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Marianna Nagy

The Question Marks of Public

Audits – Regularities
and Irregularities in Public
SUMMARY: The study analyses the concept of irregularity and its theoretical and legal manifestations. Irregularity in Hungarian law is
in use in more than one sense; one of these is based on the regulations of the European Union. The EU’s regulation of irregularity
and domestic legal practice contain numerous contradictions. The present article attempts to draw attention to the contradictions of
Hungarian regulational and contractual practice.

KEYWORDS: irregularity, audit, agreement, administrative sanction

JEL CODES: H73, H79, H83, K42

THE FLUID CONCEPT OF IRREGULARITY certain audit powers. In this division of duties
IN HUNGARIAN LAW and powers, a central role was given to the
specialised body of the Parliament, the State
When examining public audits from a jurispru- Audit Office. The function of audits is also
dence aspect, it is essential that from time to revaluated by the fact that the scope of entities
time we scrutinise the categories that serve as to be audited has changed and broadened: in the
the basis for legal responsibility.1 If, however, place of Socialist corporations public or private
we review current public administration legal organisations or even private individuals may
theory and literature, we are faced with the fact also perform state tasks and may even receive
that auditing and monitoring are not particularly funding from the state budget to perform these
popular topics, despite the significant diversifi- tasks. A very typical conclusion drawn from
cation of the audit system in the past twenty the public law history of the past twenty years
years partly as a result of the restructuring of is that one of the main reasons for practically
state organisations, and partly due to the all our ‘state-level failures’ is that either the
restructuring of activities to be audited. The audit net had holes in it or that certain elements
public law system transformed as a result of the of the control system did not perform their
regime change has balanced the single-centre indicating and checking functions appropriately.
audit solutions primarily based on organisational Nearly all correction mechanisms targeted the
management powers by dividing and distributing improvement and development of the control
system (as well) with less, rather than more
E-mail address: success.


With the accession to the EU, the task of the [basis of sanctions related to unlawfulness
public control system became increasingly regarding subsidies provided from the budget
complex and was forced to face even more the- of the European Union;
oretical and practical challenges. The present \violation of the internal norms and regula-
study deals with a topic that is a common point tions of any organisation.2
of public audits, particularly the day-to-day ad) 1. The technical conditions related to
activities of the State Audit Office and one of network services that serve as the basis for
the basic problem sets of public administration irregularities of the first category are mostly
legal dogmatism, the enforcement of law in regulated by sectoral laws and the implementa-
public administration: namely the concept of tion regulations of these laws. They do not
irregularity and its legal dogmatism content as stipulate the content of the irregularity or the
well as its place in the system of public admin- method of committing the infringement; in
istration law enforcement. most cases the regulation does no more than
The primary objective of public audits is to make it clear that if the conditions of service
enforce the legal conduct of audited entities provision are infringed either intentionally or
(mainly state organisations but also authorised due to negligence, it shall qualify as irregularity
persons from the private sector). The SAO and will usually entail exclusion from said service.3
goes even further: it also examines aspects of ad) 2. The infringement of construction
effectiveness and efficiency. However, at the regulations stands partially for the violation
centre of its examination is still the regular/ of statutory obligations and partially for
irregular conflict pair without anyone ever specifications contained in official permits
attempting to define the concept. and is undefined in law; we can only assume
Irregularity as a legal institution is not a clearly its existence through the fact that the basis of
defined term under the public administration the application of construction fines is the
laws currently in force in Hungary and this has irregularity of construction.
a rather negative effect on the efficiency of law ad) 3. In the case of irregularities of the third
enforcement. If we search for the term ‘irregu- category, we can observe a potential link to
larity’ in the computer database for legal irregularity as regulated by EU law; however,
regulations we can find – not counting the situation is more characterised by chaos
Competition Council resolutions – 255 than specification. The Rules of Organisation
statutes or Constitutional Court resolutions and Operation are published in ministerial
that use the term in question in a different way. orders, therefore, cannot be considered erga
Irregularity in terms of legal regulations is used omnes norms, but at the same time take a
with five different meanings: prestigious position among management tools
Xviolation of certain technical conditions applicable in public administration legal
(mainly during the provision of network services); relationships. These irregularities are without
Yviolation of requirements relating to con- exception found in the organisation’s Rules of
struction activities; Organisation and Operation; the sectors – at
Zviolation of the internal rules of procedure least based on the analysis of ministerial orders
of certain ministries, government agencies, – build on a single, uniform definition of
central agencies, regional administrative bodies, irregularity. Definitions, however, are fluid.
i.e. primarily the violation of sectoral norms The ministerial Rules of Organisation and
and requirements set out by the Rules of Operation use the following definition: “The
Organisation and Operation; scope of the definition of irregularity is wide


