Exposure of Seeds To Static Magnetic Field Enhances Germination and Early Growth Characteristics in Chickpea (L.)

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Bioelectromagnetics 29:571^578 (2008)

Exposure of Seeds to Static Magnetic Field

Enhances Germination and Early Growth
Characteristics in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Ananta Vashisth1* and Shantha Nagarajan2
Division of Agricultural Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110012, India
Nuclear Research Laboratory, Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi 110012, India
Seeds of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) were exposed in batches to static magnetic fields of strength
from 0 to 250 mT in steps of 50 mT for 1–4 h in steps of 1 h for all fields. Results showed that magnetic
field application enhanced seed performance in terms of laboratory germination, speed of germination,
seedling length and seedling dry weight significantly compared to unexposed control. However, the
response varied with field strength and duration of exposure without any particular trend. Among the
various combinations of field strength and duration, 50 mT for 2 h, 100 mT for 1 h and 150 mT for 2 h
exposures gave best results. Exposure of seeds to these three magnetic fields improved seed coat
membrane integrity as it reduced the electrical conductivity of seed leachate. In soil, seeds exposed to
these three treatments produced significantly increased seedling dry weights of 1-month-old plants.
The root characteristics of the plants showed dramatic increase in root length, root surface area and
root volume. The improved functional root parameters suggest that magnetically treated chickpea
seeds may perform better under rainfed (un-irrigated) conditions where there is a restrictive soil
moisture regime. Bioelectromagnetics 29:571–578, 2008.  2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: seedling vigour; field emergence index; root characteristics; seed leachate

INTRODUCTION [2002] observed that the magnetic field stimulated the

shoot development of maize and led to an increase in
Pre-sowing seed treatment including chemical
germinating energy, germination, fresh weight and
and physical treatments like electrical, microwave and
shoot length. Growth of the germinated Vicia faba
irradiation are known to improve seed performance.
seedlings was enhanced by the application of power
Physical methods are not only cost effective, they also
frequency magnetic fields (100 mT) that was supported
significantly improve the yield without adversely
by increased mitotic index and 3H-thymidine uptake
affecting the environment. They influence the physio-
[Rajendra et al., 2005]. In broad bean and pea cultivars
logical and biochemical process in the seeds, and
the magnetic stimulation of seeds improved the
thereby contribute to greater vigour and improved crop
sprouting and emergence of seed and resulted in
stand. Therefore, physical presowing seed treatment for
higher pod number and seed yield [Podlesny et al.,
enhancing the seed performance, if standardized, can
2004, 2005]. Galland and Pazur [2005] reported the
lead to commercial application. Magnetic seed treat-
ment is one of the physical presowing seed treatments ————— —
that have been reported to enhance the performance of Grant sponsor: PG school, IARI, New Delhi.
crop plants. Alexander and Doijode [1995] noted that
*Correspondence to: Ananta Vashisth, Division of Agricultural
aged onion and rice seeds exposed to a weak electro- Physics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
magnetic field for 12 h increased the germination, shoot 110012, India. E-mail: khaliananta@rediffmail.com
and root length of seedlings. Celestino et al. [2000]
reported enhanced germination and growth of Quercus Received for review 9 August 2007; Final revision received
suber seedlings when exposed to chronic EM field. 21 February 2008
Harichand et al. [2002] reported that exposure of DOI 10.1002/bem.20426
magnetic field (10 mT; 40 h) increased plant height, Published online 30 May 2008 in Wiley InterScience
seed weight per spike and yield of wheat. Aladjadjiyan (www.interscience.wiley.com).

