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Hate Crimes in the Society

[Student’s Name]




Over the years, the rate of crimes in the United States has been rapidly rising due to the racial,

ethnicity, and sex differences in the major states. The research seeks literature and previous work

provide an answer to the research question, by examining how the policymakers reduce the rates

of hate crimes driven by race, ethnicity, sex and other sociological differences. The research is

important and significant to the society for educating people on the implications of hate crimes.

This paper explores the conceptual framework to understand the policy-making process and

effectiveness in controlling and punishing crimes resulting from racism. Literature reviews

numerous past studies regarding the implications of hate crimes, as well as regulations measures

such as policy making.


Table of Contents


1.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................................4

2.0 Literature Review....................................................................................................................5

2.1 Gary Becker’s Utility Theory.............................................................................................5

2.2 Literal Analysis....................................................................................................................6

3.0 Conclusion................................................................................................................................9



A criminal justice system involves a set of regulations and policies, which process a case

from the inception, through the trials to punishment. Policy making and law enforcement are

among the most crucial components of a criminal justice. Policy making is essential to regulate

and reduce crimes committed through racism and biases (Herek, 2017). However, offenses

involving hate crimes threatens the society and violates the freedom of people. Hate crimes have

impacted the society negatively, through the creation of violent hatred among the members of the

community (Levin & MacDevitt, 2013).

Research proves that many instances of hate crime happen violently and with assaults,

where about 60% of the offenders in the United States are believed to have a thrilling control

over the victims (Herek, 2017). Such a crime can, however, be avoided through effective policy

making and regulations. My primary focus in this paper is examining the effectiveness of policy

makers in considering the impacts and consequences of the crime committed through racism. In

this regard, policymakers should consider the consequences and implications of crime by race.

Regulations and effective penalty to offenders through a criminal justice system is the most

efficient and effective control and approach to dealing with racial hate crimes (Levin &

MacDevitt, 2013). It is evident that hate crimes resulting from racism are common and should be

regulated using appropriate policies.

Policymakers pay extra attention and consider the crimes committed by race in the

society to reduce the overall occurrence of the crimes. This research is significant to the

contemporary community and the safety of visitors and immigrants. It will also help restore the

sense of security to many, providing the residents are fighting against the crimes resulting from

racism (Levin & MacDevitt, 2013). For those who are same sex, victims are threatened and feel

unsafe due to such circumstances of hate crimes (Herek, 2017). Consequently, others who may

desire to practice same-sex relationship are either scared or hide while practicing. Evidently,

immigrants’ feel insecure due to such crimes, and some may even relocate.

2.0Literature Review

2.1 Gary Becker’s Utility Theory

Becker (2017), conducted an empirical study as the most effective strategy to determine

whether or not individuals are economically risk-averse. In this regard, he discovered that

financial information to determine and estimate the coefficients of either the relative or the

absolute risk aversion (Becker, 2017). Furthermore, offenders are believed to be prone to

changes in the certainty of the punishment, rather than in the extremity of the penalty. However,

if the expected utility maximizers are the criminals, then their sensitivity compels them to be risk

referrers (Levin & MacDevitt, 2013). In particular, the model is categorized into state-dependent

and rank-dependent expected utility.

Becker (2017) utilized Becker’s theory of an expected utility maximizing offender, which

states that an offender commits a criminal act, which establishes his net wealth (Becker, 2017).

The criminal is convicted and penalized with probability p, and the fine imposed on the

punishment is less or even equals his total wealth ( f ≤ y ). The offenders are implied to be risk

preferring, within the context of the expected utility theory (Becker, 2017). In this regard, the

empirical review claims that criminals are more prone to change in p as compared to an

alteration in f. Under the expected utility maximizing model, it was illustrated that an offender is

prone to changes in the certitude of the punishment rather than its graveness.

