E7 Unit 3 Pronunciation

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Class: 7 Unit 2: Community service (Phục vụ cộng đồng)
Teaching date: 29th September, 2021 Pronunciation +Vocabulary
Student’s name: .........................
I. Pronunciation /g/ and /k/:
1. the consonant /k/ (phụ âm /k/)
* “g” đọc là /g/
Ex: keep (giữ), cooker (nồi cơm), lock (khóa)
* “c” đọc là /k/ khi ở đầu hoặc giữa câu
Ex: column (cột), discard (vứt bỏ)
* Khi “cc” theo sau nguyên âm (trừ /e/) thì được đọc là /k/
Ex: occasion (dịp), accurate (chính xác)
2. the consonant /g/ (phụ âm /g/)
* “g” đọc là /g/
Ex: jungle (rừng rậm), alligator (cá sấu)
II. Vocabulary
- donate money: quyên góp tiền
- read to the sick: đọc cho người bệnh
- clean public places: dọn dẹp nơi công cộng
- help the old: giúp đỡ người già
- provide blood: cung cấp máu
- raise evening classes: nâng cao lớp học buổi tối
- water plants: tưới cây
- recycle paper: tái chế giấy
III. Exercises (Bài tập)
1. Listen and read the phonetic transcriptions aloud. Then write the words.
1. /gləʊb/ 2. /kləʊðz/ 3. /sɪk/ 4. /grə'fi:ti/
..................... ....................... ....................... ..........................
5. /kliːn/ 6. /ˈʧɒklət/ 7. /ˈhʌŋgə(r)/ 8. /ˈɔːgəst/
..................... ........................ ........................ ..........................

2. Underline the words containing sounds /g/ and /k/ in the sentences. Then listen and say
the sentences.
1. They are repainting the gate of the club.
2. Bring me a glass of coca cola please.
3. Have you ever tried ginger candy?
4. Put on a coat because it is cold outside.
5. There are many kinds of dogs.
6. Just a hug is good enough for me.
3. Complete each conversation by filling each blank with a phrase. Change the form of the
verb if necessary
1. - What community service are you taking part in?
- I’m .......................................... for the street children. Many of them are smart and they want
to study.
2. - Why are you borrowing so many books?
- I often ............................................ in hospital. They love stories.
3. - Where are you hurrying to?
- To the clinic. Everybody’s ...................................... to help the wounded in the earthquake.
4. - The newspaper says that we are destroying the forest by cutting down so many trees.
- One way to help reduce it is to ....................................... because it is made from trees.
5. - Do you have any plans for this month?
- Yes. We are ........................................... to build a library for the community.
6. - Is cleaning the beach one of your community services?
- We don’t have a beach, but we ........................................ This week, it is the park.

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