaron, Ara and Bea. Team 2 was led by Aries and
their members were composed of; Serra, Candy, Marco and Drake.
The first captured was Candy and Bea made by Aries. It was hard to get her
because Aries was her guard; he was a very strong opponent.
"Look dude. I don't want to hurt you." Alexander threatened his cousin
playfully. Though he was taller than him, Aries had a bigger physique since he was
a football player.
"Chill. Take any prisoner you want, just not Candy." Aries whispered. Suddenly
they heard Aries' team mates shouting that they've captured Anne too. Now Alexander
was worried. In a split second, he side-stepped Aries, cross the border, went to
the opponent's territory. HE tapped the girls by the arm slightly, just to release
"Thanks darling!" Bea smiled sweetly at Alexander. He blew her a flying kiss
when she started running away. Anastasia rolled her eyes in annoyance, she was so
distracted by the whole scene that the enemies were about to capture her again. It
was a good thing that Alexander was alert. He saw Marco going for Anne, he
immediately grabbed her hands and ran away with her towards their territory.
She had joy in her heart. It was the first time they ever held hands that way.
They were both blushing from adrenaline rush which also made them both giddy.
Bea destroyed their moment when she needed talk to her boyfriend. Now Anne was
so annoyed she wanted to grab the skank's hair. In her irritation, she was caught
off guard again by Marco. "BOO! Huli ka!" (I caught you) Marco grinned, fully
satisfied with himself.
Her hands curled into a fist, "You will let me go or I will punch you? Choose!"
she meanly told him.
Marco made a puppy look again, "B-But I already captured you. Come on
pleeeease?" he begged, slowly dragging her towards their territory.
"Okay fine, I'm already captured. But do you have to hold my hand so tightly?
Are you really looking for a body ache?" she threatened, her face flush.
"Hey Anne! Ease up okay? Take pity on the poor guy." Serra chided her best
friend and then she was captured by the other team. "MAAAARCOOOO save meeeee!" she
He ignored her, "Nah" he glanced at Anastasia "OH YEAAAH! We have Anna banana!"
he announced happily.
"Hey dude, Serra is captured. Aren't we going to save her? We'll lose the game
if we don't you know." Aries told his younger brother.
"Aisssh! No thanks! Come on guys, let's stop playing the game. All I care about
it capturing her. Come on, I'll treat you all because I got Anna banana! Har har!"
"I. DON'T. WANT. TO!" he stick out his tongue at her childishly. "UNFAAAIR!"
Serra pouted. She was already on the verge of tears, when she suddenly felt a hot
liquid oozing between her legs. Everyone was paralyzed for a moment. It was a good
thing that Marco was the one nearest to her. He quickly took of his varsity maroon
jacket and rushed to her, covering her with it.
"W-What's happening?" Serra innocently asked. Even though he was pissed, his
being a nice guy prevailed in spite of it all. "You're bleeding, don't you know
anything at all?"
She remained silent as he guided her to the nearest grocery store to change. He
bought a napkin for her and then handed it to her. "And then? What would I do with
this?" she asked with wide eyes.
Marco smacked himself on his forehead in his frustration, "Totoo babae ka ba
talaga ha? Bakit di mo yan alam?" (Are you even a girl for real? Why don't you know
"Sorry po! I'm really sorry okay? I'm an only daughter of my parents, and mom
and dad are always busy so I really don't know anything about those things okay? So
I'm sorry if I don't know anything about the "Napkin 101"!" she replied
sarcastically. Serra was not normally that way, especially with Marco. It was all
her hormones' fault.
"Oh Lord! Please give me patience!" Marco sighed in exasperation. He explained
to her the procedure in how to wear it. She was about to enter the comfort room
when he suddenly stop her. She was surprise when he gave her a tissue box. "Para
san yan?" (what's this for?) she asked.
He shrugged, "My apology for making you cry today."
She remained frozen from shock. "W-What? May muta ba ako sa mata ko?" (What? Do
I have morning stars on my eyes?) she shook her head vigorously, "No, I was just
surprise that you're actually capable of being human after all."
He rolled his eyes, "Don't get your hopes up too high. Ngayun lang ako sinapian
ng kabaitan. Sabi kasi ng mama ako na I should be kind to animals, especially to
menstruating ladies." He pushed her towards the comfort room. (Don't get your hopes
up too high. It's only now that I'm possessed with the spirit of kindness because
my mother said I should be kind to animals, especially towards menstruating ladies)
"Marco Seo?"
"Thank you~"

He bit his lips from saying something nasty again; he took a deep breath so that
in this just one instant he could have a good deed; besides she didn't deserved to
be treated with his usual needling when she was so pale. "Yeah... you're welcome."
Chapter 09 (The Traditional Dare)

"Oh so where are we off next to?" Candy asked. "Let's go to Pizza hut!"
Serra suggested, she was badly craving for one. Marco ignored her request. "Any
suggestion guys?" he announced. They were trying not to laugh at his game. Poor
"Pizza Hut pleeeeease?" Serra begged.
"How about you Candy? Any suggestion?" he asked her, enjoying the fact that
he was tormenting Serra. He turned around and looked at Anastasia, "How about you
Anna Banana?"
Anne wiped her sweat with a towel, "Hmm how about the suggestion of Serra;
Pizza Hut." He grinned widely, clapping his hands, "And Pizza Hut it is!" he
announced. Everyone burst out laughing.
"That's so unfair! Nung ako hindi niyo ako pinapakinggan! Tsss!" (When it
was me, you didn't listen to me! Tsss!) Serra was almost in tears.
"Want me to hit Marco for you besh?" Anne offered. Serra raised her chin in
an attempt to save a bit of her dignity, "Nah. It's cool."

[Pizza Hut]

Candy ordered for everyone. It was three trays of Hawiian pizza and three
trays of pepperoni pizza with lasagna and desert for each of them. "Okay, what game
should we play guys while waiting?" she asked eagerly.
Jeh put his hand in the air, "How about truth or dare?" he suggested. They all
agreed to it in unison. The bottle spin, the first dare was for Amber. She had t
dance in the restaurant for 5 minutes and she did. The second dare was for Dave to
be slapped by Bea so hard.
The third dare was for Marco. He had to hold hands with Serra for the whole time
that they were in the restaurant. Marco violently protested to that, "KUYA ARIES!!!
ME INSTEAD OF DOING THAT DARE) he begged, the other kids only laughed at him.
"A dare is a dare little bro." Aries shrugged. He was really pissed whenever he
glanced at Serra's happy face. "Please save me Anna banana!" he pouted childishly.
Anne leaned on her chair, really glad to see him suffering. "This is the best
day ever! You happy besh?" she asked her best friend, annoying Marco. Serra
giggled, "Oo besh!" they high-five each other.
"Okaaaaay let's keep the game going!" Aries said excitedly. The bottle spin
again, this time it was for Anastasia. The dare was for her to be Marco's
girlfriend for two weeks. Anne almost choked on her drink, "Are you freakin'
kidding me?!" her hazel eyes became larger in her outrage.
"Bwahaha! Ang bilis din ng karma noh, girlfriend?" (Bwahaha! Karma's really
quick to arrive, isn't it girlfriend?) Marco laughed evilly. She stared at him with
daggers, if looks could only kill. Serra protested at this dare as well. "Hey don't
you think you guys are going way too far? Ako nalang sana." (I wish it's me
"Well too bad for you girl, the dare was given to Marco to be with Anastasia."
Bea interjected.
"Wala! Wala! I like that dare! Proceed guys." (Wala-nothing or it's a way to
express himself for the others to ignore Serra's comment) Marco was glowing with
The next dare was for Aries to say who his secret crush was. Aries had a weird
smile on his face. "Actually I've kept this secret for a long time." He faced Candy
Morris Dale, "The first I saw you, I really like you already." She was blushing to
the very roots of her black hair to her toes. Everybody didn't see that coming.
"AHHH! That's why-" but before Marco could finish what he had to say, Aries
flashed him a warning look. He immediately shut up.
"HAHA! Hey Candy what can you reply to that?" they teased. Candy felt embarrass,
especially when her cousin-Alexander joined in with the teasing too. "Alex, you
won't tell mama right?"
He shook his head, "Haha! Tita would actually be glad. It's her dream come
true!" he chuckled. Candy sighed, "Akin nalang yung sagot ko." (I'll keep my answer
for now) she blushed. They all shrugged it off. Aries didn't want to push her
either. As long as he could convey his feelings, it was already enough for him. In
fact he felt much lighter now. He spins the bottle once again, this time it pointed
at Alexander.
Aries looked at his cousin underneath his naughty grin, "Your dare my dear
cousin, is to kiss Anna-"before he could even finish his sentence, Alexander
surprised everyone when he held her face... and before she could even react, he
kissed her.
It happened way too fast for Anastasia to be able to defend herself from him.
He felt and smelled good. It was an onslaught that any girl would welcome, a kind
of kiss that was so sweet and gentle at first and then after awhile he demanded
more. Her dreams finally came true. They felt each other's lust growing even more.
He kissed deeper, dazed and confused in the loveliness of their shared ecstasy.
"AAAAAANND... that's enough!!!" Marco pushed Alexander's face from hers.
They were both still in heaven's lair. Their heart thumped faster. For a moment
everyone was too stunned to even speak, no one expected that, especially Anastasia.
They looked at Bea and Marco's reaction, both of their faces frozen. Marco was
still holding Serra's hands; he was trying his best not to cry.
"Bro you wanna hug?" Aries suddenly regretted being mischievous, pitying his
little brother. He shook his head, trying to calm down his heart. Alexander patted
his cousin on the shoulder. "It's okay couz. It was just a dare. It means nothing
to me." He said.
Ouch. Anastasia winced. Marco remained lifeless from too much hurt. "It's okay
dude, I'm okay. All is well." He said breathless, trying to cheer himself up and
then he looked at Anastasia.

Anastasia raised her perfect eyebrows, "What? You want to breakup with me now
kiddo?" she tried to provoke him in doing just that, her hazel eyes glinting with
challenge. But Marco's reaction was not what they all expected. He gave them the
brightest smile ever, "Nope worst than that baby. I'm yours for 2 weeks, and more
importantly you are mine for 2 weeks. So whether you like it or not, you're stuck
with me for 2 weeks."
Chapter 10 (Eddy's 45th birthday party)

AN: Yep Crushers! Alexander, Anastasia and Marco Seo-The little Troublemaker


It was their weekend so she didn't have anything to do. Today was the 45th
birthday of Eddy Morris-the younger brother of Chuck Morris. He was now staying
with the twin's (which was his sons originally but ever since his accident Chuck
adopted his nephews instead), particularly with Jack since his wife loves to have
him around; besides Jared was too busy being an actor, though when he has time, he
really makes a point to visit his family.
Anastasia saw Alexander across the street, in-front of their house. She
immediately fixed her red hair up. Oh chinito~ she smiled inwardly, blushing at the
thought of what happened last night. She heaved a huge sigh, fixed her clothes and
mustered up the courage to walk towards him.
Their eyes met. A glow lit up his beautiful gray eyes upon seeing her. Man,
this man could really make her feel all the animals in the zoo raging in her
stomach with just one look. He waved at her, making her melt with his sexy smile.
She was flattered and waved back enthusiastically; her eyes twinkling with
happiness. Belatedly berating herself for being such an idiot. Who does that?
Waving vigorously at your crush that way? Where's your dignity woman? She felt like
a four-year old in an instant.
Her smile froze. "BAAABE!" a girl shrieked at the back Anne. She spin around
and saw Bea. Oh it's her, not me. Ouch again. My Ghaaad! I'm so embarrassing!!
Bea hugged Alexander. Anastasia tried her best not to roll her eyes from
irritation, jealousy and from snapping that b*tch's neck all at once. Cool it Anne.
She reminded herself.
"Good morning Annie! You're also going to Uncle Eddy's birthday party?" he asked
her. She blinked. "Ah?"
He frowned, "Weren't you invited to his birthday. Do come! You know how much
you're his favorite." He urged, "And besides your boyfriend is also there." He
"Ha? What boyfriend?" she blinked again. Her brain seemed to go all mushy.
"Marco! Hahaha!" he reminded her. The moment the realization sunked in, her
gorgeous face darkened with disgust. That whole charade wasn't her idea much less
she can't remember agreeing to it. What a mess! Alexander then offered for them to
ride in his car but Anastasia headed off towards the direction of their garage.
Alexander stop her. "Where do you think you're going missy?"
"I have a car too." She retorted. Alexander's smile started to fade, "Just ride
in my car okay? Come on!" he urged her. Anne sighed. She can never really say no to
him ever since they were kids, it takes a Goddess strength for her to do so. "Fine"
conceding, she went inside the black BMW. This is going to be awkward. She glanced
at the couple who was sitting in-front of her at the driver's seat, being all
sweet. She rolled her eyes. Yep it's official. This is going to be really awkward
for me.

[Jake's house-Eddy's 45th birthday bash]

"Anastasia! Darling please sing for us!" Jack's wife requested, and then
everyone joined in. Anastasia blushed from embarrassment. They were all trying to
convince her but she wouldn't budge, but when Eddy came up to her and held her
hand, looking at her with his doleful puppy-look eyes that made him so pitiful. Her
heart melted. "Please Annie? Sing for me yes?" he begged. After a second she
finally nodded.
"Mapapansin mo kaya, ang tulad ko? Kahit na sa sulok lang ng iyong mga mata?"
(Will you even notice a person like me even if it's just in the corner of your
eyes?) everyone gathered around Anastasia. "Mahuli mo kaya ang pag sulyap sayo
oh... kahit hindi naman ako ang iyong kaharap... oh chinito" (Will you catch me
staring at you even if I'm not in-front of you? Oh Chinito) she tucked a strand of
her red hair behind her ears.
"Balang araw ay, malalaman mo rin~!" (Someday you will also find out) she was
so embarrass now, putting her heart in her sleeves like that. She stopped singing,
suddenly her shyness kicking in again. "Kanta pa please?" (Sing more please?) Eddy
begged. She cleared her throat, trying to get a grip on herself.
"At kung ikaw ay natutuwa, ako pa ba ay nakikita? Nalilimutan ko ang itsura ko
kapag kausap na... ikaw." (And when you are laughing, can you still even see me? I
tend to forget myself whenever you talk t me) Alexander tried to his smile. Kahit
chinito ako, sa totoo ikaw lang din ang nakikita ko. Oo Annie halatang halata gusto
mo ako. Palagi kitang nahuhuli nag nanakaw tingin sakin. (Even if I have a chinito
eyes, truth be told you're the only I see as well. Yes Annie you're that obvious
that you like me since I always catch you looking at me) Marco on the other hand
was enchanted by her melodic voice even more. Cold sweat perspired down her spine
from her nervousness.
"Sana naman ako'y pakinggan, at na ikaw ay malinawagan, dahil nabihag mo ang
aking paningin at damdamin, Oh chinito." (I hope you will notice me someday and so
that you will know, because you have captured my eyes and my heart, Oh chinito) she
looked at his direction, Alexander encouraged her by giving her a thumps up. She
smiled and finished the song. Right after that, Marco caught her by the arm and
dragged her towards his family.
"My dear friends and family! Meet my girlfriend!" Marco proudly announced. "UYY
congrats Marco boy! Dream come true eh?" the twins teased the little rascal. Marco
nodded while Anastasia blushed. Cassandra and Chuck came over.
"Tita! Tito! Finally Anne is my girlfriend!" (Tita-auntie, tito-uncle) he
conveyed again.
The couple had an amused look on their face. "Annie dear, my nephew isn't
annoying too much is he?" Cassy asked, pitying the poor girl's discomfort.
Anastasia nodded in agreement. "Opo! He's really a pain in the ass." (Yes) She
confessed; everyone laughed. Eddy came over, putting his arm around her neck.
"Annie, thank you for making my birthday happy." He said and then gave her a hug.
It touched everyone's heart, making Anastasia teary-eyed.


Banner Credits: @Tristful_

Chapter 11 (Sucker for you)

It has been a week since Marco and Anne were dared to be girlfriend and
boyfriend. He pursued her like crazy. Anastasia on the other hand ignored him
completely because he embarrass her so much whenever he calls her out with his
stupid invented nickname like "Anna banana".

One time they were all gathered at the mall right after school, eating at the
food court. "Sooo... Anna banana can I hold your hand?" Marco tried to push his
luck, battering his coffee brown eyes.

"No!" she coldly replied.

They smirked at him. He pouted, "Pretty pretty please?" he begged. She looked at
him with an icy expression on her beautiful face, "pretty pretty NO!" she took a
bite from her burger.

He sighed exasperatingly, "Bakit ka ba allergic mag "yes" saakin?" (Why do you

have an allergy in saying "yes" to me?) she stared at him with her pretty hazel
eyes, not really in the mood to answer him. Even Alexander, Aries, Candy and Serra
felt sorry for him. The poor kid was hoping too much from her.

To think about it, they did look good together with both their flaming red hairs
but aside from that, they were totally different people who might just compliment
each other, or not.

"Marco... ako nalang~ <3" (Marco pick me instead) Serra flirtatiously joked. He
rolled his brown eyes at her, "In your dreams Serra!" they all laughed at the two.
What would you expect from kids who were the same age, they were both still 15
years old and in their sophomore year in Highschool. "Oo nga Marco, si besh nalang.
She's awesome too you know." (Yes Marco, pick besh instead) the two best-friends
high-fived each other again.

"Pfft! You're the best in my eyes!" Marco retorted sheepishly. "Ay yang corny!!!"
(That's really corny/ cliché) They all teased him. He gave her a coffee instead.
She was disgusted. "And tell me why are you offering me that?" her voice dripping
with venom. He grew pale, "B-Bakit pala?" (Why what's wrong?)

Serra shook her head, patting his shoulder. "Marco, she doesn't drink coffee."
She informed him. He even grew paler. And they tell this to him just now!? "Ohh..."
Alexander patted him as well for his epic failure. He was about to talk again when
Anastasia cut him off, "Please give me some peace! You talk one more time, I'll put
a scotch tape in your mouth." She burst.

His mouth went dry, trying to find his voice. Alexander signaled him not to
provoke her even more. And then he leaned to his cousin's ear, whispering "She's
having her menstruation right now, so she's badly craving and when she craves, it
means trouble."

Anastasia stood up, "Okay I got to go besh ha?" she informed her best friend,
Serra nodded. "Hugs and kisses! Punta lang din ako dun, mang chicks muna ako."
(I'll just go there later too, I'll go boy hunting for now) she winked playfully,
referring to Marco. Anastasia laughed. "K, byeee!" she left.

"Where is she going anyway?" Aries asked with a bored expression. Serra tried to
ignore that question. "Hmm, Serra help me look for Anna banana's favorite
chocolates 'kay?" Marco used his puppy-look on her again, knowing fully well that
she was a sucker for that. So even when she liked him A LOT and not to mention
helping your crush to please his love is really awkward, she let it slide, again.
"Okay her favorite is guylan and kit-kat caramel. Lezze go!"
Chapter 12 (Shattered hearts)

Marco finished buying three boxes of guylan and 3 boxes of chocolate kit-kat
caramel for Anastasia. Serra really didn't want to tell him where she is, since she
promised not to. Anastasia had a secret place where she didn't want anyone to find
out where she goes to relieve her stress. Anastasia would surely skin her alive if
she sees them in the small café-"Café mon amour" which was just a walking distance
from her own house. This is where she works to sing her heart out, without anyone
bothering her.
"Hey Marco! What are you doing here?" Alexander asked, surprised to see his
cousin there too. He was with his girlfriend. "Hi Marco!" Bea smiled. Marco noticed
she was wearing the design of his mother's; Luna Monroe's.
"Hi..." he smiled back to her and then faced his cousin, fixing his glossy red
hair. "How do I look couz?"
Alexander frowned, "Like an idiot in-love." He grinned. Marco laughed, "Exactly
what I'm going for. Well, let's watch my girl!" he clapped him by the shoulders,
facing the stage as the spotlight focused on Anastasia.
Alexander's smile stops halfway when Marco mentioned the "My girl" thing but
he put on a poker face again to hide his feelings. Besides, it was just a crush.
"What is she doing there?" he was genuinely surprised seeing her onstage.
He shrugged. Before they could talk on further, everybody's attention was
captured by the most enchanting voice they've ever heard. Anastasia's flaming red
hair all curled up like a Barbie doll. She had a pink lipstick on that made her
look so innocent, especially when she wore a ruffle pink dress. She was at first
uncomfortable sitting on a stool, but as soon as she sang, with her eyes closed,
everyone could hear her thoughts through her song.
"I look at you, you look at me. I look away, so you can't see I'm dreamin' of
you and you don't even know, you don't even know." Marco grinned, glancing at his
cousin proudly; who was captivated just like everybody else was.
"Alexander, I knew she had feeling for me too! Pakipot pa kase!" (She's just
being hard to get) he glowed. But Alexander wasn't paying any attention; he was too
mesmerized by her tonight.
"That I'm falling madly in-love with you and I wish that you were going crazy
for me too." She held onto the microphone, singing fervently. "And I wish that you
were going crazy for me too!" she thought of all the times how she desperately
tried to tell him of her feelings but she couldn't. She was too shy to express what
she felt. What if he didn't like her too, that's what she feared the most.
"And I sit alone in the darkest night, my heart is pounding and I wonder
why... why am I invisible? Why can't you see? I'm in-love with you! Are you in-love
with me?" she touched her audience with the sincerity of her voice.
"You show sometimes but I'm not sure. It's a secret love and you're the cure. I
just need to know what you think about me, about me..." Alexander felt guilty. He
liked her too, but he just couldn't tell her because he didn't want anybody else
getting hurt just because he had a crush on her too. Plus, he didn't want her to
hope too much from him.
"...and you don't think that maybe you and me? Could be a possibility? I just
wish that baby you could see! That I'm falling madly in-love with you. Are you in-
love with me too?" She finally arrived back to earth. She was scanning the crowd
when she saw Alexander amongst them. Anastasia felt like her heart jumped out from
her throat.
The moment she finished singing, the crowd broke into a huge round of applause.
They loved her. Alexander and Anastasia gazes met; have you ever felt like when the
person you care about is in the same room with you, you don't have to see them
because you can already feel their presence touching you? That's the way they felt.
She felt herself blushing, looking like a tomato. Marco clapped the loudest,
oblivious to what is happening around him. He felt like was in 7th heaven with his
happiness for her. She finally faced her gifts and she was beautiful.
Meanwhile Anastasia saw Serra's guilty expression. Although she was pissed off
with Serra ratting of her safe heaven, she was also secretly pleased that Alexander
was there. Although she suspected that he discovered this by accident. Alexander
excused himself to have a breath of fresh air. Anastasia followed him.
Marco faced Serra and Bea, "Girls do I look dashing enough for my girl?" he
asked eagerly. He did look cute with his red t-shirt of Azkals on (The Philippines'
soccer team), they nodded. "Right..." he breathed in, taking his gifts with him,
heading to the backstage only to find out that she went outside, so he rushed out
of the building too to look for her.
He tried rehearsing his lines in an attempt to charm her. His smile was from
ear to ear when he remembered her singing. He heard someone having an argument
around the corner, he could have almost walked in on them but he recognized the two
most significant person to him having a sophistry. He hid himself besides the
building. Marco was about to intercede to make them stop fighting when his world
stopped upon hearing Anastasia say these words: "I love you Alexander, I've always
have ever since we were kids." She shyly confessed. This was the most important day
for her and it was the worst for Marco.
Alexander looked at her fidgeting with her pink dress. Her confession threw him
off guard, it was not like he didn't already knew, she was too obvious anyway. He
just never expected for her to pluck the courage to finally say it to him, not when
he already has a girlfriend. This was breaking his heart. "Annie..." he started to
say but she cut him off.
"That song was for you! W-Why can't you see me? I've always been here
Alexander! Throughout the years I've always loved you secretly. I comforted you
when you first scrape your knees when we were children. I was there when you were
so down about not getting into the basketball team. I was even there to throw a
fake smile at you just so you could be happy when you had your first real
girlfriend! I HAVE ALWAYS been there for you! Why can't you notice that? Am I that
ugly?!" she almost sobbed.
Maybe because I've always been there for you too Anna. Marco sadly thought. He
felt like a total idiot. He wished he never found out all about this, maybe in that
way he could still go on with that illusion that just maybe, maybe she will love
him too in the end. Marco expected for Alexander to reject her, but he never
expected for him to hurt him deeper than the cut that she already inflicted.
"I... I..." Alexander sighed heavily, "I like you too." He said it in almost a
whisper. Her hazel eyes lit like the stars when he said that. It pained Marco
seeing her look at another guy that way, like he was the only man in the world. How
he envied his cousin right now.
She took a step forward, but he took a step back. If only Marco could see how torn
Alexander's facial expression was. "I've always liked you as well but we can't be
together Annie."
That was it. Marco couldn't take it anymore, he left the café, dropping his
chocolates on the ground as it melted by the heavy rain in his jealousy and hurt.
Serra saw him and chased him. She held his arm to stop him, "How was it? Does she
love you now?" she sincerely asked.
Marco turned around but something was terribly wrong. Serra's eagerness faded and
soon was replaced with worry; he was crying. It was the first time he ever cried
that way. He felt like his heart was being feasted upon by beasts and it broke her
heart as well. "How could you not tell me that SHE LOVES ALEXANDER? MY OWN COUSIN
ALL THESE FREAKIN' TIME!?" he shouted from frustration.
Serra winced not from his shouting but from the rawness of his pain. "I-I
honestly didn't know! She always has been such a privy kind of person. I-I..." she
was lost at words. Marco stopped listening and started to walk away. She ran after
"I.Am.not.a.coward!" he gritted, his anger barely controllable. The storm
raged on, drenching them both wet. "Yes you are!!! Because you are NUMB! You are
afraid to feel what I feel as well." She might be jolly and sweet all the time but
no one really knows how much she have been suffering as well. He remained silent.
She tried to get nearer to him.
"You know what hurts the most? I love them both. I hate the way she looks at
him, Serra! But I can't blame them either. In the process, I hate myself as well
for indirectly being a hindrance to them." He kept crying. Who cares? His last
shred of pride was now gone. Serra's black hair was drenched in the rain, she felt
so sad for their ironic love stories. Why can't just the mundane people love the
ones who loves them too? "Love me then..." she softly suggested. That took all the
courage she had to say it to him out loud; words that she only fantasized in
telling him.
He observed her as the rain fell down from her luscious pink lips. He sighed,
feeling so drain and tired all of a sudden. "I'm sorry I can't."
"Why the hell not?" she asked sharply.
He ruffled his red hair in frustration, "Because I already have my first love,
haven't you ever had a first love, huh?"
She cast her eyes down, "You're my first love Marco Seo." He blinked
unbelievably, surprised at her words. She had always been so sure of herself that
he thought Serra would've probably had a dozens of boyfriends by now since she was
beautiful, rich and popular.
Serra tried to hold his hand, but he ran away; ran away from the hot mess that
the night has woven. She remained rooted on the road, all of them crying but in
different directions. In that one night four shattered hearts connected with their
own sorrows.

