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Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

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Trends in multi-pollutant emissions from a technology-linked

inventory for India: I. Industry and transport sectors
Pankaj Sadavarte a, b, Chandra Venkataraman a, b, *
Climate Studies Program, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Technology-linked emissions of ten pollutants relevant to climate and air quality.

 Dynamic emission factors reflect technology-mix and regulations during 1996e2015.
 Aerosol/precursor emissions were from thermal power and industry and diesel vehicles.
 Ozone precursor emissions were from thermal power, gasoline vehicles and mining.
 GHG emissions were from thermal power and industry.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Emissions estimation, for research and regulatory applications including reporting to international
Received 5 June 2014 conventions, needs treatment of detailed technology divisions and high-emitting technologies. Here we
Received in revised form estimate Indian emissions, for 1996e2015, of aerosol constituents (PM2.5, BC and OC) and precursor gas
25 September 2014
SO2, ozone precursors (CO, NOx, NMVOC and CH4) and greenhouse gases (CO2 and N2O), using a common
Accepted 30 September 2014
Available online 2 October 2014
fuel consumption database and consistent assumptions. Six source categories and 45 technologies/ac-
tivities in the industry and transport sectors were used for estimating emissions for 2010. Mean emission
factors, developed at the source-category level, were used with corresponding fuel consumption data,
Short-lived pollutants
available for 1996e2011, projected to 2015. New activities were included to account for fugitive emis-
Aerosol sions of NMVOC from chemical and petrochemical industries. Dynamic emission factors, reflecting
Ozone precursors changes in technology-mix and emission regulations, were developed for thermal power plants and on-
Greenhouse gases road transport vehicles. Modeled emission factors were used for gaseous pollutants for on-road vehicles.
Uncertainty Emissions of 2.4 (0.6e7.5) Tg y1 PM2.5, 0.23 (0.1e0.7) Tg y1 BC, 0.15 (0.04e0.5) Tg y1 OC, 7.3 (6e10)
Tg y1 SO2, 19 (7.5e33) Tg y1 CO, 1.5 (0.1e9) Tg y1 CH4, 4.3 (2e9) Tg y1 NMVOC, 5.6 (1.7e15.9) Tg y1
NOx, 1750 (1397e2231) Tg y1 CO2 and 0.13 (0.05e0.3) Tg y1 N2O were estimated for 2015. Significant
emissions of aerosols and their precursors were from coal use in thermal power and industry (PM2.5 and
SO2), and on-road diesel vehicles (BC), especially superemitters. Emissions of ozone precursors were
largely from thermal power plants (NOx), on-road gasoline vehicles (CO and NMVOC) and fugitive
emissions from mining (CH4). Highly uncertain default emission factors were the principal contributors
to uncertainties in emission estimates, indicating the need for region specific measurements.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction emissions. They are used as inputs to atmospheric models used to

study the atmospheric effects of changing emissions on different
Emission inventories are important research and regulatory scales, from urban to regional (Guttikunda and Calori, 2013;
tools that link energy use and technology adoption to changes in Carmichael et al., 2009), or from inter-hemispherical to global
(Clarke and Kapustin, 2010; Reddy and Boucher, 2007; Schulz et al.,
2006). Accurately estimating the magnitude of emissions at the
sectoral level (e.g., industry, transport, residential or agriculture)
* Corresponding author. Climate Studies Interdisciplinary Program, Department
requires dividing energy or fuel consumption into appropriate
of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai
400 076, India. technology divisions and treating high-emitting technologies
E-mail address: (C. Venkataraman). separately (Bond et al., 2004, 2013).
1352-2310/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
354 P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