and includes correctable omissions or deficien- protect, it emphasises the protection of the
cies, as well as acts that provide grounds for the order of the state budget.5
launching of disciplinary, criminal, infringe- ad) 4. The majority of irregularities are related
ment and indemnity procedures. Irregularity is to subsidies paid from the EU budget, and the
a deviation from an existing rule (law, decree, review of relevant domestic regulation is inse-
order, regulation) and may occur in the order of parable from community regulation. Our
the operation of the state budget, in any event of previous investigations have confirmed6 that
fiscal management, in any activity of the the system of administrative sanctions of the
performance of state tasks, in various operations, European Union’s community law is seemingly
etc. In basic cases such irregularities could shifting from sectoral sanctions towards horizontal
be the following: a) intentional irregularities sanction regulation. In my view, however, the
(misguidance, fraud, embezzlement, bribery, regulation of administrative sanctions and
intentional irregular payment, etc.), b) non- measures cannot be regarded as horizontal just
intentional irregularities (irregularities arising yet; but a number elements have appeared in
from negligence, negligent behaviour, inappro- community law regulation which carry the
priately kept books and records, etc.).” possibility of a future comprehensive regulation.
The definition of irregularity according to Besides the jus puniendi of EU Member States,
the Prime Minister’s Office4 emphasises the sanctions regulated and applied at a community
following management powers: “Irregularity is level also quickly appeared.7 The sanctions
the act or omission committed intentionally or applied in the interest of enforcing community
due to negligence that results in the infringe- law were initially given the negative definition
ment of statutes, other legal instruments of of “neither fine nor penalty”; later, however, EU
public management, orders of the Prime regulation and theory 8came to distinguish
Minister or the Minister in charge of the Prime three categories: quasi punitive sanctions
Minister’s Office or the internal regulations of which in most cases stood for fines, adminis-
the Prime Minister’s Office; which infringement trative enforcement measures and other admi-
violates or endangers the operational order of the nistrative sanctions often burdened by criminal
state budget, fiscal or asset management or the or civil law elements. Initially community law
performance of state tasks.” regarded administrative sanctions as supplementary
Central agencies are more general in their in nature.
definitions: “All processes of the operation The Council Regulation on the protection of
of budgetary institutions are regulated and the European Communities’ financial interests
determined by legal norms, internal orders and could prove to be a starting point for a future
rules of procedures (hereinafter referred to as: comprehensive regulation; however, it has as
provisions). Deviation from these provisions is yet not been worked into a form that is appli-
considered an irregularity.” cable to all sectors and illegitimacies. The central
Regardless of how many examples are listed, category of the concept of supranational
this particular group of irregularities is sanction is irregularity which is linked to
characterised by the fact that it considers the unlawfulness towards the community budget.
violation of the norm or the violation of ad) 5. Council Regulation (Euratom) No.
management powers as the basis of irregularities, 2988/95/EC of 18 December 1995 on the
and this means that practically all methods of protection of the European Communities’
operation that violate regular operation qual- financial interests defines irregularity as: “...
ify as irregu-larities. Of legal interests to any infringement of a provision of Community