Chapter 13 (A Crack in the Ice)

Two weeks passed, winter had come. Summer clothes were now replaced by
layers of layers of sweaters and jackets in an attempt to combat the bitter cold of
winter, and oddly enough after the incident in the café, everybody noticed that the
usually cheerful Marco became a bit sullen, everyone thought it was because of the
winter, but Serra knew better.

He tried his best to hide his feelings but he was just to transparent, he was
never the type to be able to do a poker face. Surprsingly even Anastasia got
worried by his strange behavior. Until one day, Annie swing by his class to check
up on him.

Marco was about to go out of his room when he was surprised to see Anastasia
leaning on the banister of their door, waiting for him.

She looked so cool with her violet Jansport bag pack by her side, effortlessly
making their uniform look appealing with its above the knees gray skirt and white
long sleeve blouse. Her red hair tied in a ponytail. His mouth went dry.

"Why are you avoiding me, you little punk?" she asked in a matter-fact kind of
voice. His voice came out in a squeal due to his nervousness. She always makes him
feel that way. He covered his mouth in his embarrassment. Anastasia cracked a
smile. Oh wow! She actually smiled for the first time because of me. I deserve a
nobel prize for this.

Anastasia cocked her head sideway, observing him; "Meet me at the Café mon
amour tonight. Come or else you're a dead meat." She nicely threatened. He wasn't
offended though, he was used to her talking like that to him. He would actually
freak out even more if she will ever talk to him nicely someday. It must be the end
of the world then.

Marco reluctantly nodded. He was afraid to come because what if she'll break up
with him right there and then? Although their relationship was a complete sham
right from the very first time. It might mean nothing to her, but it meant the
whole world to him. He wasn't ready for that to happen. Somehow deep inside his
huge fat heart, he still hopes that she'll come around, eventually.

There was a twitch in her red lips that was between a smile and a grimace that
expressed her satisfaction; an expression only reserved for Marco. Although she
didn't laugh or flirted with him, that small pleasure was good enough for him.
[At the Café mon amour; 7:30 P.M.]

They agreed to meet up at 6PM but Marco was unusually late tonight. She sat
outside the café, waiting for him. Anastasia moodily stood up from her chair in her
impatience. She was already thinking of murderous things to do to him when all of a
sudden she saw his figure walking towards her.

He didn't see her yet, his head bowed down; looking all dejected. He was not in
the best mood either. His shoulders slumped, indicating how sad he really felt.
Marco almost didn't come because he thought this was just one of her pranks again.
But with Anastasia inviting him for the first time on a date, or at least he hope
was a date, he just couldn't resist not going.

He raised his head. His heart momentarily stopped when he saw Anastasia's
furious face that made her look even more ethereally beautiful. And curiously there
was a tinge of worry expressed in there too. How odd. He blushed at the thought of
its impossibility; how he wish.

Her nose was red from the cold. He felt guilty for that. She was about to talk,
when he noticed her not wearing any gloves he felt irritated. She could have caught
a cold! Shock coursed through her when he suddenly grabbed her hands and rubbed it
against his own, blowing warmth into it. For a moment her heart stirred. It was the
first time someone has ever held her hand that way.




It was the sound of her heart beating.



She blinked.



How dare he?



He looked at her intensely from his thick eyelashes.



Her heart... why the hell was it acting weirdly?



The most queer part is that his hand felt so good against her own snow white skin.



And worst, she was asking herself why she didn't even resist.



"Wear a gloves next time or else I'll kiss you your hands. Either way, I like to do
both." There was a glint of seduction in his eyes that he wasn't even aware that he
was doing.



She blushed.



S M A C K!

She bewildered him when she gave an unexpected reaction by hitting him on his
head. "OUCH!" he groaned, rubbing his throbbing head.

"Touch me again and I'll kill you." She warned, trying to cover up from the
heat that he gave her. She exhaled heavily, trying to breathe steadily again.
continuation of chapter 13

He frowned. One unique thing about Marco was that he was a sexy man without
even trying, but he was such a naïve teenager boy. He doesn't even understand why
she was behaving that way all of a sudden. He backed up and sighed. Women! They're
so hard to understand. How he wished he had a dictionary to understand their
language. He cleared his throat, "So what's up?"
She frowned, honestly she also didn't know why she asked him to come tonight.
"I-I want to make you suffer! That's all." She lamely lied, trying not to look him
in the eye.
He cracked a smile a bit, "Yeah. I'm used to that." They both giggled. Weird.
He thought. They settled inside the café to heat themselves from the raging cold.
He ordered two chocolate drinks for the both of them, he knew better now.
Silence. For 30 minutes they watched the singers perform quietly as they waited
for their order. After awhile it came. They didn't mind though. Café mon amour was
the best coffee shop in town. It was worth the wait. She was about to drink, when
Marco snatched it away from her, putting M&Ms inside her chocolate; "What the-?"
He winked at her. "Masarap yan promise!" (That's delicious I promise!) He said
earnestly. "At pag hindi?" (And if not?) she raised her eyebrows. He shrugged "You
can kill me then." He joked. She smiled.
After finishing her chocolate drink, at the last part of it was a remnant of
melted M&Ms. He was right, it was weird but delicious. "I guess you'll live another
day." She said. He smiled and then turned serious. "Anna tell me why did you want
to talk to me tonight? Are you going to confess anything?" he was hoping that she
will finally confess about what happened the last time here in the café, but she
just frowned. "Confess about what?"
He expected as much, he sighed. "Anastasia, do you want me?" he asked hopefully
with a dead serious expression on his face. She on the other hand didn't know if
she should laugh or not, he was too serious it was really getting weird.
"Look Marco, don't delude yourself. It's just a dare." She took a sip from her
chocolate drink. He winced from the bitter truth. Why does she have to be so
brutally frank? He knew she was going to leave him someday. He just doesn't know
how to be like Alexander for her to like him. All he could was be himself.
How can you win the most popular girl in school who seems indifferent to all
kinds of courtship? The kind of girl who has such a complex personality that most
of the time, he feels like his breath is reeling from the whiplash of her persona;
a pleasant combination of sweetness and bitterness, just the right amount to never
get fed off. And suddenly he knew, at least he wished it would work. He smiled
Marco got up. He would not go down without a fight. It was just not in the Monroe
He surprised her even more when he stole a kiss from her on the cheeks,
whispering; "Listen to my heart Anna banana!" and before she could even react, he
ran as fast as he could to the stage.
It took full five minutes before she could move again, and when she did everyone
was blown away by Marco's beautiful voice. Unknown to a lot of people, just like
Anastasia, Marco hid an amazing voice; which was something he got from his aunt
"I was standing on the other side, watching you leaing-I-couldn't see you go."
He opened his eyes and winked at the gaping Anastasia, still couldn't believe what
she was witnessing. That dweeb can actually sing after all. Who would've thought?
"Know that I was so sincere when I said that I need you hear because this is
your home, naaah..." he touched his heart, like it was a silent promise. "You're
the one, my everything. If you stay, you make me sing~"
"I'll give you my life, I'll give you my heart, no nothing will ever come
between us, ever come between us tonight, I'll show you the wa-aaay... oh, oh
promise me that you'll stay."
Damn why is this darn kid soliciting weird stirrings from me?
"When you're with me I feel so alive... we can paint the town, but you're so far.
So faaaar! But that couldn't even hold me down."
"...Just promise me you'll stay."
*Round of applause and whistling*
She breathed nervously as he came nearer. Oh no! Why am I feeling this way?
"So do you like it?" he smiled. She rolled her eyes, grumbling an incoherent
thing. He got worried "Did I do something again?" he innocently asked her.
She sighed. No you didn't, you just really surprised me tonight you little
numbskull. "Come on... take me home." She sounded tired. He grinned, "So you're
actually allowing me to take you home?"
She smirked "Well obviously because we're neighbors." He opened the door for
her. He smacked his head as the moonlight captured his laughter, "Haha! Oh right."
And for that moment, she tried to tear her eyes away from him and gulped that damn
troublesome stirrings down.

Café mon amour was only a block away from their house, so they decided to walk
home. He tried making conversation to liven up the mood but it was only silence on
her part with an occasional grunt or comment that he got from her. He did all the
talking, and my was he a talker! Radio! She thought to herself.
After awhile they finally arrived at Anastasia's doorsteps. They awkwardly
stared at each other. He smiled, looking a bit like his old self "Even if you might
not say it, I'm touched that you actually care about me too, so thanks Anna
"Hmm. Okaaay! Whatever, bye!" she rushed to the door, trying to run away from
her embarrassment. She was about to close the door, but then James-her father
showed up. "Hey Marco!" he friendly greeted him in his pajamas. Marco gave her
father the brightest smile he could muster, "Hi future-father-in-law!" he waved
James was amused. "Good boy and you delivered our babygirl on time." He looked
at the time and it was only 9PM. He approved.
"Pa!" Anastasia was annoyed. First because her father seemed to be patronizing
Marco, when she wanted him to scared that little brat away. Second she didn't want
her pet name in their home be discovered by that idiot face.
"It was a pleasure being with your daughter, tito." (Uncle-NOT his blood uncle
okay?) He said. James seemed to like the kid for his daughter by the minute. "Sige
goodnight..." (sige-okay) James was about to close the door, but then Marco forgot
to say something and came back.
"Oh Bakit-?" (Oh why?)
Marco spoke first, "I LOVE YOU ANNA BANANA!!!" he shouted shamelessly, even if
he was in-front of her father. Anastasia covered her face in shame. James on the
other hand only laugh at the kid's silliness. He really was his father's son; a CJ
junior all through.
"MARCO YOU IDIOT!!! GO HOME ALREADY!!!" Anastasia hissed, her cheeks blushing.
"OHHH! She loves me too!!! Okay, goodnight babygirl! HAHAHA!" he teased.
Anastasia's fist curled up in frustration, "MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!!!" she
shouted angrily as Marco's laughter could be heard all over the neighborhood.

AN: Isn't Marco cute? So what do you think of this chapter Crushers? Were you
touched by this song? Please vote, comment and add! :)
Chapter 14 (Breakfast with you)

AN: That dear Crushers is Chace Crawford as Marco Seo :) Like him? I sure do!!!
Chad opened the door for Marco early in the morning. "Yo buddy, an gaga mo
ata ah." (aren't you a bit too early?) he commented, rubbing his eyes sleepily.
This kid's dedication is amazing. Marco grinned, "So where's my Anna banana?"
making himself at home. Chad pointed at her room, "She's still fast asleep, lover

"Ahh... oo nga pala kuya Chad, bakit di ka na naming masyado nakikita?" (Oh by
the way big bro Chad, why don't we see much of you anymore?)

He frowned, "Well because... I'm in college now."

"Yeah right. Hang out with us sometimes if you're not too busy anymore, ayt?"

Chad grinned, "Yeah sure."

Anastasia groggily walked into their living room. She was startled at the sight
of Marco in their house, this early in the morning. Before she could even speak,
Marco rose up. He came to Anastasia, intending to hug her but she quickly side
stepped him, making him hug her father instead; who also just woke up.

James and Marco's eyes bulge in surprise. "OPPS! So sorry father-in-law!" he

back up. James sat down in their sofa, studying the kid with hidden amusement. "Oh
'bat ang aga mo dito hijo?" (Oh why are you here so early dear?)

"Invite ko po kase kayo lahat sa breakfast." (I wanted to invite you all to

breakfast. James' wife came out too when she heard the noise. "Oh hi dear!" Mrs.
Greene kindly smiled at the boy. Marco kissed her hand gallantly, "Good morning
Mrs. Greene!"

"And to you too hijo!" Mrs. Greene wasn't as pretty as Anastasia and Chad's
deceased mother who had the same flaming red hair as the two siblings had, but the
new Mrs. Greene's attraction was her intellect and her kindness. She knew that
James had three children when they first met. The first child-Charles was out of
wedlock from his playboy days. Although James offered marriage to his old
girlfriend in the insistence of Cassy, but the girl declined, wanting only to get
rid of their son. The next wife-gave birth to Chad and then Anastasia. The kids
actually treated her like their own mother because when Charlie was in his 3rd year
Highschool; Chad already 6 years old and little Anastasia a toddler of four, Mrs.
Greene took care of them. It took awhile before James re-married again. And in
spite of his image, he did love his first wife. After the death of his wife due to
giving birth to Anastasia, he only re-married again after five years. But still in
spite of it all, Mrs. Greene accepted that because she loved James. And because of
that love, now they had a baby boy-Cody.

"I'm not a morning person you little radio head." Anastasia announced. "Annie!
Be nice." Her step-mom reproached her.

"B-But mama! He inspires my inner serial killer." She whined. "Be nice!" she

Marco smiled, "Okay lang po yan Mrs. Greene sanay na po ako sa Anna banana ko."
(It's okay Mrs. Greene I'm already used to my Anna banana being that way) he
shrugged "And besides I knew she was going to say that, so I took the liberty to
call MCdonalds for delivery." And before the family Greene could even protest, the
door bell rang. His order finally arrived. He came back to the living room with a
bunch of food in his hand. "Breakfast anyone?"

Marco put Honey and butter into Anastasia's pancake and then he put mustard and
ketchup on top of the hashbrown, putting it on the pancake, rolling it and then
slicing it for Anastasia. He even fed her, but the Greene family was just staring
at Marco's weird creation.

"Dude are you on drugs?" Chad was disgusted. Marco nodded, "Oh yeah man. I'm an
addict for your sister!" he laughed at his own cheesiness.

"EWW!! Hell would freeze before I eat that disgusting glob!" Anastasia
complained. He pouted, "Come on pleeeease? This is really delicious, I promise!
This is what Alexander and Tito Chuck and I usually do on ours as well."

At the mention of Alexander's name, Anastasia decided to try to eat that sorry
experiment of Marco only because of her childhood crush. Marco was very happy to be
able to feed his girlfriend. And surprisingly enough, Annie actually liked it in
the end. "Try it po Ma and Pa! Masarap po siya." (Try it Ma and Pa! It's delicious)
she encouraged her parents.

"By the way, Anna banana?"


"Can I be your prom date this February 14th?" he knew he was imposing himself
since he was only a freshman and he didn't have any rights to go to their prom yet,
but if you're a guest or a partner then it's okay for their school. He didn't much
care about the whole charade actually, really just wanted to go to prom with her.

She stopped chewing. In actual truth, she had no intention going to the prom,
although she was hoping that her crush would ask her out instead, but since Marco
asked first, she had no choice but to say yes. After awhile she nodded, "Yeah sure.
Why not? Although I know I'm going to regret this in the end."

"Reallyyy??" he squealed with joy.

"No I'm just pulling your leg. Yes you little twit, I said yes!" she said with

He felt so happy he could almost hug her, but he stopped himself because he was
afraid of James.

"Congrats you little twit! Hey can, I have your hasbrown?" Chad hungrily looked
at Marco's food, even though he already had so many pancakes on his plate. He was
such a voracious eater. Everyone broke into laughter; Marco shrugged nonchalantly,
"Yeah sure bro!"


AN: Isn't he the sweetest? Well don't forget to vote, comment and add! :)
Credits to: @Stahp_mah_feels
Chapter 15 (Don't be afraid to Fall In-love)

AN: Do play the videos so that you could feel the songs even better ^^ Happy
reading! btw this is a dedication to an awesome friend and commentator @MissyFlexy!
Hope you mend your heart soon.

Anastasia hated occasions like this. She wasn't even going to buy a dress if
it weren't for Serra, her best friend would not allow her to go looking shabby at
that special night. So she literally dragged Annie to every store a week before the
prom, to make sure she would look awesome. And finally after so many trial and
errors, they found the perfect dress; the color was light pink in the top and a bit
darker pink in the hem of the dress, it was very simple but elegant. It had no
sleeves, a bit of sequence from the neckline and then another one in the waistline
that accentuated her small waistline. And then she let her red flaming hair down
into curls that made it more dramatic.
Finally it was prom day. Marco couldn't be happier with his girl-friend's arm
around his. He proudly walked into the ballroom, with a puffed out chest.
Everyone's eyes were glued to Anastasia Greene; she looked lovely as ever. But what
made her even more beautiful was the touch of innocence and naivety she had.
Everyone was all aware of her beauty, except herself.
"May I ask you to dance with me?" Marco said politely. She nodded; as if she had
any choice. She was already dragged into this sordid affair, she might as well
enjoy it. He whisked her away to the dance floor. The DJ started playing "Don't be
afraid by Elliott Yamin.
"Don't be afraid to fall in-love, 'cause I don't believe in giving up, please
give me a chance to earn your trust..." Marco grinned, he can relate to the song as
he dance with Annie, he lip synch to it. "Anna banana, I don't know if you like me
or if you've ever like me, all I know is that I like you since the day I met you."
He cleared his throat nervously.
Anastasia blankly stared at him, "...cuz I know I can be everything that you
need, don't be afraid to fall in-love." She always knew he had this unfazed crush
for her ever since they were children but for her right now it felt like he was
really becoming serious and it terrified her. "You know what I feel. Aren't you
ashamed already that I always reject you? Ako na kase ang naawa sayo." (because I'm
the one who feels pity for you)
Marco shook his head. "...don't ever say that it's just too much, 'cuz you never
know I could be the one." He lovingly tucked a stray hair behind her ears. "There
is no shame in finding someone attractive or good company. Even if they don't like
you. There's still no shame. If you happen to be fond of someone, and they're not
fond of you, it's okay. You don't have to wait and see if they'll love you back.
You can announce it. Joy in life comes from expressing yourself and in taking risks
and jumping in. Everyone is not going to like you, but you can like who you like."
He tried memorizing that from a photo he saw from Instagram, suddenly he felt
drained at his speech. Marco revealed a very vulnerable part of him that night. How
he wish she could open just a bit of her heart for him. "Please stop seeing me only
as your childhood friend. Can you do that for me?"
They were interrupted when their teacher announced to change partner, Serra
became his while Annie was with Alexander; who looked dashing with his curly blond
hair and piercing gray eyes. "Hi..." she said shyly. "Hi..." he exhaled heavily,
suddenly nervous.
The two looked so awkward with each other. "...girl we're not all the same so
baby don't be afraid to love" the way they looked at each other, it was so obvious
to any onlookers how much chemistry they had. So much so that when one looks at
them, it felt like their invading something private. Marco didn't like that one
bit. He was jealous. "Why can't she look at me that way? Is my question to hard to
answer?" he murmured.
Serra pitied him, "When a person can't answer you directly at your question,
maybe the answer is too hard for them to admit or too painful for you to know." She
tried to comfort him.
"You look beautiful, Annie." Alexander complemented. She always liked it when he
called her by that nickname because he was the one who first dubbed her that. Her
heart was fluttering with a fragile flight. "You too Alexander!" she tried to avoid
eye contact or else she'll melt. She wish they could remain like this forever; safe
in the cocoon of having a lame excuse to get the chance to be close to one another.
"Annie, about our talk last time..." he started. "Yes?" she looked at him with
expectation. He sighed, "Please give up on liking me."
"What?" she was disappointed and confused. "Yeah, I like you too..." he
murmured. "Really???" she felt revitalized as hope surged through her again.
"But that's just it. I've been thinking, and I think I finally know; I just
like you. I don't like you the way you like me, nor can I see you as the girlfriend
material type. To be honest, I just like you and that's it. But it's not enough to
destroy my relationship with my cousin and my girlfriend. I don't want to hurt
anybody. I like you but I love her. They are too important in my life to be
sacrificed just because of you."
"Oh..." her throat constricted with unshed tears. This time he really broke her
heart, she doubt it could ever be fixed. He wiped her tears away. "But we could
still be friend, let's pretend nothing ever happened. Would you like that?" he
offered. Thinking that he was giving her a good chance, he was gravely mistaken. It
was like rubbing salt in her terrible wounds.

AN: I know how terrible of Alexander right? Do you guys hate him now? Tune in for
the next chapter Crushers! :)

Vote, Comment and Add! You guys really inspire me to write :)

Chapter 16 (This step alone)

AN: Hi Crushers! So this I dedicate to @sarajbat

she's the awesome lady who made my banner! Click on the next one to see it.


"Change partner!" their teacher once again announced. Alexander felt really
bad for her, but it was for the best. She was back in Marco's arms again. Now the
song has changed too; they played the song of Elliott Yamin's "This step Alone".
"It's taking it's toll girl, the silence is cold. We're stuck at a dead end..."
he handed her his handkerchief. "I'm starting to wonder did I say something wrong?"
he didn't like seeing her that way. She felt so broken and hurt. "I keep asking the
question, would you turn around and come with me? Or should I read the sign and let
you be?"
He didn't ask her anything. He was too afraid to know who her tears were being
shed for, when it was so obvious it was pissing him off. "Now I'm standing at the
road and there's no way around it." he just let her cry it out. That's the only
thing he could do for her now. It felt like she had put a sturdy wall around her
that he doesn't even know if he could ever overcome.
"I've been waiting for your mind to change, 'cuz I feel so undecided." He held
her close, hoping she could just rub her pain into him instead. It was weird how
relatable the songs were being played tonight.
After awhile she withdrew from the comfort of his chest. "Marco..." she
sniffed, her mascara running rampant. "Yes?" he whispered softly. She sighed,
"Let's break up." With finality in her voice.
"I saw us break, I was us fall, it makes no sense to me at all, You say that
you will, then don't. So I'm going to take this step alone." His world stopped for
awhile. He held his breath as he felt like she had slapped him. Is this what you
call a heartbreak? If it is, then it's a wonder I'm still alive. He blinked his
tears back. God Marco! Have some pride man! He reprimanded himself.
"This was all just pretend anyway. It's unfair in your part if you keep hanging
on for nothing. I'm so sorry Marco..." she let go of his hand, "You deserve better.
It was fun while it lasted." She started walking away.
"In my hearts of hearts, I always knew, this jump was too way too much for you.
You say that you will, then you don't. So I'm going to take this step alone." She
walked out of the ballroom and as she did, he felt like she was walking out of his
life. He felt like he lost the will to move, where she left him hanging onto broken
shards of himself. What if I don't want anyone better? What if you're already
enough for me? Come back Anastasia. Let's pretend you didn't say anything. And
pretend again just for a little while that you like me as well. Please? Come back

AN: Who did you felt pity for? Alexander? Anastasia? Marco? Serra? Vote, comment
and Add Crushers! ILY! :)

Chapter 17 (Unwelcome Guest)

"Kuya Chad asan punta mo?" (where are you going?) Anastasia asked her older
brother. He looked like he was going on a date. Hmmm who could it be? She wondered.
He fixed his black hair, "Wala na yun sayo, kiddo." (It's none of your business,
kiddo) he ruffled her hair affectionately.

She pouted, "Kuya dala ka ng pagkain mamaya ha?" (Please bring some food later
when you get home?) she clung onto his clothes. He eased away from her grip, fixed
his clothes. "At bakit ko naman gagawin yun aber?" (and why would I do that?) his
eyes contained with mischief.

Anastasia laid her head on the pillow, "Cause I'm depress!" she sighed. He
thought about it for awhile, observing his sister's disheveled state. And then he
nodded, "Okay!" he conceded and opened the door. He was surprised seeing Serra
brought a lot of food in her arms.

"Whoa! Ang laki siguro ng mga problemo niyo noh?" (You guys must really have a
huge problem right now huh?) the girls pathetically nodded. He shook his head,
"Okay gotta go! I'm late for my date. Bye girls!"

Anne dashed after him at the door, "KUYAAA! SO YOU ARE SEEING SOMEONE? LET ME
He smiled sheepishly, a lopsided smile like his father. "Soon baby girl, soon."
He left the house.

Serra slumped on the sofa. She was so depress she came to Anne's house only
with her pajamas on, wearing a jacket over it. "Alam mo na?" (you know already?)
she inquired. Anne nodded, "Of course! Because of that kid, Alexander's mad with

"OMG he is?"


"What a bummer!"

"Tell me about it."

They both sighed.

After the prom, the next night, Anastasia came over to the Morris' residence to
apologize to Marco because she felt really guilty for being so brutally frank with
him only to learn from Alexander that his cousins (even Aries) came back to Paris
in the morning. The worst part was that he blamed Anne for it. After that time on,
he refused to talk to her.

For awhile Anne was so bummed out from Alexander's cold treatment, until one
day she bumped into Bea. She was about to ignore her to avoid an awkward situation
but Bea talked to her first. "Anne?"


"Umm by any chance do you know where Alex is?"

Anne frowned. Alex? He hates being called by that name. He believes that his
name is too beautiful for decapitating into a crappy arse nickname like that. She
shook her head. "Huh? Aren't you supposed to be the girlfriend? So you should know
where he is." Bea sighed, "We broke up last week, so now his refusing to talk to

"Really?" her voice sounded a bit too enthusiastic, "I mean really?" she
pretended she was sad for her.

"Yeah so if you ever find him, please tell me ha?"

"Yeah sure!" Not. She thought at the back of her mind.

"Thanks! You're a sweetie!"

No I'm not. I so hate you because he likes you. She held her tongue.

"Okay bye!"

She waves back. Byeee! I'm still so not going to tell you where he is, if I
ever find out. She laughed evilly in her head. Gosh I'm so mean. Whatever. After
that, she headed straight to Alexander's house.

The perks of being a childhood friend to your childhood crush's family is that
she can find out where Alexander is through his own parents. Cassandra told her
that Chuck made him go to military camp for the summer. After that, she asked
permission from her parents if she could go a province in America where Alexander's
military camp was, reasoning that she would go to Theater summer class school. They
only allowed her to go, Chuck and James made an arrangement that Chad had to
accompany her and they had to stay with Chuck's parents in New York.

The students were marching forward with a serious look on their faces, but the
marching abruptly stop when the teenagers to distracted. Alexander was in the third
row. He wondered what was happening so he pushed his way through the crowd to see
what was the commotion about.