5 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

572 Vashisth and Nagarajan

unsystematic manner in which the research on magne-

toresponse in biology has been carried out in the
past and explains presently accepted mechanisms of
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the
world’s most important but less-studied leguminous
food crop with nearly 10 m ha grown across the
Americas, the Mediterranean basin, East Africa, the
Middle East, Asia and Australia [FAOSTAT, 2004]. It is
generally grown without irrigation, planted in the post
rainy season, surviving until harvest on progressively
declining residual soil moisture. Therefore, root
traits are the most important components of drought
Fig. 1. Electromagnetic field generator.
tolerance in chickpea. Here, we report the results of a
study undertaken to standardize the field strength and
duration for maximum enhancement of germination Chickpea seeds were exposed to a magnetic field
characteristics and the effect of a few chosen magnetic of 50–250 mT in a cylindrical shaped sample holder
fields on field emergence and root characteristics of of 42 cm3 capacity, made from a non-magnetic thin
1-month-old chickpea plants. transparent plastic sheet. 100 visibly sound, mature,
healthy seeds were treated for various durations ranging
from 1 to 4 h. The required strength of the magnetic field
was obtained by regulating the current in the coils of the
Plant Material electromagnet. A Gauss meter was used to measure the
strength of the magnetic field between the poles. At low
The breeder seed of chickpea (Var. Pusa-1053)
field (50 mT), from center to end of the poles, the
was supplied by the Division of Genetics, Indian
variation was 0.6% in the horizontal direction and 1.6%
Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
in the vertical direction of the applied field. At high field
Seeds without visible defects, insect damage and
(250 mT), they were 0.4% and 1.2% of the applied field,
malformation were selected and stored in desiccators
having anhydrous calcium chloride. Seed moisture
content was determined by oven drying seeds at 95 8C to
constant weight [Walters, 1988]. Moisture content (%) Seed Germination
was calculated as [(W1  W2/W2)]  100, where W1 was Seed germination was determined by following
the initial weight of the seed and W2 was the final weight the method of ISTA [1985]. Four replications each with
of the seed after drying. The moisture content of the 25 seeds were placed between two layers of moist
seed lot was 7% at the start of the experiment. germination paper, rolled carefully and wrapped in a
sheet of wax paper to reduce surface evaporation. They
Magnetic Field Generation and were placed in the germination incubator at 20 8C in
Seed Treatment an upright position. After 8 days, germinated seeds
An electromagnetic field generator ‘‘Testron EM- were grouped as normal, abnormal seedling, fresh un-
20’’ with variable horizontal magnetic field strength germinated and dead seeds. Germination percentage
(50–500 mT) with a gap of 5 cm between pole pieces was calculated based on normal seedlings. Ten such
was fabricated (Fig. 1). The pole pieces are cylindrical seedlings from each replicate were randomly taken for
in shape with 9 cm in diameter, 16 cm in length. The measuring shoot and root length in cm. Subsequently,
number of turns per coil is 3000 and the resistance of the they were dried overnight in an oven at 90 8C and the dry
coil is 16 Ohm. A DC power supply (80 V/10 A) with weight of these seedlings was measured. Seedling
continuously variable output current was used for the vigour was calculated following Abdul-Baki and
electromagnet. A digital Gauss meter model DGM-30 Anderson [1973] as
(Testron Instruments, New Delhi, India) operating on
the principle of Hall effect monitored the field strength vigour index I ¼ germination%  seedling length
produced in the pole gap. The probe made of Indium ðroot þ shootÞ
Arsenide crystal and encapsulated to a non-magnetic
sheet of 5 mm  4 mm  1 mm could measure 0–2 T vigour index II ¼ germination%  seedling dry weight
with full-scale range in increments of 5 mT. ðroot þ shootÞ

