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18/4/2021 Descriptive Adjectives: Revisión del intento

Área personal / Mis cursos / *Inglés Nivel 1-3-2021-C-1-Hector Gonzalez Mejia / Module 3 / Descriptive Adjectives

Comenzado el domingo, 18 de abril de 2021, 20:24

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 18 de abril de 2021, 20:25
Tiempo 1 minutos 10 segundos
Puntos 104,00/104,00
Calificación 10,00 de 10,00 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Fill the gap with one of the following descriptive adjectives.

Puntúa 104,00
sobre 104,00 deep - hard - wide - flat - shiny - narrow - colorful - straight

1. The river is too wide  here; we can't cross.

2. The bridge crosses the river here, where it's quite narrow  .

3. This part of the sea is very deep  , nearly five kilometers!

4. He cleaned his car until it was beautiful and shiny  , like new.

5. The Romans built long straight  roads.

6. The cement floor was very hard  and the boy hurt himself when he fell.

7. We went to a carnival. It was very bright and colorful  , especially reds and yellows.

8. Holland is a very flat  country; there aren't any big hills or mountains.

◄ Vocabulary: Plural forms Ir a... Grammar: preposition of movement ► 


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