law resulting from an act or omission by an goal of sanctions is to provide public adminis-
economic operator, which has, or would have, the tration action due to failure to fulfil obliga-
effect of prejudicing the general budget of the tions, while that of measures is to restore the
Communities or budgets managed by them, sectoral order in question. In terms of legal
either by reducing or losing revenue accruing regulation, sanctions have to account for con-
from own resources collected directly on behalf of stitutional and criminal law principles (and
the Communities, or by an unjustified item of numerous criminal law and criminal procedure
expenditure.” basic principles as well in the case of suprana-
Of all irregularities, community regulation tional sanctions), while in the case of measures
emphasises fraud, which the European not all guarantees have to be accounted for. In
Commission defines as intentional irregularity;9 terms of content, sanctions usually express the
however, it refers this to the jurisdiction of repression needs of the state/community as
criminal law. It also punishes other intentional they are applied subsequently by reversing the
irregularities or those caused by negligence infringement; there is no possibility of integrum
with administrative sanctions. Supranational restitutio, while measures always concern the
sanctions are subjective in basis; and for the restoration of order. In terms of duration,
moment constitute a catalogue temporarily sanctions in each case have a fixed duration,
closed by the community legislator. The while measures can have indefinite duration.
infringement of community financial interests Council Regulation 2988/95/EC stipulates
may lead to the following legal administrative three basic principles with regard to the appli-
sanctions: administrative fine, payment of the cation of community administrative sanctions:
amount wrongly received or evaded, total or par- effectiveness, proportionality and deterring force.
tial removal of an advantage granted by However, the explanations of sanctions created
Community rules, exclusion from, or withdrawal to protect community law prognosticate that
of, the advantage for a period subsequent to that administrative sanctions may appear in other
of the irregularity, the loss of a security or deposit, sectors as well in the future (thus for example,
other sanctions of a purely economic type. the same principles, but with limited instruments
However, in addition to sanctions, the appear in the directive against employment
infringement of community law may also lead discrimination).
to police measures. The objective of community Article 98 of Council Regulation
police measures is reparation, and according to 1083/2006/EC of 11 July 2006 laying down
the regulation this includes the payment or general provisions on the European Regional
repayment of the amount wrongly received or Development Fund, the European Social Fund
evaded, as well as the full or partial loss of a and the Cohesion Fund refers procedures
security or deposit provided for the purpose of regarding irregularities within financial correc-
complying with the conditions laid down by tions implemented by Member States to the
rules. While in the case of sectoral sanctions the responsibility of the Member States. According
distinction between sanctions and measures is to its provisions, the Member States shall in the
mostly clear, the regulation drawn up to pro- first instance bear the responsibility for inves-
tect financial interests avoids defining the tigating irregularities, acting upon evidence of
difference between the two. The two legal any major change affecting the nature or the
institutions can be distinguished from one conditions for the implementation or control
another on the basis of at least four aspects; on of operations or operational programmes and
the one hand their objective is different as the making the financial corrections required. The