Becker replaced the expected utility assumption, to discover that some of the risk-averse

offenders are more prone to modifications within the certainty of the punishment (Becker, 2017).

He utilized the state-dependent utility to illustrate that if the preferences become state-dependent,

which augments the expected utility theory, then an offender may become risk averse and more

prone to changes within the certainty of the penalty, than in the extremity of the punishment. The

utility function U of a criminal can be state dependent for some individuals (Becker, 2017).

In other words, a convicted criminal may not have the ability and right to consume and

enjoy their wealth. In the rank-dependent expected utility theory also denoted as (RDEU) model,

unlike the expected utility theory, its expectations are taken after the transformation of the

probabilities. Becker (2017) discovered that the offender is prone changes within the certainty of

the penalty as compared in the amendments in the fine, provided his preference function is prone

to probability changes than payment changes (Becker, 2017).

According to Kahn & Martin (2016), the criminals have expected utility maximizers, who

are more vulnerable to changes in the certainty, than in the graveness of the penalty.

Furthermore, such offenders are risk preferring over losses (Becker, 2017). Someone prefers

committing a crime than to lose, and gambles on either getting away with the crime or receiving

a negative payoff. In this regard, the policy implication is that the law court, police force, and the

prosecutors ought to handle their responsibilities and duties appropriate to reduce the rate of

crime occurrence. In my opinion, the law and regulations should be enforced to maintain order

and reduce the crime rate.

A fundamental sociological theory shaping the policy of my community is the Social

Control Theory. The social theory states that as part of human nature, desires, and unreached

aspirations are common and has an outlet to dissuade the impulses and limit the wishes (Herek,

2017). Applying the concept of the social theory to the community, there are all possible

solutions to prevent the delinquent acts within the society. To deter the problem, my community

is obligated to find the programs for solving them within itself (Herek, 2017). The programs to

prevent delinquency can be established in the community and through practical implementation,

such acts can be completely deterred from the community.

2.2 Literal Analysis

Hurley et al. (2015) proposes measures can be put in place to reduce the issue of racism.

At the individual level, people are advised to explore unfamiliar settings by attending meetings,

or religious gatherings where they are in the minority (Greco et al., 2016). Parents are also

advised to be proactive and expose their children to diversity while they are still young. The

government can also reduce racism by initiating and supporting anti-racist and anti-prejudice

organizations through financial aid and legislation. Crimes that are motivated by racism often

carry higher penalties compared to other crimes (Greco et al., 2016). However, the stricter

measure should be put on race-based crimes in terms of fines associated and jail term.

Kahn & Martin (2016) claims that racism is taught. Individual is not born with hatred

against people of certain color, religious beliefs, or background. Rather, they learn to hate, and

given this fact, it is apparent that they can also be taught to love. As such, I agree with the idea

that racism is taught (Greco et al., 2016). A variety of films try to address the issue of racism.

Ranging from the crew to the dialogues, these films bring to light new forms of racism that were

previously unknown, and create awareness of the evil of racism. Examples of such films include

1998 directed by Tony Kaye known as American History X. Other examples include Do the

Right Thing, directed by Spike Lee, and Schindler’s List, a 1993 film directed by Steven


Similar to how films can be used to address and reduce the issue of racism, they also have

the potential of promoting racism (Greco et al., 2016). Research shows that within the film

industry, male actors tend to speak more compared to their female counterparts, and more often,

the dialogue given to female actors serve to reinforce racial and gender stereotypes. Give the

broad audience covered by films, it is safe to say that films can promote racial stereotypes (Kahn

& Martin, 2016).

Hate crimes are categorized into two processes namely; Social psychology and structural.

On one category, fundamental category explores factors resulting in the crime, and social

activities influencing the cause of the hate crimes (Iganski & Lagou, 2015). On the other class,

the function of the emotions and state of mind leading the offender’s action towards committing

the offense. The study of people behavior is vital in understanding their motives and feeling

towards others, and reactions can be at times be examined through the conduct of a person

(Iganski & Lagou, 2015).

