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Aging and Homecare

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Annotated Literature Review

Fernandes, L. and Paúl, C. (2017). Editorial: Aging and Mental Health. Frontiers in Aging

Neuroscience, 9.

In this article, the authors focus on examining how the aging population or rather, older

adults are vulnerable to mental disorders. According to the article, old age is a global concern

due to numerous issues and problems inevitable to the aged. As the aging population increases

globally, the degree and need for mental health care for psychiatric disorders in older people.

Aged people often go through psychological disorder at their old age. The relation between

mental health and aging makes the article relevant in this study.

World Health Organization. (2018). Gender and Ageing. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Jun. 2018].

World Health Organization (WHO) provides a statistical review on gender and ageing.

The concept of aging involves different functions and structures. Contrary to common

stereotypes, human aging is not just increase of height, or even the improvement of the ability

possessed by an individual. It is a process that is more complicated and follows a series of

structures and functions. The article claims that human body can never be considered to be static.

It is in constant change, both physically and psychologically. This aging is denoted by two main

processes in the life span of any human including growth and atrophy. Despite the existence of

atrophic changes in the early aging of the human body, the process of growth dominates this

period. Latter, in the late adulthood part of life, the process of atrophy is dominant.

Ferrucci, L., Gonzalez‐Freire, M., Fabbri, E., Simonsick, E., Tanaka, T., Moore, Z. ... & de

Cabo, R. (2020). Measuring biological aging in humans: A quest. Aging Cell, 19(2),


Ferruci et al. (2020) conducts a research that provides biological strategies for detecting

and determining aging in humans. Biologically, the older adults can be distinguished using their

biological properties and features. According to the findings, it is essential to analyze the

biological features of humans to distinguish the aging population, which is crucial and relevant

to this study for detecting the aging population.

Wulff, D. U., De Deyne, S., Jones, M. N., Mata, R., & Aging Lexicon Consortium. (2019).

New perspectives on the aging lexicon. Trends in cognitive sciences, 23(8), 686-698.

The study focuses on the modern and current perspectives that are related to aging in

older adults. According to the authors, cognitive aging has improved and advanced the semantics

and linguistics in a life span on aging population to understand the mental lexicon. The article is

relevant to this research since it studies the mental repository of conceptual and lexical


Völter, C., Götze, L., Dazert, S., Falkenstein, M., & Thomas, J. P. (2018). Can cochlear

implantation improve neurocognition in the aging population? Clinical Interventions

in Aging, 13, 701.

In this article, the authors seek to determine whether or not the neurorecognition in older

adults can be enhanced and improved using cochlear implantation. According to the study

findings, the authors found out that cochlear implantation plays a vital role of improving the

cognitive skills in the aged population by reducing the impaired hearing. Also, the authors

concluded that cochlear implantation improves both the life quality and the speech perception.

McPake, B., & Mahal, A. (2017). Addressing the needs of an aging population in the health

system: the Australian case. Health Systems & Reform, 3(3), 236-247.


McPake & Mahal focuses their study on the health systems and reform in attempt to

study how the needs of the older adults or aging population should be addressed in a health care

system. The authors conducted a systematic review of an Australian health case study to

understand how the health system addresses the needs and concerns of the aging population.

According to the case, the health systems in Australia addresses the issues of aging as health

concerns by providing care homes and organizations that are based on taking care of the aged

population especially, the ones suffering from delirium.

WING, E. J. (2017). The aging population with HIV infection. Transactions of the American

Clinical and Climatological Association, 128, 131.

While aging is regarded a health concern, older adults often experience difficulties in life

including a possible mental disorder. As such, the authors in this article conducted a study to

determine the aging population living with HIV worldwide. From their findings, a global

estimate of 3.6 million older adults above 50 years old are infected with HIV. Recently, other

studies proved that 10% of the older adults in low-income and middle-income living with HIV

are not less than 50 years old.

Lakin, K. C., & Burke, M. M. (2019). Looking forward: Research to respond to a rapidly

aging population. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 44(4),


According to Lakin & Burke (2019), aging population with disability disorders faces

numerous shortcomings as they age. As such, the authors conducted a systematic study to

investigate the response of aging people with disabilities. Such responses include planning for a

preference lifestyle in future, securing services, accessibility and support to cope with disability.

Ensuring support from family and friends, maintaining health, as well as avoiding loneliness and


Naja, S., Makhlouf, M. M. E. D., & Chehab, M. A. H. (2017). An ageing world of the 21st

Century: a literature review. Int J Community Med Public Health, 4(12), 4363-9.

In this article, the authors conduct a qualitative study by reviewing some literal works on

previous studies related to ageing in the 21 st Century. As such, the authors discovered that the

worldwide aging population is expected to rise to 1.4 billion by 2030 and subsequently, a rise to

1.5 billion by 2050. According to the findings, ageing has relevant impacts on economy, social

security, policies, society, and health care deliveries among others.

Buch, E. D. (2018). Inequalities of aging. New York University Press.

Buch (2018) makes a decision to study the inequalities of aging. As such, the author

focuses his study on the gender inequalities in aging. Growth does not stop, since the growth of

tissues and cells is experienced. These two processes are responsible for the cyclic nature of

human aging. It is seen that in the early years, aging of competences is experienced, a process

that disappears, only to reappear again much at a later age. The later age is adulthood, which is

categorized into early, middle and late adulthood.

