Research Proposal-Autonomous Campus (Draft)

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Mohamad Hasimi Abdullah

ED775 / 02


1.1 Introduction
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is Malaysia's premier institution of higher learning
that has experienced phenomenal growth since its inception in 1956. Today, with its
greatest number of students and staffs, UiTM continuously is moving forward to embrace
new challenges to become world class university. In 2011, UiTM embarked to another
direction which grants its branch campuses to operate on its own, in other words,
autonomous campus. The concept of autonomous normally can be described as acting
independently, freely to choose what to do or not to do. For a start, UiTM Sarawak,
UiTM Perak, UiTM Perlis and UiTM Terengganu have been chosen to be the first to
commence this new way of governance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

A new governance system perhaps gives way for the change of UiTM from centralized
management system to a self-governing system. With the move, it will change the whole
culture of governance within the campus, thus making the management team adopts new
approaches which suit them best. It is hoped that this autonomous campus system is seen
as the catalyst to bring about much-needed changes in the way UiTM is operated.
Bringing about change into the organization sometimes is not easy. A number of studies
have highlighted how attempts by management to reshape worker identity often meet
with resistance (Eilam and Shamir, 2005; Knights and McCabe, 2000; Ezzamel et al.,
2001; Ezzamel and Willmott, 1998; Jermier et al., 1994; Willmott, 1993). People within
the organizations may resist to change simply because of their affected routine work, or
may be because of details information with regard of the new system are not available.
Furthermore, looking at the situation at the branch campus nowadays, it is very hard for
the branch campus to form its own governance. Lacks of manpower as well as financial
support are those two major factors that contribute to the said situation. Lacks of
manpower mean more jobs to be carried out with limited staff. And at the same time,
more funds are needed in order to give training as well as to employ new staffs. The
readiness to embark towards this new system is not only lies on the management team
alone but also among the staffs. If the management team is ready and so do the staffs,
there will be less or even zero resistance. As a result, this transition will be achieved its

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The purposes of this research are to:
i. Learn about UiTM Sarawak, especially in term of staffs’ perception towards
autonomous campus.
ii. Identify and examine the areas in which may prevent UiTM Sarawak from being
an autonomous campus successfully.
iii. Develop a list of most critical factors that will lead UiTM Sarawak towards a very
successful autonomous campus.

1.4 Research questions

Several important questions concern in this research are:
i. How would the staffs of UiTM Sarawak perceive and accept an autonomous
ii. What are the challenges in building an autonomous campus?
iii. What are the most critical factors involves in building an autonomous campus?

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