Existing Indian inventories for different pollutants or climate- 2. Methodology

forcing agents rely on a variety of fuel consumption databases
that use different base years and varying levels of technology detail Fuel consumption data available at the national and sectoral
and characterization, making direct comparison difficult. Green- levels from ministerial and Indian sectoral reports are used for the
house gas (GHG) emission inventories have been developed in the period 1996e2011, and regression analysis extends the data to
context of the national communications to the United Nations 2015. The sector-level technology divisions are for 2010; we used
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Garg et al., dynamic emission factors related to technology penetration in in-
2001, 2002; MoEF, 2010), while other research has addressed dustry and to emission standards in the transport sector.
additional trace gases (Garg et al., 2006; Guttikunda and Calori,
2013; Ghude et al., 2013). It has been reported that only about
12% of net GHG emissions from India (MoEF, 2010) have been
estimated from fuel consumption using a method based on sub- 2.1. Inventory calculations
national disaggregation, which is compliant with the highest tier
(Tier III) specified by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate The general approach for estimating emissions (Eq. (1)) of the
Change (IPCC, 1997); the remaining 88% have been estimated using ith pollutant from a sector ‘s’ uses the sum of emissions from the
coarse, national-level calculations. Estimates of GHGs and trace fuel consumption ‘F’ for energy transformation with fuel type ‘f’
gases agree within a factor of 1.2e2.7 with values for India pub- using combustion technology ‘t’, and activity ‘A’, involving pro-
lished in global or regional inventories (Olivier and Berdowski, cesses or fugitive emissions ‘p’. ‘EF’ is the emission factor, based on
1996; Lu et al., 2011, 2012). the fuel consumption for the process or fugitive activity. For large-
Varying treatments of technology and the level of activity detail point source (LPS) industries, fuel consumption and production
have led to disagreement among the emissions estimates in data are derived at the level of the individual plant (Tier III
different studies. Currently, Indian black carbon (BC) emission es- approach):
timates differ among themselves and from global inventories by a
factor of 3 (Venkataraman et al., 2005, 2006; Parashar et al., 2005; Ei;s ¼ Fs;f ;t  EFi;s;f ;t þ As;p  EFi;s;p (1)
Sahu et al., 2008; Bond et al., 2004). A recent assessment of the f ;t p
global climate effects of BC indicates a model-measurement
disagreement of 4 times in the BC atmospheric absorption in Emission factors for all pollutants are taken from a compilation
South Asia (Bond et al., 2013), implying missing sources or under- of measurements for specific technologies and fuel properties,
estimated emission factors. Some of these were updated by Lu et al. while those for BC and OC are derived as fractions of PM2.5, using
(2011). ‘fBC’ and ‘fOC’, as shown in Eq. (2).
In this context, the present work takes a step toward a more
complete understanding of sectoral emissions in India through the EFBC;s;f ;t ¼ EFPM2:5 ;s;f ;t  fBC;s;f ;t ; EFOC;s;f ;t ¼ EFPM2:5 ;s;f ;t  fOC;s;f ;t
application of coherent technology divisions and regionally (2)
measured emission factors. This work provides a methodological
basis for consolidating the many ongoing efforts at estimating ur-
ban (Mohan et al., 2007; Gurjar et al., 2004) and national emission
levels (Ramachandra and Shwetmala, 2009; Chakraborty et al., Table 1
2008). We propose a framework for estimating the emissions of Important elements of Indian emission inventory (IND15).
various pollutants relevant to climate and air quality and health.
Features Description
This includes aerosols, PM2.5 (particle matter with a diameter less
than 2.5 mm), BC, organic carbon (OC) and its precursor, SO2, ozone Regional and spatial 28 States and 7 Union Territories, distributed to district
disaggregation (sector specific proxy), distributed spatially to
precursors (NOx, CO, non-methane volatile organic compounds
25  25 km2
(NMVOC), and CH4) and GHGs (CO2 and N2O). Energy use and fuel States: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
consumption data from Indian sectoral reports are used for the Bihar, Chhattisgarha, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal
period 1996 to 2011 and extended to 2015. More detailed tech- Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhanda, Karnataka,
nology divisions are used for 2010, while dynamic emission factors Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab,
related to technology penetration and regulation changes are used Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamilnadu, Tripura, Uttarakhanda,
for the period of analysis. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
The complete work is presented in two papers to allow use of Union Territories: Andaman and Nicobar Islands,
different uncertainty estimation methodologies for sectors in Chandigarh, Diu and Daman, Delhi, Lakshadweep,
Puducherry, Dadra and Nagar Haveli
which the data are well constrained (such as industry and trans-
Base year for energy 2015
port) from those for sectors in which data are highly uncertain (e.g., use
residential, agriculture, and informal industry), because of their Species Aerosol constituents and SO2: PM2.5, BC, OC, SO2
reliance on a mix of largely traditional technologies and practices. Ozone precursors: NOx, CO, NMVOCs (speciated to
The inventory calculations and sectoral methodology improve- ROGs), CH4
Greenhouse gases: CO2, N2O
ments made are detailed in Section 2 and in the supporting online Sector, source Industry: Thermal power, large point source (LPS),
information. We describe the primary data sources for the year categories other industry
2010 and the assumptions used in the spatial disaggregation to Transport: On-road diesel, on-road gasoline/CNG,
25 km resolution (0.25 ). The estimated magnitudes of fuel con- railways/shipping/aviation
Residential: Cooking-solid fuel, cooking-LPG/kerosene/
sumption and related emissions for 2015 are described in Section 3,
biogas, lighting-kerosene
with a discussion of the differences from our 1996; these relate to Agriculture: Open field burning, diesel use (tractors/
the growth in sectoral industrial production. The growth in emis- irrigation pumpset)
sions from 1996 to 2015 is presented and discussed with other Informal industry: Solid fuel (brick production, agro &
inventories, and an analysis for India is included. food ind.), diesel oil
States formed after 2001.
P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364 355

2.2. Improvements in inventory methodology captive power and process kilns in cement production (CMA, 2012).
These were apportioned to individual plants using the specific
The present inventory incorporates new political (state) di- energy consumption (SEC) and annual clinker production (CMA,
visions created after 2001 (Table 1). It estimates emissions for the 2007a,b). For iron and steel production, the coal use in integrated
base year 2015 for five broad sectors: industry and transport (in steel plants (ISPs), coke ovens, and boilers (MoC, 2007) was avail-
IND15A) and residential, agriculture, and informal industry (in able from 1996 to 2010 and extended with regression to 2015 by
IND15B). assuming a constant growth rate. The fuel consumed by secondary
producers was compiled from JPC (2008). For sponge-iron pro-
2.2.1. Technology divisions duction, a share of the national fuel consumed was distributed to
Emissions modeling require apportioning national fuel use in each plant based on their rated production capacity (JPC, 2006). For
each sector into defined source categories (Table 1) and to tech- fertilizer production, natural gas uptake was apportioned plant-by-
nologies (Table SI1). Each technology has a specific emission factor. plant using unit production details from FAI (2010). The individual
The industry sector contains eight combustion and 20 process details of fuel consumed by refineries were compiled from annual
technologies; the transport sector contains 17 technology divisions, reports (IOCL, 2010; RIL, 2010). For non-ferrous metal production,
which separate pre- and post-2005 on-road vehicles (Table SI1). individual plant fuel use was reported for captive power, thermal
Coherent source categories are defined to make a meaningful utilities, smelters, and integrated refining (Hindalco, 2011; Nalco,
estimation of a fuel consumption-weighted, mean emission factor 2011; HZL, 2011). For other industries the fuel use for captive po-
for each specific technology division. Using these factors along with wer was compiled (CMIE, 2010), while that for thermal utilities was
fuel consumption to estimate emissions projections for each source projected from IND96 using the growth in GDP. National closure
category prevents the introduction of uncertainty that occurs when was not obtained for categories like thermal power (coal and nat-
averaging across dissimilar technologies. Fuel use is further dis- ural gas), cement industry (solid fuel use). In this case, the national
aggregated with plant-by-plant data for 830 individual LPS fuel use by sector was apportioned by plant, based on specific
(Table SI2). District-wise disaggregation is used for the “other in- consumption.
dustry” source category. Improvements in methodology over our The activity rate details for the transport sector, including
previous inventory (Reddy and Venkataraman, 2002a,b, hereafter roadways, railways, shipping, and aviation, have been taken from
called IND96) include incorporating the process emissions in the Pandey and Venkataraman (2014). The estimates of the on-road
cement, iron and steel and non-ferrous metal industries (Table 2). vehicle population in each of the five categories relied on historic
The composition and age distribution of the on-road fleet in the vehicle sales data and the survival fraction approach detailed in
transport sector were recently addressed using data from India Pandey and Venkataraman (2014). Fuel consumption was esti-
(Pandey and Venkataraman, 2014) and these are used in our mated using the on-road vehicle population, annual vehicle activity
emissions calculations. and mileage, derived at the state level. Closure for national diesel
and gasoline consumption was obtained between bottom-up esti-
mates and top-down reports (MoPNG, 2012). Because of constraints
2.2.2. Activity data
of data availability, we adopted a Tier I/II methodology for railways,
Closure was made between the fuel use estimated from indi-
aviation, and shipping. For railways, MoR (2011) reported the fuel
vidual plant production and specific fuel consumption (SFC) and
consumption for locomotives, pumping engines, electricity-
that for industrial LPSs reported at a national level from indepen-
generating units, and workshops. Total fuel consumption and in-
dent sources (Fig. SI1). For thermal power the plant-specific details
ternational bunkers are reported separately for shipping by MoPNG
of the power load factor (PLF) and specific coal consumption (SCC),
(2012). The aggregate aviation turbine fuel (ATF) consumption was
and that of other secondary fuels, were reported in CEA (2010).
Cement Manufacturers' Association reported the fuel consumed for