He held his breath; his gray eyes grew large in surprise when he saw Anne
having a chat with their commander. He was even more shock at how beautiful she
looked with her flaming red hair loose around her waist, wearing a pretty peach
coral dress that had laces at the end of it. So she was the distraction, the most
beautiful distraction. And for some reason he couldn't understand, he didn't like
how the guys were ogling at her. He suddenly felt over-protective towards her.

Alexander marched towards them. He took off his military jacket that was too
big for Anastasia and draped it over her. She stifled a surprise. The commander had
an amused expression in his face, "So... he is your husband, Miss Anastasia?" he
asked the girl. Alexander was so flabbergasted he almost fainted from a mini-heart
attack. What the hell?!

Anastasia nodded without a thought, "Yes sir!" she then inserted her arms
around his, like it was the most normal thing to do. "You forgot your ring honey."
She cooed with oozing sweetness, she handed him the silver band.

He looked at it dumbfounded. "What the heck are you talking about!?" Alexander
hissed. "Hey Morris! I don't like the tone of your voice towards your wife, now put
the damn ring on." Their commander ordered.

"B-But she's lying sir!" Alexander protested. "Just wear the damn ring or I
will make you do 50 push-ups!" the Commander threatened. He helplessly looked at
Anastasia. The guys smirked at him. It was so embarrassing. On the other hand,
Anastasia was having the time of her life while she put his ring on.

The night was fast approaching. Alexander cleared his throat, "Honey..." he said
it with a strained voice, "I think you need to go home already. It's getting late."
He tried to pry her hands away from him, but she only snuggled closer to him. She
could practically feel his muscles on his chest and his biceps on his arms. Oh my
gosh! This is heaven! She was having so much fun.

"Oh too bad. If only it was easy to travel back to our NYC flat, if not my
condition." She batted her eyelashes towards the commander with her full time charm
on. And like a fool, he was enchanted by her. "What do you mean Mrs. Morris?"

"Yeah, what do you mean hunny bunny?" Alexander tried his best to control his
annoyance, "You came here just fine..." but he was cut off by her. "Oh honeeyyy! I
came here to tell you the good news! I'm pregnant!"

Do you think it really is his?

What do you think?

Vote, comment, add!

Credits to: @sarajbat


Chapter 18 (Sleeping with You)

AN: @NdKat15 for my blurb on the part 3 of Childhood Crush. Oh yes Crushers,
although I'm not done encoding the part 2 (Hard draft is done) the part 3 is
already in my work, waiting to be unleash until I finish this ^^ Happy reading!


"Whoa!" all the boys broke into a noisy chatter. Alexander on the other hand
wanted to throttle her with his bare hands, "You're such a liar!" he whispered in
her ears. "And I'll be so good that you'll think you're the liar for not like me
enough! You're soooo going to love me sweetie-pie!" she laughed.
The commander clapped his hand from delight, "Well congrats Morris! I never
thought you're already married to such a beautiful lady like her. And since she's
pregnant it's my obligation to take care of her." He looked at Anne squarely in the
face, "Do stay her for a few more days or maybe even a week Mrs. Morris! Well until
you feel better."
She grinned widely, "Really Commander? Aww! You're so sweet!" she looked at
Alexander giving him a teasing look. I'm dead! I'm so dead! Alexander groaned.
Since the Commander and everyone thought that they were really husband and
wife, the Commander made her room up with Alexander even though he protested a lot
but the Commander was obstinate. Alexander had no choice but to accomade his fake
pregnant wife.
The moment the door was close, Alexander threw Anastasia's bag at the corner
of his room in the hallway to wash his face and brush his teeth. When he returned
to his room, he was shock to see Anastasia sleeping comfortably on his bed while
she already prepared for him to sleep by the coach.
He couldn't believe this. She already has ruined his day with her unbelievable
story and now she even his bed. Fine! Tignan ko lang kung di ka susuko saakin
(Fine! Let's just see if you won't give up on me) he jumped into his small bed with
her, half naked and only with his boxers on.
Anastasia was awakened by his movement, when she opened her eyes and saw
Alexander facing her while asleep, her eyes grew large with surprise, but when she
saw his half naked, she totally lost her marbles. She screamed so loudly, Alexander
fell from the bed.
He was hot. He had a lean torso and an abs to die for; he had even developed
muscles in arms. He made her so aware of him. "What the hell Anne, you're going to
wake the whole camp!" he drowsily rubbed his eyes.
She immediately stood up like he had some fungi disease. "You're what the
hell! Why are you sleeping next to me?!" her cheeks were flaming with rage.
Amusement played around his luscious red lips, he sat down properly. "Ikaw may
gusto nito kaya mag dusa ka!" (You're the one who wanted this, so suffer!)
"Yeah... but do you have to be half naked?!"
He snorted a laughter, "You're a t my room honey! Plus I really sleep half
naked. Deal with it!" and just then there was a sudden knock on the door. The two
looked et each other in grave panic. There was a knock again, this time it became
more persistent. They were too flabbergasted on what to do; the person suddenly
opened the door. There was no sense of real privacy in their camp. The commander or
any higher authority could open it anytime he wanted to. He was just being polite
awhile ago, now he was pissed for not being answered quickly enough.
The Commander gave them such a fright they practically threw at each other's
arms instantaneously. Alexander's hand had a moment of guilty pleasure resting his
hands on Anastasia's hips, so that it would also show familiarity to the onlookers.
Omggg! A naked, well half-naked Alexander! Too close! Too close! I'll burn right
now! She tried to check her breathing.
"Are you alright? Morris, I heard your wife screaming..."
"We're fine sir." he replied curtly.
"You sure?"
"Sir yes sir!"
He reluctantly nodded, "Okay then, at ease soldier!" Alexander relaxed. The
Commander left. The two fake coupled breathed in relief. He looked at Anastasia
seriously, "Well Annie I guess wala tayong choice. He always patrols every night or
give surprise visits to put his soldiers in check, so we don't have any choice but
to sleep together."
Anastasia blushed at his last statement, Alexander realizing his blunder, he
tried to take it back in case she misunderstood. "I mean sleep like sleep, hindi
yung..." (not the...) he sighed in exasperation. He rolled his eyes, "Whatever,
just put a pillow between us if it will make you feel better."
As if she cynically thought as she climbed into bed with him. She was about to
close her eyes when he said, "Don't worry, you're safe with me. You're not my
type." He yawned, going to sleep. Ha! We'll see about that!

Vote, comment and Add if you love this scene :)
Chapter 19 (Eating at the Palm of Her Hands)

"Hi Mrs. Morris! How's the baby?" a freckled boy with a ready smiled asked her.
Anastasia was about to retort something mean for asking such a dumb question,
fortunately she remembered she had to pretend that she was pregnant. She pinned a
fake smiled on her pretty face, "Kicking healthily!" I think. Her voice chirped a
bit too high of a pitch from her normal tone of voice. She usually does that when
she gets nervous.

"How many months are you already ma'am?"

"Ah?" she blinked; Anastasia cleared her throat trying to recover her bearings.
"Oh... One month. I just learned about it yesterday, that's why I rushed to see my
pumpkin over there!" she laughed when she saw Alexander giving her a dark moody
look that could make Aries-his cousin (the natural black of the family), run for
his money.

"My name's Rick by the way. Nice meeting you Ma'am! May I feel your baby?" he
asked gently.

"You w-what?" she was dumbfounded.

"Feel the baby's kick." He repeated.

"Oh sure..." she was dead. OMG! Why does this creep have to be so weird pa

Rick thought she approved, so just as he was about to touch her tummy, a
strong hand stopped him. They both looked up at the owner of those perfect hands.
They were surprised to see it belonged to Alexander. "Dude, it's still one month
old. It' too early for a baby's kick don't you think?" he looked calmly pissed,
which made him scarier. This guy was testing his patience. Rick got the message and
backed off, "Of course, well have a good day!" he gave Anastasia a salute and
cheerfully left.

Alexander turned to Anastasia, "Next time, keep your tummy to yourself okay?"
he was about to leave but Anastasia caught his hand, holding it tightly. "Okay
let's have some breakfast first, Alexander." She said his name so sweetly it almost
made him smile.

As it happened, she made a whole lunch pack just for Alexander. The guys
teased him with their amazement. "Dude! You're so lucky!" they whooped with envy.
Anastasia glowed with pride, she signaled him to eat. He shook his head. She
signaled him if he won't eat, she would punch him. Intimidated by her, he dug into
the fried chicken, mash potato, salads, brownies and milkshake she has prepared for
him. She couldn't be happier.

"Morris! Give us one please?" the guys were now practically salivating at the
edible food. He didn't answer them, and continued eating.

They thought his silent meant yes, so Rick picked a fried chicken to bite on,
and just as he was about to munch on it, Alexander stopped him. Everyone froze in

"Don't you dare eat my wife's cooking. She made it for me." He talked with his
mouth full. Rick put the chicken down. "Sweet pumpkin that was mean!" Anastasia
picked it up again, and in the middle of giving it to Rick, Alexander held her
hand. "Baby boo..." emphasizing on the gooey nickname. If she wanted to play dirty,
fine. He would also call her the most puking nicknames to annoy her too. "...if you
give it to him, I'll kiss you right in-front of everyone!"

She gulped nervously. He gotta be kidding me! Anastasia thought he was

bluffing so she ignored his threat. "Isa!" (One) he warned her. Anastasia had to
think fast before she loses to him. An idea popped into her head. She then
whispered to him to go the Paramore concert by sneaking out. He frowned, "Are you
out of your mind? No way!"

Convincing him wasn't going to be easy, she sighed. And then she saw the
Commander heading towards them; a mischievous smile crept into her face. "You will
go with me or else..." she whispered back, their face was so close with each other.
He faced her, "Or else what?" he challenged back. She smugly smiled at him, "You
have no choice, hubby!"

The Commander stopped at their table, wondering what was going on, everyone
stood straight and saluted. Anastasia was behind the Commander. She raised her
eyebrows, questioning him of what's hid decision. He shook his head. Before the
Commander could speak, Anastasia crumpled in pain; the other officers had to assist
her not to fall. Men, are usually such suckers to a woman's charm. And she was bent
on fully exploiting that.

"Ma'am what is wrong with you?" the Commander was worried, even Alexander
couldn't tell if she was acting or not. "Aw gosh! It hurts too much!" she held her
tummy, sweat poured down her face as she tried to blink back the tears. Now
everyone was eating at the palm of her hands.

The Commander stared at Alexander unbelievably, "What the hell Morris! Why are
you still standing there? GO ASSIST YOUR WIFE!" he angrily spat. Alexander
immediately went to her, not knowing what to do. Everyone was in panic, "What can
we do for you Miss Anastasia?"

Anastasia's acting was so good, "I-I already told my husband to bring me to

the clinic, b-but he said he can't." she complained. The Commander gave Alexander
an annoyed look of disapproval, "And why didn't you soldier?"

He was trap, "We still have training sir!" the Commander admired his loyalty,
he was about to say something, but then Anastasia gave a mighty scream, making her
take advantage of the situation and hug Alexander. Oooh muscles! She giggled in her

Alexander's face was puckered up with frustrations. You are so dead! "GO TO
THE HOSPITAL NOW!" The Commander ordered. He had no choice but to scoop Anastasia
into his sturdy arms and bring her outside of the building, they were even allowed
to borrow a car to have her "check up".

The moment they were out of the gates, Anastasia stopped acting. "What the
hell is wrong with you again!?" Alexander shouted in anger.

"You my dear hubby is officially abducted. Now bring me to the Paramore


AN: Hiii Crushers! So how do you like it so far? Isn't Anne such a manipulative
girl? haha. Do you like her still though?

vote, comment, add! Ilyyy!

Chapter 20 (Dream of Me)

AN: I am dedicating this to my buddy @Welc0meT0MyW0rldtoday is her day. So don't

know how to thank our friendship in any other way but this, and of course for my
upcoming "Crusher's Vote and Comment Club" #CVC she will be featured there as the
first guest. So watch out for that Crushers! :')
"It's not a walk in the park to love each other, but when our finger
interlocked... can't deny, can't deny..." The crowd was magnetized to the hypnotic
song, jumping up and down like wild feral children, rubbing elbows to elbows from
the millions of fans who came to the concert.

Alexander feared she might get lost, so he held her hand. Anastasia looked at
their interlocked hands and smiled, sending a hundred butterflies in his stomach.

She jumped and danced as the crowd chanted to the song, "'Cause after all this
time, I'm still into you. I should be over the butterflies! I'M INTO YOU! I'M INTO
YOU!" she pointed at him as she laughed at herself for being silly. "Let 'em wonder
how we got this far, 'cause I really don't know how to wonder at all, after all
this time, I'm still into you."

As she danced and sing, Alexander only stood there, not facing the Paramore
buther. He was magnetized by the song, but at the spell that she was weaving
unconsciously. The crowd suddenly ceased to exist. He gulped nervously. He knew he
was in trouble, Alexander was in turmoil. If he let himself truly fall for her,
they would be both in big trouble.

"Annie..." he said it in a way of such sweet caress.

She couldn't hear him, still swaying to the drug of the music.


She was oblivious, lost in her own world. He sighed and grabbed her waist and
held her close to him. Anne's heart palpitated so fast she was afraid she would
have a cardiac arrest. Is this how papa felt when tita Cassy said her first yes?
She thought. She gulped in nervously.

"Do you really like me?"


"I'm afraid..." he tucked a strand behind her ears, "That if I'll let you
fall, you'll end up hating me in the end, because contrary to what you think of me,
I'm a very selfish person right now." He was now delirious with desire as she
hesitantly put her hands on his chest.

"Give me your permission!" he said urgently.

She nodded, hypnotized at the ecstasy of the moment.

"You may end up regretting this." He murmured.

She couldn't speak as he move closer to her. The heat of the chemistry was
scorching them both. "That would never happen!" she whispered softly, kissing him
at his earlobes.

And that was it! His last strand of resistance crumbled at her kiss. The
flowers bloomed, as he intruded her soft lips, moaning in bliss of their first
kiss. They felt closer to each other than being fully naked. They had to breathe,
they needed to breathe. But even if their mind was screaming for air, they felt
like they would breathe even just for awhile.
They left the concert. It was only the palpable tension of passion in the air
that accompanied them home. All they could think was to tear each other's clothes
off. Without words, Alexander found her hands in his. She was more startled at this
simple gesture than their passionate kiss they had awhile ago, for this time she
could really feel his sincerity. If felt like a dream.

"You have to go home, Annie." It was like he was having a debate with himself
rather than talking to her. He was torn doing the right thing and of what he really

"I-what?" she was surprised.

"Home. Where are you staying at New York?"

"With your grandparents."

"Good!" he changed direction, driving towards New York City.

"Why are you taking me home?" she was confused.

He sighed, "It's because if I didn't, I will consume your body, heart and
soul. I'm a possessive lover Annie, and I might never let you leave my side ever
again!" she blushed, "What if I don't want to?"

Alexander chuckled, staring back at her. She looked so lovely as the moon
caressed her red flaming hair, making her look more ethereal. Her hazel eyes that
hungered for love and yet cower at the hint of his touch, it was her tough exterior
and at the same time her wide innocent heart that makes her more attractive.

She snuggled into his arms as she made a pillow on his chest. A smile curved
upon his lips. How can I concentrate driving now while she's driving me insane?
What he was doing right now was battling his own conscience and common sense just
to be with her. After an hour, they arrived at his grandparent's penthouse.
"Annie..." he kissed her on the forehead to wake her up.

She stirred, opening her eyes. "Hmm..." she yawned like a lazy cat. "We are
home, come on."

She hugged him closer, inhaling his delicious smell. "I don't want to yet!"
she pouted. She was such an amusing doll, "Ayaw mo talaga ha?" (You really don't
want to huh?)

"Ayaw!" (Don't want to!)

"Okay!" he went out of the car, opened her door and scooped her up into his
arms. "Hey!" she protested, he winked at her. He rang the doorbell. "B-But I
thought we were going to y-you know..." she blushed. This time Alexander had a
hearty laugh. "Oh how I'd love to rip off that pretty dress off you. But I need to
protect you from me, for now." He kissed her on the lips ever so lightly, leaving
her wanting more.

His grandparents opened the door. "Oh my!" his grandmother exclaimed. Jack
Morris on the other hand gave the boy a huge congratulatory smile, "Finally! I
thought you'd never do it!" he patted his grandson's shoulder proudly.

Alexander should have felt embarrass but he was just too proud of having Anne
in his arms to bother. "What did he mean by that?" she asked as they went upstairs.
He shrugged, "Beats me! Romantic fool din yun si gramps eh." (Gramps is also a
romantic fool) he headed to his old room, putting her on his bed.

"Comfortable?" as he tucked her into his bed. She nodded. "Alright, goodnight
and dream of me okay?" he stood up, she panicked and held his hand, "Aren't you

He smiled, "Nope, I'm needed at the camp. I promise I'll return to you. Just
don't go back there again okay?"

She frowned and started to pout, "Ha? Bakit? Ikinakahiya mo ako noh?" (Huh?
Why? Are you ashamed of me?) Feeling a bit hurt.

He messed her hair playfully, "No you silly girl! I just don't like how the
guys look at you there. You're mine now, the way they think is even an offensive
thing to me."

She giggled. Alexander gave her a peck on the lips, "I'm warning you, don't
you dare regret this in the morning okay?" stroking her hair gently. She frowned,
"Why should I?"

He broke into a grin, "I'm a crazy possessive guy, Annie. So be prepared. I'm
bipolar! I'll hate you at some point, beg you at some point, and love you till
you're breathless!"

She smiled a lazy comfortable smile, "I dig crazy possessive brooding types,
especially the loving part." She giggled happily.

He rolled his gray eyes in amusement, kissed her for a hundredth time like it
was his oxygen and left her to dream of his silhouette, his smell, his beautiful
gray eyes and whole awesomeness, because one thing is for sure; she was already in

AN: Do you like this new taste of the personality of Alexander? Let me hear what
you think Crushers!!! <3 if you liked it, then go ahead and click that follow
button and vote ma cherie amours!

Chapter 21 (Your Superman)

Anastasia finally entered the acting school that she promised her parents just for
this summer, a stepping stone to what she really wanted to do someday; becoming an
actress. Since Anne was close with the Morris family, Cassy and Chuck promised to
help her get in.
The acting session was really intense today. Anastasia left the building with
her friends, having full intentions to eat out with her friends to treat her self.

During summer they kept seeing each other whenever their schedules allowed
them to. She glanced at her phone, annoyed not to see any sign from him. She put it
back into her bag. "You okay?" her friend asked. She nodded and smiled.

"OMG!" Candy-Alexander's cousin exclaimed. She has also managed to convince

her mother to go to a summer acting school, to follow the footsteps of her uncle
and she was actually pretty good too.

Anastasia followed Candy's gaze, her mouth dropped when she saw Alexander with
a guitar, singing Joe Brook's "Superman"; "There are no words to paint a picture of
you girl." He winked at her, making ever girl envious of Anastasia Greene. "Your
eyes, those curls. You walk in my way, oh god it's so frustrating!" he bit his
delicious lips, fully immerge into the song.

"So why do I disappear when you come near, makes me feel so small." Anastasia
felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. "Why do I blow my lines,
everytime like I got no chance at all." She blew a kiss to him in the air as he
pretended to catch it.

"If I can be a superman, I would fly you into the star and back again, 'cause
everytime you touch my hands, you feel my powers running through your veins." He
was never good with expressing his feelings like his cousins was, so Rick and the
guys at the camp suggested to just sing it instead, so even if he did not have an
awesome voice like Marco, at least he tried.

"But I can only write this song and tell you that I'm no that strong. 'Cause
I'm no superman, I hope you like me as I am." He batted his eyelashes playfully,
which made Anastasia laughed.

"It ain't no lie, I have to tell you what I feel. 'Cause each time I try, it
gets little more unreal. You say my name. Oh God I can't stop shaking." The crowd
at the NYC started to gather around him. "If I could read your mind, would I find
any trace of me at all?" right after he finished singing, he opened his arms wide
open for her to ran straight into his warmth, kissing her senseless.

"Yes mister Alexander, you are in fact a full resident in my mind." She
murmured, caressing his handsome face. He kissed her, "God I've missed you!" he
moaned. She laughed, "Already? Kaka'date lang natin kahapon ah." (When we just had
a date yesterday).

"I told you when you're with me, I want all of you. Pasalamat ka may summer
camp din ako ngayun, kundi ewan ko nalang." (Be thankful that I also have a summer
camp right now, if not I just don't know what would happen) his chinito gray eyes


They had lunch at a meadow in the outskirts of NYC, which was closer to
Alexander's summer camp. At the strike of 3PM, like in cue, with their stomach full
and with the combination of the haziness of the afternoon, they become sleepy.

The lovers leaned against a huge oak tree to hide from the angry heat of the
sun. Anastasia was thankful that she decided to wear white tank-top and short pants
to combat the heat even though it garnered a stern look of disapproval from

"Alexander, do you think I could be a great actress someday?" she softly said
her mind out-loud. He caressed her red hair as she laid her head against his chest,
"Of course! You'll be great someday! I can really feel it." he encouraged her. The
excitement of his voice for her touched Anastasia. "What made you so sure?"

He tap her nose playfully, "Eh napa-bilog mo nga kaming lahat sa acting mo sa
camp! You even managed to fool me even though I've known you all my life." (You
wrapped as all in the palm of your hands with your acting in the camp!)

She grinned, she liked what he was saying. "How about you then? What do you
want in life?"

For a moment she thought he was fast asleep with his eyes closed. She sighed
and then went back into his arms. "I want life itself..." he murmured softly. "I
don't want to be an actor like everyone expects me to be. I want to serve our
country and its people. I want to be remembered as the guy who helped and not only
by my face. I want to be remembered by my heart, not my body."

She smiled and kissed his chest, where his heart was located. "A kiss for your
noble heart my Alexander." He smiled back. He liked kisses in the heart. With Bea
it was just physical but with Anastasia, he could actually talk with her. She
drives him insane and keeps him sane all at the same time.

He inhaled her sweet smell, holding her closer into his warmth. They closed
their eyes fro a nap as the wind cooled them. In the far distant, they heard the
thunder grumbled. Still they ignored it and held fast onto their dreams of each
other. The clouds darkened above them, the air felt heavy with threat of rain. Soon
enough, cold water droplets started to invade their peaceful sleep.

They both woke up, "It's going to rain really hard, let's go back." Alexander
urged her. Anastasia shook her head, "I've always wanted to try sitting under the
rain with you. Let's stay for awhile please?" she batted her eyelashes.

He chuckled at her adorableness, "Alright, but if you'll get sick, lagot ka

saakin." (You're a dead meat with me) he warned her. She grinned satisfactorily.
Anastasia then stood up and sang, "LET IT GO! LET IT GO! LET THE STORM RAGEON, THE
COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY!" she taunted the rain, feeling it against her face.

Alexander laughed at her silliness. And then the thunder clapped loudly, he
pulled her back into his arms to protect her, "May pa'storm storm rage on ka pa
kase nalalaman, ayan tuloy." (You kept singing "storm rage on", there you go, you
aggravated the rain) he teased her as he shake like a leaf from fear.

She always had this irrational fear of thunders ever since they were kids. The
first time she was not afraid of it was when a boy of six years old rushed to her
hiding place, inside the bushes which was outside Anne's garden and hugged her.
That was the day she knew she would always hold a torch for Alexander Monroe

The storm attacked them relentlessly, as the poor tree tired it's best to
shade them from its wrath. Soon enough, they were soaking wet. Anne snuggled closer
to him for warmth. They were supposed to go back to the car now, but Anastasia was
too frozen with fear. "Close your eyes Annie. Keep it close and think only of me."
He tried to calm her nerves. Her brain really likes his image in though, slowly her
heart beat relaxed.
He then noticed her shivering from the coldness. He once again scooped her
like she weighed nothing and ran towards his car. Once they were inside, he gabbed
the towels at the backseat and tried his best to dry her off, after he turned the
heater on and then inserted his army jacket into her thin frame. He rubbed her cold
hands, giving warmth into it.

For a moment, Marco flashed into Anne's mind, remembering the moment when he
warned her to wear a glove or else he would kiss her hands. "Are you okay?"
Alexander noticed her far-away looked. She nodded, trying to shrug her guilt off.
She looked at him, "Ikaw nga tong basing basa pa eh." (You're actually the one who
is still wet from the rain) she dried him with a towel.

His heart beat faster as she rubbed her hands against his skin, turning him
on. Awhile ago, he tried to fight off his urge when he saw her body transparent
form the skimpy tank top that she was wearing. He was glad that she was covered in
his jack now. But with her wet look and flush cheeks, he could not control his
desire anymore and then kissed her urgently.

She grabbed into his neck as her rib cage felt like she was going to explode.
He pulled her closer to him, feeling her warmth and sweet perfume. He kissed her as
though his life depended on it. And then he started kissing her neckline, as his
hands grazed the curves of her body. He on the other hand smelled like male scent,
his perfume and with the hint of rain.

Her jacket was off now, he grabbed her tank top as she helped him take it off,
they were both now dizzy with desire, his hands shake a bit as he kissed every part
of her delicious skin. His shirt was off now too, revealing his lean torso and abs.
"Do you really want to do this?" he breathed heavily.

"Y-Yes!" she said a bit breathlessly. He then stop kissing her, started the
engine and then drove back to NYC, ordering her to put on the jacket so she would
not catch a cold. It was a good thing his grandparents were not home for two weeks;
the perks of having a family who is in the Hollywood business. He glanced at her
and grimace, "If I weren't driving, I would rather you curl up beside me. I'm
starting to envy that windowpane." He joked.

Anastasia's sweet smile tingle his senses. What is she doing to me? It's like
my senses is at her beck and call. When they did get home, Anastasia and Alexander
had a full taste of their first love.

AN: How are you guys doing? :D Give me some love by telling me what you think about
this scene. Are you Shipping Alexander or shipping Marco? Who do you think
Anastasia would end up with? And after this scene, do you ever think that the
cousins would still be okay after this? Hmmm... juicy.

Chapter 22 (Lovesick Fools)

"Good morning beautiful!" he kissed her neck that tickled her into waking up.
She moaned a blissful sigh of satisfaction, and faced him. He still looks amazing
even with his blond hair messed up, his chinito gray eyes invading her senses and
making her weak. Even his lean chest was practically begging for her to touch him

"So..." he smiled seductively.

"Hmm..." she hid beneath the white blanket.

And then reality hit her. OH EM GEE! We actually did it! He's naked and I'm
naked. After much beer drinking last night in his car, we got so effin' drunk. And
worst! We were both consenting adults who approved of it. She blushed fervently.
Why can't I remember some details though? She blushed even more when a memory did
return to her, when she remembered him making love to her.

