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Title of Webinar: NTC Radio Laws and PEZA-OBO Construction Requirements

Resource Speaker: Engr. Bill Peralta and Engr. Ivan Gray Cruda

Date of Webinar: September 18, 2021

Name of Student: Even Jayheart P. Nuñez


Engr. Gray Cruda is currently a MEZ-OBO Technica Staff and working under PEZA-

MEZ Engineering and Maintenance Department and Office. He mentioned that he graduated

from his education on 2012.

Engr. Bill Peralta is a Professional Electronics and Communications Engineer. He is

currently a National Telecommunications Commission Engineer III.

Discussion by Engr. Cruda

Mr. Cruda discussed PEZA or Philippine Economic Zone Authority which is an

organization that is tasked to promote investments, extend assistance, and promote foreign

investments. He helps us better understand its importance, especially in the society as it

provides jobs for the people, and how it operates by discussing to us the organizational chart

for the organization. I learned that some parts of the organization are created because of the


Some of the laws and important rules mentioned includes the PD 1096 which is the

National Building Code of the Philippines, R.A. 9292, NBCDO Memorandum Circular No.

01 and Philippine Electronics Code Book 1 to 4. PD 1096 provide a framework of minimum

standards and guidelines for Philippine Buildings. It includes building codes, the different

permits which is issued by the building official, the different electronic documents and fire

suppression and detection layout. R.A. 9292 includes the electronics regulation as electronics
engineer and a professional electronics engineer. R.A. 9292 embraces and covers any work or

activity relating to the application of engineering sciences and/or principles. The Philippine

Electronics Code Book 1 to 4 includes telecommunications facilities distribution system and

fire detection and alarm system.

Mr. Cruda then talked about the aspects related to Electronics Permit. He discussed

the adoption of the code of technical standards of practice for ECE. The electronics permit

and laws that we should be aware of as future ECEs are the PEZA Permitting application in

Compliance to RA – 7916, NBCP Rule III Permits and Inspection (Section 301) and PEZA

LAW (RA 7916) Rule VII Permits and Other Requirements. He discussed also the different

requirements for the electronics permits. I learned that the process is long because there are

many permits and steps needed to be accomplished before being issued a permit. I also

learned about the Electronics Inspection Checklist which ensure that the compliance of all

items inspected matches that of the documents.

Discussion by Engr. Peralta

Mr. Peralta talked about topics related to broadcast and telecommunications industry.

He also helps us better understand the important role that an Electronics and Communications

Engineer plays in our society. The speaker’s goal was to give to us further knowledge on the

rules and regulations that is integral part of becoming an Electronics and Communications


Mr. Peralta introduced us to NTC or National Telecommunications Commission. He

stated that NTC was created to supervise and control all telecommunication services

throughout the country. He then followed it up by discussing the three major functions of

NTC which was regulatory, Supervisory and Quasi-Judicial function. I learned that NTC

issues permits/licenses and conducts inspection to all stations. NTC also conducts
administrative proceedings on the violation of radio laws, rules and regulations. This helps us

better understand the importance of NTC and how it operates. He stated that anything that

transmits at a radio frequency must secure permit from the NTC. Mr. Peralta also discussed

some additional functions. It includes Consumer Protection Program, complaint on text

messages and on the services of TELCO and cable TV operators, prevention of TOA security

and etc.Mr. Peralta discussed the requirements in the application of any commercial

broadcast industry which helps us gain additional knowledge about the ECE’s role in the

industry. The requirements are legislative franchise (R.A. 3846) and Certificate of Public

Convenience (C.A. 146). He stated the important details in the process of submission of

requirements. It includes filing a motion to install and operate, NTC checking for an available

frequency band for the franchise, hearing of approval and provisional authority for 18 months

to install operation.

Lastly, Mr. Peralta talked about the important radio laws such as ACT 3846 which

states that no person, firm, company, association or corporation shall possess or own

transceivers without registering the same with NTC nor sell or transfer the same to another

without approval and Sec 12 that has punishment which includes either payment or

imprisonment depending on the violation.


I learned about the different organizations and companies that I should be aware of as

an upcoming Electronics and Communications Engineering graduate. I learned its importance

and why I should be aware of them. I also learned about the different rules and regulations

that an ECE must obey which will definitely help me in the future in prevent major mistakes

as a licensed engineer. I learned all about the abundant and different requirements and

permits to procure which is important for an ECE.

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