Table 2
Activity from each industry showing process and fugitive emissions.

Industry Activity Technology PM2.5 BC OC SO2 NOx CO NMVOC CO2 CH4 N2O

Cement Cement production Cement kiln ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Fertilizer Ammonia production Desulfurization unit ✓ ✓ ✓
CO2 steam regen. ✓ ✓ ✓
Condensate steam stripping ✓ ✓
Refineries & service station Crude refining Fugitive emissions ✓ ✓
FCC unit ✓ ✓ ✓
Coking unit ✓ ✓
Flaring ✓ ✓
Other Industries Mining Fugitive emissions ✓
Sulfuric acid Fugitive emissions ✓
Petrochemicals Process-Fugitive ✓
Othersa Process-Fugitive ✓
Non-ferrous Zinc Process emissions ✓ ✓
Copper Process emissions ✓ ✓
Lead Process emissions ✓ ✓
Aluminum Process emissions ✓ ✓
Iron and steel Coke prod. Coke oven ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Sinter Sinter plant ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Iron Blast furnace ✓ ✓ ✓
Steel BOF ✓ ✓
Sponge iron Sponge iron kiln ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Steel EAF/IF ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Others include activities from Klimont et al., 2002.
356 P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

reported by MoPNG (2012) and IEA (2009), and used to divide the et al., 2005) for PM, CO, HC, and NOx. Default values were used
total fuel use into domestic and international operations. for GHGs (IPCC, 2006a,b). In shipping the emissions factors for PM,
BC, and OM were taken from Lack et al. (2009) (Texas Air Quality
2.2.3. Emission factors Study) and the emission factors for ozone precursors and GHGs
A common framework was used to estimate emissions of 10 were based on engine tests (IPCC, 2006a,b). For aviation, the
pollutants of relevance to climate, air quality, and health. For in- emission factors were considered separately for landing/take-off
dustry, the technology-linked emission factors for most pollutants (LTO) and cruise operations (Wilkerson et al., 2010; IPCC,
were identified from measurement databases from USEPA (1996) 2006a,b). Further details on the emission factors can be found in
(Table SI3A-3C). The USEPA emission factors are measurement- the supporting information.
based values compiled over a period and updated at the industry
level for various combustion and process activities. These emission 2.3. Uncertainties
factors are available with quality ratings from good to worse (from A
to E) that can be quantified for uncertainty estimates. In the absence Uncertainties in the activity rates were calculated analytically,
of region-specific emission factors, using a Tier II approach we assuming the underlying uncertainties in all input quantities to be
adopted the values resembling the combustion (operating condi- normally distributed. Other approaches used Monte Carlo simula-
tions) and process activities taking place in the respective in- tions (Lu et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2011; Lam et al., 2013), using upper
dustries. The fractions of BC and OC in PM2.5 (Table SI3A-3C) are and lower bounds for the variables. Dividing the fuel into a large
from Kupiainen and Klimont (2004) and Bond et al. (2004). number of technology categories allowed use of the simpler
The SO2 and CO2 emission factors are based on Indian studies analytical approach (Bond et al., 2004), which provided closure
(IND96, Garg et al., 2006) (Table SI4) that account for the grades of with national fuel supply figures. Uncertainty in activity rates was
Indian coal (Table SI5A-B). Measured emission factors were used for derived using one of three methods, depending on the availability
NOx and CO from Indian pulverized-coal boilers (Chakraborty et al., and nature of the data: (a) Calculating the standard deviation from
2008). The emission factors for fugitive emissions of CH4 from coal a standard error of estimated parameters from the linear regression
mining are from MoEF (2010). NMVOC emission factors from pro- of annual data from 1996 to 2010; (b) the upper and lower bounds,
duction activities in other industries are from Klimont et al. (2002) or a standard deviation equal to the mid-point between summa-
(Table SI3D). tions of individual plant data, estimated using SFC, PLF, and the
Installed air pollution-control devices (APCD) include the elec- reported national value (for thermal power); and (c) the mean and
trostatic precipitator (ESP) in thermal power, bag filters and multi- standard deviation calculated from a set of three or more data
cyclones in the cement industry, the ESP and bag filters in the iron points obtained from different studies. Uncertainty in the emission
and steel industry, and multi-cyclones and bag filters in LPS and factors was estimated from the standard deviation in the set of
other industries. The extent of emission control is not well known compiled emission factors of a particular pollutant from a particular
in most industrial sectors. Based on regulations and earlier studies fuel technology combination. If the emission factor being used was
(CEA Regulations, 2010; Garg et al., 2006) we assume that APCD taken from a single reported source, especially combustion and
functions correctly 90% of the operating time for thermal power process emission factors from USEPA (1996) with a known rating
plants in 2001e2010, 87% in 1991e2000, 84% in 1981e1990, 80% in quality, the reported rating was quantified using the percentage
1971e1980, and 75% before 1970. The same fraction of 90% control errors cited in IPCC (2006a,b) and EMEP (2009). The measured
was assumed in for other LPSs, based on meeting the particulate emission factors with unspecified uncertainties were assigned the
emission levels of national and international standards (CMA, 2010; highest-known uncertainty for the same pollutant and those from
MoS, 2011). In other industries, because of a lack of stringent reg- similar technologies (process-based NMVOC emissions,
ulations and evidence, we assumed effective control of emissions Table SI3D). Wherever emission factor measurements for a tech-
for 50% of the operating time. nology were not available an emission factor from a similar tech-
For on-road vehicles we used Indian dynamometer measure- nology was chosen and assigned 100% uncertainty (<5% of the
ments of the emission factors for various in-use vehicles of different technologies fall under this category, including fluidized bed
technologies and vintages (ARAI, 2007) for PM2.5. We compared the combustors and sponge-iron kilns). A spreadsheet-based approach
particulate emission factors from ARAI (2007) and Bond et al. was developed for combining uncertainties in activity rates and
(2004) with Yan et al. (2011). Agreement was found for all vehicle emission factors. A normal/lognormal distribution was assumed for
categories except two-stroke, two- and three-wheelers; we chose when standard deviation was less/greater than 30% of the mean
ARAI (2007) emission factors for these technologies as represen- (IPCC, 2006a,b). Uncertainty propagation in the product of two
tative of the Indian vehicles tested and the driving conditions. PM2.5 variables was followed using the sum-of-quadrature rule, calcu-
emission factors for two-stroke engines were based on measure- lated analytically. The upper and lower emission bounds were
ments for other regions (McDonald et al., 2005; Rijkeboer et al., calculated using the resultant lognormal parameters (geometric
2005; Clairotte et al., 2012; Martini et al., 2009). A comparison of mean and geometric standard deviation).
source-profile studies (Gillies and Gertler, 2000), cited by Bond
et al. (2004), provided a measurement-based BC and OC fraction 3. Results and discussion
for all diesel vehicles. The emission factors for other pollutants
were compiled from USEPA's MOBILEv6.2 model, since for gaseous First, we examined changes in fuel consumption based on an
pollutants, such as NMVOCs, NOx, and CO, the measured emission analysis of Indian data for the period 1996e2015. This process
factors from ARAI (2007) were much lower than those from defined coherent sectors and source categories, discussed in Sec-
MOBILEv6.2. The MOBILEv6.2 model includes off-cycle effects and tion 2.2.1, and analyzed the fuel consumption trends within them.
evaporative and hot-soak emissions, which are significant for Using a regression-based approach for fuel consumption in the
gaseous pollutants. The SO2 emission factor was calculated using source categories, we calculated emissions for the years
the sulfur content of fuel complying with Bharat Standard (BS) 1996e2015. To allow rational projection of emissions, we used the
norms (Table SI4). For railways the available measured emission technology detail for 2010 to calculate fuel consumption-weighted
factors for mainline and shunting locomotives were adapted from a emission factors for each of the six defined source categories
rail study reporting European diesel locomotive emissions (Hill (Table SI3E).
P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364 357