"Hey..." he opened the blanket and took a peak at her. Coincidently, her hazel
eyes graze at the wedding ring on his finger. She almost choked up when she saw
that she had one too.

"Oh shit! What the hell happened!?" she freaked out. He chuckled a bit before
he turned serious when she flashed him a warning glare, "EXPLAIN!" she growled, and
so he did.

Before going home, they were so drunk that they decided to get married. He
bought two wedding rings, paid a janitor to be their witness and had a civil
wedding. And then they got home, got even more drunk and made love.

She started hyperventilating, "Patay tayo kay papa! Lalong lalo na ikaw! He's
going to murder you Alexander!" (We are so dead with my father! Especially you!)
she was in a total panic mode. He hugged her. And just like that all her tensions
evaporated, and calmed her down. "Everything is going to be fine! I married you in
my legal age, you're my wife legally." She frowned, "But I'm still 17!"

"Nope! Technically you just turned 18 yesterday; you just forgot your birthday
because you were with me." He knew how she hated her birthdays thanks to Marco. She
hated to be reminded of the day when she involuntarily killed her own mother
because of the fact that she was born. That was why Alexander took great pains for
her to forget those days, especially yesterday.

She started to think straight again, "So this is really legal?" she tried to
wrap that around her heard. He nodded.

Anastasia looked at the simple golden ring on her hand and despite the
consequences that comes along with it, for the first time she didn't care because
she loved it. She smiled at her new husband. Hmm husband, sounds delicious to me
she mused, "Thanks Alexander! This is the best birthday gift I've ever received."
She kissed him.

"Opps! Not yet sweetheart. Come on to the shower with me and I'll make you
appreaciate your gift even more." He smiled so seductively.

"G-Gift?" she blinked.

"Me of course!" he laughed.

After the shower, they had breakfast, then made love again and then decided
to stay under the cover for the whole day. They just could not get enough of each
other and that was what they did on the following days.

"Wake up Alexander! I'm hungry!" she grumbled in the middle of the night. He
stirred from his sleep, "What do you want to eat?" he yawned, pushing his
drowsiness off.


He choked a bit, "Ah?"

She burst out laughing, "Kidding! I'm craving for Mcdonalds and rocky road
ice-cream." She pouted. His chinito gray eyes became round, "Wait, are you
pregnant?" he sounded excited.

She smacked him lightly on the head, "Duh! We're using protection. Hindi,
gutom lang talaga ako kase we forgot to eat." (No, I'm really just hungry) he
glanced at the clock, "Okay..." he sighed. "Let's go out, even though it's 12 in
the morning." The things he does for this girl. He wore his boxer shorts on, put on
his pants, t-shirt and a jacket. She on the other hand wore a jogging pants and a
hoody over her shirt, donning just a sandal on.


She took a huge bite on the double cheeseburger she ordered, it tasted like
heaven. And then she ate her spaghetti too. "You sure you're not pregnant?" he
insisted. She wiped her mouth clean, "Honey, I'm not. Bakit ba ang kulit mo?" (Why
are you so persistent?) she frowned.

Alexander shrugged, "Well I guess I was just hoping you were pregnant." He
savored the word "Honey" in his mind, it was the first time she really called him a
pet name that she did not use to annoy him.

"Well if I was, what would you do?" she ate her fries. His chinito gray eyes
became smaller with suspicion, "So you are pregnant?"

"Isa! Sasapakin na talaga kita! Hindi nga sabi! Hypothetical question lang
yun." (One! If you don't stop I'll really hit you, I told you it's a no! It was
just a hypothetical question)

"Ahh..." he drank from his milkshake. "Well I'd be the happiest man. I would
immediately buy you a maternity dress."

"Agad aga?" (That quick?)

He laughed, "Yep! Excited nga diba? Hmm... tapos I'll paint the guest room and
covert it into a baby's room and do all the fatherly things and spoil you rotten."
(I'm excited remember? Hmm... and then) He pinched her cheeks.

Anastasia laughed, "Look at you! You're all father thingy na agad. Most guys at
your age would freak out at that prospect." (You're all father thingy that quickly)
he shrugged, "Why should I? Babies are blessing. Life itself is a blessing..."

They went next to 7/11 to buy a galloon of rocky road chocolate ice-cream
(contains with peanut and marshmallows) and soft drinks to bring back home. He held
her hands, "You know sa mga good things na sinabi mo kanina, it actually made me
wish that I was pregnant." (You know with all the good things you said earlier) he
was amused, "And why is that my love?"

She kissed him on his delicious lips, "Because you made it sound so enticing."
He pulled her to him, "Well... we can always make one now." He murmured dark with
desire. She pulled away, "Sira!" (Crazy!) and ran outside of the grocery store.

He cocked his head sideways as he observed her playing hard to get, he

grinned. "I will get youuuu! Run baby run!" they both laughed playfully as they ran
around in the streets; their shrieks of joy overwhelming the silent night. It was
their private playground, since there were no cars around anymore.

Their bodies collide, swinging her into his arms. He grabbed her hip and
pulled her upwards to his torso, as she wrapped her legs around his waist and put
her arms around his neck. Nose to nose. The electricity electrocuting their whole
body, heart and soul, "I love you my little Annie."

Her breath stopped for awhile. He said he loved her! he finally said he loved
her. "With your voracious appetite that I so adore, your lips that is mine, YOU are
mine and I love it! I love everything about you." He kissed her.

"Say it again."

"Your voracious appetite"

She pinched his cheeks, "No, the other one silly!"


He send warm tingles into her heart, she giggled, "Hindi, yung isa pa!" (No,
the other one!) he traced his hands lovingly in her face. "I love you" he purred.
He smiled, "Good!" and so they kissed.


Credits to: @sarajbat

Chapter 23 (Heal Up Sweetheart ❤)

It was his day off. It has only been five days since they were apart and he
missed her already. In a matter of 2 weeks, he would be graduating at his summer

They both agreed to make their marriage a secret. Even her older brother-Chad
did not have a clue about it. They liked it that way; at least no one would nose
around in their business plus the fact that it was a secret, made their
relationship even more exciting. But after a month of being married, Jack Morris-
ever the detective for gossips found out about them; so the two made him swear to
secrecy which the old man readily agreed to for their sake. Alexander took out his
phone and texted Anastasia; "Oh honey, I miss you like air." He joked, laughing at

"No air, air, air" she sang into her text. He laughed, as headed towards his
car since it was his day off for 2 days.

"Where are you?" he typed.

"In your mind."

He smiled, "Stop invading my mind sweetheart."

She froze on the other end, "Uhm why?"

"Because you're invading my heart too and I just might not let you out."

She could have died at that cheesy line but because it came from him, she
found it cute. She decided to tease him as well, "I'm only wearing NOTHING
underneath my petticoat, hurry to me honey."

He almost had a car accident from his shock, "YOU WHAT? Who's with you right
now?" knowing she would be probably in the Theater camp.

"With a really handsome guy."

"WHAT? And you're wearing nothing underneath?! ISA! Stop teasing me!" (One)

"Talaga!" (Really)

"Get away from him."

"Ayoko nga, gwapo eh." (I don't want to, he's handsome)

"Isa!" (One) he threatened, typing it furiously. He called her, she answered.

"Dalawaaa" she sang it to him and laughed. He frowned, "You are so dead when I get

"Oh find me~ TRALALA!"

"Oh I will Mrs. Morris!"

"Ohhh... say it again!"

"No! I won't. You just really pissed me off." He growled, "Asan ka? On the
way na ako sayo." (Where are you? I'm on my way to you) he was obviously pissed. He
heard her sneezed on the other end of the line, "W-what? N-No! don't go to me." She

"And why?"

"May sakit ako!" (I'm sick!)

"Liar! I'm going there for proof!"

"Ehh!!! Alexander don't! you'll just catch my fever too!"

"'Kay Bye!" he turned off the phone.


She was not lying. She was on his bed and was a total mess; her nose red with
soreness, her eyes puffy as she continued sneezing. His body sagged, feeling pity
for her, "You should have told me."

"I did! But you didn't listen you paranoid freak!"

He sighed, "Ikaw kase..." (It's your fault) he tried to go to her.

"Don't you dare come closer to me!"

He stopped midway and frowned when he realized something, "Where's my

grandparents, Candy and Chad?" they were suppose to take care of her! he fumed.

She shrugged nonchalantly, "Kuya Chad is with his friends for the summer.
Your grandparents are as usual, busy and Candy... Candy is not living here because
her father-Mister Dale has a house here."

"Sige, jan ka muna." (Okay, in the meantime just stay there) he left.

After 20 minutes, he came back with a lot of plastic bag in his hands. He
bought food, tissues, ice-pack, thermometer and medicine. He took a basin and a
face towel, after soaking it with warm water; he made her take her clothes off to
wash her.

"Even when I'm sick, you still could get me to take my clothes off for
you." She grumbled.

He chuckled as he rubbed the towel from head to her torso. And then he took
out fresh new clothes and made her wear it, ordering her to lean back on her pillow
as he put a face towel on her head, "You're hot Annie." He checked her temperature.

"I know! Thanks!" she winked and then sneezed again. He laughed, "Behave or
else you'll regret provoking me." He pinched her cheeks gently. She zipped her

He cooked mushroom soup for her and spoon fed her, and then made her drink
Gatorade. Once she was fed and cleaned up, he made her scoot over to her side to
make room for him. He put his arms around her, as he made her sleep on his chest
again. In a matter of seconds she was snoring. He was amused, he tried watching TV,
and then gave up, soon enough he was also dozing off.

She woke up with a breakfast on her. She was touched at his thoughtfulness.
He gave her a good morning kiss and a rose, "Alexander, this is way too much!" she
gasped with delight. He blushed a bit. "Kumain ka na nga! Sige na." (Just eat
already! Come on)

"Sorry for making your day a real drag."

"Nah, I like seeing this side of you."

He touched her forehead, glad that her fever went down. She even looked a
bit better now compared to yesterday. "Do this to me too when we're already old and
wrinkled okay?" he kissed her.

She nodded as he started feeding her, "I promise I'll make it up to you
someday." She purred with satisfaction.

After feeding Anastasia, she took a bath with him since she was capable
enough. And then they watched TV, talk on their bed about lots of stuff. She slept
in once in awhile and when she was awake, he wrapped her in the blankets and
watched the sun set down together in his balcony. They both just ate and slept like
fat cats until the morning, until he needed to leave.

"I've already instructed Candy to take care of you once in awhile, okay?" he
gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Heal up sweetheart!"

"And come back to me soon."

"I will" he promised.


Alexander's grandparents, Candy and the Greene siblings attended his

graduation at his military summer camp. He won a lot of medals and cheers from his
comrades and admiration from his teachers because of his diligence and dedication.

"Mrs. Morris!" The Commander happily greeted Anastasia when he saw her. She
immediately came to him and gave him a peck on the cheek, "Commander it's always
nice to see you!" she smiled.

"Well I'm glad you haven't divorced that boy yet."

Anastasia laughed, "And so am I."

The Commander saw Jack Morris and Linda Morris from the distant. He wanted
to say Hi to Alexander's grandparents but then duty calls besides it would have
been awkward. "Oh well! Send my congrats to you husband, dear!" he waved goodbye.

Alexander was still on the stage even though the program has ended. His
friends were not still done congratulating each other. He spotted Anastasia from
the crowd, their gazed locked, and then smiled their secretive smile like they were
the only person in the room. He could not go to her in an openly affectionate way
that they both have become accustomed to, since all of their family were there.

His celebrity parents were absent though due to the fact that they were
promoting their individual block buster movies. But at least they called in the
morning to congratulate their son and conveyed the news that Cassandra was pregnant
with a baby boy for three months already. After that his mother told him to detour
to Paris first before going back to Kuwait.

"Drool much 'lil sis?" Chad teased her.

She punched him on the arm, "Aw shut up Kuya! Malay mo boyfie ko nap ala
siya." (You never know that he might be my boyfriend after all) he snoreted, "Yeah
right, in your dreams princess!"

Ha if you only know kuya, if you only know. After that the family went out for
dinner to celebrate.

Summer was over. Chad wanted to go back to Kuwait with his sister but she
refused telling him to go on without her, so he and Candy travlled back together
instead. And then he decided to crash in one of his friend's house once he got back
until Anne arrives in the county so that they could go home together, because if he
showed up alone, their father would skin him alive. She was after all their

Anastasia and Alexander took a first class ticket as they traveled back.
Even at the airport people were staring, recognizing that he was the son of the
Hollywood's royal couple and the fact that they were really a handsome pair.

"Graduating ka naman diba?" (You're already graduating right?)

He twirled with her hands, "Nope. You're still stuck with me for 1 year
sweetheart." She faced him, "Huh why?"

"I failed." He smiled, not really caring if he did. She shook her heard in

"I won't be able to go home with you okay? There would be a stop over in
England and then from there I would take a connecting flight to Paris." He
explained. She pouted, "Ehhh whyyy!?"

"Family reunion sweetheart."

"I hate you." She childishly stick out her tongue.

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"Nope!" he kissed her, melting all of her resistance. "And I love you."

She giggled, "I love you too."


AN: I know this is different from the usual dates of Anne and Alexander, but I like
it! What do you Crushers think? How do you think Marco would react to all this? Oh
which are you shipping?

Credits to her @hannahrox313 ❤

Chapter 24 (How Could You?)

School is a jungle place, survival of the fittest. She was now a senior,
same year with her secret husband. While Serra Brooks and Candy Morris Dale were
now Sophomore, supposedly with Marco but the Monroe siblings' schooling is still in
question; if they would continue studying there or go back to Paris. But if they
did continue in Kuwait, Aries was supposed to be Anne's batch mate.

One week felt like an eternity for her. Everyday she eagerly waited to see
him again, yearning to be close to his warm heart; to be close to her personal
sunshine. She could not believe how poetic she had become all just because of HIM.
I guess this is what loves to fools like us.

There was a new spring in her steps as she walked towards her classes,
anticipating her beloved so eagerly, so wantonly. She checked her first two classes
and there was still no sign of him. She went out in the hallway when one huge bully
suddenly came out from nowhere and snatched her bag. She did not have much time to
prepare herself for that, as she remained speechless when all of a sudden... a red
hair hero came out of nowhere from a corridor, extending his hand out.

The burly kid did not see that coming, so he was knocked out immediately.
Everyone cheered for her hero. She ran towards him, fully amazed. Never in her
whole life has she ever thought that he was capable of such greatness. And that
honor belonged to Marco Seo, age 16, a sophomore. Or was it really Marco? He still
looked like that gangly kid who followed her everywhere since birth but summer
seemed to have greatly influenced him.

He was taller now, he even put a bit of muscles on. His baby fats had
divorced him as well, making him leaner and a bit matured looking. He shyly patted
his red hair, as his right hand gave Anne's bag to her. So many words to fill the
etched silence and yet at the same time their shyness held them captive. "Uhm, your
bag." Even his voice became deeper.

She swung it at her back, "Thanks! Hey what happened to you? You left Kuwait
so quickly."

He scrutinized her with his innocent coffee brown eyes, trying to choose his
words well. He wanted to say many things, feeling so many emotions all at once but
all he managed to say was this; "That, is none of your business." Leaving her
insulted and confused.

Yes, that little troublemaker really did change. Brat. She decided to go to
the canteen, but something caught her eye, she saw Alexander from a distance,
frozen at the door of the canteen with a scowl on his handsome face. Uh-oh what
does that mean?

She cheerfully waved at him as she tried to catch up but he went on ahead of
her, as if he did not even saw her. Oh you paranoid freak just did not do that to
me! She prepared her knuckles at her hand as she marched towards the canteen's

She scanned the whole area, she then spotted him in the middle of the room as
if deciding what would he do next. Anne stormed towards hid direction, linking her
arms into his. "Hey handsome! I've missed you!" she purred.

As if jolted from a reverie, he slowly glanced at her. "I'm sorry but I think
you've mistaken me for someone else, Annie." His politeness cut through her breath
more than an angry scream or an insult could have ever had; for his politeness made
her feel out of place.

Anastasia tried to smile even though it felt like ice on her face. "Oh I get
it! It's either you're jealous and I totally forgot we made an agreement to keep
our marriage secret. So sorry." She hugged him closer.
He slowly took off his arms from her. "Marriage? What marriage?" he blinked
innocently, just in time as his friends arrived, witnessing her shameful moment.

Her color drained from her face as the cold cold cold world started to
tease her heart with unspeakable sadness, "You gotta be kidding me right?" she said
it in a whisper. She shook her head in disbelief, "We're married remember?" Look at
this ring! It's the proof!" she said pathetically, showing her hand to him.

Realization slowly illuminated his face, "Oh yeah!" hope suddenly surge
through her veins, but something did not felt right. Those chinito gray eyes that
held so much warmth before was now replaced by a malicious glint, instinctively her
brain practically screamed at her to cover his mouth but like a train wreck, she
became frozen with hopelessness.

His friends snickered with him on their inside joke, a very very very cruel
issue about her. But it was not Alexander who continued his words, it was one of
his friends, a douche named somewhat like Robert. "Yeah! He used that to get into
your pants."

Her world darkened. A somersault of whipped lashed her whole integrity, her
atmosphere suddenly felt scarce from the warmth she was once so used to from him.

"It was all just a sham."

"You can't blame him Anne; you practically threw yourself at him. He was
just being a gentleman." Guy number two said. People were starting to stare. She
could feel her cheeks flushed from mortification.

"It was a win-win situation don't you think? You got what you wanted and he
got what he wanted." An Arab boy said, "Right bro?" he turned to Alexander.




I beg of you, don't answer that.

They all waited for his answer, and after awhile he nodded.

Let me die.

Let me die.

Let me die.



She desperately screamed in her tortured mind. But the cream of hurt made
its full impact when Bea materialized out of the thin air; enclosed by his sturdy
arm that was once hers not so long ago.

"Oh would you look at that, darling... it's your rebound girl." She cooed
with sickening honey voice. He nodded once again. Those once sweet lips; poured
nothing but bitterness now, "I'm sorry Annie, it was fun while it lasted though

She wanted to slap him but her hands, her hands that was trained to defend
herself from getting hurt went limp on her side. Her soft hazel eyes started to
pour down poisonous fountain that she was not even aware she even had one. And what
was worst was that, her last shred of dignity crumbled as she cried in-front of the
whole school. Not only did she cry, she cried the cry.

It was the kind of crying that resulted to jagged breath from too much
hurt, that epic cry that she could solicit a hundred tears from everyone.

Someone pushed through the crowd, when he could no longer stomach the
pathetic scene that has unfolded, he decided to intervene.

Anastasia snapped back into reality when Marco suddenly hit his cousin
squarely in the face. The crow that was full of chatter awhile ago was now dead
silent as the two Monroe cousins faced off.

"You.slept.together?" Marco's voice was dangerously low. The raw hurt and
anger in his voice sliced through Alexander's cold stone heart. He was not able to
answer him, over wrought with guilt.


Alexander tried to put his hand on Marco's shoulder in an attempt to

placate him, "his is not the place to talk this through coz." But instead of
calming Marco, he burst into flames. Marco hit him again.

"You asshole!!! You knew how much Ilove her! and yet you..." his emotions
started to choked him up, he tried to get a grip on himself, "And yet you
played with her for lust! HOW DARE YOU!"

He winced. Alexander did not even try to fight back. Serra finally arrived
when her friends reported to her that Anastasia Greene was crying in-front of the
entire school.

Alexander tried to close the distance between him and Marco. "I'm so sorry
Marco! Makinig ka muna saakin please. Let's talk this out at home." (Listen to me
first please) he begged.

"No." his voice with steel, his face drained from emotions.

"Please... I'm begging you. Hear me out!"

"Fuck you. Simula sa araw na to, hindi na tayo mag pinsna. Isa kang
traidor!" (From this day on, we're no longer cousins. You're a traitor!) He slapped
Alexander's hand away from his shoulder. Anger consumed him, hurt and shock still
tortured him. Why? Why does it have to be her Alexander? Of all the women you could
get. He was so heartbroken.

Alexander felt and looked like he was run over by a bull dozer. Marco tried
to leave, but it was Anne who he came face to face. Anastasia tried to convey her
gratitude but he only looked at her with the expression of pure sadness, "How could
you Annie? I know you're not my girlfriend really. But you knew how much I felt for
you. Why does it have to be my cousin? My own fucking cousin!" he raged, his face
flushed red.

"You should at least have honored me trying to be ignorant of the truth.
It hurts Anna. It hurts so damn much!" his voice cracked a bit. She felt like
another slap hit her conscience.

"Just once, did I mean even something to you? Kahit one moment man lang?"
he looked at her with his coffee brown eyes, imploring, searching and hoping that
she would say yes. Anastasia felt his torment twice as much, and it was painful to

He nodded, as if she finally sealed the verdict with her silence. "Don't
worry from now on, hindi na kita kukulitin." (I won't bug you anymore) he walked

For some reason, she did not want him to leave. Selfish it might seemed,
but all her life she was so used of him being her shadow, and now that he ripped
himself off of her, she suddenly felt so empty.

Love is a trick. Once you have it, it will intoxicate your very soul,
giving you false hope like you are in the top of the world. But once it is gone, it
only leaves sorry broken pieces of shattered hearts.


AN: Guythh did that broke your heart? Tell me which was more painful? The Prom
break up or this? :D Comment your favorite breakup scenes ❤ and why. The best
answer shall get a dedication to me. Hihi
Chapter 25 (Rumor Has It)

AN: Dedicating this to one of the girls who has been with me since part 1 of
Childhood Crush. @mehreenhoran


Her eyes felt so sore from crying the whole night. She could not believe
he did all that just for her. A seemingly innocent charade of a love affair turned
so sour she felt like her whole system was going to be sick.
How could he betray her?
Why me?
What have I ever done to him?
She kept telling herself she needed to stop stalking his profile, it only
hurt her more. The most insulting was that in just one day, he has managed to
change his profile picture of himself into a display picture of Alexander and her;
was he that happy that his plan of making Bea jealous to return to him really worth
it? she guessed yes since he seemed like it.
Even saying their names took an effort.
Even thinking of them hurts.
She felt so angry and betrayed and worst... she hated herself so much for
falling into his pretense. She felt like a dirty tramp, which she probably was in
the eys of the whole school yesterday. Why was she such a fool to be lulled into a
fake security cocoon.
For the rest of her life all she wanted to do was hide in her room so
she would not have to face the painful truth, that he only used her to get Bea
back. Her friends were right, the greater you love, the greater the tragedy when it
was over.
Serra tried convincing her parents to let her sleep over at Anne's place
for the night but since Helen and Kevin rarely gets to see their only child due to
the demand of their job which is being a famous engineers, they wanted to spend
their time with her.
Anastasia face looked so puffy, even her body was angry with her for
abusing it the whole night. She did not even managed to catch a wink but a pathetic
one hour of sleep only. She was too stressed out. Her heart was totally destroyed
while her mind refused to abate its guilt on the thought of Marco.
There was a knock on her door. She was too lazy to open it. Serra burst
into Anne's room, full of energy. "So you loser, what are you going to do?" Anne
groaned, "Serra... I just don't feel like talking."
Serra jumped into bed with her, "That's just it! It's so pathetic
seeing you this way! You're Anastasia Kedreo Greene! You're the ice princess for
God's sake pull yourself together!" she shook her best friend from frustration.
Anne did not stir. She felt like a zombie, and probably looked like
one. She sighed. Serra sighed, "I have a confession to make." Anastasia did not
look at her, waiting. But then Serra's phone rang. It was Marco, Anastasia ears
perked up a bit surprised they were now calling buddies. Serra put it on
loudspeaker while she fixed herself in-front of the mirror.
"Hey what's up Rastah man?"
"I'm seeing a lot of weeds here, want some?" Marco sounded depressed
but in spite of him, he tried to put on a cheery voice on.
Anastasia was shocked at hearing this; Serra signaled to her that she
will explain later. "Yeah sure! Leave some ayt?" he said in a weird voice. It was
their private joke, although they never even tried one.
"So why did you call?"
"Hmm nothing."
"Liar! Fess up, I know you."
Anne could not believe this, they seemed so... close. Since when?
"Where do you think I can stay for awhile?"
The girls looked at each other for a moment. Serra cleared her throat,
"Bakit pala?" (Why is it?)
"I don't want to be on the same place with Alexander."
"OH" Serra stared at Anastasia, she looked away. "Well you can stay
with me? My parents should not mind since I practically leave alone anyway." She
puffed her black hair now dyed into blond. She was thinking of bleaching her hair
to make it blond. "No way! You would probably just rape me!" Marco joked.
Serra's jaw was wide open in outrage, Anastasia tried to control her
fits of giggles. Typical of Marco. "Hoy Seo! Gwapo ka nga but I would not stoop
that low!" (You may be handsome but)
He laughed at the other end of the line, Anastasia felt weird. Why was there a
little ache in her heart?
"Whatever Rastah man! So ano nga?" (So what is it?)
"How about staying at Kuya Chad's apartment for awhile?"
Anne was the one who suggested that to her best friend but he just
turned it down point black. "Ayoko! There might be a chance that I might see
Anastasia there." (I don't want to!)
That stung. She covered her face with a pillow, trying to drown
Marco's voice. Serra saw that. She immediately suggested staying at an apartment
her parents bought for her whenever she was having her tantrums, to isolate herself
from the world for awhile. Marco was pleased and agreed to it. He put the phone
down. Serra looked at her best friend. "So, what's the plan? We have school in an
She was right. She was after all Anastasia Greene! The daughter of a
player. She was the "Ice Queen". She needed to arm herself for battle. She would
not let anyone see how devastated she truly was, as far as she was concerned; her
pride would not allow her to be such a pathetic loser. She decided to face the
But first of all, before facing the enemy, Serra made her drink stress
tabs to revitalize Anastasia's skin so she would not look so haggard. Soon enough
she looked like she slept an hour of sleep, having a glowing skin although she felt
horrible inside. She took a bath, wore her uniform and then went to school with her
best pal and with an attitude.
Adele's "Rumour has it" played in the background. The wide school's door
opened at the entrance of Anastasia Greene and Serra Brooks. "Oh... oh... oh..."
and all eyes were on them.
"She, she ain't real."
They walked their stuff.
"She ain't going to love you like I will."
Their hips swayed with the school's music background.
"She is a stranger, you and I have history don't you remember?"
The boys ogled at the hottest girl in school; Anne with her flaming red
hair and charming eyes, Serra with her beautiful blond hair with a pout look. "Sure
she's got it all, but baby is that really what you want?"
Alexander closed his locker, frowning. Anne ignored him. "Let's talk, so
you got your head in the cloud, you made a fool out of you. Boy she's bringing you
down." The sway, the hips; they were like huge tidal wave that overwhelmed the
whole hallway.
"She made your heart melt but your cold as a sore, now rumor has it, she
ain't got your love anymore." Anne flipped her glorious red hair that extracted
awes and drools from everybody.
"Rumor has, rumor has...
Has it."
Serra squeezed Anne's hand for support; the last act of revenge, the
last act of her defiance to the image of broken heart girls; the last act of her
real live stage performance. "You made a fool out of me, and boy I'm bringing you
down." At the end of the hallway before entering her class, she faced them all.
"You made a fool out of me, you made my heart melt, yeah but rumor has it
I'm with the one you're leaving her for." She waved to everyone, making the guys
wildly waved back in their teenage enthusiasm.
She lip synched the last part with Adele. "Just 'cause I said it, did
not mean I mean it." she blew a kiss in the direction of Alexander. She waved back,
turned and entered her class. He was flabbergasted at her brazen actions. How can
she move on so easily? On just one night?
Chapter 26 (Since When?)