Member States shall make the financial correc- particularly auditing of grants and subsidies
tions required in connection with the individual (the labour and social sector also deserve men-
or systemic irregularities detected in operations tion), but the practices of the National
or operational programmes. The Member State Development Agency (NDA) and the agricul-
shall take into account the nature and gravity of tural sector represent two parallel models.
the irregularities and the financial loss to the Common to both models is the fact that
Funds. In the case of a systemic irregularity, the regulation primarily focuses on the irregularity
Member State shall extend its enquiries to procedure, defines rules and concepts of pro-
cover all operations liable to be affected. In cedure, while completely disregarding issues of
the present study, I deal only with individual substantive law and responsibility. In the agri-
irregularities, and consider the issue of system- cultural sector, Act XVII of 2007 on certain
level irregularities the topic of a separate exam- aspects of the procedure relevant to agricultur-
ination. al, agrorural development and fishing subsidies
As a result of the harmonisation of law, supra- and other measures (hereinafter referred to as:
national sanctions have impacted Hungarian tám Act) regulates the irregularity procedure
law, however, at the moment are only present in and this simply states that “irregularity: is a fact
regulational legislation. This in itself raises prob- as specified in Article 1 (2) of Council
lems because, as we will see later on, adminis- Regulation 2988/95/EC EURATOM of 18
trative bodies could bring grave decisions December 1995.”
regarding the audited entities; irregularity is an Earlier, Ministerial Order No. 17/2009. (IX.
emerging form of unlawfulness striving for 4.) NFGM of the Ministry for National
independence. Seeing regulation in its current Economy on the Rules of Organisation and
phase of development and due to the problems Operation of the National Development
of legal practice I am not stating that a law Agency prepared a detailed irregularity-man-
should be created on irregularity itself. I would agement regulation, but current regulation10
consider it much more expedient to deal with makes no mention of the concept of irregulari-
the main issues related to infringements arising ty. This is probably due to the fact that the
in development matters in a law regulating the NDA has defined irregularity in its practice
basic institutions of national development policy. similarly to the Dodona oracle: „Irregularity is
a concept to be defined according to definitions
set out by applicable statutes. Irregularity is a
THEORETICAL UNCERTAINTY – CHAOS general framework concept that also includes the
IN LAW APPLICATION suspicion of fraud.” It is clear that both sectors
avoided the proper definition of irregularity as
In domestic law, irregularities related to EU a concept of unlawfulness and attempted to
grants appear in the legal practice of numerous steer clear of dogmatic pitfalls through a refer-
sectors; however, we can distinguish two exem- ring rule. If, however, we examine Council
plary regulation types: the activity of the Regulation 2988/95/EC referred to by the rule,
National Development Agency and the agricul- questions and deficiencies arise in relation to
tural sector. Though there are many common the dogmatism of responsibility which neither
characteristics in the irregularity regulation of EU interpretation, nor national regulation
the two, their regulation and practice also addresses.
differs in a number of ways. Naturally other One such problem is that responsibility for
sectors are also affected by the awarding and irregularities has the unique characteristic that it


can be committed not just after the decision of ‘Pseudo law’ also appears in the sense that
the administrative body, but also during the grant from time to time they publish determined
procedure. This means that in contrast to other irregularities and their causes; auditing autho-
elements of the legal sanction system of public rities and irregularity-managing bodies also
administration, the responsibility for irregularity is publish ‘so-called ‘bad practice lists’, which
substantiated by material or procedural infringe- compile previously discovered bad practices as
ment, or both. Irregularity has three essential a sort of indication that these behaviours
elements, and if any one of these is absent, the provide grounds for irregularity procedures
fact of irregularity cannot be determined: and responsibility. The bad practice list of
• infringement, which can stand for the ESZA Társadalmi Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft. –
infringement of community law, as the contributing control body of the
Hungarian law or the grant agreement; HRDOP, SROP, SIOP and CHOP prog-
• the violation of the financial interests of the rammes – includes for example:
European Union or the Republic of • errors in the documentation of procure-
Hungary (generating unjustified expenses ment;
or unrealised income); • the selection of an inappropriate public
• causal relation between the infringement procurement procedure;
and the violation of financial interests. • technical realisation becoming impossible
The EU regulation does not mention possible due to errors of the procurement proce-
commission behaviour, which is understandable dure;
given the constantly changing projects. Within • the documentation of indicators that is
domestic regulation, a list of examples could at inappropriate for performance;
least be provided on the most frequent illegiti- • deviation from the tender;
macies that provide basis for responsibility. The • failure to amend agreements;
creation of norms related to grants, however, • contradictions discovered on attendance
do not necessarily appear as public legal norms; sheets(!);
therefore, the basis for determining irregularity • the endorsement of invoice copies instead
is often based on the infringement of ‘pseudo of original invoices;
law’. The infringement of the conditions of • inconsistencies with regard to invoices,
calls for tenders might result in the determina- agreements and other business documents,
tion of actual infringement of statutes as well as etc.
irregularity. In the agricultural sector, Article 6 Regarding the basis of responsibility, we can
of the tám Act provides a list of examples, clearly state that irregularities related to EU
which mainly includes infringements after the grants are of a subjective basis, and pursuant to
awarding of grants, but elements can also be the Council regulation concern acts and
found that can be committed during the ten- omissions committed intentionally or out of
dering process. The irregularity can therefore negligence. It is, however, unclear what the
be determined if the applicant discloses false norm for deliberateness and negligence is. Is it
data, omits data, obstructs the inspection or audit absolutely clear that the concept pair of intent-
related to the realisation of grant objectives, uses negligence fills the subjective side? This particular
the grant improperly, or violates the grant problem has previously appeared in domestic
conditions – including obligations undertaken literature on sanctions in the sense that it is
for the period following grant payment – set unclear what the measure of culpability of the
out in the call for tender. increasingly independent legal administrative


