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(b) The

4(c) Work, Energy and Power (2 weeks)

Scheme of Work:
4.11 know and use the relationship between work, force and distance moved in the
direction of the force:
work done = force × distance moved
4.12 know that work done is equal to energy transferred
4.13 know and use the relationship between gravitational energy, mass, gravitational field strength and
gravitational potential energy=mass × gravitational field strength× height
GPE=m× g ×h
4.14 know and use the relationship:
kinetic energy=½× mass × speed 2
KE=½× m× v 2
4.15 understand how conservation of energy produces a link between gravitational
potential energy, kinetic energy and work
4.16 describe power as the rate of transfer of energy or the rate of doing work
4.17 use the relationship between power, work done (energy transferred) and time taken
work done

Force, Energy, and Work

Energy enables us to do jobs of work.  When work is done, energy is transferred.  We can say:
Energy transferred = work done
We can relate work and force by the simple equation:

work done ( J )=Force applied ( N ) × distance moved∈the direction of the force (m)

W =F × d

Note that the direction of the force and the direction of the movement have to be the same.  If they are at
right angles, zero work is done. 
Work Done and Friction

When two objects slide across each other work is done against the force of friction.

Work, Energy and Power Dr. MB Cuthbert Page 1

When work is done against friction, most of the energy is turned to heat. 
Kinetic Energy

Movement energy is called kinetic energy  All moving objects have kinetic energy:
 objects moving in a straight line;
 objects going round in a circle;
 objects vibrating.
Working out Kinetic Energy
When a force is exerted on an object, energy is transferred from one form to another

F block starts to move

Work done by force F = Kinetic energy gained by block

Product of Force and displacement

work ( J )=force ( N ) × displacement (m)

W =F × d

For work to be done, the force must be in the direction of the displacement

kinetic energy ( J )=½ × mass(kg) × velocit y (m/ s)2

Ek =½ m v 2

Proof: (assume the object starts from rest)

E k gained = force x displacement


= m x change in v x s

= m x change in v x s

= m x change in v x average v

= m x (v – 0) x (v + 0)


Falling object: (assume no air friction)

v = 0m/s

Work, Energy and Power Dr. MB Cuthbert Page 2

(b) The

W = mg (this force exerted by gravity exerts on

an unbalanced force on the object
h causing it to accelerate)

work done by W = Ek gained by object

W x h = Ek

mgh = Ek

gravitational potential energy

As the object falls: E p lost = Ek gained

gravitational potential energy ( J ) =mass( kg)× g (m/s 2) ×height (m)

E p =mgh

Power is the rate of doing work (how quickly work is done) – equation provided in the examination

Work (J )
Power ( W ) =
Time (t)

Work, Energy and Power Dr. MB Cuthbert Page 3

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