Oh freakin' great! Anne's moment of triumph faded when Alexander and Bea
walked into class while holding hands. As if not seeing them was not bad enough;
why did they have to be such braggart of their sweet sweet puking relationship?
He froze a bit too. Shock to see he was sectioned with Anastasia; even
their fellow classmates grew tense with anticipation. They were walking in very
thin ice. Bea sat in-front, forcing Anastasia to have a clear view of her silky
black hair that was up to her waist.
Meanwhile Anne was sitting at the middle, hoping against hope that their
teacher would sit her supposedly "lying-bastard-ex-husband" at the back, so she
would not have to see his stupid gorgeous face everyday. Unfortunately fate did not
favor her. He was destined to be her seatmate for the rest of the school year, they
both groaned inwardly.
"Miss Greene, please read Emily Brooke's Wuthering Heights." She
instructed. "Ma'am do I really have to?" Anne complained.
Her English teacher frowned, "Unless you want a zero in your oral; then
it's up to you."
Anne's eyes grew red; she exhaled and cleared her throat. "I gave him my
heart and he took and pinched it to death and flung it back to me."
"Ouch!" one of their classmates remarked, earning him a smack on the
head by their teacher. "So who would want to read Gabriel Garcia Marquez's love in
the time of Cholera?"
A hand shot to the air, surprising everyone. Alexander stood up and
started reading the passage. "But when a woman decides to sleep with a man, there
is no wall she will not scale, no fortress she will not destroy, no moral
consideration she will not ignore at its very root; there is no God worth worrying
about." Now the whole class hooted with teasing. He sat down without even glancing
at Anastasia.
"Give it to me baby! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!" an obnoxious classmate sang, to
tease Anne. "Robert! YOU'VE EARNED WEEK'S DETENTION!" Mrs. Crane pitied the poor
girl. She knew what she was going through.
It felt like he had slapped her a hundred times over. Her hands were
clenched with fury; it was a tremendous effort to keep her temper in check. How
could he be so close to her and yet manage to pretend she does not even exist? Like
he never made her feel special? How can he change so quickly in a wink of an eye.
She wanted to ask these all to him but her pride would not allow her, so she gulped
in her tears, put on a fake smile and act like she meant absolutely nothing to her
as well. Let the battle of emotions begin!

Anastasia saw her best friend heading towards the cafeteria for lunch, she
catch up with her. "Hey Serra! So anong pagbubusawan natin ngayun?" (so what are we
going to wolf down today?) she linked her arms with her. Serra laughed, "How about
the whole food in the canteen?"
"Sounds good to me!"
"Thank you!" they both giggled. They put their books on the table and then
headed to the food counter. Anne searched his face in the crowd, like it was second
nature to her. She spotted him sitting by the window with Bea Saunders and his
friends, he looked so happy; the kind of look he never gave her. She felt another
stab in the heart. She realized the only look he gave her was how much he wanted to
devour her; she really was just a rebound.
"Hey you loser!" Serra tried to call her best friend's attention, she
followed Anen's gaze. She rolled her eyes, wiped the tears of her. "Besh, bakit ka
umiiyak?" (Why are you crying?) Anne was surprised too that some tears actually
managed to escape her emotional security. She shook her head, "I'm fine besh. Come
on!" she smiled.
They arrived at the table. Anne and Marco was shock to see each other.
There was an awkward silence, Serra cleared her throat. "Sorry besh, nauna kase si
Marco in asking me to lunch." (I'm sorry besh, Marco asked me first to eat lunch
with him)
"Yeah, it's okay." she tried to be easy going about it. Why did she
suddenly feel a bit of jealousy that her best friend and old suitor was now
actually so close they failed to include her into their plans? Marco grabbed his
food and then stood up, "Next time nalang Serra?" (Let's have lunch next time,
Serra shook her head, pushed him back to his seat. "Don't be such a
drama king! We'll all eat together." She tried to be firm about it. Marco and eye's
met briefly, and then they looked away.
"Hey you dupe face, don't you not show up at my party! You better come
"You party like the entire time dude; it's not a big deal if I ever don't
show up." He cracked a tiny smile. They eased into a comfortable talk with each
other. Anne felt like a third wheel, it was so weird. She never felt more alone in
her life.
They both looked at each other, and then chuckled. "Besh, ever since
summer started."
"I called her everyday..."
"...because after my effort, he finally realized what my value is and
how much he misses me!" Sera was pretty pleased with herself. Marco acted like he
was about to puke, "Have some shame Serra!!!" he joked.
"Hey don't go Serra, I need you my rastah girl." She imitated Marco. He
tried to trap her hands so she would shut up; she withdrew her hands with her quick
reflex. She stuck out her tongue childishly. They both giggled.
They were now so close that they were even finishing each other's
sentences? She could not understand why she felt so weird about it. She muttered a
lame excuse that she needed to go to the library just to get away from the
suffocation of the whole situation now; was this her karma for having such a grand

Chapter 27 (Home Run)

There were days when she walked on the same roads they used to walk
together as a child, hoping she would bump into him; hoping for the possibility to
see his face. It does not matter if she would no be able to hold or speak to him
anymore, she just wanted to see him, and that was all that matters.

A month has passed; her charade of pretension was still on. Everyday she
sees them together. Sometimes, he would catch her envious sad gaze; to lessen the
blow on her, he would leave the same place that she was in with Bea.

They sat together but never speaking. He still felt guilty by what he did
to her. Choosing silence instead to avoid anymore qualms, afraid that he would hurt
her feelings even more if she would find out what was on his mind. But she asked so
fine and cool, so he was a bit relief and ego-bruised that she has gotten over him
so quickly.

Marco on the other hand, ignored her so completely; when the three of them;
Serra, Anne and he hang out almost everyday. As if she did not exist, sometimes she
did wish that she would cease to exist.

As days goes by, the more he ignored her the more he was managing to get
her attention. She started to crave for his words. Yearned so much to be okay with
him again but they were all in such a tangled mess, it was now hard to escape from
it. Her soul tried to scream her longings but her voice failed her. So in silence
she basked, whispering those words for Alexander and Marco in the air. Maybe just
maybe the air would bring back her beloved's heart back to her again and Marco's

Marco Seo Ariseno Monroe was now growing up to be a handsome young man
despite his sourness when it comes to Anastasia. The girls in their school were
drooling over the Monroe cousins.
Marco was living in Serra's abandoned apartment for the mean time. He
never did told the reason why to his aunt why he moved out, mainly so he could
protect the two most important people to him; Anne and Alexander, even when he was
so hurt and angry with them he still managed to care about their welfare. Besides,
if Uncle James found out, all hell would break loose! He did not want the two
families to fight.


It was another ordinary day at school when she walked past Marco and Serra's
room. Anne saw Serra reading a quote in-front of their class; "I will never be
yours and you will never be mine, nevertheless... I can honestly say; I love you."
She said this while looking at Marco.

Anne frowned at herself when she felt a weird pang on her heart when Marco
smiled briefly then looked away in embarrassment. With outmost shame, something
alerted in the deepest part of her mind, she realized one thing; she did not want
Serra and it was true. She was afraid she might lose them both. Or was it really
the case? Or was it something so much more?

"Home run!!!" the stadium resonated with this mighty roar. It was the match
of the Philippines International English School-their school against the NKPIES--
their rival at everything else.

Anastasia and Serra cheered for their baseball team, wearing their skimpy
cheerleader outfits. After this game, Anne has already decided to quit cheer
leading, it was too stressful. Especially when she was still on the debate team and
at the same time she also wanted to join the drama club ever since her summer
acting school, besides Serra was perfect for the captain of the cheer team.

Alexander was on the bench due to his asthma attack, that too was the
deciding factor for their coach at that very instant, he made Alexander quit the
baseball very instant, he made Alexander quit the baseball team. He did not make so
much of a fuss since he was getting tired of it anyway.

Everybody anticipated Marco's batting prowess. If he makes a home run

right now, they will surely win. "Go Marco!!!" Serra cheered. He quickly glanced
her way and smiled, and then he concentrated back to the task at hand. He gripped
the bat tightly as he waited for the pitcher of the opposing team to throw the ball
at him.

The pitcher swung his body as he threw the ball towards him. Marco's
heart bat accelerated so fast he thought he was going to faint. And then without
even thinking, he swung the bat, causing him a home run.

Home run.

Home run.

Home run.

"Run Marco run!!!" the people screamed at him. He could not believe he
actually did it. He came back to the reality as fast as he could, racing against
time. "MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!!! WE LOVE YOU!" the girls kept screaming wildly.
"That's my son! That's my son!!!" CJ proudly shouted at the top of lungs. Luna held
her husband's hand. Anne saw saw them. Oh my, they're here too? Patay. (I'm dead)

She usually loved seeing tito and tita Luna but it was already awkward as it
is for her seeing Alexander's family, what more of CJ's. Oh men! She groaned
inwardly. She tried to focus back at the game.

They won! Their school won! Marco was carried into the air like a hero,
rejoicing at their win. Alexander tried approached him. Marco merely only nodded at
him for the sake of formality. It tugged Anne's heart seeing Alexander hurt by his
closest cousin's cold reply.

Marco headed towards the girls with a full grin on his handsome face.
He waved at them. The other girls sighed with desire. Serra rolled her eyes, 'Back
off ladies!" she warned them. And since she was the next cheer captain her word
meant law. Anne waved at Marco for congratulation but the words died in her throat
when Serra hugged Marco, "Congrats rastah man! You did great!"

It was a very brief, non-committal and friendly kind of hug. But

why... why oh why did it bother Anne? She tried to look away.

"Congrats to my awesome handsome son who got his awesomeness from me!"
CJ came down from the bleacher to greet his son along with their whole family. Mark
now a 13 year old boy, who still looked like a weirdo with his nerdy glasses on and
bored look. He merely smiled at his elder brother. Marco giggled, "Glad to know
you're still my weird lil'bro."

And then Harvey now 12 was looking to be quite the most handsome among
the Monroe kids with his curly red hair and hazel eyes which of course they got
from their mother. Along side with him was John now 11-who only loved soldier
things came to face palm their elder brother as a greeting. But Brady-the baby
among the family who was now five years old, came to Marco with a big big big hug.
Obviously, he was the favorite of Marco.

"I mith you to mat kuya!" (I miss you so much kuya!) he smiled without
his two front teeth. Marco laughed, "Me too baby Brady!" ruffling his brother's
dark brown curly hair.

"I'm glad you all came!" Marco grinned. "Of course! You're father and I
would never miss it for the world. Congratulations my baby boy!" Luna kissed Marco
on the forehead.

"Ma!!!" Marco blushed a bit from embarrassment. Aries laughed at his

younger brother's discomfort, "Oh bakit? Kase anjan si Annie?" (Why? Is it because
Annie's here?) CJ grinned. Marco tried not to roll his eyes at him. "And you're
here too kuya Aries, I see."

Aries laughed again, "Nice to see you too lil'bro!"

"Well graduating ka na ba?"

"Yep! Go there okay? Or else I will punch you." Aries teased.

"Eish!!! I'll see." He needled him back.

CJ finally noticed that Alexander was not around, "Marco. Where's your

An odd heavy blanket filled the air. Marco's happy face suddenly turned
grim, "Umuwi na siguro, pa." (I guess he went home already, father) trying to avoid
his father's gaze.

"Oh yeah! Ngayun pala dating nila ate Cassy!" CJ suddenly remembered and
then looked at Anne's way. "Hija punta ka sa party mamaya ah? It's a family reunion
slash celebration." (Darling would you go the party later? It's a family reunion
slash celebration)He looked at her expectantly that it was so hard to refuse.
Exactly what I was afraid of. She gulped awkwardly, "Opo tito, okay got to go." Oh
no what have I gotten myself into?


"Kamusta na anak?" (How are you son?) Chuck and Alexander sat on the
bench in their garden. Alexander did not look like his parents at all; firstly
because he got his Chinese-like eyes from the side of his grandmother on Chuck's
side. And when he dyed his hair blond ever since he was 12 years old, that was the
only time he kind of looked like Chuck and because of his gray eyes. The only thing
he got from his mother was her curliness. Alexander was handsome in his own way.

"I'm sorry we have been so busy lately anak, if it's any consolation
though; I'm going to literally force your mother to stay in the house for awhile
since she is four months pregnant. I don't want anything bad to him." (anak-son)
they both looked at Cassandra from the distance wearing a flowing coral dress which
showed her baby bump. She looked even more beautiful with her satisfaction at being
miraculously pregnant at the age of 40s. The baby gave her a healthy glowing skin.

Alexander sighed. "Dad when you do something really stupid to mom, how do
you say sorry to her?"

Chuck frowned, thinking about it. "Well I say sorry. Hindi naman kase
mahirap mag forgive mama mo eh." (It's not hard for your mom to forgive) he looked
at his son. "But even though, I always take my apologies to the next level by doing
grand gestures just to make her feel special."

"But what if screwed up so bad and hurt a lot of people because of a

dumb mistake?"

His father's handsome face grew with a worried expression. "Is there
anything I could help you with son?"

Nope. I just happen to sleep with my cousin's ultimate first love and I
feel like a total jerk for giving into my impulses. He shook his head afraid that
if he said this dirty little secret to his father, his image of his son might be
scar. Everything in his life was going horribly wrong already; he did not want his
parents to hate him too. Especially his father, when they were really close.
"Nothing dad, thanks."

"Yo since it's a grand day, could you grace my little brother a dance?"
Aries asked mischievously. "Kuya!" Marco protested.

Aries waved his hand in dismissal. "Oh shuddup homeboy! I know you want
this anyway. Pakipot ka pa eh." (You're just playing hard to get) he grinned. Marco
and Anne stared at each other awkwardly; they had no choice. They did not want
their families to notice that there was anything wrong with them so Marco step up
to the plate and ever a gentleman, he asked her for a dance.

She was terrified. This feeling seemed so new to her again; while she
felt an overwhelming passion for Alexander, Marco on the other hand extracted a
sense of fierce care and tenderness from her and that scared her. She felt so weak
and defenseless finding someone who can melt her brick walls. Why do I feel this
way? "Marco..."

"Save it, I don't care."

Her ears turned red from embarrassment. It was true that people should
not prolong not talking to a person, because the longer the silence between you two
etched the longer it was hard to fill the patches and saw it back together again.
"For what is worth, I did not know I was just a rebound."

He looked at her coldly; those coffee brown eyes that used to hold so
much warmth, kindness and joy was now only staring at her with ice. "As I said;
wala na akong pakealam. Ayan ah, tinagalog ko na para maintinindihan mo." (I don't
care anymore.There! I said it in tagalog for you to understand) he looked away.

They both become silent but then they perked up when the twins' the
Greene's eldest child--Charlie arrived at the party with their won families. "Tita
Annieeee!!!" (Aunt Annie) a chubby four-year-old kid ran towards her direction; her
only nephew.

"Heyya Charlie junior! Wow! Ang laki mo na ah!" (My you're so big already!)
she hugged the kid as they both giggled. "Hi kiddo! I've missed you!" Charlie
smiled at his sister.

"Kuya!" Anne rushed towards his arms. "So glad glad to see you!" he nodded,
happy to see her too. "Hmmm so where's Chad and baby Cody?" he asked. "Baby Cody is
with mama and kuya Chad? I don't know, he's not here yet." He nodded, "Okay I'll go
to the twins." He walked into their direction.

The entire Monroe, Morris and Greene were all there. Chuck was still
teasing his only sister-Claire about her childhood crush with CJ, saying that Aries
and Candy might still get a shot at her dream though. They all had a merry time,
until Chad entered the party.

He was in a dark mood, which was unusual for him when he was always such a
happy-go-lucky kind of guy. They were all a bit surprised when Jack Morris and
Linda arrived in the reunion too when they said they might be busy directing for a
movie. "Mom! Dad!" Claire, Eddy and Chuck came to greet their parents.

Meanwhile, Chad stormed towards Alexander's direction, and greeted him with
a mighty punch on the face. Alexander reeled backwards from the blow. Everyone
froze from shock.

"Kuya what the hell!!!" Anne grabbed Chad's arms, he shrugged it off.
"You're what the hell! You should have told me earlier! I could have defended you
baby girl!" his face seethed with anger.

"Oh shit." Anne and Marco said in unison. How did they find out? They
glanced at Jack Morris' way; he looked so disappointed with his grandson. "Double
shit!" Marco cursed under his breath when they both realized that Jack was the one
who told Chad.

Earlier, Jack and Chad arrived at the party at the same time and while
chatting in the park way, Jack asked how was the married couple, it was a slip of
the tongue. He never intended to harm anyone. He really thought that they were
married. But that was when Chad finally connected his younger sister's crying all
night and the mysterious man she has been writing on her diary which he had just
accidentally read awhile ago at her room. It was not his fault he saw it, her diary
was scattered carelessly on her bed. He was supposed to put it back in her desk but
something told him to read it. And that was how he finally found out the truth.

WITH MY SISTER!" he boiled with rage.

Alexander winced. Marco was about to defend his cousin when James spoke
up, "Chad! Ano ba yang mga pinagsasabi mo ha?" (What are you talking about huh?)
his voice boomed, silencing the entire place.

Chad pointed at Alexander, "Pa! This asshole slept with Annie and then he
tricked her that they were married!!!" he wanted to kill the son of a gun.

The joy in the party was suddenly sucked by that announcement, everyone
felt like their breathing stopped for awhle. But the most dangerous part was James'
expression. It was like he was trying his very best to stop himself from killing
someone. "Is that true Alexander?" his voice barely a whisper, which made it even
more frightening.

Alexander tried to clear his throat. He felt the heat rising up his neck
while everyone's eyes were on him. "IS IT TRUE? EXPLAIN YOURSEL!" James barked;
making everybody jump from surprised. Anne was so scared, not for her but to what
he might do to Alexander.

His face was so full of shame and guilt. He could not even look anybody in
the eye, as they waited for his answer. He sighed heavily. "Yes. Yes it's true!"
everyone's breathing died at that moment. "I've rejected Anne so many bloody times
already and then Bea broke up with me. I felt so destroyed, I decided to take dad's
offer to go to the military school during summer to heal my heart. And that was
when Anne came into the picture."

"You don't know how much I have tried to resist her! but I'm just a man
uncle James!" his chinito gray eyes begged with sincerity.

"I thought I really do love her, and in some ways I do. But then I realized
it was all just an infatuation when I saw Bea again." Ouch. Anne's hand
unconsciously touched her heart, if felt like it was shattering into pieces. As if
it was not painful enough being embarrassed at their school, and now Alexander's
confession hurt her even more. He looked at Anne apologetically, she looked away.

"I'm so sorry Annie that you became my rebound. I didn't mean for it to
happen. I did not want to tell you, but..." he shrugged, he had no choice. "Pa, can
I kill how now?" Chad gritted his teeth.

James shook his head, and then his cold eyes stared back at Alexander. "I
never want you to talk or as much as even look at my daughter again. Is that
clear?" his verdict was worst than what everybody expected. In his younger years,
he would usually just beat a person into a pulp and then he would be okay but this
time he knew better.

Cassy stepped forward; she looked so apologetic at James. "I'm so sorry

for this James." He did not say anything in fear that too much excitement might
hurt her baby's condition. He was the first person that Chuck announced the news
to. He was after all his best friend.

Chuck pat James on the shoulder, "Pare..." (Amigo or friend) his words
failed him. How could they ever fix something like that? It was such a mess.

James was not always the forgiving type of person but for the sake of
civility and his friendship with them, he kept his temper in check. He coldly
glanced at Alexander, "I'll repeat myself; don't you dare come near my daughter
again! Or else, I might really forget I'm even friends with your father and
Chapter 28 (Amazing Race)

AN: That's an example of the pepero game :D


As Alexander was going up to his room, when he passed by his parent's room; he
did not mean it to eavesdrop on his parent's conversation but he heard them anyway
as he leaned on the wall beside his parent's ajar door.

"Oh Chuckie... what are we suppose to do with our son?" Cassy hid her face
at the pal of her hands as she cried softly. Chuck sat on the bed with her as he
hugged his wife. "Hush now Cassy baby, too much stress isn't good for you." He
cooed gently.

Cassy wiped her tears away and sighed, "I guess it's our fault for always
traveling a lot. We were so busy that we could don't even what's happening to our
son anymore." Her beautiful face turned puffy red with the marked of crying.

Chuck nodded gravely in agreement, he sat with his wife on the bed, held
her hands. "I guess it would be a good thing then that you will be taking a break
from work--"


His face turned very serious. "You're staying at home Cassy baby, you need
bed rest as what the doctors has ordered. You're already 46 years old, that baby of
ours is a miracle. We need to be extra careful. I don't want anything to happen to
the both of you."

She sighed, looked down on her hands. "I suppose you're right; that way I
could keep an on our boy."

Chuck's hand went through his messy dyed blond hair. "I mean, it's not that
I'm crucifying him for sleeping with a girl. I guess that's bound to happen at his
age, since he's already 19." He sighed. "I just wish it wasn't Anastasia--James'
only daughter! Of all people! In spite of everything, James had been good to us and
he's still my best friend!" he was disappointed with his son although at the same
time they knew it was not Alexander's entire fault; they should have been there for
him. Cassy wrapped her arms around her husband's neck, embracing him close to her,
inhaling his sweet fragrant.

"I love you Cassy baby." Chuck looked at her with full love on his gray
eyes. Cassy smiled, "I love you too Chuckie doll!" she kissed him full on the lips.
And with that, full of guilt and anger for himself he went back to his room.


Hate; Anne believed was just like everybody else until it smiles. She hated
Alexander then for hurting her and now she hated him even more for making a rift in
their family.

At home, her father and brother was so disappointed with her that they acted
like she did not even existed anymore. The only good person who still tolerated her
presence in their family was three people; her eldest brother-Charlie, but he
already has his own family so that does not count. Her younger brother; Baby Cody
who did not have any choice to be with her since she was the one changing his
diapers and then her step-mother; who truly pitied her and loved her

She had hoped that Alexander was lying but that just was not the case.
The truth was a bitch to be reckoned with and so was hope; for it can make you do
terrible terrible things once you are a captive.


The seniors were all in the school field. The sophomores were tasked by the
teachers to prepare an amazing race themed activity for the seniors "Team House-
building" for them to get even more acquainted with each other; as if they needed
that, when they have known each other their entire life. And also, in a way it was
like their last bonding before they graduate.

There were four teams in each house. The blue team leader was Jeh. The
Pink; Bea's, the black; Alexander's which were Anastasia was assigned to and the
red was led by Davidson. And since the sophomores were the one who prepared it,
naturally Serra and Marco were there too as well.

"Welcome senior students! Since the first years up to the third years was a
big success last week, it is now your turn for an AAAAAAMAAAAAZINGGG RACEEE!!"
their principal spoke from the stage, he was so perky it made everyone want to
punched him in the face. He smiled brightly, showing off his pearly teeth. "Just
have fun and enjoy the race!!!" and so the torture has begun.

Every team had their own destination; to go to the next place, they must
play the games at every station and answer the questions, after that they received
a clue as to where the next destination was until it all begun and with every
puzzle they have collected in every game, they must fixed it together, chant their
yells to be able to affirm their presence as a whole team and win.

The blue team was already on their second station, but the black team did
not lose hope just yet, hot on their trails, Anastasia arrived with their team.
They had their question; what was solid that comes in and then we when it comes

"Lollipop?" nope.

"Bubble gum?" nah.

"Coffee?" closer.

"SEMEN?!" an excited boy squealed. Alexander smacked him on the head.

"Shut up Robert!" that silenced him. Anastasia however gave it a go, "Umm how about
a tea bag?" she said it excitedly.



"BOOYAH!" Robert shrieked with delight, they groaned at his obnoxiousness.

They went to the next station.

The next station was about everything covering their eyes with handkerchiefs
assigning two members of the organizers to be the voice that each individual player
was suppose to find. And each player had a different tune tasked for them to find;
like for example "Meow meow" which was a sound of the cat had to find their
perspective sound partner and not "Aw Aw" the sound of a dog to enable to win. That
game's purpose was to foster trust within the team. It was Serra's station; she put
the blindfold on everyone. "Goodluck besh!" she cheered for Anastasia.

The officers led them to different directions, making them dizzy. "Aw aw" was
assigned to Anne's. This is so dumb. If this was not a prerequisite to my P.E
subject, I wouldn't attend this stupid game. She sighed. "AND THE GAME STARTS NOW!"
Serra signaled.

Anastasia saw nothing but heard everything. Her heart thumped wildly inside
her rib cage. She was so scared that she might fall or worst--hold a wrong person.
Anyone but Alexander please? She prayed.

"Moo moo!"

"Meow meow!"

"Aw aw!" she heard from a far distance.

"Aw aw!" her ears perked up. "Oh my god! Aw aw!" she screamed excitedly.
She followed the voice everywhere. But it so happened it was just an officer,
leading them to confusion. She continued searching for her "Aw aw" partner. And
just when she was starting to lose hope, that was when she heard an "Aw aw" just
near her.

She immediately reached out for her hand with eagerness. "Oh my gosh!
Please let it be my freakin' aw aw partner!" the officer's giggled at Anastasia's

Anne finally caught the outstretched hand to her. "Aw aw?" the voice
tentatively asked.