3.1. Fuel consumption trends in industry and transport provides an opportunity to project emissions based on the fuel use
in these source categories, with constrained uncertainty, over pe-
Fig. 1 shows the fuel consumption trends in the industry and riods of interest. Dynamic emission factors for this period were
transport sectors during 1996e2015. Fuel consumed in each source derived (Table SI3E), reflecting changes in the technology mix and
category was converted to energy units using the respective net emissions regulations. A hind-cast projection of 2010 emissions to
calorific value (NCV) (MoPNG, 2012; MoC, 2007; TEDDY, 2010) 1996 provides corrected estimates for previously published emis-
(Table SI7). The total energy consumed in the industry and trans- sions in this period. Changes in inventory methodology include the
port sectors during 2015 was estimated at 20 (16e24) EJ (industry: addition of particulate emissions from industrial process activities
82%, transport: 18%), a 2.3 times increase over IND96, with an (industries like those producing cement, non-ferrous metals, and
annual growth rate of 6.6% (simple average). Fuel consumption in iron and steel and refineries); regulations representative of the
thermal power (largely coal based) increased 2.5 times, while that period; and inclusion of vehicle technologies, vehicle age, and
in industry (largely coal) and transport (liquid petroleum) superemitters among on-road vehicles (Pandey and Venkataraman,
increased by factors of 2.1 and 2.3, respectively. Since 1996, 135 new 2014).
coal-based plants and 43 oil- and gas-based plants, with an Emissions of PM2.5 from thermal power increased 2.1 times from
installed capacity of 50 GW, have been added. For 2015 energy was their 1996 level, while those from industry and transport increased
largely derived from coal (67%), followed by diesel (15%) and other by factors of 2.2 and 1.3, respectively. The increase in PM2.5 emis-
fuels, such as naphtha and refinery fuels (10%) and gas (8%). The sions resulted from increases in energy consumption in industrial
ratio of our total energy estimate to that of Lu et al. (2011) was 0.87 source categories and growth in process emissions, particularly
for 2010dthe base year of detailed calculations. It ranged 0.84e1.0 from the cement, and iron and steel industries in the LPS category.
for other years, implying somewhat lower estimated fuel con- Direct comparison with values in IND96 is not relevant, since the
sumption. In the industry sector (in the three listed source cate- former work assumed a significantly lower operating time of air
gories shown in Fig. 1) the ratio of our estimate to Lu et al. (2011) pollution control devices or APCD (50% changed to 90% to be
varied by a factor 0.82e0.94. Our use of region-specific fuel- consistent with later studies) (CEA Regulations, 2010; Garg et al.,
weighted NCVs for different grades of industrial coal for India 2006; Zhang et al., 2009). Coal-fired thermal power plants not
makes our energy estimates from coal somewhat lower than those using ESP account for 2% of coal consumption. We assumed a 50%
of Lu et al. (2011). For fuel consumption in the transport sector, the APCD operating time for these older power plants using multiple
ratio of our estimate to that of Lu et al. (2011) varied by a factor cyclones and scrubbers. The estimated emissions are highly sensi-
1e1.3. There is a discrepancy in the fraction of total diesel tive to these assumptions, and actual power plant-operation data
consumed by on-road vehicles, reported as ~60% by MoPNG (2012), are needed to improve the estimates. Increase in PM2.5 emissions
but as ~70% by other studies (Baidya and Borkenkleefed, 2009; from 1996 to 2015 for transport sector was lower than the corre-
Singh, 2006). The amount of diesel estimated by a bottom-up sponding increase in energy consumption, because of successive
approach (Pandey and Venkataraman, 2014) was closer to the reductions in the emission factor for new diesel vehicles following
larger estimate, leading to a larger fuel consumption estimate for the nationwide introduction of BS-II (2005) and BS-III norms
transport. (2010), which show a 0.6 factor reduction during this period.
Average emission factors for gasoline vehicles also decreased, as the
3.2. Source categories influencing emission trends in industry and share of two-stroke engines in the two- and three-wheeler fleet
transport decreased from 80% in 1996 to 5% in 2015. These are not compared
directly to previously published values because this work uses a
The fuel consumption trends for 1996e2015 were used to esti- new methodology that employs a fleet model and superemitter
mate emission trends for the 10 pollutants for that period (Table 3; fraction (Pandey and Venkataraman, 2014).
Fig. SI2). Mean emission factors were developed for source cate- The increases in emissions of BC and OC were identical to that
gories in each sector (Table SI3E). As shown in Table SI3E, these for fuel consumption during this period for both thermal power and
emission factors represent those for the technologies included in industry, using different assumptions. The new assumptions
each source category, which are similar, leading to rational aver- include a process of accounting for emissions from coke ovens for
aging. Evaluating the mean emission factors by source category BC only, allocation of 75% of diesel consumption in the other in-
dustry category to heavy equipment use (Bond et al., 2004) with a
20% fraction of superemitters (Lu personal communication, 2014)
in industry. The increases in BC and OC emissions from transport
are consistent with corresponding trends for PM2.5 emissions as
this work used constant ratios of BC/PM2.5 and OC/PM2.5, by vehicle
Emission control for SO2 is currently not mandated or imple-
mented in the Indian thermal power sector (CEA Regulations, 2010;
Guttikunda and Calori, 2013), therefore, SO2 emissions have
increased continuously since 1996. SO2 emissions in thermal power
increased by factors of 2.3 and 2.8 in industry because of increases
in energy consumption and the growth in process emissions,
respectively. Process activities, including those in non-ferrous
smelters, iron and steel industries, and FCC units and refineries,
were primary sources of emission increases. The large reduction of
SO2 emissions from transport is associated with successive re-
ductions in fuel sulfur content for both diesel and gasoline
mandated by fuel quality standards (the Bharat Standard norms
Fig. 1. Energy consumption trends from 1996 to 2015 in industry and transport sectors from II to IV, BS specification). Over this period, the fuel sulfur
and related source categories.
358 P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