Psychology may help the research to understand the motivation leading people towards

committing crimes based on race, gender, and sex among others. People may influence

psychology research and information gathering through interviews. Also, the Society today has

different cultures and practices that may affect the hate crimes as a strategy of protecting and

preserving the cultures (Iganski & Lagou, 2015). The research verifies the information by

providing an opportunity to interview the victims and people with different opinions towards the

issue (Iganski & Lagou, 2015).

For years, the issues of hate and racism and police brutality have been subject to

numerous controversies with respect to the fundamental operations of the criminal justice system

(Kahn & Martin, 2016). Problems that seem to come up include the use of aggressive and force

policing, police practices, the severity of criminal sentencing, arrest and prosecution policies, and

the impacts of these policies on minority and communities of color (Kahn & Martin, 2016). Such

issues have raised concern within these communities who now believe that the criminal justice

system works in their opposition and that the bodies and policies which were implemented to

protect them are failing and are targeting them instead (Kahn & Martin, 2016).

According to Kahn & Martin (2016), the gap between white and black perceptions of

racial relations widens, the criminal justice system, and law enforcement. This widening gap has

complicated any attempts made to understand what the issues are in police brutality cases, and

the opportunity to brainstorm through options which would provide with reliable solutions to

address these situations. Reflecting on the issue of police brutality and racism is the initial step

toward addressing the problem (Kahn & Martin, 2016).


In summary, the study consulted literature and previous work to provide appropriate

answers to the research question aforestated. As a result, the expected result should confirm the

existence of hate crimes and its effects. As part of the research objectives, the study is also

expected to explore the causes of hate crimes in a society. As part of the research objectives, the

study is also expected to explore the consequences and implications of crime and violence

resulting from racism as hate-motivated crimes. In order to regulate and control the occurrence

of crime and violence in contemporary society, effective measures and precautions ought to be

taken. In this case, I would recommend effective policies and regulations to the offenders, and

criminals acting from racism and hate.



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Greco, S., Figueira, J., & Ehrgott, M. (2016). Multiple criteria decision analysis. New York:


Herek, G. M. (2017). Documenting hate crimes in the United States: Some considerations on

data sources. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 4(2), 143.

Hurley, R. J., Jensen, J., Weaver, A., & Dixon, T. (2015). Viewer ethnicity matters Black crime

in TV News and its impact on decisions regarding public policy. Journal of Social

Issues, 71(1), 155-170.

Iganski, P., & Lagou, S. (2015). Hate crimes hurt some more than others: Implications for the

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Kahn, K. B., & Martin, K. D. (2016). Policing and race: Disparate treatment, perceptions, and

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Levin, J., & MacDevitt, J. (2013). Hate crimes: The rising tide of bigotry and bloodshed.


This is a topic that is widely debated topic among different religions including Islamic
religion. The fiercest debate concerns the Islamic culture which has a very sharp stand against
the LGBT society for many decades. LGBT in Islamic culture is influenced by the religious,
social, legal as well as the cultural history of countries with Muslim population, particularly a
sizeable population that can have an influence on the culture of the country towards on such
issues. These Islamic cultures on LGBT are influenced by some major passages in the Quran and
the Hadith in common, mainly the statements are dated back to Prophet Muhammad.
On LGBT issue, Quran notably outlines the events characterized by people of lot who
were ruthlessly destroyed through the anger of Allah due lustful carnal between men. In pre-
modern Islamic societies, homosexuality is tolerated mainly on cases of rape based on these laws
invoked infrequently. There are also activists who are championing for homosexuals’ rights
which has opened up a more in-depth look into the human rights and sexual identity (Mark 36).