"AW AW!!!" she almost cried of gladness, they hugged each other in joy that
at last they found each other. But suddenly the environment went silent. They both
wondered why, they took off the blindfold.

In their astonishment, Anne's hazel eyes grew large in surprise as a pair

of chinito gray eyes-stared back at her in bewilderment; as if he too wanted to
scream bloody Mary but his voice seemed to have failed him. Awkward!

"Okay who the heck assigned them together?" Serra spoke up, irritation rich
in her tone. A girl raised her hand in fear. Bea's and Serra's eyes glinted with
danger. (The pink team caught up with them)

"Are you freakin' kidding me!? What world are you in? You do know that
those two can't be freakin' paired up!" Serra tried to control her hands from
hitting the girl from her annoyance.

"I'm sorry Miss Brooks!"

"What is your name?"

"Caitlin." She said meekly.

Serra's eyes grew smaller, she seemed familiar. "You're a 2nd year and
you're in my cheerleading team right?" the sweat started to pour down on the poor
girl's face, "Y-Yes Ma'am!" surprised that she remembered.

"Your'e off the team!"

"Wait what--?"

"Shoo! Go away!" Serra waved her hand in dismissal.

"Wait noooo!" Caitlin protested in tears. Serra did not listen and
honestly she did not care. "Besh no! That seems a little too harsh and unfair. It's
okay really." Anastasia stood up for the girl, she looked at Alexander's way for
support; imploring with him with her eyes. "It's okay right?" she said through a
gritted teeth. He raised his eyebrows in question. She stepped on his foot.

"Ow!" he complained.

"It's okay, right?" she repeated herself.

He nodded in forced agreement. Anastasia smiled, she faced her best

friend. "See? No harm done. Why did you do it on the first place anyway?" Anne
asked the girl.

She fidgeted with her hands from nervousness, looking down at the
ground. "Well I thought you and Alexander are good together. I'm a fan."

Everyone raised their eyebrows in their disbelief, especially Anastasia

and Alexander. She caught them all in surprise. "Hey okay, whatever! On with the
game!" Bea called everyone's attention back to her. She was right, Davidson could
be winning the whole race by now. They all tried to forget what happened, they all
ran to the next station.

The next station was to eat a banana that was dipped in chocolate hot
fudge syrup, soy sauce, honey, vinegar and ketchup. Hmm, yummy. And they had to
chew on it and then passed it to the next member. The trick was not to vomit from
disgusting agony.

The first chewer was Alexander, the second, and the third was Anastasia
and then Robert and so on until the last member had to passed it onto the first
chewer. And the first chewer had to swallow it! Alexander took the challenge for
the team. And boy did it taste awful!

The last one was about to gauge at his own saliva. His team members kept
encouraging him to go on. Until he passed it to Alexander who chewed on it, closed
his eyes from mortification, thinking only of happy thoughts! Although his face was
screwed up with outmost disgust; for awhile, Anastasia kind of felt pity for the
poor bastard.

He kept chewing until he raised his hand, badly on the edge of vomiting.
"Oh please no! Alex-and-er! ALEX-AND-ER! YOU CAN DO IT DUDE!!!" their whole team
member cheered for him, even the officers felt sorry for him too. He chewed it,
gulped it, and opened his mouth to show that it was empty.

The whole team erupted with joy when the officers nodded their head in
approval, and on to the next station.

After three more exhausting but fun games, they finally reached the last
destination; Marco's station. His group mates thought of doing a "Peppero game"
like in the reality Korean hit TV show, wherein you had to eat a very small radish
stick, until you leave a very small slice of radish.

Fate seemed to be taunting them even more. Anne and Alexander were
chosen as the black team's champion.

"Can you do this?" Alexander asked as he come face to face with her. She
nodded with a heavy heart.

"You can still back out--"

"So you're saying I'm a quitter?"

"I meant no offence."

You're whole existence is an offence to me. "Shut up, let's just get this over

They positioned themselves, and faced each other. Marco seemed worried.
"Okay, ready, set, go!" they started eating away so quickly, they had to beat the
minimum 5 inch which the officer had set. Marco was really worried, he looked away.

"And they're done!" an officer announced. By the time it was over, Anne and
Alexander were blushing like a tomato. They managed to do a 2 inch slice out of the
radish. They really did not kiss but it was only a brush of their lips, enough to
make them conscious of themselves.

"OH MAAAAN! HOW THE HELL CAN WE BEAT THAT!?" a member team cried out,
they finally arrived.

Alexander snapped back to reality, "Let's go!" he commanded and they all
followed suit. They were about to leave but then Anne's name was called out by
Marco for the first time in months. She turned around; he jogged towards her like
he was in a slow-motion, kneeled towards her, inciting butterflies in her stomach
and wild beatings from her heart.

"What are you doing Marco?" she stuttered in spite of the cool exterior
she tried so hard to project.

Marco ignore her, he fixed her shoe laces on. The charming thing about
him was that he was not a Casanova type or like his cousin or a bad boy type like
his elder brother-Aries. What endeared people to him was of his sense of innocence.
Without knowing, because of his naturally genuine sweet heart, he could melt even
the coldest stone. And that was when she knew; that Anastasia Kedreo Greene started
to like Marco Seo Ariseno Monroe too much for his own good.

He stood up, "Be careful." He said softly and then he left her without
even looking at Anastasia, as if she was just another girl, another schoolmate and
that actually burns.

"GREENE! Are you just going to stand there or are we going to win this
race?" Alexander snapped her back into reality.

"Yeah, yeah." She sprinted into a run, but all of a sudden a dog appeared
out of nowhere, frightening her. She made an unexpected quick turn and twisted her
right ankle. She shrieked with pain, alarming the remaining people left in that
particular station. She blinked back the tears.

"Morris! Anne is hurt, shall we get her?" Robert asked but

instantaneously Marco rushed towards her aid. "Anna banana? Are you okay?" he
fretted. His face was now full of concern unlike the expression he had awhile ago.

"Do I look like I'm okay to you, huh?" she said through a frantic voice
as the pain increased with just a slight movement. Marco sighed and scooped her up
into his arms as he headed towards the clinic.

"Alexander, what's your decision?" Robert pressed on, Alexander on

the other hand turned his attention back to the game. "She'll be fine, let's go
before our team will lose!" they ran off towards the finishing line.

Little did they know, Anastasia winced as she was once again abandoned
by Alexander in her pain. And just when she thought they were building a bridge
back together again, he only burned it to crisp.

Chapter 29 (Dear Idiot Boy)

The girl was minding her own business when she ran into Bea by the hallway.
They stopped for awhile, seizing each other up with the glint in their eyes. Bea's
mouth curved into a malicious smile, raising her eyebrows as she pushed back her
silky black hair. "Hi Anastasia!" she said sweetly. Uh-oh, this means trouble.

Is this girl asking to be punched or something? Anne side-stepped her, she

tried her best to ignore the filth in-front of her. But Bea held her tightly by the
arm. "So... how does it feel?"

Oh wow! This lady is really testing my patience right now. "What are you
talking about?" she stared coldly at her. Bea antagonistically looked at Anne, "Doe
does it feel to have two fake lovers? The other one is a fake boyfriend; born out
of a dare. And who you don't give a damn about but loves you and the other one is
your fake husband who you love but doesn't give a damn about you." She sneered.

She hit a nerve, so strong Anne feared that her emotional security might
collapse. How dare this woman insult her? she was debating with herself if she
should slap her or not. She made up her mind, Anne slapped her so hard, that
everyone in the hallway stopped what they were doing and gaped at them.

"So how does my slap feel against your thick face?" Anne tried not to
laugh as Bea touched her sore cheeks, almost in tears.

"And for your information, I don't give a shit about your stupid
boyfriend anymore and never did!" lies. It was all just lies to cover up her
shattered dignity but if they really tried to uncover the truth, they would know
how much Alexander had scarred her forever. She turned to leave. Anne dropped her
books upon seeing Alexander standing in-front of her, turns out he was there the
whole time when she said her little speech.

"I-uhm... Alexander..." her mouth went dry from embarrassment. He

ignored her, he went immediately towards Bea's side.

Serves you right Anastasia Kedreo Greene. How dare I to even think that
he cares for me even just a little bit? She berated herself.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" he asked, full of concern in his voice making
Anne so darn envious. Bea whimpered, going in for his hug. Alexander glared at her.
"Anne, alam kong may galit ka saakin but you shouldn't include my girlfriend in
your anger okay!? You want to be mad, then be angry just with me!" (I know you're
mad with me) his face full of hatred and anger, Anne felt tiny needles pricking her

Her jaw dropped. "Your girlfriend started it first!" She could not
believe what she was hearing, her ears turning red.

He raised his hand in the air to silence her, "Tsk! Just please! Don't
hurt her ever again. I don't like seeing a girl cry, especially the girl I love."
And without her reply, he walked out with Bea.


"ARGGH! YOU STUPID STUPID BOY! How can you be so mean?! How can you be
so dumb enough to like her?" she threw her pillow on the floor out of frustration.
She fished out her cell phone, and angrily texted Alexander; "Dear idiot boy, GO TO
HELL!!!" she sent it and then closed her eyes but soon regretted her actions. It
was too late to back out though, the deed was done. She tried to relax, comforting
herself with the thought that just maybe, maybe he already changed his number.

She was suddenly awakened when her phone beeped. Oh my god! What have I
done!? She checked her inbox with shaking hands.

*Alexander: Dear stranger, sino po sila? (Who is this?)

She kept whacking her cell phone at her soft bed from her epic failure.
Emherghed! Kill me now! I should have known he would delete my number. Ouch! She

*Anne: You heartless boy! Why didn't you change your number already?

*Alexander: Why don't you change your number? Whoever this is.

*Anne: Change your number please? Please I beg of you. So that I wouldn't be
tempted to text or call you whenever I miss you, like what I'm doing right now.
Because in honest truth, it really really hurts so much now! I can't take this pain
anymore. I can't take hiding the fact that I want to vomit everytime I see you both
together in school for every freaking day! I hate the fact that we're seated with
each other so freaking close, and yet we don't talk. I'm going crazy Alexander!!! I
am. Please help me! I beg of you.

What I hate the most is that after everything, I still love you! T_T so
please I beg you from the bottom of my heart, change your number already? Take pity
on me please? Stop being so damn happy with her! Stop it please or at least stop
making me love you even without you meaning to. Help me to move on from you
Alexander, please? L

Anastasia was now sobbing real hard, her walls broken. The true hurt that
she has tried to ignore for the past few months, finally came gushing forth. He
felt really bad for her.

*Alexander: Annie?
She wailed harder. Why does he have to call me by that pet name he
invented for me? Oh god please stop this. She could barely breathe from her tears.

*Alexander: I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to do it, but even without
realizing I still did eventually. Look, I miss being your friend. I hope we can
still go back to that at least?

*Anne: Oh wow the nerve of you! Do you think it's that easy? I keep telling my head
I should let go already but my heart kept saying "Just wait and see". We will never
be friends again Alexander!

*Alexander: I know, I'm so sorry.

*Anne: So please, please change your number already okay? that's the least you can
do. L

*Alexander: Wait, are you crying right now?

*Anne: (she wiped away her tears) Uh no.

*Alexander: liar.

*Anne: no I'm not! You idiot boy.

After five minutes he did not reply until she was startled when there
was a tap on her balcony window. She perked up from her cell phone. She almost
fainted when she saw Alexander on her balcony, outside her room. She immediately
ran towards the window.

"What are you doing here? Climbing the tree to go my balcony is

dangerous Alexander!" she scolded. "And if papa sees you, he will kill you!" she
hissed, red from stress and from all the crying she did. She noticed he was not
even looking at her. "What's wrong with you?" she asked.

He blush a little. "How? When you're not wearing any bra underneath
your silky pajamas." He teased. "I suggest you cover yourself first?"

It was her turn to blush. She immediately covered herself with a

humongous varsity black jacket owned by her kuya Chad. "So what are you doing
here?" she repeated, hugging the jacket close to her.

He looked at her with his hypnotic chinito gray eyes, disheveling his
now dyed brown hair. "I came to personally apologize to you for making you cry."

There was a sudden ache in her heart and a lump in her throat; she
tried to get a grip on herself. Do not be fooled Anastasia, he's a player! She
mustered all of her strength, willing herself to say "GET OUT!" she growled.

He blinked in surprised, "Ah what?"

"I said leave ME NOW!"

"What? What did I say wrong?"

She crossly put her hands on her hips, "Everything! Whenever you open
your stupid mouth without even meaning to, I just fall for your pretenses. Even
when you don't deserve! And I hate it! So leave!" she shouted harshly, she
practically pushed him out of her room.
"Oh. Okay." his gray eyes clearly conveyed that he got hurt. She
impatiently tapped her left foot on the marbled floor as she waited for him to
leave. But before he did, he surprised her entirely when he rushed towards her
and... hugged her so tightly, enveloping her into his sturdy warm embrace.
Chapter 30 (You Used To)

AN: That's the preview of what Seo is going to wear on the Senior Prom ^^


It was a 5 seconds hug but she felt like it was forever. No matter how
much she tried to fight her feelings off, she just could not help it. She really
did miss him as well, more than she would ever care to admit. "I miss hanging out
with you Annie." He said huskily, stroking her red hair gently.

She trembled, not at the breeze but because she was too overwhelmed. She
pulled away, "W-Why are you doing this Alexander? Are you so fond of seeing me
distraught over you? Why can't you just be a hateful ex just like every normal ex!?
Why the hell do you have to be so perfect!!!"

He frowned, "Annie..."

She withdrew from his hug. "You used to my defender against bullies and
thunders! You used to blow the dust off my wound whenever I scraped my knees,
putting things to right. You used to hold my hand whenever I could not go to sleep
when I was a child!" her voice began to crack again.

"And t-then so that papa would not get mad with me, you used to even eat my
veggies fro me just so I would not cry! And when I am so tired hearing the love
confessions of Marco, you used to give me an ear muffler just so I wouldn't have to
hear him anymore. You used to be great! You were my knight and shining armor
Alexander! What the hell happened?" her voice was so raw with hurt from

He shrugged sadly. "Yes, I used to be that kind of boy, Annie. But when
will people realize that I have grown up too? And just because we used to be
childhood crushes, that doesn't mean we can be childhood sweetheart forever! You
should all stop acting like a victim, all the freaking time because you don't know
that I get hurt too. Only at least I know how to apologize for my mistakes and own
up to it."

She tried to open her mouth, only to close it again. He had a point. He
frowned, "So I'm sorry again that you misinterpret what I just did right now. I
only meant to apologize to you, hoping maybe we could still save something at

She looked down at the floor. "If that was the case then you should stop
apologizing and top being so damn nice!" she raised her voice from frustration.

"Anastasia? Anak okay ka lang jan?" (my daughter are you okay in there?)
her mother called her from downstairs when they heard her. Anne sighed, "Yes mama!
Okay lang po ako." (Yes mother, I'm okay)

She faced Alexander, she bit her lips. "Goodbye Alexander. You have made
your point already. Okay, fine. So please leave." She said it with a tone of
finality in her voice.

He reluctantly nodded; he tried his best to understand. "Alright Annie,

good night."
Chapter 31 (Letting Go)

AN: Preview of what Alexander is going to wear on their Senior Prom. #PromCountdown


"So the whole school is excited for the prom in two weeks. Who are you going with?"
Serra asked her best friend, sipping a mocha latte at starbucks.

Anastasia took a bite on her favorite pie. It felt so good! It literally

melts in your mouth. "Hmm... no one in particular." She chewed her food slowly.

Serra frowned, "What? I'm not a senior but a senior has already asked me
out to the prom, tapos ikaw wala ka pang kasama?" (And you still don't have a
partner to go with?) That was unbelievable!


"How about Seo?"

"Hindi parin kami okay, remember?" (We're still not okay)

"Well Davidson?"

"May date na." (He already has a date)


"With Ally..."


Her face became sour. "Ew no way! By the end of the date he would probably
ask to have sex with me. Eww no! That guy is just unbelievable."

"Then how about Alexandeer?"

Anne frowned. "You do know that's a stupid question, may girlfriend na

yung tao." (He already has a girlfriend) she rolled her eyes.

Serra gave up. "As much as I would love to ask Seo out myself, I'm not
allowed to since he's also still a sophomore, like me. I need a guy from the senior
to be my ticket in."

"And you already found one." Anne pointed out. "Exactly!" Serra grinned,
"So you should go to look for one too soon."

To be honest, Anne had always hated parties. It was a drag and shallow.
If not attending was only an option, she would take the alternative but
unfortunately it was compulsory fro all the senior students. And besides, Serra
would skin her alive if she did not go.

Serra's face suddenly lit when she remembered something. "By the way, do you
know that Seo joined a band called "The Morons"?"

Anne shook her head, she was impressed. "Wow really? That's good for him."
Serra frowned a bit though, "My darling Seo is going through a teenage phase. Gosh
that boy should stop being so cool! My opponents for him are increasing."

Anne gulped guiltily; she looked away so her best friend would not see her
expression. She tried to shrug Serra's comment in a nervous chuckle to hide her
true feelings. She badly needed an escape. "Oh well, look at the time! I need to go
home; I still got loads of assignments to contend with. Call you later besh!"

Serra did not mind, she still needed to get back to school for a cheer
leading practice since she was the official cheer caption now. "Okay, take care of
yourself besh!" they peck each other's cheeks goodbye.

Annoying as it might be, Serra was right. She needed to look for a proper
prom dress if she did not want all the good dresses sold out. As she was scanning
the shops, her eyes caught an image she did not relish to see.

She saw Bea and Alexander sitting cozily in the chocolate shop. Alexander's
hands were nestled by her waist as he interlocked her arms around his. They looked
so in-love that Anastasia felt like there were tiny needles pricking her heart
again. It was one of those rare moments that they thought no one was looking at
them, wherein they can show their feelings so publicly without holding back,
without worrying that they would hurt someone's feelings. That was when she knew
she can no longer convince herself with a lie that Alexander did not love Bea,
because he obviously did.

Bea then laughed at a joke Alexander said and then he softly turned her
chin towards his face and kissed her.

Anastasia tried to tear her eyes away from them. She was still on the
moving process; she knew gaping at them was not exactly helpful. She started to
walk away, her feet carried her to everywhere but nowhere, she tried to blink back
the tears. Stop being such a massive fool Annie. He's in-love and I should just let
him be. She reprimanded herself. Her heart felt like it was going to explode.
Chapter 32 (You're Welcome)

AN: Ignore the face. Lol But that's the dress just to give you an idea.

The music hypnotized everyone to its rhythm. The heat of the bodies
trashed and rubbed against one another as they danced the night away. Intoxicated
by the chant of music with the combination of alcohol and adrenalin rush, Anastasia
was among the feral child of the night.
She wore a skimpy outfit that revealed her whole back. A gold sequin
dress that was cut so low in the front, her entire soul was for the world to see as
she swayed with her beautiful long legs accompanied with five inch high heels.
She danced with everyone on the dance floor, she was a real catch to any
onlookers. She looked like an adult with her heavy make-up on, when in truth she
was only 18 years old.
A tall hot Spanish guy had been eying her the whole night from the bar, or
for a whole week to be exact. Anne had been a frequent guest in his father's club
lately. She caught his attention with her awesome body and red flaming hair, she
was hard to go unnoticed. She on the other hand only went to the club to release
her stress from school, family and her non-existent love life, through dancing. It
was a gift that the family Greene had been blessed with.
The Spanish guy made up his mind. Tonight, he would finally dance with
her. He gulped in his drink and languidly walked towards her like she was gravity.
He caught her hazel eyes. Good. He wanted her attention; he gave her a seductive
and delicious smile. And she returned the favor, she signaled him to come to her.
That delighted the man who looked around the age of 25. Finally he reached her,
"Hello." He purred.
"Shut up and just dance with me!" she laughed flirtatiously. He smiled;
reluctantly he put his hand on her hips. She closed her eyes as she danced. His
crotch almost rubbed against hers even that did not mind. If she was the old
Anastasia she would have, but thanks to Alexander she changed.
She was lost in the haze of her thoughts when she opened her eyes, she
was in for a surprise; just like a slow-motion she got to see her dance partner get
punched in the face. "Don't you dare lay your finger on her again!" Marco was
pissed, very pissed.
The Spanish guy recovered from the blow, he rubbed his sore cheeks. "And
who the hell are you?" he asked with his thick Spanish accent, clearly annoyed.
"I'm her future boyfriend!" and before she could protest, he covered her
with his jacket. "Let's go!" he ordered his face taut with controlled anger.
"No." The same cold reply.
"Look, I don't know what in the world is happening with your or maybe I
do, either way, I think you should stop being so stupid! Because no matter how much
you cry or rebel, Alexander doesn't give a damn about you! But we do!"
She winced. He forcibly pulled her out of the club. But she just would
not budge. "Tsk! You leave me no choice." He scooped her up, ignoring her
complaints and trashing, they left the club. But before delivering her home, Marco
made her wear a proper dress at least to abate James anger.
They did not speak much in the cab during the ride home. Anne was too
exhausted emotionally and physically. Her feelings and fatigue finally catch up
with her. It was a good thing that it was only Mrs. Greene who was home. And once
he had already tucked Anne to bed, that was the only time he knew he could finally
relax, knowing that she was safe.
"Marco...." She softly called him. He glanced from her door. She
smiled, "Thank you! I'm glad you came." And then she yawned like a graceful cat. A
smile twitched in his handsome face. "You're welcome Anna banana, sweet dreams."

Chapter 33 (You're Perfect To Me)

Prom night has finally arrived. It was the last time that the senior
students would have to go through that agony. It was so important to everybody, all
except Anastasia; she could care less about traditions of a shallow substance.

Nevertheless she was still forced to wear a red gown that was a tube in
the upper part and then it puffs out dramatically, wearing a simple diamond
necklace for accessory. She looked so beautiful, especially with her red flaming
hair down. And since James and Chad was still mad with her, it was her step-mom who
dropped her off at the Marriott hotel; where her school usually holds their proms
for how many generations. It still pissed her off that even her car was confiscated
by her father. "Have fun baby girl!" her mom kissed her on the forehead.

Anastasia offered a weak smile, she probably would not but she would try
not to blow her brains out from boredom at least. "Thanks ma!"

"And you still look beautiful even without a partner." She tried to
encourage her daughter. Anne smiled, touched at those simple words. "I don't need a
partner mama. I'm okay." she kissed her mother on the cheeks, then stepped out of
the car, she heaved a sigh and hoped against hope that the people would not eat her
alive just because she went alone to prom.

She scanned the ballroom for Serra. Her best friend was as usual the life
of the party. Serra wore a hot pink mini dress, tied her silky black hair in an
elegant knot and then wore a killer 6 inches of high heels. Her partner as it
turned out was the soccer captain. Nice choice Serra. Anne thought.

For awhile she stood there awkwardly. People greeted her once in awhile, but
all she really wanted to do was go home. She did not belong here and neither did
she care.

In the middle of the dance floor, Alexander was dancing a slow dance with
Bea. They had brief eye-contact, he offered a smile, she glanced away. She was not
really in the mood to be civil with him ever since that night in her room, which
was a week and half days ago to be exact. She knew Alexander was right and
sometimes the truth was harder to swallow than a lie. She had to deal with herself
now and stop resenting him; at least he had been honest with her. She was the only
one who just refused to accept it because it hurt.

"Hi besh! You look awesome!" Serra said a bit breathlessly from all her
dancing. Anne grinned, "Thank you! And so do you!" and then she remembered Serra's
parent's. "Girl, it's a miracle Uncle Kevin let you out of the house in that

Serra laughed, "Oh he doesn't have a choice! I'm his princess." True. Since
Serra was the only child, she could do anything she wanted. Her parents spoiled her
rotten to appease their guilt for being away all the time.

Candy Morris Dale on the other hand wanted to come to the prom too but she
failed to get a senior or a junior partner, so she had no choice but to stay at
home and baby sit her baby brother instead.

"Ugh! I can't digest looking at those two anymore!" Serra pointed at

Alexander and Bea and despite their prejudice, they did look good together; with
Bea wearing a white floral dress and Alexander on the other hand, handsome as ever
with his tuxedo on. "I can't believe they lasted for more than a year now." Serra
said with disgust.

"Besh, you're so bias!"

"And you're such a plastic! When we both know that you hate her guts as
much as I do." Serra rolled her eyes, and then giggled. "And well yeah... I'm bias.
You're prettier, sexier, and smarter than her! So cheer up!" she put her arms
around her buddy, pulling her into the party.

Anne sighed, "Look they're happy, which is great. Let's just leave it to
that." Serra raised her eyebrows but chose to remain silent anyway.

"Ladies and Gentleman! May I present to you; the MORONS!" someone announced
from the stage, probably a teacher. Anne and Serra looked at their direction.

Marco looked impeccable with his red hair cut clean in an army style,
wearing an Americana that was especially made for him, designed by his famous
fashion designer mother. And for a weird moment Anne's heart rate started to
accelerate at the sigh of the boy who chased her since she was nine years old.

He shyly looked at the crowd. It was obvious he was now embarrassed and
nervous. He cleared his throat, "Well to the girl who called me a "mushroom", "A
toothless dweeb" and a "troublemaker", I hope you listen to this song I'll sing for
you." The lights went out as the spot light focused on him. He closed his eyes and

"I know how you feel inside

You're in love and so am I

But you're with some other guy

I should be the one by your side"

He took a deep breath and let out a beautiful soulful voice no one thought he

"He cheated

Made you feel no good

I told you that he would

I knew he'd make you cry

You're broken

Let me make it better

Glue you back together

Just give me a try."

He begged with his puppy coffee brown eyes, it broke everybody's heart.

"Pretty pretty please

Don't you ever ever feel

Like you're less than, fucking perfect

If you get with me

I won't ever make you feel

Any less than fucking perfect, you'll see..."

The moment could not make her stop stand still, he looked so beautiful, he was
beautiful with such a pure heart.

"He's so stupid

Here's how i know..."

Alexander sighed, trying to forgive his cousin for that instant since he deserved
it anyway.

"What kinda genius would let

Perfection gooo..."

He pointed at her, every girl in the room, including Serra envied Anastasia Greene
so much at that instant.

"He's conceited; only 'bout himself

He loves nobody else

He ain't even fly...

You're broken

Let me make it better

Glue you back together

Just give me a try...

Oohhh, Pretty pretty please!"

His whole body rocked to the song, he sang so passionately, he moved a lot
of people. He then surprised everyone in the room even more when they discovered
her knew how to rap.