sanction type is. The situation is even more decisions are made by irregularity committees
complex in the case of EU irregularities as both which always include lawyers or perhaps the
in the NDA model and the agricultural sector majority of members hold law degrees.
model, grants are disbursed based on civil law Irregularity practice shows that since EU regu-
agreements and the obligations of grant recipi- lation does not distinguish between the legal
ents are also determined by civil law; therefore, consequences of intentional and negligent
in essence the irregularity is an instrument of infringement, the law enforcer differentiates
enforcing a civil law agreement. between the forms of culpability through the
In the agricultural sector, the conclusion of rate of sanctions. Intentional irregularity,
the agreement is preceded by an official resolu- however, can be committed by behaviour that
tion determining grant eligibility; however, in fulfils the contents of Article 314 of the
the case of all other grants the grant itself is not Criminal Code. This regulates the crime of
based on an official act but directly on a civil violating the financial interests of the European
law agreement. This casts doubt on whether it Community and can be punished with a sentence
is expedient to apply a measure of culpability of of up to five years in prison. This is however not
a criminal law indication to a civil law agree- unique to irregularity, as any legal interest can
ment based on EU public administration law. be violated to such an extent that it reaches the
The situation would be simple if public admin- level of criminal law protection.
istration law would have its own measure of If we take a look at the irregularities
culpability. As it does not, a decision has to be published on the NDA website or any other
made with respect to whether the contents of publicly available audit and irregularity-man-
intent-negligence concepts created in criminal agement guides, we might get the feeling that
law really fit the purpose or perhaps it would be public administration only makes decisions in
more expedient to work with the civil law connection with smaller or greater scale, but
imputation (with the exculpation ‘acted as mostly negligent irregularities. However, this is
expected under the circumstance’)? In the case not the case. The grant recipients in SROP and
of various grant programmes, the filling of the EAOP programmes are for the most part
subjective side either does not even arise as an public bodies and organisations, and here the
issue, as if this was not a responsibility issue, or most frequent infringement behaviour is the
the audit authority arbitrarily applies the civil violation of public procurement regulations or
law measure of culpability. The irregularity inadequate provision of the public image man-
management guide of ESZA Társadalmi ual. Based on the rate of applied sanctions and
Szolgáltató Nonprofit Kft., only mentions infringement behaviour, we can deduce that for
imputation (with the exculpation ‘acted as the most part these were committed due to
expected under the circumstance’), even negligence (as if the law enforcer assumed that
though Council Regulation 2988/95/EC men- the public body does not intentionally violate
tions intentional-negligent infringement. From norms and agreements). At the same time, we
the aspect of law application, it is not a circum- also find irregularities that have been deter-
stance to be ignored that the irregularity mined as a result of false data provision and
administrators acting in connection with grant resulted in exclusion from tenders, and in these
agreements are not necessarily lawyers and cases intentional infringement cannot be disre-
therefore cannot create complex consideration garded as a possible cause. If, however, we
arrangements. The situation is somewhat alle- examine the irregularities of the HRDOP
viated by the fact that in the NDA’s practice, programme, it is difficult to imagine that an