Islamic Culture Stance on LGBT Society

Just like all other cultures, the Islamic culture restricts homosexuality. It sets several
specific expectations on the people based on their association with sex, one in which they expect
men to be attracted to women and vice versa and not the other way round. Their interpretation is
based on the verses in the Quran in which they believe it is the will of Allah that people be
heterosexual and not homosexual.
The Islamic culture attaches severe punishment on the "culprits", and this is
predominantly in the Islamic countries or countries which have a sizeable population of Islamic
culture. Failure to comply to these expectations leads to the punishment which has led to extreme
levels of fear as well as self-hate among those who identify themselves as homosexuals unlike
those homosexuals living in socially conservative societies who face the fear of family rejection
(Sanchez 348).

ISIS Stance on Homosexuality and Gays

According to this group termed ISIS, concerning their critical understanding of the Islam
rule, gays are supposed to be thrown down from a very tall building and eventually stoned to
death whenever they don’t die upon hitting the ground. This group particularly bases their
gruesome way of torture on gays according to Prophet Muhammad who reportedly said that all
these people found practicing homosexuality “are therefore to be thrown down from
unimaginable heights and eventually stoned to death.”
In recent years concerning ISIS, this group has committed various deaths of gay
individuals in countries like Syria also Iraq. The group has some uploaded online videos that
show how masked militia men executing dangling men by hanging men on buildings by their
legs, this is then followed by throwing the men down head-first to ensure that they are fully
executed and they can also toss them over edges. Before this procedure of execution, we can see
that it was rarely used and in recent years, other militants are targeting gays and also lesbians
where their penalty is met by sentencing and subjecting them to death.

Countries’ Approach to LGBT

Several countries in the Arab region have different ways in which they treat lesbians and
gay. For instance, in Afghanistan, the Taliban had one of the ruthless ways of dealing with those
who identified themselves as gay I that they would throw the homosexual in a pit and eventually
covered with stones. According to Iran and Saudi Arabia, the homosexual is placed in jail and
charged on debauchery and flogged, and this included even the death penalty.
In Egypt, the cases are very extreme, there have been raids in recent years where there are
gay gatherings and the suspects were put on trial with vague laws that equates homosexuality
prostitution and the gays thus tried for violation "public morality". With fear of prosecution,
many Muslim homosexuals in the Conservative Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Saud Arabia
and Iran, individuals decide to keep their sexual preferences a secret due to fears that resulted to
facing family rejection also reprisal by friends. A gay by the name Rameen an Afghanistan
citizen speaks of keeping his preferred sexuality a secret huge from friends including his own
family members for fear of rejection and reprisal.
"Most people who are gay in Afghanistan reject their own personal identity. This results
in these individuals struggling to act in a manner that is straight. He knows people who
have murdered themselves since they could not embrace their true reality based on their
own sexuality”
However, in some several countries, the support for these individuals is fully put into
consideration. Countries like Colombia claim that “Equality is key to the country and it will also
come around.” This statement proves that gay rights are also important and every individual
should be treated equally just like the other. For instance, some perfect claims erupted where
Colombian government according to LGBT rights, where it restricted people with same sex from
having children who were adopted.
A certain lawyer in the high court said “Doubt and the fear on if the society would get
along with the decision would not in any way dissipated for instance acknowledging that these
guys were of sound mind and that was present. Individuals orientation based on sexuality or the
gender were not in or themselves indication enough of the lack of physical, mental or lack of
mental stability to adopt,” This proved that people of same gender could adopt children
whenever they wanted to since they had the capacity to take care of the adopted children. Even
with all these, few obstacles remain where a pew research found out that a majority 64%
Muslims in Colombia opposed these acts.