"It's gonna take time girl

To heal that hole (he left)

Exactly how long I don't know but..."

The crowd went wild, shouting his name.

"You got pain and I know a remedy

You gotta, start kickin it with someone like me?" he winked at her.

"OH MY GOD!!!"



"Lucky Anne!"

"Now you're overanalyzing all of your thoughts

Start to thinkin' it's all your fault

But baby girl don't you go and blame yourself

He's just a douchebag

He's just a douchebag!"

He went down the stage, the crowd made way for him. Anne blushed. He headed towards


I was hopin'

You'd let me replace him

I would straight erase him

Right out of your mind!"

He tucked a stray hair behind her ears, that simple act made her heart
thumped so wildly. But in her mind she was cursing Marco because it was the first
time she ever felt like something like this for another guy aside form Alexander.

"Pretty pretty please

you're a perfect girl to me."

He sung it so softly. He stopped singing, and looked into her eyes. "So...
how about it Anna? Can I court you my Anna banana? Not out of a dare, not out of
anything, this time I want to make it official that you really are mine."

Her heart felt like it would burst, her knees wobbled from the intense gaze
he gave her. Her hands unconsciously searched for Serra's and found it. She glanced
at her, worried for her sake. But then Serra squeezed her hand and smiled, "This
sucks for me, but come on besh! I'll totally hate you if you still say no."

They both broke into a nervous laugh. "Is it rally okay with you?" Anne
asked. Serra nodded. "Heal up your heart baby girl, you deserve it."
"What about you?" she still fretted.

She rolled her eyes, "Say yes already or I'll kick your butt!" she said,
showing off her adorable dimples. That made Anne teary eyed. Serra might look
ruthless or a snob to some, but she was a good friend to the people she loved,
especially towards her best friend. A loving daughter to her parents, in spite of
their busy schedules and despite the fact that she was a spoiled brat, she
completely doted on bother her parents. She was a very sweet and bubbly girl. And
Anne could not have been any gladder that Serra was her best friend.

Anne sighed, glanced back at Marco and after what felt like a million
years, she gave her approval by nodding her head. Marco and the rest of the entire
school exploded into a raucous celebratory outburst. She knew she should not but
she tried searching for Alexander, only to find out that he already left with Bea.



: last one for the night. Pagbigyan na ang birthday girl! Hahaha

time check: (2:35 AM on June 01)

Chapter 34 (It's a Date then!)

"I dreamt about him last night, I don't remember what it was about, I just it
was wonderful." Anne gushed to Serra as they were heading to class.

"Aww I'm so flattered you're even starting to dream about me, what did you
dream Anna banana?" Marco suddenly popped out of nowhere, as usual surprising the
girls with his needling.

"I-I... uhm... n-nothing! Whatever! Bye!" Anne blushed, her mouth went dry.
Damn you Marco Seo. She cursed under her breathe. Things got so awkward for Anne,
Serrra actually thought it was funny. She smirked, "Leave her alone Rastah man!"
she punched his arm.

Marco giggled. "There's nothing to be embarrassed though. I dream about you

even in my waking hours!" he announced shamelessly. The girls giggled, "Keep
dreaming dude!" Serra joked lightly, the girls high five each other. "Well, bye
Marco! Have a great day!" Anastasia waved at him.

Marco's heart burst with happiness. "Byeeee! I love you!!!" he could not
stop grinning. "Oh shoot!" he suddenly remembered he was supposed to ask Anne out
today after school, but because he got distracted by seeing her, he forgot. A light
bulb lit up. He thought of a great idea to get her attention, he just prayed it
would work out.


"Miss Greene, what are your thoughts on this?" their teacher asked
Anastasia. My thoughts is that I want to change seat. Why do I have to suffer
though all year being seatmate with Alexander? "Miss Greene?" her teacher called
her again.

Anne came back to reality and sighed. "To have loved and lost, Ma'am." She
said under her breath.

"And why is that this Miss Greene?"

It's my prerogative Ma'am, that's why. She sighed in her mind, trying her
best to bit down the sarcastic remark. "Well I think life no matter how tragic it
is; the reason why it's still worth living it's because of love. History has taught
us that."

"But also because of love, there is stupidity and irrational emotion.

That's why there is Helen and Troy." Alexander suddenly remarked.

Anne glared at him. Why won't you just shut up? She gritted. "Well what
about the quote, what is your stand on this Mister Morris?" their teacher was
curious at what was happening.

"To have never loved at all."

"And why is that?"

"Because ma'am..."

"Start with "it's" because, never start with just because." Their teacher
corrected him; she looked all stern with her huge frame glasses against her pointy
nose and wrinkled skin. She walked to and fro in the class, observing them like a

"It's because Ma'am..." he revised his sentence. "When you love you get
hurt, and when a person gets hurt he is now a person of his own feelings. One must
be above that to conquer the world."

Their teacher was delighted. "It seems to me you watch too many war
movies, Mister Morris. But that's a good sign that my students actually think.

Anne looked at Alexander and he looked at her. That was when she knew that
he never really loved her as much as she loved him; their connection broke when the
intercom suddenly sparked to life for an announcement. "Is this thing even

Anne frowned when she hear Marco's irritated voice, asking the controller.
The man sighed heavily at his idiocy. "Yes Marco. In fact the whole school is
already listening to you right now." The class broke into fits of laughter.

"Oh, right." Marco cleared his throat, "Hello teachers, classmates and my
Anna banana. I just want to ask you, yes you lucky girl! Miss Anastasia Kedreo
Greene, if you could go out with me later to the cinema?"

"Ohhhh" their classmates exclaimed.

"Class be quiet!" their teacher slammed the table to silence them, meanwhile
Anne blushed to the roots of her hair, to the very tip of her toes.

"So since I figured I can't hear you answer right now, I'll go to you
personally." The intercom went off, the class teased Anastasia. Alexander rolled
his eyes at the cheesiness of his cousin. After five minutes, all eyes were on
Marco as he coolly stood by the class' door. Marco waltzed into the room with a
bouquet on his hand. The girls went wild, almost throttling one another with their

Anastasia felt like she was the luckiest girl in the world. Marco slid his
hand through his red gorgeous hair, making him look even more irresistible. "Give
time and effort to fall in-love with Anna. I promise, you won't regret it." he
begged. Anne remained dumbfounded, he continued. "What are you so afraid of? Maybe
it's because you know you might actually fall hard for me right?"

She gaped at him unbelievably. "I thought you're done chasing me? That's
what you said in the canteen the last time." She reminded him, his persistence was

He sighed. "I've tried playing hard to get, it just doesn't suit me. I'm
the type of guy who runs after the girl and not the other way around." He could
feel Alexander go tense at the latter part of his speech.

Marco grinned, walked towards her and gave her a flower. "Now if you'll
say yes to the date, please eat the flower." He suggested.

Anne was outraged. "Are you stupid or something? How can I eat-" then she
looked at the flower. She was surprised to find out it was not your typical
bouquet, instead I contained French fries and the other half is an assortment of
various chocolates of; toblerone, kit-kat caramel, small boxes of guylan, snicker,
Cadbury and Hershey. She was impressed. That was pretty original. He just scored
one point.

At that moment Marco wanted to give himself a pat on the shoulder for being
such a genius, especially when she picked a piece of French fries and ate it--
affirming her answer. Marco smiled, "It's a date then!"
Chapter 35 (May I?)

They got the best seat in the house. They watched the movie "Maleficent"
because a) Marco had a huge crush on Angelina Jolie who he had a chance to meet at
one time in the Grammy awards, when his aunt Cassy got an award for being the best
actress. 2) The movie was really good. 3) It's because Anne liked it too.

They bought nachos with overflowing cheese, Mcdo foods and a super size
coke drinks to pair it with. The best part about this was that it was in 3D. Anne
sighed with satisfaction but shivered at the cold. She forgot to bring a jacket
since right after class, Marco and her immediately went to the movies.

Marco noticed that. He took off his jacket and then made her wear it.
Anne frowned. "Just wear it please?" he begged. She reluctantly nodded; he nodded
in satisfaction, grabbed nachos and started watching. Anne on the other hand was
not watching yet, she was watching Marco.

The light reflected on his handsome face. He was no Casanova indeed, which
everyone knew. But he was different from all the boys she knew. She wondered why it
took so long for her to realize this. She smiled at him with admiration in her eyes
for the first time in their lives.
Marco stopped eating, glanced at her. "What? Is there dirt in my face?" she
shook her head and smiled. "No, I really just like your idiot face." She turned her
attention towards the movie as she let herself turning red. She thought how
Maleficent looked so beautiful with her wings but he thought she was more


The movie ended at 7:00 P.M., they still had time since Anastasia' curfew
was on 8PM; they had a great time. He was supposed to drop her off at her house
directly but she said to stop the cab a few blocks from her house. For some reason,
she found out she still wanted to spend some time with him.

The moonlight was their light and guide as they slowly walked towards home.
"So what do you think about the movie?" Marco asked.

Anne pondered about it. "It was so sad and beautiful all at the same time."
She whispered.

"Sad? Why?"

"Well she trusted the guy and he actually cuts her wings off just for a
selfish reason to be king. He betrayed her and married someone else!"

Marco did not reply to that. Anne looked at him. "Hey you dweeb, if the
such situation should arise, would you the same thing with me?"


"Betray me?"

Marco frowned. "Never! Cliché as this might sound but I'd rather cut my
wings for you if I have to."

"But why the betrayal? Why do people hurt each other when they claim to
love each other?" a mist came out from Anne's mouth due to the cold.

He could not understand that either. People are usually slaves to their
emotions thus there are wars. Instead he noticed her hands freezing from the cold,
disapproval plastered on his face. She should have brought gloves with her.
"Remember what I said when I'll caught you not wearing a glove again?"

Anne breathed sharply. "Yes! You said... y-you said you'll kiss it." her
body become rigid, alert. "Don't you dare little troublemaker!"

Marco chuckled. "Yes that's true but I thought of a better way to give heat
to your hands."


He looked at her shyly. "May I hold your hand miss Anastasia Greene?"

They stared at each other by the moonlight. She could literally feel
herself falling for him and that terrified her. He waited for her permission like a
gentleman that he is. After a heartbeat she slid her soft warm hands into his,
"Yes. Yes you may."

He could not believe his luck. He felt like soaring. They held each other's
hands as they walked towards home. And unknown to each other, their hearts were
smiling secretly.
Chapter 36 (Itinerary What?)

Anastasia found herself smiling off to space now and then like a love sick
fool. It has been a month already since Marco has been courting her. It has also
been seven months since the disastrous summer with Alexander. Also Cassy was now 7
months pregnant, she would be giving birth soon. The whole family was excited about
that as well.
Marco still went to Paris every weekend with Cassy and Chuck except
without Alexander's presence that was still embarrass to face his own family. So
during weekends, he would rather spend it at home or with Bea Saunders. On the
other hand, Anne was as unsuspecting victim before she knew it; he was under her
skin so deeply she did not even know how he even got there in the first place.

"Good morning kuya Chad! Where's my Anna banana?" Marco cheerfully greeted.
It was a Thursday morning, how could he be there so early when he does not even
live across them anymore. For Anne, morning was just plain evil.
Chad opened the door for him, "Probably still snoring. What are you--oh right
I forgot you have a date. It's a good thing that you're the one courting my sister
and not that cousin of yours." He said the latter with pure disgust.
Marco entered their living room. "Bakit naman?" (Why so?) he set the
Mcdonald breakfast on the table, Chad closed the door. "It's because if it was
Alexander, I'll just beat that kid to pulp." He was of course, two years older than
Alexander and was now in his 2nd year college.
James heard the commotion; he came out from his room with his wife. "Oh
hello Marco, you're up early." His mouth played with amusement.
Marco smiled back. "Let's have our breakfast first po tito." He pointed.
James frowned, "You didn't have to." He was touched at the kid's thoughtfulness.
"Hmm, I'm used to have someone eating with me during breakfast, but
unfortunately my family is at Paris and the ones are here are busy. And some well,
I don't want to eat breakfast with." He sighed. "Is it okay though?" he looked at
them with his puppy look eyes.
In spite of the Greene's macho façade, they felt bad for Marco. "Oh sure!
You're also just like my son." And with that, Anne finally woke up, still in her
pajamas that were designed with the Adventure Time cartoon on it. "You guys are up
early?" she yawned.
He immediately stood up, took her hands and made her sit comfortably on the
dinning table with her whole family. He left the Greene family speechless as he
fixed their breakfast efficiently. "Let's eat!" he did the same ritual again; he
took Anne's pancake, poured honey and butter on it, he cut a piece of hash brown
and put it on top while putting a ketchup and mustard on it. And then he rolled it
and cut it and then spoon fed Anne; this time she did not protest. Although it was
weird at first, the second time around, she actually started liking the taste. It
made the pancake not boring.
"So what's your itinerary today?" James inquired, munching on his burger
and pancakes.
Marco almost choked on his food. "Itine-what? What is that tito?" he was
flustered. He felt like he would have a nosebleed with the heavy word thrown at
him. James tried to control his laughter. He liked this kid for his daughter, he
was a good boy. "It means what's your plan for today?"
Everyone breathe easily. "Ahh!! Si papa kase may itinerary pang
nalalaman. Na nosebleed tuloy po kaming lahat dun." (You made us all have a
nosebleed with the word "itinerary" father) Chad teased his father affectionately
as James chucked with content.
Chapter 37 (It thinks you're Cute)

Anne was wearing a blind fold. Marco insisted on that so he could surprise
her, he did not have a difficult time in researching on what she liked when he
already knew that all his life; that was his advantage.
It has been five hour since they were traveling in between those intervals,
Marco let Anne eat some food and let her listen to some music so she would not get
bored from the jet plane he borrowed from his aunt for their date. It took another
3 hours to get to their final destination. And finally, the car stopped.
With wobbly knees, Anastasia was guided out of the car. Marco took off the
blindfold and when her eyes had finally adjusted, her jaws were left wide open from
shock. They were in a Safari zoo. That was why it took them 8 hours to get there!
Marco glanced at her happy face; and it was all worth it. "Welcome to Africa's
Grand Safari Zoo!"
Anne had always loved animals, and the fact that Marco did such a
tremendous effort just to please her, she felt like she could almost cry from too
much happiness. "Wait, do my parents know about this?" she suddenly became worried.
Marco cleaned his collar, bragging. "Sure! Of course when it comes to me
they would say yes. They allowed us to stay here for two days!"
Anne jumped with joy. "Really!?" she squealed like a little school girl,
barely able to contain her excitement. He nodded, "Really."
"But why 2 days only?"
"Ehh, you're father is going to kill me if we take too long, we still have school."
Marco rented two suites in a resort hotel. Each room were designed as a
Safari zoo themed, having a balcony that adjoined together by their rooms and a
terrific view of the entire Safari. Marco had really outdone himself this time.
After depositing their things inside their rooms and cleaning up a bit, they
met each other in the banquet area.
"Yummmmmyyy!! Food everywhere! My tummy's really happy at the prospect of
eating." Marco said with glutton. Anne laughed at his quirkiness as he started
filling his plate like a ninja. After eating, they went out to explore the Safari
They rode a truck that was suitable for their Safari Adventure; it was
amazing. They saw giraffes grazing at their natural habitat, hippopotamus taking a
bath. But when they stop by the white lions, Anastasia just had to meet them. The
professionals were there to assist, so it was safe. Besides, he can never really
say no to her anyway.
Anne squealed excitedly like a child receiving her Christmas present
early. And just as she was going to approach them, she heard a familiar voice;
"Isn't that dangerous?" a husky voice dubiously asked. She glanced back and sure
enough, she felt like fainting seeing Alexander and Bea there too, and just like
them, the couple was surprised seeing the former as well.
"Are you following us?" asked Bea, she looked a bit pissed. She still sat
lazily on the safari truck with Alexander.
Marco snapped. "Dude! This is our date. Get lost man! This is really not
cool." He growled.
Alexander looked like he wanted just that, as if he wanted to be anywhere
else just not here. "Like I wanted to be here too! You're father is a real
troublemaker!!!" he grumbled, now understanding why his uncle requested him to go
to Africa. He probably wanted his son and his only nephew to patch up already; like
that was going to happy.
"Huh, what do you mean?"
"Well, uncle CJ gave me these free ticket only to find out you're here
too! How unfortunate!" Alexander shook his head.
"Why you--!" Anastasia was about to pounced on him, clearly offended if
it were not for Marco preventing her from doing so. "Let it go Annie, let it go.
Let's go to the lions now." He tried stirring her towards that direction, before
she unleashed her karate expertise on the two.

"Hi, is it okay to touch them?" Anastasia cautiously approached the male
lion. The Professional that was taking care of these beautiful creatures nodded.
"Just don't show them that you're afraid. Animals usually can smell fear.'"
"Oh wow! So I'd probably be his dinner since I reek of it." Marco
whimpered, everyone laughed at his adorableness.
She touched it's soft white fur, it was so magnificent. She was startled
when it started to purr to convey his satisfaction. "Awesome! You should try
petting him too Marco!" she gushed as her hazel eyes sparkled with joy.
Marco shook his head. "Umm no thanks! I value my hands too much, thank you
very much."
"Fag!" Anne teased. "Ooohhh you're so cute!" she hugged the huge cat, giving
everyone almost a heart attack. Marco took a shot fro her instagram and then he
pulled Anne away from the lions.
"I think that's enough, before the cat actually thinks you're cute too and
eat you."
Alexander and Bea were still watching as they held each other's hand. Anne
tried her best not to roll her eyes. "Hey Marco..."
"Yes?" he turned and without any warning Anastasia suddenly gave him a white
lion cub into his arms. Marco panicked, almost dropping the cub. He held on it, his
heart accelerated to a thousand heart beats. "Anna take it pleasel!" his voice
Anastasia could not stop laughing. The cub took a liking to Marco, it
rubbed its head against his arms, acting all so cute. After awhile, Marco's fear
disappeared, "Aww!! Aren't you a good kitty cat!" he tickled it as the cub played
with him in return, and just when he was having too much fan, the cat slapped him
on the face.
Marco was flabbergasted. "Wow! It actually slapped me! Bad kitty lion!"
he was shaking from surprise and a small amount of fear. And instead of comforting
him, Anastasia could not help but burst out laughing.
"It means I love you too couz." Alexander commented as he they passed by,
chuckling. And then their truck moved on to the next destination, the next stop was
the elephant ride.
"Come on troublemaker, I guess you've just met your match." She led him
back to their truck. The next stop was an elephant ride.
They had so much fun as they rode the elephants for awhile around the
area, with a professional nearby. The feel of the animal underneath them was a
unique experience. And when the elephant rocked them a bit too much, she was forced
to hug Marco on the waistline for safety.
Marco liked that. "Good elephant!" he patted the animal affectionately.
Anne smacked him on the arm, as he only giggled with amusement.
After 20 minutes they went down from it and just when they though it was
busy drinking from the brook, the naughty elephant sprayed them with water; soaking
them wet. Anne and Marco exclaimed loudly from surprise.
He caught her looking at her with a weird expression on her. "What? Am I
good enough to be model with my wet look?" he posed a cover girl posture for
Anastasia. She giggled. He then grabbed a jacket from the truck, protecting her
from a possibility of an impending cod. And then rode off to the next destination.
The next one was not something they both wanted but tried it anyway just
for the heck of it; it was putting on a live snake around themselves. After that
slithery experience, they both agreed never to try that again.
In their next adventure, they have encountered an eagle who only liked to
pick on Marco's big nose and then an orangutan named "Daisy" who kept asking Marco
for a hug. He was pretty popular with the animals. "It seems like you have an
admirer!" Anastasia teased.
He giggled. "Anne watched this!" he waved a banana, "Comeeee hereeee
Daisyyyy!!" he called her out. The orangutan saw him and the bribe, naturally it
ran towards him. He then decided to tease her even more by running away from it.
But Daisy was faster, she tried to catch up with him. And in her frustration, she
threw a ball right at his face.
Everyone almost died howling from laughter. He was still running. "I
shouldn't have teeeeeeeeased heeeeeer!!!" Marco yelled breathlessly.
"Yeah, you think?" Anastasia laughed up to the point that her stomach
could not bear it any longer. He was so damn funny without even meaning to.
Marco stopped running, he gave the banana to Daisy. The orangutan in
return slapped him in the face and then stuck out her tongue and left.
"Serves you right for being such a tease!" Alexander needled, amused just
like everybody else was. His hands casually tucked inside his denim, looking so
laid back.
Marco rolled his coffee brown eyes, ignoring his cousin and Bea. He went
back to Anastasia, smelling her distress.

Did you like this chapter? D
Chapter 38 (You like Me?)

They next went to a shooting booth. If you can shoot a sign board, then
they will get to win a Safari animal stuff toy. Anastasia wanted to try this
because Marco was such an epic fail to retrieve her a stuff toy. He excused himself
for awhile to buy some corn in a food stand nearby.
She concentrated hard on the shot, when suddenly someone touched her by
the arms from behind her, directing her in a good position, "That's how you do it."
Alexander whispered seductively, sending shivers through her spine. How could her
make her knees buckle and feel like a jelly when she tried so hard to forget how he
felt like against her skin. Her body was such a traitor. But she refused to let him
see his effect on her, she tried to compose herself.
The owner of the booth was looking at them weird curious eyes. Her radio
suddenly played "Superman by Joe Brooks". It triggered memories of their past,
especially that painful summer; bringing her back to the days when she was still so
helplessly in-love with a cold boy, hoping that she would be the one to melt his
barriers. Clearly, she was not the right girl for the job, which made the defeat
even bitter.
On the other hand, the radio was destroyed by Anastasia as she shot it with
her arrow from her annoyance. She raised an eyebrow at Alexander. "This is what is
going to happen to you if you dare touch or talk to me again." Her expression cold
as ice.
"That's kind of harsh. What about the poor lady's radio then?" he said with
concern. Anne took out her wallet, handed the lady some money to buy herself a new
"Where's your girlfriend?"
"In the C.R. and where's yours?"
"He bought some corn and FYI he's not my boyfriend yet okay? not that it's
any of your business." She said defensively.
Alexander ignored the latter part of her speech, grinning at her
sheepishly. "Sure, but that's what it is heading to."
"Again, it's none of your damn business!" she gritted.
"Actually it is. It's because of you my cousin and I are not still in good
terms. Thanks to you, I can't even face the whole school and my own family!" he
said harshly, his features hardening.
Oh so this is what this is all about? Anastasia blew up. "Oh like I even
FORCED you to make love to me!" she growled in equal anger. They were both
infuriated, breathing unsteadily while standing dangerously too close to each other
as they squarely looked at one another with pure hatred. It was Alexander who broke
the intense eye contact. "Whatever, just don't break my cousin's heart. If you'll
ever do your revenge, do it to me. And not my cousin."
She snapped. "As if it's all about you! It's not! Haven't you ever thought
that maybe I really like Marco?" she shouted with frustration. It was true. She
hated to admit it, but these past few days, it was finally dawning on her that she
was starting to really like Marco more than as a friend. He deserved as much, which
terrified her even more.
"Really you l-like me?" Marco grinned from ear to ear. Anne did not expect
for him to be standing behind her, she felt herself blushing. What a day she was
Alexander smiled back, he passed by Marco, patted him on the shoulder.
"You're welcome dear ol' cousin." Heading towards Bea's direction, satisfied at his
handy work.
Marco was still stunned. "Y-You really like me?" he stared at Anne,
hoping against hope she was not joking, if it was... it would be a really cruel
joke. She rolled her eyes, swiftly took the corn from him. "I like your idiot
face." She pulled him to the next direction.
Chapter 39 (STUNNING)

"Okay what's our itinerary today before we head back to Kuwait?" Anastasia
asked him while having their breakfast at the balcony.
"Hmmm... itinerary." He chewed his food slowly, remembering how he learned
that word. He picked a piece of bacon; taste like a piece of heaven on meat galore.
"Let's go air gliding!"

"I will kill you MARCO SEO ARISENO MONROE!!!" Anastasia screamed from panic
and out most fear. She was strapped into a huge like kite that was big enough for a
human and then it was connected to the car; so when the car starts, it would pick
up some air, fueling the glide to move.
Marco on the other hand rode on the car as he cajoled her. "You're doing
fine Anna Banana!" and before she could protest, the car revved up to life as she
was blown away into the air. Anne screamed her head off. She had a new resolution;
to fry Marco alive, if she made it out alive.
The wind whirred past her face. She felt like a huge bird or better yet
now she knows what Maleficent felt like when she was flying with her wings.
Wouldn't it be magnificent to actually acquire one? Wishful thinking. She closed
her eyes, forgetting all her troubles for a moment. And then later on, her fears
finally evaporated into the air as well, forgetting her troubles for a moment. She
now only felt joy.