Seeds of Chickpea Exposed to Magnetic Field 573

Eighty chickpea seeds split into four equal plot and duration as sub-plot. The significant level of
replications were placed in moistened filter paper in a difference of all measured traits among magnetic
petri dish and kept in an incubator at 20 8C. To calculate fields, duration of exposure and their interaction were
the speed of germination X, daily germination count of calculated. For green house study, one-way analysis
the incubated seeds was taken until no more seeds of variance was carried out following a randomized
germinated and was calculated as complete block design, and the least significant dif-
ference (LSD) among treatments for each trait was
number of seeds germinated calculated.
X¼ þ 
day of the first count
number of seeds germinated
day of the final count
Four replications each with 25 seeds were soaked Seed Germination
in 25 ml of distilled water at 20 8C for 4 h. A control with To analyze the effect of different magnetic fields,
distilled water (but without seeds) was also taken. The average values of different durations of exposure of
electrical conductance of the seed leachate decanted each magnetic field were compared. Similarly, the
in a 50 ml beaker was measured at room temperature average values of different magnetic fields of each
[ISTA, 1985] using a digital conductivity meter exposure time were compared to determine the effect
(Systronics, Ahmedabad, India). of time of exposure on germination characteristics
Based on experimental data, 50 mT for 2 h, 100 mT (Table 1). Exposure of chickpea seeds to different
for 1 h and 150 mT for 2 h exposure were adjudged to be magnetic field intensities significantly increased all the
the best to improve germination and vigour. Therefore, germination-related characteristics such as germination
these treatments were further examined for their effect percentage, speed of germination, shoot and root
on emergence in soil and root characteristics. Line length, seedling dry weight and calculated vigour
sowing of 100 magnetically treated and untreated seeds indices. The improvement over untreated control seeds
in four replications (25 seeds each) was carried out in was 5–11% for germination, 8–26% for speed of
a green house plot of 4 m  1 m size. Irrigation was germination, 12–34% for shoot length, 58–90% for
provided as and when required. Daily count of the root length, 38–57% for total seedling length and 25–
number of plants that emerged was taken and the field 47% for seedling dry weight. The calculated vigour
emergence index was calculated following Mock and indices I and II also increased by 46–71% and 32–58%,
Skrdla [1978]: respectively. The percent enhancement of different
parameters was not linearly related to the field strength
emergence index of the magnetic field. Among the various magnetic
X ðplants emerged on a dayÞðdays after plantingÞ treatments, 50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h
¼ were more effective than others in increasing most of
total plants emerged
the seedling parameters. Magnetic field exposure time
From each replication, five plants were used to quantify of 1–4 h significantly increased germination character-
the shoot height, number of branches per plant, shoot istics irrespective of the field strength. There was no
and root dry weight. consistent superiority of a particular duration over
Root samples were washed carefully by a gentle others. However, exposure for 1 and 2 h duration was
stream of water to separate the root system from the more effective compared to 3 and 4 h in enhancing the
adhering soil particles. Then, this root mass was air- seed germination characters.
dried prior to scanning and image analysis using a The interaction of magnetic field and duration of
root scanner (LA 1600). The root morphology (total exposure are given in Figure 2a–h. The germination
root length, root surface area, root thickness and root percent enhanced in 2 h of magnetic field exposure in
volume) was completed using the Rhizo program from most of the field strengths. Exposure for 3 h reduced the
Regent Instruments (Quebec, Canada) and observations effect in some cases and again there was an increase in
made on four replicated samples. germination for 4 h of exposure. Speed of germination
was significantly higher than the control in most of the
Statistical Analysis treatments except for 200 mT for 1 and 2 h exposure and
The data was analyzed using the software SPSS 250 mT. Shoot length showed significant response for
10.0. For the laboratory experiment, two-factor analysis 50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h fields and the
of variance was performed on a split plot randomized shoot length was higher in all cases except for 100 mT
complete block design, keeping magnetic field as main for 3 and 4 h exposure, 150 mT for 4 h and 200 mT for
574 Vashisth and Nagarajan
TABLE 1. Effect of Pre-germination Exposure of Different Strengths of Static Magnetic Field and its Duration on Germination
Characteristics of Chickpea