Table 3
Emission estimates of aerosols and precursors, ozone precursors and greenhouse gases from industry and transport sectors for 1996e2015.

Source categories PM2.5 emissions Gg/y SO2 emissions Gg/y

1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015

Thermal power 527 654 789 947 1114 1559 1992 2365 3087 3639
Large point source 506 586 750 942 893 894 1055 1524 2264 2586
Other industry 64 32 73 151 150 543 476 757 1144 972
On-road gasoline þ CNG 23 33 55 64 35 13 20 30 14 2
On-road diesel 165 174 170 204 195 533 476 124 43 35
Aviation/Shipping/Railways 4 3 4 7 7 22 18 22 58 48

Source categories BC emissions Gg/y OC emissions Gg/y

1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015

Thermal power 3 4 4 5 6 9 12 14 17 20
Large point source 32 34 44 58 41 29 33 43 56 52
Other industry 16 16 23 32 40 4 5 7 8 11
On-road gasoline þ CNG 1 2 4 6 11 17 26 42 47 25
On-road diesel 109 115 112 135 129 35 36 36 43 41
Aviation/Shipping/Railways 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2

Source categories CO emissions Gg/y CH4 emissions Gg/y

1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015

Thermal power 307 390 485 641 754 5 7 8 12 15

Large point source 1719 2061 2568 3287 5746 196 252 311 284 348
Other industry 189 239 313 347 387 628 686 890 1160 1066
On-road gasoline þ CNG 2177 3201 5392 7947 10,206 23 34 60 52 77
On-road diesel 809 851 867 1312 1650 3 4 4 3 4
Aviation/Shipping/Railways 60 57 75 118 123 0 0 1 1 1

Source categories NMVOC emissions Gg/y NOx emissions Gg/y

1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015

Thermal power 25 32 41 84 98 1074 1330 1695 1930 2272

Large point source 226 308 372 528 650 438 506 640 856 980
Other industry 430 567 758 928 1129 302 381 499 556 707
On-road gasoline þ CNG 332 487 848 1416 2316 126 117 157 175 277
On-road diesel 217 228 233 346 443 1106 891 638 821 1033
Aviation/Shipping/Railways 12 12 15 24 25 152 145 191 276 288

Source categories CO2 emissions Tg y1 N2O emissions Gg/y

1996 2000 2005 2010 2015 1996 2000 2005 2010 2015

Thermal power 363 461 569 766 902 37 47 59 77 91

Large point source 216 240 307 402 470 4 4 5 7 6
Other industry 76 81 116 150 142 9 6 12 21 23
On-road gasoline þ CNG 10 146 26 45 72 1 1 3 5 8
On-road diesel 72 76 77 117 147 0 0 0 0 0
Aviation/Shipping/Railways 8 8 11 16 17 2 2 2 3 3

content was reduced from 0.05 to 0.004 in diesel and gasoline, 3.3. Technology divisions influencing emissions
leading to an 80% decrease in SO2 emissions.
Other emissions calculated include ozone precursors and GHGs. As explained in Section 1, we used an emissions classification of
The largest source categories influencing changes in CO emissions aerosol constituents (PM2.5, BC OC) and SO2, ozone precursors (CO,
(largely from incomplete combustion) were process emissions from NOx, NMVOC, CH4) and GHGs (CO2, N2O). Methane was included in
LPSs and on-road gasoline vehicles. NMVOC emissions increased the ozone precursor category because of its shorter lifetime and
from increases in industrial process emissions (production from participation in tropospheric ozone chemistry (IGSD, 2013). This
chemical and non-chemical industries) and fugitive emissions section presents the details of emissions for 2015 with disaggre-
(storage of organic solvents, paint application, and refineries) in the gation at the technology and activity level. The industry sector was
industrial oil and gas source category. The increase in NMVOC disaggregated into three source categories and 28 technology di-
emissions from transport resulted from an increase in traffic vol- visions, while the transport sector has three source categories and
ume of on-road gasoline vehicles between 1996 and 2015. 17 technology and activity divisions (Table SI1). Figs. 2e4 show the
Increased CH4 emission is attributed to fugitive emissions from two most significant emitting technologies in each source category,
increased coal mining activities, while those of NOx were from with the rest combined for easy visual representation. A rigorous
increased fuel consumption in thermal power plants and diesel propagation of uncertainties was performed for each technology
vehicles. Among GHGs, CO2 and N2O emissions increased by a and activity (see Section 3.5).
factor 2.5, reflecting the increase in fuel consumption in industry
(from thermal power production). In addition, CO2 from the
transport sector increased by a factor 2.3, following the trends in 3.3.1. Aerosol constituents and SO2
fuel consumption. Emissions of PM2.5 from industry sectors were estimated at 2.1
(0.5e7.3) Tg y1. Within industry, thermal power plants (PC
boilers), cement kilns and iron and steel smelters were identified as
P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364 359