"Oh no! Mister the car ran out of fuel." The driver announced, worry
etched on his dark face. "And then?" Marco did not quite get the implication of it,
he was too happy seeing her smile because of him.
The driver sighed, willing the Gods to give him patience at this idiot.
And then the car stops, and then Miss Pretty there..." he pointed Anne. "Will
die!" he announced dramatically.
Marco went berserk. "ANNAAAAAAAA!!!" he started screaming like a lunatic.
The driver bit his lips, he should not have exaggerated. Poor boy, the girl will
survive if she lands on a soft cushion or a trampoline since he has already called
for help. But he did not move, it was amusing seeing the boy make a fool out of
"Yessss?" Anne opened here eyes. "YOU GOT TO PEDDLE YOUR LEGS, SO WHEN YOU
LAND, I CAN CATCH YOU AND BREAK YOU'RE LANDING!" he was now sweating cold from
"I have to what!?" Anne opened her eyes, she was hysterical.
"! I will really skin you alive Marco!!!" she threatened loudly.
Meanwhile the crew down below were frantic, assembling the huge trampoline to break
her landing.
"START PEDDLING YOUR LEGS ANNA!!!" Marco screamed at the top of his lungs.
He didn't care if she would kill him, as long as she would make it out. She
listened to his instructions; she started paddling like a mad woman for the sake of
her life. On the side of the road, she saw Alexander and Bea finally arriving on
the scene.
She was mortified, seeing their concerned expression. Curious, they were
human after all. Never mind that, she needed to stay focus, redoubling her efforts.
Finally she landed roughly on the ground, with full speed ahead; she rammed herself
into Marco's wide open arms. They landed on the soft and huge trampoline.
Anastasia's huge kite wings covered them underneath its blanket. She was
still on top of him. They looked into each other's eyes; they could feel their
hearts' beating rapidly underneath their fingertips. They both turned crimson red
as they felt the heat rising form their bodies. The sunlight did not help either
for him to resist her beautiful charm as it played with Anastasia's fiery red hair.
"You're so stunning." He murmured with desire. He tucked a stray hair
behind her ears, gliding his fingertips on her face. He smelled so good. "My
Anna... my sweet Anna, are you even human? Why do you always hold me captive?" he
uttered softly. His voice tingled with her senses. She could not breathe right; he
was never like this before.
It was then the crew decided to interrupt their moment. They drew back the
huge blanket from them. "Are you alright? Please Ma'am and sir, let us escort you
to the medics for a check up." The man with the uniform outstretched his hand to
help them up.
We were alright before you entered. Tsk! Marco fumed. But suddenly,
Anastasia surprised him; she traced his eyebrows slowly, as if teasing him. Oh God!
This woman doesn't know what she is doing to me! He groaned inwardly.
"Stop fuming my little troublemaker. You look funny." She giggled, with
mirth in her hazel eyes. Then embarrassed for calling him with "my", she went off
to be checked by the medics.
Marco blushed like a tomato. My little troublemaker? Well that's new. But he
cherished that in his mind, it was a progress. She called me "my". He smiled

Did you think that Marco really is funny? Whose funnier? His father or him? :D
Hmm do you think this little romance with Annie and Marco is for real? Vote and
comment! :)
Chapter 40 (Too Good)

"Annie are you up to a challenge?" Bea glanced at her insolently, like

she was only a speck of dust. They were in a huge tent, wearing white robes for a
massage. They all figured they deserved to take a break form the stressful day.
Anastasia was on one mat with Marco, facing Bea and behind her, sitting was
Alexander. "What challenge?" she asked, curiosity getting the best out of her.
Bea's smile curved into a satisfied grin. She had her where she wanted. "Go
massage your partner, meaning Marco." She dared.
The three suddenly became tensed. Anne's throat went dry. She licked her
cracked lips, trying to find her voice. In the end, she only managed to feel
herself blushing profusely at the thought of holding Marco that intimately, knowing
that might bring unprecedented pleasure. She shook her head, thinking how silly she
was acting. Besides she knew Marco was a good boy.
Be raised her eyebrows. "What cat got your tongue? Or is it because you're
a coward?" she taunted.
The boys groaned. Call Anastasia Greene anything but never a coward. She
would probably do whatever dare you will dish out for her even if she was afraid;
it seemed like it was an insult to the Green's pride. To think about it, James
Greene, her father never back out from a challenge.
The boys' head spun so quickly, they could have strained their necks from
shock. "Are you crazy? You don't have to do it if you don't want to Anna." Marco
Anastasia smiled sweetly, pinching his cheeks. "Relax. I'm fine Marco, it's
you who I'm worried about." She winked, teasing him. He remained silent, blushing.
And then without any further ado, Anne cracked her knuckles, stretched it. She
splattered some lotion with a strong aroma on Marco's shoulder.
He felt a good shivering running through his body when Anastasia placed her
soft hands on him. His muscles relaxed, enjoying the feeling. And just when there
was enough lotion on, she started massaging him gently at first, earning him a soft
moan of pleasure. He covered his mouth. He should try to control himself, but he
just could not help it.
Anne smacked him on the back. "Yah! Behave you idiot." She muttered.
Alexander and Bea snorted with laughter, poor bloke.
Marco on the other hand was embarrassed, but oh god it just felt so good!
Her pressure increased, easing the tensions form his strained muscles. It was pure
bliss. His eyes fluttered open when he felt like he was being aroused. He
immediately stood up, making his friends wonder he was suddenly out of the ten in
one split second.
"What was that all about?" Anne frowned. Alexander burst out laughing.
"You were too good, Anne." He winked; Poor bloke indeed.

Awkward wasn't it? :D What did you think happened? :)
Vote, comment and add <3
Chapter 41 (Falling)

Anastasia just finished her morning jog. She stretched for awhile to cool
down. Her adrenaline was still running amuck, just when her blood had finally
relaxed, her face became pale when Marco called out to her. She did not know what
to do.

He ran towards her. She started walking away, it was still very awkward for
her. She never thought she could actually evoke such strong emotion, especially
desire from any men, she still felt insecure with herself, thanks to Alexander. It
was just an innocent massage! After all, how could anyone be aroused by a lousy
massage. Then again she was not really an expert in understanding the workings of
the minds of men.

"Anna wait!" he pleaded.

She sighed, "What?"

"Look I'm sorry for what happened last night. I-I..." he blushed again.
"Yeah I know... you can't control yourself. It's my fault." She stared at the
ground, anything just not to see his face.

He blushed even more. "Yes you're right. I-It just didn't seem right to
take you there right in-front of everybody else, believe me." He saw her glaring at
him with the promise of death. He almost choked, hurrying with his speech. "Look
what I'm trying to say is... it's not that you're not desirable. It's not also your
fault you're so damn irresistible! It's just that I respect you way too much,
Anna." He said with his endearment for her with such a caress in his tongue, it
felt impossible not to forgive him. All this new emotions were confusing her. Oh
bother not again! For the first time, he rendered her speechless. Not
even Alexander or any other man could claim as much dignity and self-preservation
like Marco has. She was starting to respect him as well.

He thought she was still mad. So he tried one last time. "Anna, if it's
okay with you... I hope you could attend the grand ball later this night for the
farewell to us guests." He asked shyly. "That is if you'll still have me." And
before she could even respond, he ran away. He has done as much as he can; now he
only hoped she would attend the ball. What he did not know however was that she
admired him for that; Marco was really something.


He stood near at the balcony, edging a bit away from the party. Marco tried
his best to look devilishly handsome, trying to beat his cousin in a measly way,
even though being "Devilishly handsome" was a title Alexander had held for years,
even without meaning to.

He was starting to get apprehensive. He kept checking the crowd for

Anastasia all night, but so far there were not any signs of her yet. He gulped down
his drink. Damn it Anna, please don't leave me hanging again. He fidgeted.

Another dark beauty approached him for a dance; she wore a peach adorned
taffeta dress that was made of frills. He was about to say no again, when he felt a
strange jolt in the pit of his stomach, instinctively he turned around. And there
she was, taking every men's breath away.

She was as lovely as the moon's delight. Her red hair, curled for this
special occasion as it rested upon her neckline. She decided to wear a Victorian-
themed-dress; a modest cut that showed enough but not too much of her cleavage,
wrapping itself snugly with black lace around her small waistline, as the dress
burs out fully down below. She could have passed as a princess.

She was searching for the crowd for Marco as well; she saw Alexander and
Bea dancing by the corner and then she saw him. Their eyes met, he looked handsome
in his suit. He apologized to the dark beautiful lady, as she marched off fuming.
He did not mind. He felt compelled to go towards her as he pushed his way through
the crowd.

She lifted her gown a bit as she descended down the stairs. There was
something about Africa that was captivating her, tugging her heart not to be
afraid, or was it the night that lulled her to a pretense of false security again?
All they knew, and all they felt was that they just wanted to dance.

"Falling" by Tyler Ward started to play in their background, adding another

strange atmosphere in their cobwebs of emotions.

"The conversation was just right... underneath the shade of moonlight."

He stretched out his hand; she placed it on his palm. He gallantly kissed her on
her delicate palms, making her blush. And just like in the song, he stirred her
towards the garden, into the moonlight's caress.

"You were standing there with sun-touched hair, and her dress was
colored white. Like an airplane I took flight, I fell in-love with you that first
night, 'cause you dance with me and I could see that there was more to life." Never
had they felt this kind of stirrings in their beings with each other, it was always
so innocent, that was the charm about Marco. But for this one special night,
Anastasia Greene-the girl who swore to the mother earth she loathed his very
existence, this time, she was terrified that she was falling for the most unlikely

"I'm falling... I'm falling in-love with you..." the song vibrated in the
air. She gulped nervously as they danced underneath the tree, so close with each
other. She could feel him shiver underneath her touch. He was at her beck and call,
he always had been.

"Just before the strike of midnight, you said this could be the good life,
when you said goodbye, I hope to get to see you soon." They just did not want the
night to end. Could this bubble wrap go on forever? They were more afraid of facing
the consequences of their feelings for each other. At least with this, they could
go on pretending that nothing has ever changed. But that was not true as well.

He cleared his throat; he had to say something to her. He could not bear
to see this complete faith of look in her eyes when he knew he was not that
innocent, he was not that good, he was also a selfish person just like everybody
else. He shivered at the thought of what could happen if he fell from her good
grace. He did not think he could bear seeing her despise him or go ignoring him
life before. Now that she was in his arms, he made a resolution with himself to
never let her go; this chance might never come again.



"I have to tell you something..."

Fear jumped at her throat. Whatever he had to say, she did not want to hear
it for no apparent reason. She did not know what was exactly going on at that
moment, but all she knew was that she wanted to prolong staying in the safety of
the cocoon. "Let's just enjoy the night Marco..." she murmured, and closed her eyes
as she put her head on his chest. "At least for now."

He inhaled sharply. He never expected that from her, no in the million

years. Still he could not complain that life was certainly good. It felt good
having her this close, he hugged her tightly. "I love you Anna banana..." he knew
he had to risk saying that even just for once, even if at the risk of rejection.
"And thank you for giving me such a beautiful night." He crooned.

"Then I walked for several miles, couldn't rid me of my smiles, 'cause you
found me and I found you in this lovely month of June..."

Chapter 42 (I Was Never Sorry!)
"Oh God what I am I going to do Serra?" Anne groaned, her face on her two
hands, clearly distressed. Serra watched her best friend with worry. She sat on the
bed with her. "So what are you going to do?"

Another month has passed by, ever since the Africa resort date they had,
things just got weird. And now Anastasia tried to avoid Marco as much as she can
because he confused her. She wanted to make sure he was not just a rebound; he was
too good to deserve that. Plus she hated herself for liking Marco too much, feeling
like a traitor in spite of Serra's blessings.

Although it was true that Serra loved Marco, her loyalty was always with
her best friend. So when she found out her friend's dilemma, she literally smacked
her on the forehead for being such a nincompoop. She loved her way too much to
sacrifice their friendship. Also she wanted them to be happy; even though she
always prayed for Marco to like her back in some miracle, she also hoped if not her
then, it would be alright for Anne to have him instead. She did not think she could
entrust him to anybody but her best pal.

"Come on, let's finish our assignments or else sir Dunst will chew us
tomorrow." Serra fretted. She was right, they were already (Anne and Alexander) was
close to graduating, she did not want to screw her future up just because of some
boy problem; she still had to maintain her good grades since she was a
valedictorian candidate.


Mister Dunst was their physics teacher and by far this was the most boring
class they had. He looked up from his desk. "Miss Greene and Mister Morris, where
are your assignments?"

Alexander gulped. He was too pre-occupied last night. It was past midnight
when he got home, and since he did not feel too good, Alexander did not bother with
his assignment. He groaned. "I'm so sorry sir, I didn't do my assignment since...
I..." their teacher shut him up, "Detention for you!"

Alexander scowled but he knew better than to complain. Mister Dunst's

attention shifted to Anastasia, "And how about you Miss Greene?"

Oh shoot. She mentally slapped herself for forgetting her assignment as

well. Just great, all her efforts were wasted. She glared at Alexander. This was
his entire fault! Well partly.

Alexander frowned, wondering why the heck was she even staring at him with
daggers in her hazel eyes. What could he have possibly done now?

"Miss Greene!" Mister Dunst barked. "Shall I give you a knife to murder
Mister Morris? Or will you answer my question?" he growled. She sighed. "I forgot

"Okay! Detention for you too! Excuses excuses!" he stood up. "Class
dismissed! You too however, I'll both see you later this afternoon in the detention


Tap, tap, tap. She felt restless. Not only was it awkward being alone in
one room with your "ex-husband", she was also itching to go out of this hellish
place to meet up with Marco. They had a date tonight, she did not want to be late
especially when she finally made up her mind after more than two months, she was
going to finally say yes to Seo.

As if Alexander read her mind, he spoke up. "Don't hurt my cousin, okay?"
he said a bit arrogantly.

She tried to ignore him the whole time but he just seemed so set on irking
her. Anne raised her eyebrows, "I'm not like you! Thank you very much." Her voice
dripping with full sarcasm.

That stung. His gray eyes were like a raging fire, the calm before the
storm. She shivered his cold gaze. "I'm just trying to do the right thing
Anastasia." He whispered so softly.

That was it, the last straw. How could he be so perfectly calm after
everything? She had the urge to hurl things at him, to beg, and cry. He made her
feel so irrational and angry all at the same time; all her resentment bubbled to
the surface, threatening to suffocate her.

She wanted to hurt him as much as he had hurt her, as much as he had
betrayed her because even when she liked Marco now, she doubted she could ever get
over him.

She stood up abruptly. "Do.the.right.thing?" she laughed bitterly. He

looked at her sadly. "Yes, the truth is better than leading someone on don't you

Anne shook her head. She could not believe what a dick he was! Dude, you
did not have to rub it in my face! She grabbed her bag, heading for the door. "I'm
so sorry Anastasia. I'm so sorry for everything..." he said. She stopped at her
tracks, her blood turning cold.

It should have melted her heart; his apology should have made her soft. But
instead it only angered her, she walked back towards him. "I--was never sorry that
I loved you, Alexander. And if I hear you say another apology again, as if you're
sorry that we happened, that I happened..." tears sprung from her hazel eyes, her
throat constricted with emotion. She hastily wiped her tears away, silently cursing
her weakness.

She could not believe with that will all the efforts, to cover up her
weakness in-front of this man, with just some tiny words; he stripped her bear
naked of her vulnerabilities. "I love you and if you're sorry for that as well,
then I suggest you go screw yourself Alexander Monroe Morris!" she slapped him,
leaving the door banging in her wake.

He closed his eyes, for a moment he let himself wept; as guilt

overwhelmed him.


Comment down below in which do you think is the most heart breaking scenes in this
story! and why? :) And I'll make a dedication for you.
Chapter 43 (Grand Gestures)
Grand gestures; that was always what Seo's father drilled into his mind.
Treat the girl you love like a queen even when you already have her. He made it
grand alright. Seo rented the whole Kuwait tower for their date. It was situated
in-front of the sea side, giving them the view of the whole city; the best of both
For that night, Anne wore a simple black dress, and yet she still looked
elegant. She could see that Marco Seo was drinking her all in, as if he was
engraving her on his mind. With Seo, just a simple gaze, her always made her feel
so adored.
She was still shaken from her encounter with Alexander that afternoon. The
guy could really get under her skin, and she loathed it. She shook her head,
determined to forget that sorry episode. Anne looked at Marco Seo.
In just a year, he really has grown up. His coffee brown eyes that holds
so much warmth and innocence, made her unsteady. His red hair was cropped shorter,
his baby fats replaced with a leaner look. Her heart fidgeted. For the first time
in knowing Marco Seo, he made her nervous. She knew that even when Alexander would
always have a strange effect on her, this boy would always be the one she can lean
on to.
She smiled because who would have thought that she would eventually like
him so much? It might not be love yet, but he kept it up, she knew that she could
love him as passionately as he loved her.
"I have to tell you something..." they both said together. They burst out
laughing. "Okay, lady's first." Marco insisted. Anne shook her head, "No, you first
my little troublemaker." She made his insides turn into a gelatin.
He sighed. This was it. He prayed for strength. Goodbye Anna banana he
mourned. He just wished she would not hate him as much after this confession. For a
moment of weakness, he wished that Serra was there. Strangely enough, she gave him
He stared at the ocean view, anything just not to look at Anastasia in the
eyes. If he did, he might become a coward and would never be able to tell the
truth. "Anna... I love you. You know that right?"
She frowned, nodding her head. That was a fact that he was stating which
everybody already knew, why was he suddenly so tensed? Still she admired the kid
for having guts enough for saying those words. She drank her wine and waited.
Marco looked so lost. He had to continue, he sighed, and he hated how Anne
eagerly looked at him with full trust in her beautiful eyes. "I love you so much
that you broke my heart."
She frowned. What was all this about? He proceeded. "That time at the café,
I heard you and Alexander arguing. I knew Anne, I knew it all along and it broke
me. Not only did you preferred him over me, but because I did not knew that
Alexander liked you as well."
She felt bad for him. Anne could only imagine what he felt that night, she
listened to him completely. "You broke my heart so much Anna, to the extent that I
hated you at some point...." He looked up at her guiltily, imploring with his eyes
to understand what he had to say.
"And that's when I tried calling your number. The one you gave me when I was
injured. I was so drunk that night, I wanted to lash out! I wanted to scream at
you!" his eyes become blurry with unshed tears. "But it was Serra who answered. I
realized then that you didn't gave me your number but Serra's instead!" his face
darkened. Now it was she who could not look him in the eye.
"Starting from that time, we started texting and calling during the
summer..." he continued. She felt a cold jealousy gripping her. She tried to shake
it off since she was with Alexander during that summer too, she did not have the
"I was desperate to have my revenge. At the same time I was going insane!
I tried to replay scenes in my mind to get back at you, to hurt you as you had hurt
me." He was now so dangerously close to the edge. "And that's when Serra suggested
me to use her."
Anne was surprised. What the? He blushed. "I-I mean not physically but
you know, to pretend that we were really so close, to exclude you to make you feel
jealous. Since she said it was the only way I can ever get your attention."
The warmth of the atmosphere suddenly felt so cold. He shivered by Anne's
penetrating gaze. "I see, so you're telling me this because?" even her voice was
devoid of emotion.
He closed his eyes, here was the hardest part. "I'm telling you this because
I don't want to lose you. I don't want to start a relationship that was made out
lies. I-I never thought that you would actually like me! Not even in my wildest
dreams Anna!" he sighed. "It all started out as a stupid immature plan to getting
back at you, so that when you finally fall so madly in-love with me, I'll leave
you. But when I found out from Serra that you really liked me now, I knew... you
didn't deserve this."
Can he die now please? This was harder than he though. Forgive me; forgive
me for this my dearest. "Before the school begun, in our family reunion in Paris,
Alexander cornered me. He confessed that he likes you. I don't know what his other
reasons are for being such a jerk to you. But one thing was for sure; during that
time he really said he liked you. But I was mad and jealous and told him to bug
off. And he did."
Tears started to threaten. No, she had to see this through, keep it
together Anastasia. She reminded herself. Oh my poor Alexander. Even though
Alexander did not deserve her pity for the other mistakes that he did, still... it
was there; raw with care and hurt. She just wished if Alexander really liked her
before, he could at least have fought for her. Well apparently, she was not worth
it for him.
He did not know if he could still go on. And yet Marco still hoped for
her to find forgiveness in he heart. "I love you Anna. I really do. Please my sweet
Anna..." he sobbed. He tried to get a grip on himself, he cleared his throat. "I'm
so sorry, truly I am. Umm, what were you going to say?"
"I was going to say yes..." her voice trailed off, not trusting herself not
to cry. What had she ever done to the Monroe cousins to deserve this so much pain?
Marco Seo looked at her hopefully, she tried to find it in her to forgive, but what
he did... it was just unforgivable.
With Alexander, he was right. He was just a weak man who was enslaved by
lust and of course wit her desperation for him, she could not really entirely blame
him if he tricked himself into loving her. Only to find out that it was just really
infatuation. At least he did not want to hurt her on purpose, but with Marco. It
was just a different story.
She could understand and sympathized with his pain, but how could he? How
could any human being deliberately plan to hurt someone regardless of their
reasons? How dare them both to make her fall for them only to break it with
unsolicited truth? And in the deepest part of her soul, she knew why she really
could not forgive him; how dare him to interfere with her relationship with
Alexander. Curse them both! And worst of all betrayals was that; her own best
friend lied and betrayed to her too.
"And now?" Marco asked softly, afraid of what she had to say. She felt so
drained, so decapitated from feeling anymore. She sighed. "And now we're over
before we even begun."
No no no! This was just not happening. Please please please like me again
please? He panicked. And just when he finally had her, she slipped right out of his
fingers. He wanted to scream.
Alexander called Marco's cell as Anne's father called her too at the same
time. They had to go to the hospital immediately. Cassandra Monroe was in trouble.

Well, did you expected that to happen? I bet you didn't Crushers! :)
Vote, comment and tell me what you think? :)
Chapter 45 (For My Sake)

The whole clan was there, even Helen and Kevin managed to come to Cassy's
side when they had found out that Cassy was in labor.
Everyone was tensed. Sera held her mother's hand for strength. Meanwhile
Kevin, CJ and Kevin tried to calm down Chuck. Alexander leaned on the wall with a
curled fist, praying that his mother would be fine. Mrs. Greene, Claire (Chuck's
youngest sister), Luna and Candy were at home to take care of the kids.
Eddy stood up and went to his Marco. "Is Cassy going to be alright?" Eddy
was now older and yet he still looked at them with a child-like expression, full
with trust and naivety.
Marco patted Eddy. "I hope so too." He smiled weakly for Eddy's sake if not
for himself. He glanced up at Anne. She was seated near her brother-Chad. He tried
to get her attention, but it was futile. She would not as much glance to the three
of them; Serra (who looked as guilty as him), Alexander and Marco. Everybody was so
taut of emotions, that if someone put a needle into the atmosphere, things would
blow up.
The doctor came out, he called Chuck. He seemed apprehensive. This too made
everybody feel unease. Cassy might look young, but still, she was already 46 years
old, she was in such a precarious situation. Chuck went inside the operating room.
He was scared out of his wits for his wife; he winced at the sound of her wife
screaming. He numbly followed the doctor.
"Mister Morris, your wife is in such a delicate situation. I'm afraid her
body might not be able to deliver your baby without..." he did not have to finish
his sentence; Chuck winced at that without any second thoughts. He already made his
decision. He wiped the sweat from Cassy's face.
At his touch, Cassy opened her brown eyes, even though she was in delirious
pain, she smiled at the sight of her husband. He squeezed her hand. "I love you
Cassy baby..."
She nodded. He looked at the doctor with determination in his handsome face.
"Please do your best to save my wife and child but if it comes to choosing, please
doctor do not hesitate to save my wife."

Who do you think would live and why? Comment and vote guys! :)

It was the gloomiest day of everyone's lives. After seven hours of pure
torture, Chuck went out of the operation room. His looked tired and grim, he
plopped on the chair, exhausted.
Alexander went to his father. "Dad? How is mom?" Chuck raised his thumbs,
indicating she was fine. Alexander sighed with relief. "Is it a baby girl or a baby
boy?" he asked eagerly now that he knew his mother was safe. He really wanted to
have a baby brother or a baby sister, since the twins' had their own lives now,
although they were on their way to the hospital now with everybody's necessities.
Chuck cracked a smile which his son took after, disarming you from
anything logic reason. "It's a baby boy. We named him Calvin Chuck Junior Monroe
Morris." Alexander grinned, and hugged his dad.
James approached them; he did not catch a wink of sleep either. "C-Can we
see her now?" he looked so pale. When his best friend called him, he was still in
the office doing his art work for a comic book. He instantaneously came to his
friend's aid. They all went inside the hospital room to see Cassy.
Cassy was tired. Dextrose connected to her, she looked so frail. It felt
like a de ja vu to Chris Joseph. They were all just relieved to see her okay. Anne
did not realize it, she actually held her breath from too much fretting. But now
that she saw Cassandra alive and well, she relaxed. She went out of the room. She
just could not stay in one place with those three, at least not now.
"Besh?" Serra ran after her. She looked horrible, with her messy dyed blond
hair all tangled up and in her pajamas. They stood in the hallway. Anne heaved a
sigh. "Get away Serra. I don't want to talk to you right now."
She winced when Anne called her by her name, and not by their pet name. She
tried to approach Anastasia. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to hurt you." Tears sprung
in her eyes.
Anne spun around; anger and resentment coursing through her veins. "But you
did! You betrayed me for some guy!" she said accusingly. Serra could not meet her
gaze. She was too ashamed of herself. And then the two boys came out of nowhere.
They were all silent, as if trying to feel each other's emotions.
Anne glanced at Alexander. "Congratulation for your new baby brother, he
looks just like you."
Alexander nodded. Marco cleared his throat and tired to get closer to
Anastasia. "Anna..."
Anastasia raised her hand for silence. "Not now, if you'll ask for my
forgiveness, I don't think I could forgive you all. At the moment I just hate the
three of you." She said honestly. "But..." Marco felt helpless.
Alexander touched his cousin's arm; he tried to find his voice. "A-Annie...
whatever he did..." he said that pet name with such softness it pissed Anne. "If
you can't forgive me, then fine. But give my cousin a chance, at least for my
Anne frowned. She laughed hysterically; they all got worried, exchanging
looks. She stopped; Anne looked at them with pure hatred in her eyes. "For your
sake?" she scoffed. "Don't be so delusional Mister Morris!" she flipped her flaming
red hair indignantly.
"As for chances? I'm afraid you all burned that into crisp." She looked at
each one of them. Alexander seemed to be the only one indifferent from her
outburst; as if he could not really care less what she would say or do. She raised
her chin defiantly. "I hate all of you! I never, never want to do with any of the
three of you again! I'm done with you Monroe cousins to last me a lifetime!"
It was like a death sentence, resounding in their ears. And with the last
shred of dignity she had, she walked out of there like a lady, vowing to never ever
look back again.

The End.

Rough draft: May 3, 2015.

Soft copy: June 3, 2015.

So what do you guys think? Are you crossed that she didn't choose anyone of your
favorites? And who are by the way your favorite and why? Who do you want Annie to
end up with? What would you want to see in the part 3? :) It's coming soon! ^^v


@Welc0meT0MyW0rld & @mehreenhoran - for being with me in this journey since part 1.
Thank you for you for being so cool!!! Both of your comments really helped me in
doing this part.
@Monay: All of your witty comments have been my fuel. I could literally have not
finished this without her zealousness and her attachment to my characters,
especially to CJ Monroe! HAHA! Seriously, if she had not request for this, there
would not be any part 2 or 3.

@chenillenapalan: For your seriously awesome feedbacks!!!

And of course to my Crushers (both in the CVC Club and the fans of CC); your votes,
comments and reads are very precious to me! Yes, even you my silent readers.

So you think that's the end of it? I'm afraid there's more! If you're curious
what would happen next, please tune in for the part 3! You will see a whole new
side of your favorite characters you have never seen before, oh and of course, a
new delicious character(s) awaits to meet you!

If you liked this story, go visit the Author's Wattpad page: @Untroubledsoul
Facebook page: Untroubledsoul
Twitter page: @_Crushersoul

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