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“Verbs and the grammar tense (Present and past simple”

in English: we use
past tense
verbs Meaning
regular or
in the language to create
tense and understand
irregular the(significado)
different actions in the
1 be was, were I ser/estar
2 daily life. had
have I tener
3 do did I hacer
4 say said I decir
5 go went I ir
6 get got I obtener/conseguir
7 make made I hacer (fabricar)
8 know knew I saber/conocer
9 think thought I pensar
10 take took I tomar
11 see saw I ver
12 come came I venir
13 want wanted R querer
14 use used R usar
15 find found I encontrar
16 give gave I dar
17 tell told I decir
18 work worked R trabajar
19 call called R llamar
20 try tried R intentar
21 ask asked R preguntar
22 need needed R necesitar
23 feel felt I sentir
24 eat ate I comer
25 leave left I dejar
26 put put I poner
27 stay stayed R permanecer
28 help helped R ayudar
29 begin began I comenzar
30 hear heard R escuchar
31 sleep slept I dormir
32 play played R jugar
33 spend spent I gastar
34 walk walked R caminar
35 hit hit R golpear
36 dance danced R bailar
37 enjoy enjoyed R disfrutar

Tanto en el Present Simple como en el Past Simple vamos a utilizar: sujeto – verbo - complemento
 I -> Yo

 You -> Tú

 He /She -> Él / ella

 It (neutro) poco común / animals

 We-> Nosotros/as

 They-> Ellos/as

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