EU or language training set out in agreements the bill drafted by the Ministry of Justice and
is not held due to negligence or that during an Law Enforcement on public agreements would
on-the-spot check the venue of further training solve the majority of problems still on the
to be inspected is ‘locked in a negligent man- borderline between public law and private law
ner’. It is similarly difficult to change the dates today.
of postal receipts due to negligence, which The solution to this problem would not only
particular problem is a frequent irregularity in impact procedural law, but responsibility for
the RDOP programme. In practice, the law irregularities as well and as such requires swift
enforcer primarily differentiates between action from the legislator. Currently, due to
intentional and negligent infringement in the civil law agreement arrangements, the public
rate of legal consequences. If would definitely nature of grants is not sufficiently emphasised.
be important for the law to settle the issue of Anyone can enter into civil law agreements, the
the measure of culpability as well as the relation underlying right to breach of agreement is
of culpability and its legal consequences, with contained in the Civil Code (and Council
particular emphasis on the fact that Council Regulation 2988); however, it is not contained
Regulation 2988/95/EC requires a sanction in this arrangement that the state finances the
adapted to the severity of the infringement. realisation of public goals using public funds and
Another significant problem set related to it is due to precisely this public interest that the
irregularities is official acts versus the unclear state requires additional mandates. I myself am
nature of contractual arrangements. In the tech- also of the opinion that public agreements
nical literature, Krisztina F. Rozsnyai11 has should be regulated separately; however, until
already called attention to a number of proce- this happens, current rules would also allow for
dural problems related to state subsidies. It was public nature to gain more emphasis in the rela-
in the study in question that she dealt with, tionship between the parties. Today the form
among other things, the issue of what problems of administrative agreement governed by Act
the diversity of the procedural law regulation CXL of 2004 on the general rules of adminis-
of the awarding of grants, or the subsidiarity of trative proceedings and services (ket.) (along
regulations compared to the ket. (Act CXL of with all its regulatory errors) would still allow
2004 on the general rules of administrative pro- a relationship between the parties (both of
ceedings and services), or the legal remedy which benefit from the official resolution and
anomaly of disputes arising from obligations agreement) that would make the public law
set out by civil law agreements could cause. At dominance of the agreement apparent. This is
the end of the study, Rozsnyai also draws significant with respect to responsibility for
attention to the fact that these problems could irregularities, because Council Regulation
be prevented if the obligations of the public 2988/95/EC stipulates the application of sanc-
administration awarding the grant and the tions that clearly create the administrative legal
grant recipients did not arise from civil law responsibility for infringement, and the sanction
agreements. In her view, the decision should is applied by the irregularity authority in an
either be brought closer to the official procedure administrative procedure.
during awarding and, based on the example of Practical problems also surface on a day to
agricultural subsidies, at least one official foun- day basis in connection with this, as material
dation should be created for the disbursement and procedural law concepts are confused in law
of the grant, or the creation of the legal institu- application which would probably not pass
tion of development public agreements based on muster in an in-depth review by the court. The


ESF’s irregularity management guide that is gorised under other modes of unlawfulness as
based on the NDA model for example dedicates separate forms of unlawfulness. Its independence
a separate section to the right to protection; is justified by a special legal interest to be
however, this includes a hotchpotch of elements protected, namely the financial interests of the
from all areas of law. According to Section 3.1.4 Communities. Irregularity used in the other
of the guide: “The right to protection within two senses must be removed from domestic law
the EU system of law is a right of those and law theory. Irregularities contained in the
concerned in court and official procedures. The Rules of Organisation and Operation belong
irregularity procedure is not one of these and is under the scope of management or public
practically related to the civil law relationship official responsibility, while the norm violations
between the beneficiary organisation and the grant of other organisations should be called anti-
awarding authority.” The quote clearly shows regulation.
that there is great chaos regarding the legal With respect to the development of commu-
place of the irregularity sanction. In my view, it nity law, we can now safely say that irregularity
is very clear that based on protected legal interests can be considered a new form of unlawfulness
and violated legal norms, irregularity is clearly of administrative law, one that is gaining
part of the administrative legal system of sanc- strength, and as such requires prudent regula-
tions, which due to the contractual arrangement tion. Regulation today complies with neither
of civil law is currently positioned on the joint substantive law, nor procedural law guarantee
border of administrative law and civil law. needs. Questions can be raised not only in
However, if the current situation were to be connection with the material law issues of the
replaced with a development public agreement responsibility for irregularity; the procedure
or official agreement arrangement, the legal also has several problems and specialties to
position and function of sanctions would tackle. There is no opportunity to examine the
become significantly clearer. procedural issues of irregularities, but we must
In order for domestic administrative legisla- state that if we consider irregularity independent
tion to fulfil the requirements related to the unlawfulness, then it requires fair review by
regular management of community grants, the the courts. This in itself would justify a regula-
clearing up and correct regulation of the concept of tion by law, as even though contesting a grant
irregularity would be needed as soon as possible. in court that is based on an official resolution
Irregularity must be defined and the concept has a constitutional and legislative basis, if the
must be reserved for the enforcement of com- awarding of the grant is not preceded by an
munity law and interests. Besides infringements administrative resolution, it would be prob-
and objective substantive law fines, it is also lematic referring the legal dispute based on the
justified to recognise irregularities existing in civil law agreement under Chapter 20 of the
law, but not classified by theory and not cate- Civil Code.