Lazar, A., Thompson, H. J., Lin, S. Y., & Demiris, G. (2018). Negotiating relation work

with telehealth home care companionship technologies that support aging in

place. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 1-19.

In provision of health care delivery for aging population, a system known as telehealth

home care is increasingly becoming popular in remote care and monitoring of older adults. In

this research, the authors focuses on investigation of teleoperators health care delivering. From

their findings, a mismatch and a huge difference between the design and conception of delivering

health care with the patient’s needs and preferences in the usage of the systems.

Yang, G., Pang, Z., Deen, M. J., Dong, M., Zhang, Y. T., Lovell, N., & Rahmani, A. M.

(2020). Homecare robotic systems for healthcare 4.0: visions and enabling

technologies. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics, 24(9), 2535-2549.

Yang et al. (2020) focuses their study on the 4th revolution of healthcare technology also

known as the Healthcare 4.0. As a result of the revolutionary technology, emergence of more

advanced methods of healthcare delivery including home care robotic systems, and cyber-

physical systems is increasingly improving efficiency and effectiveness in homecare.

Johnson, S., Bacsu, J., Abeykoon, H., McIntosh, T., Jeffery, B., & Novik, N. (2018). No

place like home: a systematic review of home care for older adults in

Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 37(4),


In the study, the authors seek to investigate the home care systems in Canada. As such,

the article reviews previous studies on home care for older adults within Canada. From their

findings, Canada is one of the top home care givers for aging population in the entire globe.

Home care premises are provided with qualified nurses to care for the aging population. The

homecare ensures that all older adults in Canada have a home where they receive adequate health


Martin, L., Ouellette‐Kuntz, H., & McKenzie, K. (2017). The power of population health

data on aging and intellectual and developmental disabilities: reactions of

knowledge users. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(4),


In this article, the authors utilizes the reaction of knowledge users to explore and describe

the finding and impacts of practice and policy. From their study, no evidence-based data is

accessible or available related to aging, intellectual, and disabilities. Additionally, health care

and practices workers have mutual understanding for the use of resource integration,

collaboration, and system reform.

Ohta, R., Ryu, Y., Kitayuguchi, J., Gomi, T., & Katsube, T. (2020). Challenges and

solutions in the continuity of home care for rural older people: A thematic

analysis. Home health care services quarterly, 39(2), 126-139.

Ohta et al. (2020) conducts a thematic analysis to explore and understand the challenges

for providing healthcare in rural areas as well as the solutions to the challenges. The research

data was collected from focus groups held by the professionals in healthcare and rural population

were interviewed. From their findings, challenges include data privacy, alterations of rural

contexts, sustainability, and stakeholders relations. As a result, the authors discussed the possible

solutions including collaboration between professions, collaboration and dialogues among the

stakeholders, information sharing, and knowledge increase.

Johnson, S., & Bacsu, J. (2018). Understanding complex care for older adults within

Canadian home care: a systematic literature review. Home health care services

quarterly, 37(3), 232-246.

In this study, Johnson & Bacsu (2018) conducts a systematic review of previous

published studies to understand the complexity of healthcare delivery for aging population in

Canada. As such, the authors reviewed numerous sources, which all revealed that home care and

healthcare delivery systems in Canada are not only effective and efficient but among the best in

the entire globe.


Martin, A. V., Eglit, G. M., Maldonado, Y., Daly, R., Liu, J., Tu, X., & Jeste, D. V. (2019).

Attitude toward own aging among older adults: Implications for cancer

prevention. The Gerontologist, 59(Supplement_1), S38-S49.

The study focuses on the implications for preventing cancer in aging population. As such,

the authors explores how attitude of the older adults towards themselves and how to cope with

cancer using a positive attitude. The authors believe that cancer patient often have a negative

attitude especially in their old age. In order to prevent cancer, the aging population patients are

encouraged to adapt a positive attitude such as self-affection and the urge to prolong their lives.

Miner, B., & Kryger, M. H. (2020). Sleep in the aging population. Sleep medicine

clinics, 15(2), 311-318.

In this article, Miner & Kryger studies aging population in relation to sleeping. After

conducted numerous systematic reviews on previous studies and case studies, the authors found

out that many older adults often faces issues concerning sleeping difficulties. The sleeping

disturbances in the aging population is primarily caused by the increased prevalence of sleeping

disorders, polypharmacy, multimorbidity, and psychosocial factors. The article’s relevance to the

study is to understand how aging and sleep are related.

Colombo, B., Antonietti, A., & Daneau, B. (2018). The relationships between cognitive

reserve and creativity. A study on American aging population. Frontiers in

Psychology, 9, 764.

Colombo et al. (2018), conducts a quantitative research to determine how cognitive

reserve (CR) is related to the creativity. The authors conducted the study on the American aging

population. Hypothetically, the authors claim that the brain copes with any neural damages using

a pre-existing cognitive process. From their study, the authors’ findings proved the hypothesis by

depicting a relation between CR and creativity based on the type and frequency of people’s

perfoming certain activities, which compares the creative performers to the CR performers.

White, M. S., Burns, C., & Conlon, H. A. (2018). The impact of an aging population in the

workplace. Workplace health & safety, 66(10), 493-498.

In this study, the authors seek to determine and examine the impacts of aging population

in the workplace by studying the workplace safety and health for the older adults. Based on their

findings, it is evidence that older population in United States have a tendency of working longer

hours and enjoy spending most of their time to complete a task as compared to energetic younger

population. The issue of aging population taking longer on a job has increasingly become a

global issue.

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