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EDUC 2200- Educational Technology Lesson Plan

Friendships & Emotions

Alyssa Mullet
First grade/Language and literacy

Common Core Standards:

~5PR- Use selected art and design elements and principles to explore ideas, feelings, and relationships.
~1RE- Recognize and point out the strengths in their artworks and how the work could be improved.
~RI.1.6- Distinguish between information provided by pictures or other illustrations and information provided
by the words in a text.
Lesson Summary:
This lesson is used to help explain emotions and improve their work. The students will start off reading a book
together and then have an option to draw or create something related to emotions or friendships. After or while
they are working on their assignment the teacher will talk with each student about their work and ask if they
think they need to add anything else into their work.

Estimated Duration:
This lesson will take about 2 hours. The time will be broken up into 2 days.

To get started with this lesson plan I will read a book to the students. Then I will ask questions about the book.
After asking questions I will give instructions to the next assignment. I will have my example of my drawing
on the board. We will talk about why what we are learning is important and what everything means. I think the
hardest part will be trying to get the students to think of what they want to draw or make. My goal during this
assignment is to get the students to understand what emotions and friendships are.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1
As a class everyone will sit in circle time and read a short story about emotions called The Emotions
Book by Liz Fletcher. During the book the teacher will ask the students what emotion the page is about and if
they know what that emotion is or does. After reading and answering questions about emotions the teacher will
tell them about their instructions for the next assignment. As she is explaining the assignment the teacher will
have an example of her work on the board for the students to look at (The students will be creating a piece of
art explaining their understanding of emotions). When everyone understands what they are supposed to be
doing they will go back to their seats and start their assignment. The teacher will be walking around the
classroom asking questions about students work and seeing if she is able to help the students think of more
Day 2
The class will start the day off watching a video about friendships. After the video the teacher will ask
questions about the video they have watched. After watching the video, the students will go to their seats. The
students will have a choice to use a iPad or paper to do a worksheet called “friendship salad”. After the
students finish making their salad, I will group students together and they will go to a station where they must
work together on something and get to know each other more.

Before the first book each day the teacher will ask them questions about what they may already know about
emotions and friendships. As a class they will have a couple discussions about what the students believe the
answers are to the questions.
Scoring Guidelines:
The teacher will use judgement to grade the students. On day one the teacher will walk around and have the
students explain what their art is and what emotions they are showing in their art.
On the second day the students will be graded on their participation and attitude towards each other.

At the end of each day the students will gather at the carpet and the teacher will give them a “quiz” over what
they learned but they will do it as a class. The teacher will ask a question an if the student knows the answer,
they can put the answer on the board.
Scoring Guidelines:
The students will be graded on their participation on the “quiz” and how many answers they answer or can get

Differentiated Instructional Support

If the teacher notices a student is having a hard time understanding the instructions, he/she can meet them at
their seat and give a little more detail. The teacher can also do some of the assignment with the student so
he/she can look at the teacher’s example work that is on their paper. If multiple students are struggling the
teacher can do a small group and do the work with the students.

Click here to learn more about emotions – This link will help you understand more about emotions and what
the emotion looks like.
Click here to learn more about friendships – In this link the writer explains what a good friend looks like. The
writer also provides links where you can color, do a package etc..

Homework Options and Home Connections

For homework the students will take home a paper telling their parents that their homework for the day is to go
home and explain to their parents what they learned in class that day.
Interdisciplinary Connections
I can use music and exercise. The teacher can find a video where they dance when someone shows a certain
emotion. Or they can dance when they see a person make a new friend and are nice to them.
Materials and Resources:

For teachers  Book called “The Emotion book”

 YouTube video of friendships
 Friendship salad paper
 Stations with different activities
 Instructions for stations
 Example of emotion paper and friendship salad

For students  iPad or paper for friendship salad

 Pencil and paper for emotion work

Key Vocabulary
Happy, Sad, Mad, afraid, sick, friend, Nice, Respectful, Caring

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