1 The article is an edited version of the lecture given of History”). (State Audit Office of Hungary –
on November 29, 2011 at the conference titled ELTE)
“Értékõrzõ megújulás – Állami Számvevõszék a
történelem sodrában” (“Renewal and Preservation 2 This last group includes the types of behaviours
of Values – The State Audit Office in the Currents that constitute the infringement of the Rules of


Organisation and Operation and other internal and Penalty System of Public Administration),
regulations of an organisation, which is in essence Final report of the T-037894 OTKA-research.
a concept identical to anti-regulation. As this is Head of research: Marianna Nagy, manuscript
primarily interesting from the aspect of organisa-
tional law, I am only mentioning it in the study for 7 Fines and other measures applied in the fishing,
the sake of completeness and shall not deal with it common agricultural policy, coal and steel produc-
in detail. tion industries are particularly typical.

3 Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply 8 Tiedeman (ed.) (1994): Étude sur les systemes des
sanctions administratives dans les Etats members
4 Government Order No. 4/2008. (IV. 15.) MeHVM des Communautés Européennes Volume I–II.,
(Minister of Prime Minister’s Office) on the Commission des Communautés Européennes
Issuing of the Rules of Procedure of the 1994. Luxembourg; p. 11
Management of Irregularities. (The regulation has
been prepared for the definition of irregularity 9 2005 report of the Commission of the European
according to the Prime Minister’s Office, but is Union COM (2006) on the Fight Against Fraud
still in force at the time of the writing of the
article.) 10 Ministerial Order No. 2/2011. (I. 7.) NFM of the
Ministry of National Development on the Rules
5 Government Decree No. 292/2009 (XII. 9.) on the of Organisation and Operation of the National
Order of the Operation of the State Budget Development Agency

6 Marianna Nagy (2006): A közigazgatási jogi 11 Krisztina F. Rozsnyai (2009): Az állami támo-
felelõsség- és szankciórendszer elméleti, dog- gatások szabályozásának egyes kérdõjelei (Certain
matikai rendszerének fejlesztési lehetõségei (The Question Marks of the Regulation of State
Development Possibilities of the Theoretical and Subsidies), Új Magyar Közigazgatás (New
Dogmatism System of the Legal Responsibility Hungarian Public Administration), 8. p. 12–18


NAGY, M. (2006): A közigazgatási jogi felelõsség- Marks of the Regulation of State Subsidies), Új
és szankciórendszer elméleti, dogmatikai rendsz- Magyar Közigazgatás (New Hungarian Public
erének fejlesztési lehetõségei (The Development Administration), 8. p. 12–18
Possibilities of the Theoretical and Dogmatism
System of the Legal Responsibility and Penalty System TIEDEMAN (ed.) (1994): Étude sur les systemes
of Public Administration), Final report of OTKA-research des sanctions administratives dans les Etats mem-
T-037894. Head of research: Marianna Nagy, manuscript bers des Communautés Européennes Volume I–II.,
Commission des Communautés Européennes, 1994.
ROZSNYAI, K. F. (2009): Az állami támogatások Luxembourg, p. 11.
szabályozásának egyes kérdõjelei (Certain Question

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