Fig. 2. Aerosol and aerosol precursor emissions for 2015 and 1996 by sector, source category and technology division (PM2.5, SO2, BC and OC).

Fig. 3. Ozone precursor emissions for 2015 and 1996 by sector, source category and technology division (CO, CH4, NMVOC and NOx).
360 P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

Fig. 4. Greenhouse gas emissions for 2015 and 1996 by sector, source category and technology division (CO2 and N2O).

the most significant emitting technologies for PM2.5 and SO2 power, which do not emit much BC, but emit somewhat more OC
(Fig. 2). Cement kiln technology in India shifted from a wet/semi- (Bond et al., 2004). The transport sector emitted 0.14 (0.1e0.3)
dry process to dry-process clinkerization over a period, which Tg y1 BC and 0.07 (0.02e0.2) Tg y1 OC. The primary cause for both
reduced the specific energy consumption (SEC) of the kilns because emission types (92 and 78%, respectively) was diesel vehicles.
of incorporation of pre-heater stages using waste heat from the kiln Emissions of SO2 in 2015 were estimated at 7 (6.0e9.6) Tg y1
gases. However, this increased PM2.5 emissions, adding to those from the industry sector using the sulfur content of the fuel
from cyclone pre-heater/pre-calciner stages due to counter-current (Table SI4), assuming that all of the sulfur is converted to SO2, fol-
flow of hot gases from the rotary kiln and raw material. Of the total lowed by 100% emissions from liquid and gaseous fuels, but 2.5%
PM2.5 emissions from industry process- and combustion-based retention in coal fly-ash for thermal power plants and captive po-
activities contribute 37% and 63% respectively. Estimated emis- wer generation and 22.5% retention in stokers for thermal utilities
sions of PM2.5 from transport were 0.24 (0.1e0.4) Tg y1 in 2015, (following IND96). The most significant SO2 emitters in the in-
with the largest emissions from on-road diesel vehicles. Heavy- dustrial sector are thermal power PC boilers, followed by stokers
duty diesel vehicles and superemitters were the largest emitting and oil-fired boilers. High SO2 emissions also arise from process-
technologies because of traffic volume and their high emission based activities in non-ferrous smelters, since the raw material
factors. used contains metal sulfides. We estimated emissions of 0.08
Emissions of 0.23 Tg y1 BC, 0.15 Tg y1 OC was estimated from (0.04e0.3) Tg y1 SO2 from the transport sector and 0.035 Tg y1 of
the industry and transport sectors. The industry sector emitted 0.1 that was emitted by diesel vehicles. The vehicle fuel was assumed
(0.01e0.5) Tg y1 BC and 0.08 (0.01e0.4) Tg y1 OC. The largest to comply with BS-III norms, with the fuel sulfur content for gas-
emissions of BC from industry arise from the oil-fired boiler, coal oline and diesel specified at 0.035 and 0.015%, respectively (Auto
stokers and coke ovens used in iron and steel manufacturing. Fuel Policy, 2003).
Emissions from oil-fired boiler and stokers, used widely in industry,
were calculated assuming a 50% APCD functioning time, contrib-
3.3.2. Ozone precursors
uting 25% and 27% of the total BC emissions; coke-oven batteries
There is interest in understanding and addressing climate
contributed 66%. Emissions of OC (73%) arise primarily from
change caused by non-CO2 forcing agents, including ozone (IGSD,
cement kilns and coke ovens, followed by coal boilers in thermal
2013) and its precursors. Short-lived climate pollutants, including
P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364 361