Seedling length (cm) Vigour Index

Speed of Seedling
Parameter Germination (%) germination Shoot Root Total dry wt. (g) I II
Magnetic field (mT)
Control 85.0 (67.2) 21.39 7.77 7.42 15.19 0.036 1297 3.10
50 92.3** (74.2) 26.94** 10.41** 13.50** 23.91** 0.052** 2207** 4.82**
100 94.0** (76.4) 26.58** 9.42** 14.12** 23.54** 0.049** 2214** 4.64**
150 91.5** (74.3) 26.32** 8.74** 13.50** 22.24** 0.045** 2043** 4.10**
200 90.3** (73.4) 25.15** 9.52** 12.52** 22.04** 0.053** 1987** 4.75**
250 90.0** (72.5) 23.25NS 9.39** 11.71** 21.10** 0.049** 1895** 4.39**
LSD at 5% 3.46 1.87 0.48 0.93 0.82 0.002 101.40 0.26
Duration of exposure (h)
1 92.6** (74.7) 25.46** 10.02** 13.04** 23.06** 0.052** 2138** 4.78**
2 92.2** (75.0) 25.77** 10.14** 13.43** 23.57** 0.053** 2177** 4.90**
3 89.8** (72.8) 25.45** 8.73** 13.01** 21.74** 0.046** 1956** 4.14**
4 91.8** (74.2) 25.91** 9.08** 12.80** 21.88** 0.047** 2008** 4.34**
LSD at 5% 3.09 1.67 0.43 0.83 0.73 0.002 90.70 0.24
Values in the first half of the table are the mean of different durations of exposure for a particular magnetic field, and those in the second half
of the table give the mean of different magnetic fields for a particular exposure time. LSD: least significant difference. NS: not significant at
5% level; **significant at 1% level of probability. Values in parentheses are arcsine transformed value.

3 h exposure. A similar response for root length was exposure on speed of germination and seedling vigour
observed in 50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h are shown in Figure 3.
fields. The root length and total seedling length was
significantly higher than control in all treatments. For Germination in Soil
seedling dry weight, significant positive values were The field emergence index, which is a measure of
observed at 50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h. speed of germination in soil, though not significant,
Similarly, seedling dry weight was significantly higher increased marginally by 3% compared to control in
in all cases except for 150 mT for 3 and 4 h exposure. all magnetic treatments. There was no significant effect
Seedling vigour I based on seedling length and of magnetic treatment on percent field emergence.
germination percent showed a similar trend as seedling However, all seedling parameters such as shoot height,
shoot and root length. Seedling vigour I was signifi- shoot and root dry weight and root to shoot ratio of the
cantly higher than the control in all of the treatments. 1-month-old seedling of treated plants exhibited highly
50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h fields gave significant increases over the control (Fig. 4). Shoot
best results compared to other magnetic fields. Seedling height increased by 17% in 50 mT; 2 h and 30% in
vigour based on seedling dry weight and germination 100 mT; 1 h. Root length increased by 23% in 50 mT; 2 h
percent was also significantly higher than the control and 38% in 100 mT; 1 h. Total seedling length increased
in all of the treatments except for 150 mT for 3 and 4 h by 12% in 50 mT; 2 h and 28% in 100 mT; 1 h. Shoot dry
exposure. Seedling vigour II exhibited highest values weight increased by about 49% in 100 mT; 1 h to 53%
for 50 mT for 2 h, 100 mT for 1 h and 150 mT for 2 h in 50 mT; 2 h and that of root dry weight by about
exposure. three times over the control in these treatments.
From the analysis of the data, it is surmised that Because of a dramatic increase in root weight, the root
when all the germination characteristics were taken into to shoot ratio was also doubled compared to control
consideration, best results were noted in 50 mT; 2 h, in the treated plants. The number of branches also
100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h magnetic fields. Hence, increased significantly (25%) in the treated plants.
further experiments were conducted with these mag- The root characteristics of 1-month-old treated
netic treatments and the effect on field emergence plants showed interesting results (Fig. 5). Total root
characteristics, root and shoot parameters of 1-month- length, root surface area, projected area and root
old plants was studied. volume doubled in plants raised from magnetically
In magnetically treated seeds, there was signifi- exposed seeds compared to the control (Table 3).
cant reduction (5–13%) in the electrical conductivity However, in the case of average root diameter, the
of the seed leachate (Table 2). The effects of a increase over control was significant only for 100 mT;
few combinations of magnetic field and duration of 1 h treatment.
Seeds of Chickpea Exposed to Magnetic Field 575

Fig. 2. Effect of different doses and durations of magnetic field exposure of chickpea seeds (var.
Pusa-1053) ona: percentgermination, b: speedofgermination, c: shootlengthof 8-day-oldseedling,
d: root length of 8-day-old seedling, e: total seedling length, f: seedling dry weight, g: vigour index I
and h: vigour index II.

