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(To be used by ALL Strands)

Section One: The Business
Executive Summary
1. My Business Logo and tagline would be:

company name will be:

4. My ultimate purpose/goal in doing business is/are: to maximize while maintaining
corporate social responsibility.
5. I plan to organize my company as (Sole, Corporation, Partnership, LLC, Other):
6. I have been in business since or plan on starting on: before the pandemic began
7. Manager(s) for the company will be: My friends
8. My experience as an owner is/are: When I began my career journey in the business
world exactly a year ago, I didn’t realize the leap of faith it would require of me. Business
ownership can be quite a terrifying experience, but also all the more rewarding in the
long run. From connecting with people from all walks of life to making people happy
through a particular product, the business world truly changes our view of the world.
From both peaks and valleys, the opportunity to start my own business brought many
valuable life lessons. 


Products & Services

1. The products or services I sell are: Fashionable Facemask

2. The features and benefits of what I am selling are: This Facemask has a variety of
designs that really appeal to people’s eyes. It has designs for kids to adults. It will also
protect you from all kinds of viruses. Elibap Facemask are masks that save lives.
3. My products/services differ from my competition by: This Facemask is only
available at a very low price, but it is of excellent quality. You will be safe here because
you will be protected from the Covid-19 virus. It's also accessible in your area at a
nearby shop.

4. . What makes my product/services unique and desirable is? Face masks are now
mandatory in all public areas, and businesses and schools are progressively mandating
them to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Authorities advise that everyone in public
wear a face mask to help minimize the transmission of the virus by blocking respiratory
droplets that could be transmitted by coughing or sneezing. This facemask can protect
you from Covid-19 disease, and it has a variety of types of designs that are popular with

5. Customers will buy from me because: Wearing a facemask is mandatory, everyone

will purchase it, especially because it is also fashionable. Many consumers, especially
fashionistas, will be persuaded to purchase it. Masks may remain an uncommon addition
to our daily routines due to the way they conceal parts of ourselves that are normally
exposed, but that doesn't imply our identities must be hidden too. Wearing a fashionable
face mask in the right print to suit your style —can become an entirely new form of self-


The Industry, Competition & Market

1. I consider my competition to be:

2. How I will measure against the competition:


3. My local competitors are:


4. My national competitors are:


5. Some of the trends I see in my industry are:


6. Some potential areas I see for growth are:


7. My typical customers have these characteristics in common:


8. These segments of customers are under-served by competition


Marketing Plan
(Marketing should address the four P’s – Product, Price, Placement, and
1. My product or service is/are:

2. My pricing strategy is (For example: premium, every day, low price, frequent sales):

3. The places/channels I will sell my product or service are:


4. I will promote my product or service by:


5. My competitive advantage is:


6. I can add value or compete on the following non-price issues:

7. I will distribute my product or service by:

8. My use of advertising will consist of:

9. I will get feedback from my customers by:


Operating Plan
1. The location of my business is:

2. My hours of operation will be:


3. This is a good location for my business because:

4. I will be involved with the business by completing the following duties:

5. The equipment/furniture/fixtures I need for my business would include:


6. If I need to hire new employees, I will need to hire for these new positions:

7. I will provide the following benefits to my employees:


8. I will recruit my employees by or from


9. My suppliers and vendors are:


10. Changes I am considering for the business (if purchasing an existing business):

Management & Ownership
1. The owners of my company are:

2. My attorney is:

3. My accountant is:

4. Other professionals that I will use are (accountant, banker, insurance agent, engineer,
consultant, etc.):

SWOT Analysis
5. The strengths of my business are (internal characteristics):
6. The weaknesses of my business are (internal characteristics):

7. I see the following opportunities for my business (external characteristics):


8. I see the following threats/challenges for my business (external characteristics):


1. The total investment required is:

2. The collateral I can use for financing includes:


3. If I am short on money for my project, I can get more from:


4. My bank is, or the banks I would like to work with are:


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