ozone precursors, are responsible for a substantial fraction of the (Table SI5AeB). The estimated emissions for 2015 were 1515
current global warming (Shindell et al., 2012). Here, the same en- (1178e1970) Tg y1 CO2 from industry and 236 (136e396) Tg y1
ergy database and consistent assumptions were used to calculate CO2 from the transport sector. The primary emitters in industry
ozone-precursor emissions, such as NOx, CO, and NMVOCs, from were thermal power followed by LPS (iron and steel and cement)
Indian fuel consumption and process activities. (Fig. 4). In the transport sector CO2 emissions were largely from
Emissions of NOx from industry for 2015 were estimated at 4 diesel vehicles, followed by gasoline vehicles. This agreed with
(0.6e13) Tg y1 with a 57% contribution from thermal power fol- transport emissions from INCCA (MoEF, 2010). The CO2 emissions
lowed by 21% from LPS, with cement kilns and the iron and steel were mainly governed by the fuel used in a source category. In
industry high-polluting technologies (Fig. 3). Measured NO emis- industry, the largest coal consumers were the thermal power, iron
sion factors for PC boilers from Chakraborty et al. (2008) were used, and steel, and cement industries. Similarly, in transport, a larger
which were measured from 11 generating units during 2003e04 amount of diesel was consumed by vehicles as compared to gaso-
using flue-gas analyzers. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) usually consist line, CNG, or ATF.
primarily of NO (95% volume or more) with minor amounts of NO2 We only estimate N2O emissions from combustion, as soils and
(USEPA, 1996), hence the NO emission factor was used for NOx. Our agricultural practices are outside the purview of this work. N2O
estimate from thermal power was compared with Lu and Streets emissions for 2015 were estimated at 0.12 (0.04e0.28) Tg y1 from
(2012) who studied NOx emissions with various control scenarios industry and 0.012 (0.003e0.04) Tg y1 from transport. The pri-
using low NOx boilers (LNB) with boiler classifications across India mary emitters were thermal power (PC boilers) and other industry
during the period 1996e2010. The present estimates for (stokers and FBC); in transport they were gasoline vehicles (two-
1996e2010 were within a factor of 0.93e1.02 of their S1 and S3 and three-wheelers) and railways.
scenariosdwell within the uncertainty bands for these emissions.
Emissions of 1.6 (1e4.9) Tg y1 NOx were estimated from transport, 3.4. Comparison among emission estimates
with a 65% contribution from diesel vehicles and a 17% contribution
from gasoline and CNG vehicles. The high NOx-emitting technolo- Aerosol emission trends (Table 3, Fig. SI2) were compared with
gies among diesel vehicles were heavy-duty vehicles followed by those from 1996, Garg et al. (2006), INTEX-B (Zhang et al., 2009),
buses; among gasoline vehicles the significant sources of emissions GAINS (Klimont et al., 2009) and Lu et al. (2011). This includes LPS
were two- and three-wheeled vehicles. and other industries in the industry sector, while previous studies
For 2015, CO emissions were estimated at 6.9 (1e19) Tg y1 from included these as well as brick production. Since emissions from
the industry sectors and 12 (6e22) Tg y1 from the transport sec- brick production were not explicitly given, the “industry plus brick
tors. In industry, 81% of emissions were from LPS (the iron and steel production” emissions in previous studies (Garg et al., 2006; Zhang
industry and cement kilns) and 11% from thermal power. In the iron et al., 2009; Klimont et al., 2009; Lu et al., 2011) were scaled down
and steel industry, coke manufacturing in coke-oven batteries by the ratios of emissions from industry to those from “industry
proved to be the main CO-emitting technology, using the emission plus brick production” (Table SI9). These ratios were invariant over
factors from Zhang et al. (2009) appropriate for developing coun- time for a give pollutant. For example, for PM2.5, OC, NOx, SO2 and
tries. Within transport, 85% of CO emissions were from spark- CO2 it was >0.9, but 0.5e0.9 for BC and CO, reflecting their larger
ignition gasoline vehicles and 14% from diesel vehicles, with two emissions from incomplete combustion in traditional brick-kiln
wheel vehicles making the highest contribution (45%), reflecting technologies. The estimated PM2.5 emissions were in good agree-
their high emission factor. ment (factor of 1.3) for 2006 (Zhang et al., 2009). The emissions
NMVOC emissions were estimated for 2015 at 1.5 from transport were almost identical in the two studies, while the
(0.4e5.6) Tg y1 from industry and 3 (1.2e5.7) Tg y1 from trans- difference for industry is attributable to the inclusion of process
port, largely from gasoline vehicles. Gasoline NMVOC emissions, emissions, particularly in the cement and iron and steel industries.
including exhaust and evaporative components, come primarily Emissions from transport also compared well with previously
from two- and three-wheelers. NMVOC emissions in industry published works and were 1.05 of those from Baidya and Borken-
result primarily from process and fugitive emissions from oil and Kleefeld (2009) for the base year 2005. Compared to previous
gas (60%) with a minor contribution from combustion. Emissions studies, BC emissions were somewhat higher (within 10%) than
from storage of organic chemicals, petrochemical processing, published values for several years (Klimont et al., 2009; Lu et al.,
fugitive emissions from refineries, transport depots, and the 2011), because of similar assumptions related to coke ovens,
application of paints and solvents were estimated using the diesel in heavy equipment use, and the fraction of superemitters.
methodology of Klimont et al. (2002). CH4 emissions were esti- The BC emissions are larger than those for 2006 (Zhang et al.,
mated at 1.4 Tg y1 (0.1e7.9) from industry and 0.1 (0.03e0.2) 2009) and for 2015 (Klimont et al., 2009) since the older studies
Tg y1 from transport. In industry, the largest emitter was coal did not include the new sources. OC emissions, however, were
mining (74%) with the balance resulting from fugitive industrial somewhat lower (within 20%) of the published values for several
emissions. Both underground and open-cast mining was consid- years because of the high APCD rates in the industry sector and
ered, with an assumption of degree II mining (based on the per- implementation of BS norms in the transport sector, which reduced
centage of inflammable gas emitted from coal mines), with PM2.5 and its constituents. SO2 emissions agreed within 20% with
emission factors following INCCA (MoEF, 2010). In transport gaso- those in Garg et al. (2006), INTEX-B (Zhang et al., 2009), Lu et al.
line vehicles were the most significant CH4 emitters. (2011) and GAINS (Klimont et al., 2009) for the years 2000, 2004,
2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010 (Fig. SI2). The somewhat lower SO2
3.3.3. Greenhouse gases emissions estimated here resulted from both lower overall energy
CO2 emissions were estimated using factors largely consistent consumption (0.85) and in the emission factors used for industry
with INCCA (MoEF, 2010) and the fuel consumption database and thermal power, which were 0.95 and 0.73 for coal-based
developed in this work. The CO2 emissions for industry were esti- emissions (Lu et al., 2011) with the inclusion of process emissions.
mated based on the carbon content of fuels (Table SI5AeB). Region- Ozone-precursors emissions for 1996e2015 (Table 3, Fig. SI2)
specific CO2 emission factors for non-coking and coking coal were compared with those from other inventories for the years 2000,
estimated using the production-weighted carbon content of 2005, 2006 and 2010 (Garg et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2009; Klimont
different grades of Indian coal in a stoichiometric ratio of CO2 et al., 2009). CO emissions were a factor of ~6 higher than those in
362 P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364

