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A. Describe the steps of supply chain management.

It usually consists of five phases:

1. During the planning phase, a strategy should be developed that indicates how a
particular product will meet the customer's needs. An important part of this strategy is
often focused on planning a profitable supply chain.

2. The development phase consists of establishing a close relationship with the suppliers of
the raw materials necessary to manufacture the product that the supplying company. In
this phase, not only reliable suppliers are identified, but shipping, delivery and payment
methods are also searched.

3. In the next phase, manufacturing, the product is manufactured, tested, packaged and
planned for delivery.

4. In the logistics phase, the sales orders are received and the delivery of the goods is

5.In the final phase of supply chain management, customers can return defective products.
In this phase, the company must also answer customer questions.

B. What are the types of supply chain?

Direct supply chain

It consists of a company, a supplier and a client involved in the different areas of the
company, integrating products, services, finances and information, that is, related to
all levels of the chain.

Traditional supply chain

Among so many types of supply chains, this is used mainly by small companies or by
companies that do not require a very complex operation or great control of their
production, since decisions are made independently by the people involved in the
process of manufacturing. This type of supply chain can cause a lack of control in
decisions, thus leading to a malfunction of production processes. This is why it only
works for companies that do not have to deal with large quantities of raw materials or
finished product, and that have a traditional manufacturing process in which a
continuous flow of information is not needed.

Extended supply chain

It includes the suppliers of the immediate suppliers and the immediate customers, all
involved in the flows that relate products, services, finances and information. In other
words, there must be collaboration between the links involved in this objective.
Suppliers, producers, distributors and points of sale must establish adequate
communication and make collaborative efforts to synchronize supply and demand.

Shared supply chain

In this, it is one of the types of supply chains where decisions are shared, since the
people involved in the manufacture of the product also make their decisions
individually, but they have a defined database in which information can be shared,
allowing access to it to the decisions that are taken during the process.

Synchronized supply chain

In this chain are all the phases of the manufacture of the product synchronized, that is,
a follow-up is made from the entry of raw materials until the arrival of the product at
the warehouse as a finished product and ready for shipment or sale.

Complex supply chain

It includes all the organizations involved in all interactions of products, services,

finances and information from the last supplier to the last customer.

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