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The closure of school campuses during the Covid-19 lockdown has fundamentally challenged the manner in
which students are taught. Almost overnight, face-to-face teaching in classrooms was replaced with
various forms of remote teaching: from worksheets or lectures delivered by WhatsApp or downloadable
from websites (often with little interaction with an educator) to classes taught in real-time online, using a
variety of technology platforms.
Examinations carried out online do raise concerns around unethical student behaviour, which would
render assessment invalid. There are useful computer-based systems which assist with administering
examinations at home. Further measures to ensure authenticity can be taken by way of learners signing a
declaration of authenticity thereby demonstrating their commitment to ethical behaviour, or by co-opting
parents or guardians as invigilators where possible. However, no method of online delivery of assessment
can replace the controlled conditions of an invigilated examination. The onus falls onto the student to
recognise summative assessments such as examinations as opportunities to prepare, practise and receive
authentic and timeous feedback. This is one way in which online learning develops the student’s internal
locus of control – which is in itself a valuable life-skill. But an educator must evaluate whether a student’s
summative assessment results fall in line with the level of progress shown in previous work. If doubt
prevails, the educator must make arrangements for another assessment opportunity. If an in-person,
invigilated assessment opportunity is not possible, an oral examination can prove useful.
So, while it is true that there are pitfalls in conducting summative assessments online, the benefits far
outweigh the disadvantages.
I have to say, I was relatively nervous going into the midterm. I typically prefer to take a test on paper –
having a hard copy in front of me helps me feel more organized and aware of my pace – so I had some
reservations about the online midterm. On the other hand, I was pleased with the fact that it was available
to be taken at any point throughout the day, and that there were practice tests available that provided an
idea of what the test would be like and allowed us to get familiar with the process prior to the actual

Submitted by: Jessie Atillo Tindoy, Jr.

Submitted to: Ma’am Luana Sisa Magsigay

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