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Best Commuter

(pages 22-24)

First, try to write in the missing words in the

blanks below. Then listen and check your work.

Barry Haddow, who travels 547 kilometers from Wales to London and back each day, has
been named "(1) of the Year" by Brit ish Rail.

An early morning radio program (2) the competition to find the

person who commutes the (3) every day. Haddow, who
(4) more than six hours traveling each day, was the winner.

He saves time by (5) the night before, gets up before six

o'clock, and has (6) for breakfast (7) _
cooking . A high-speed train takes him to London at 200 kilometers an hour. In London,
he (8) a taxi to get to his office, where he works as an
(9) in the oil industry.

Why does he do it? "I love Wales, the golf, the low (10) _

London is noisy and dirty, the people are (11) , and th e houses

are expensive."

Haddow's prize was a rail (12) for himself, his wife, and their

two children .

ANSWERS TO Signing Off A, p. 24

to avoid organized Commuter
1 reading a book (35%)
shaving engineer vacation 2 reading ads on the train (33%)
cost of living unfriendly spends 3 staring out the window (26%)
4 sleeping /reading a new spaper
cereal jumps into furthest (both 24%)

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