Violence against LGBT People

This group of individuals face various challenges concerning their sexual orientation.
Majority of the violence incurred and experienced by LGBT individuals is as per the result of
attitudes that are so much hateful concerning their gender identity or even their sexuality
according to various Islamic countries. This violence can be prompted to take place through laws
set aside by a Muslim populated country where corporal punishment is practiced based on
homosexuality acts or either on individuals found engaging in various intimidation, assault,
mobbing and even lynching.
Violence which is targeted to people because of their perceived sexual orientation can
either be physical or psychological which in other cases can extend to being murder. These

various actions can be motivated through homophobia, biphobia, lesbophobia and even
transphobia which is eventually influenced through political mores, religious beliefs (Islamic)
and also cultural practices for instance in Islamic Countries. Currently the practice of
homosexuality is legal in most of western countries and in almost majority of these countries,
violence held against LGBT people in the society is regarded as an offence and classified as
“hate crime” where it is regarded that all individuals are equal despite their sexual orientation
and that they should be treated in the right way.

Islam’s Jihad against Homosexuals

The massacre that occurred in Orlando is a hideous type of reminder to the Americans
that homophobia is a very crucial and an integral part in the Islamic extremism. This is important
to also establish that why a certain man called Omar Mateen could be easily motivated to take
part in the execution of 49 people in a gay based nightclub. He later dialed 911 and proclaimed
his support for the Islamic state and later prayed to Allah as various law-enforcement officers
narrated the incident. Islamic laws condemn homosexuality where crucial punishments are
subjected to the homosexuals in the Islam society.
Muslim homophobia is particularly institutionalized and various Islamic laws are
deprived from the scriptures. It is not a surprise that majority of Muslims in Muslim countries are
mainly homophobic and majority of these Muslims take their attitudes with them when they
migrate to different countries in the west. These attitudes result in hatred subjected upon LGBT
individuals in the society. The gradual rise of Muslim extremism has in the past worsened the
basic intolerance against homosexuality among individuals. These extremists’ don’t commit any
form of violence against LGBT people. These individuals take an extra mile to preach to the
whole world that homosexuality is thus both a disease and a crime.
However, not all Muslims are in this case homophobic, majority of them are lesbians and
gays. These society of LGBT Muslims flexibly venture into the gender fluidity that this West has
recognized in the 21st century. Under the Sharia Laws, people caught engaging themselves in
homosexuality are sentenced to death through hanging in nearly dozens of countries which
include Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, Southern parts of Somalia, Afghanistan, some
provinces in Indonesia, northern states of Nigeria, Mauritania, the United Arab Emirates and
Developing countries set laws against homosexuality largely align based on the attitudes
of overwhelming majority of set populations. A survey conducted by Pew in 36 Muslim
countries proved that 33 out of the various 36 countries came out positively to claim that
Homosexuality was illegal and morally wrong where this was supported by 75% outcome on the
survey. Only three countries came out with a mere 10% to fully accept the verdict on
homosexuality where they claimed it was morally accepted.

Support of LGBT Society in USA

Research carried out in USA show that nearly half of the Muslims support the LGBT
rights and this shows a dynamic change in the way in which the Muslim worldview
homosexuality. In addition to that, several Islamic scholars, particularly from the west, have in
the recent years started re-examining the Quran teaching on homosexuality and have concluded
that there exist misinterpretations on homosexuality. Latest study show that a majority of
Muslims living in the USA begin to accept the lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals as part of

the society. This acceptance has sparked a new shift based on attitudes that was portrayed in the
last decades concerning the LGBT in society. A close range of about fifty-two percent of the
American Muslims agree with terms according to the statement that claims “society should
accept homosexuality.”
Survey also shows that a majority of the Muslim women come to terms with the
acceptance of the LGBT in society as compared to their immediate male counterparts where 63
percent of women support the LGBT in society as compared to the 42 percent of their men.
Some study also showed some historic various support among different Muslim millennial (60
percent), foreign-born Muslims who were 57 percent and U.S.-born Muslims 49 percent. This
also sparked a supporting culture since the year 2011, where we had only 39 percent of
American Muslims who could only accept and a huge rise in percentage to 61 percent of
Muslims who were against accepting the LGB in society as per the 27 percent who accepted
these individuals.
Survey proved that a majority 64 percent of American Muslims agree to the terms that
there is a different way in interpreting the Islamic teachings and through this, it leads to the going
forward of acceptance on LGBT. These various findings shed some promising amount of light
concerning the Muslims attitude towards LGBT people in the society. These suggest that the
door is widely open for the innovation of Islamic teachings based on LGBT people through
prominent Islamic scholars like Imam Daayiee Abdullah one among the members of HRC’s
Religion Council and also the founder of an institute called MECCA.