Garg et al. (2006) for the years 2000 and 2005 in the industry uncertainty in emission factors quantified from the quality rating
sector. This large difference is attributed to the inclusion of CO using IPCC (2006a,b) and EMEP (2009) guidelines followed a log-
emissions from clinker production and the iron and steel industry. normal distribution when the standard deviation was above 30%
The CO emissions in industry were 83% of those reported in INTEX- of the mean. Uncertainties were calculated at the source-category
B (Zhang et al., 2009) from the use of emission factors for rotary- level, using the sum-of-quadrature rule, taking in to account the
cement kilns (used in India), which are lower than those for the correlation of fuel consumption in the different source categories.
shaft-cement kilns used in China (Streets et al., 2006). CO emissions For 1996 emission estimates, the lack of technology divisions
from transport in previous studies varied by about a factor of 5 within a source category, led to higher relative standard deviation,
among themselves (Ramachandra and Shwetmala, 2009; particularly in emission factors, resulting in larger relative standard
Guttikunda and Mohan, 2014). Fuel consumption estimates agree deviation in overall emissions. In contrast, 2015 emissions incor-
among these previous studies and the present work. The differ- porated detailed technology divisions in each source category,
ences among the studies appear to be from the choice of signifi- leading to lower standard deviation shown in Table SI8. The major
cantly different emission factors. The variability in the CO emission source of uncertainty in emission for each species was analyzed by
factor attributable to ambient temperature is within a factor of 2, identifying the uncertainty contributed by each source category
for a maximum temperature ranging from 30 to 50  C, as estimated (Fig. SI3). The uncertainty contribution to total emissions was found
from MOBILEv6.2. The emissions estimated in this work, using the to be similar to their mean contribution by source categories for
MOBILEv6.2 emission factors at 45  C, lie close to the estimates in PM2.5, CH4 and NOx emissions. Contribution to high uncertainty in
Baidya and Borken-Kleefeld (2009) and Ramachandra and BC, OC, and CO (50e75%) was observed from industry LPS source
Shwetmala (2009), as well as close to the central value of the category. This differed from that observed in the mean emission
large range in previous work. NOx emissions from industry were estimate, reflecting the high uncertainty (or poor quality rating) in
close to those from earlier studiesdabout 0.97 times those in emission factors for process-based emissions. For NMVOC emis-
GAINS for 2010 (Klimont et al., 2009). Our energy consumption was sions, 85% of the uncertainty contribution was observed from in-
about 20% lower because of the difference in the NCV of fuels used dustry sector and 15% from transport, with large contributions from
and the differences in the dynamic emission factors used in GAINS other industry and LPS, from a high assigned uncertainty in emis-
during 2000e2010 for technologies such as oil-fired thermal power sion factors, in the absence of region-specific measurements. Using
and gas-fired industrial boilers. NOx emissions from transport were region-specific CO2 emission factors for coal in the industry sector
0.55e0.6 times lower than those in previous studies (Zhang et al., resulted in a lower contribution to uncertainty compared to that
2009; Baidya and Borken-Kleefeld, 2009; Fulton and Eads, 2004), from the transport sector. The uncertainty contribution for industry
from our choice of emission factors (from Klimont et al., 2009), was 22% and that from transport 78%. A relatively high uncertainty
based on findings in Ghude et al. (2013). Through top-down esti- was estimated from railways because of poor-quality emission
mation of NOx emissions, using satellite retrieved NO2 columns, factors for diesel locomotives.
Ghude et al. (2013) found that bottom-up inventories such as
INTEX-B overestimated NOx emissions from sources like transport 4. Conclusions
and residential. Our NMVOC emissions from industry agreed well
with those in previous studies (Zhang et al., 2009; Klimont et al., A multi-pollutant inventory was developed across India for
2009). However, for the transport sector, the NMVOC emissions 1996e2015 for emissions from industry and transport sectors,
were 73% of those in INTEX-B. This is likely due to the use of a including fuel consumption, process and fugitive emissions, and
higher emission factor for India (personal communication, Q. Zhang, solvent use. In industry the increase in PM2.5, SO2, CO, and NMVOC
2014). The estimates agree within a factor of 1e1.3 with those in emissions during this period was a factor of 2.3e2.7 larger than the
Baidya and Borken-Kleefed (2009) and Guttikunda and Mohan increase in fuel consumption. This is explained by a growth in
(2014). process emissions resulting from an increase production activity. In
The emission trends for GHGs for 1996e2015 (Table 3, Fig. SI2) transport, the increase in emissions of PM2.5, BC, OC, SO2, and CO
were compared with those in INCCA MoEF (2010) for the base year from diesel and gasoline vehicles was smaller than the corre-
2007 and with Garg et al. (2006) for the base years 2000 and 2005. sponding fuel consumption increase, because of implementation of
CO2 emissions from industry agreed within 5%, while those from emissions and fuel quality norms. Emissions of NMVOC, CH4 and
transport were somewhat lower. The main source of methane here N2O from transport followed the growth in fuel consumption at the
is fugitive emissions from coal mining, since this inventory does not source-category level. Process and fugitive activities added about
deal with agricultural practices. There is better agreement (0.85 50% to industry emissions of PM2.5, BC, SO2, NOx, CO2 and N2O,
lower) with MoEF (2010), but a significant difference (0.65 lower) while they contributed about 80% to CO, NMVOC, and CH4 emis-
from Garg et al. (2006) for the years 2000 and 2005. As the fugitive sions. The most significant emitting technologies include
emission factors used in all three studies are the same, the differ- pulverized-coal boilers used for thermal power and process emis-
ences arise from the amount of activity or the annual amount of sions from LPSs for PM2.5 and diesel vehicles, particularly super-
coal mined. The present study exhibits an overall consistency with emitters, for BC. Gasoline vehicles were the major source of NMVOC
respect to the magnitudes of emissions estimated in other studies, and CO emissions, while open-cast coal mining contributed to high
for 2006, 2007 and 2010, for various pollutants (IND96, Zhang et al., CH4 emissions (fugitive). High NOx emissions were from thermal
2009; MoEF, 2010; Lu et al., 2011) and the harmonization of power and diesel vehicles. Large uncertainties in the emission
technology-mix assumptions and emission factors provides factors (1.25e2.75) governed the total uncertainty in emissions,
consistent emission trends for 1996e2015. pointing to an urgent need for region-specific emission measure-
ments from a variety of sources.
3.5. Major sources of uncertainties in emissions
The uncertainty in emissions was propagated using the un-
certainties in activities and emission factors as discussed in Section We thank Zifeng Lu and David Streets of the Argonne National
2.3. The uncertainty in activities, i.e., fuel consumption and pro- Laboratory and Qiang Zhang, Tsinghua University, and Y.S. Mayya,
duction data, followed a normal distribution function, whereas the IIT Bombay, for helpful suggestions. The Department of Science and
P. Sadavarte, C. Venkataraman / Atmospheric Environment 99 (2014) 353e364 363

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