Personal View
In my view, the Islamic stand on LGBT is right taking into consideration the moral
values and the social values that define an ideal human being. It is not even with science for gay
or lesbian family to produce a family and thus, just like other cultures Islamic stand on
homosexuality is equally right. It is wrong when considering the human rights as outlined in the
UN charter as well as general logic concerning human right and determination, Amnesty
International on human rights (“About LGBT Human Rights.” 50). First, in my view, the Islamic
stance on LGBT is based on Religious opinions that have been in place for many years and
recent events unfolding concerning the rights of LGBT people. Moral values and social needs
define the individual, and this should be determining factor in setting ethical standards.
I agree with the human rights activities and Islamic scholars who have taken the effort to
re-examine several misinterpretations on homosexuals' punishment. Some punishments are
beyond human rights, and it is therefore imperative for laws and legal guidelines to be defined. I
agree with the signing of the bill that allows same-sex marriage and the urge that President
Obama indicated after the bill came into practice for the need of other countries to adopt the
same bill because the gay and lesbian people did not choose to be born homosexual. President
Obama was in full support of the gay and lesbian rights where he claimed that each and every
individual had a purpose in the society. He went ahead to put into law and amended that gay
rights which also included lesbian rights were never to be violated.
In my oppinion, I strongly advocate that every individual should be treated equally
regardless of their sexual orientation and gender group. According to President Barack Obama, it
was prudent to prevent bullying and hate speeches against LGBT individuals who were
Americans. He worked with various organizations to amend and put in put the hate and crime

prevention act into law which protected individuals including LGBT persons. Muslim nations
should deprive off their hate against LGBT individuals and ensure that their health is well taken
care of to ensure that each person enjoys full benefits of a specific government without any form
of discrimination or torture.

Islamic culture should moderate their stance on LGBT society to allow everybody to
enjoy his/her freedom of sexual identity. Despite the moral and social values, it is important that
individuals realize their determinations in the society at large. Islamic culture should mainly
embrace the LGBT practice in the society where freedom of speech and expression should be
given to these individuals. Positive clinical support should be put in place to help better the
activities of LGBT in a given jurisdiction.
In the recent past, we have witnesses that the various positive psychologists have called
for the implementation of greater policies focusing on strength and in turn, this type of
framework can highly help many clinicians accept and applaud the positive vibes brought out by
the life experiences of LGBT individuals in the current society. Islamic nations should accept the
fact that LGBT individuals exist in the society and that they should not have practices that end
up hurting and executing these individuals.
The current field of psychology although faced by many challenges in its administration,
it offers a unique opportunity that leads to a way of developing more empirically-and
theoretically-based proper understanding of the LGBT concerning their strengths which can be
later broadly used in majority of practices and trainings. We therefore believe that through the
incorporation of certain positive psychological steps based upon practice and the training of
professional psychology pathway, the incoming generation of specific clinicians will be in a
position to have the knowledge and create great awareness.
LGBT individuals will also be able to develop and come up with skills that would
provide a high quality therapy of LGBT with a higher amount of strength. Islamic activists
should therefore be in a specific good position to help and fight for their fellow LGBT
individuals who are afraid to come out publicly and say they are attracted to the same sex. As a
recommendation, it should be of great importance to sentence those individuals who are found
violation right and freedom of individuals based on their sexual orientation. All nations should
be in a position to stop these acts.

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