DISCUSSION cally treated seed (180 mT) absorbed more moisture,

respired more slowly, released less heat energy and
Exposure of chickpea seeds to different magnetic grew faster than the untreated controls. In soybean,
fields showed an overall stimulating effect with respect Kavi [1977] observed that seeds exposed to magnetic
to all germination characteristics (Table 1). Such field of 300 mT had increased capacity to absorb
enhanced performance of seeds in their germination moisture. The increased physiological activity due to
characteristics have been reported in other crops [Kato, greater absorption of moisture by treated seeds may be
1988; Aladjadjiyan, 2002; Florez et al., 2007]. How- responsible for the overall increase in seedling length,
ever, the mechanism for such an increase has not been seedling dry weight and vigour indices in our study.
completely understood. In wheat, Pittman and Ormrod However, some fields were more effective than others
[1970] reported that the seedlings grown from magneti- and there was no linear increase with increase in field
576 Vashisth and Nagarajan

Electrical conductivity

NS: not significant at 5% level of probability; *significant at 5% level of probability; **significant at 1% level of probability. Values in parentheses are arcsine transformed value.
(m S/cm/25 seeds)

Shoot dry weight
Root dry weight/


TABLE 2. Effect of Magnetic Field on Emergence and Growth Characteristics of Chickpea in Soil Under Green House Condition

weight (g)
Root dry



Fig. 3. Effect of pre-germination exposure of chickpea seeds on

weight (g)
Shoot dry

speed ofgermination and seedling vigour.



strength. In the same way, the response to exposure time

also varied without any relation between improvement
in seedling parameters and time of exposure. However,

Florez et al. [2007] reported that the accumulation


of dry weight of 10 days old seedlings from maize

seeds exposed to magnetic field of 125 mT increased
logarithmically with duration of magnetic field induc-
Root length

tion. Seeds in their study were of a different crop and


were imbibed in water before the exposure to magnetic

field whereas dry seeds were exposed to magnetic field
in our study.
The interaction of magnetic field and exposure
height (cm)

time indicated that certain combinations of magnetic



field and duration like 50, 100 and 150 mT for 1 and
2 h were highly effective in enhancing most of the
germination characteristics compared to other combi-
nations (Fig. 2a–h). This observation suggests that
emergence (%)

85 NS (67.3)
85 NS (67.3)
89 NS (71.2)

there may be a resonance-like phenomena which

84 (66.5)

emergence index

69.8 NS

69.6 NS
70.2 NS


LSD at 5%
field (mT)

100 (1 h)
150 (2 h)
50 (2 h)

Fig. 4. Effect of pre-germination exposure of chickpea on growth

of1-month-old plants.

Seeds of Chickpea Exposed to Magnetic Field 577

more uniform and emerged 2–3 days earlier than the

control. In these crops, seed yield due to pre-sowing
treatment of seeds with a magnetic field increased as a
result of a higher number of pods per plant and
lesser plant mortality during the growing season. In
chickpea, correlation between the number of primary
and secondary branches and grain yield per plant has
been reported [Katiyar, 2003] and the increased number
of branches in plants from magnetically treated seeds
has the potential to increase seed yield of chickpea.
Fig. 5. Effect of pre-germination exposure of chickpea seeds on A most useful observation was the significant
root growth of1-month-old plants. increase in shoot and root weights of 1-month-old
plants and the greatly improved root characteristics in
increases the internal energy of the seed that occurs the plants from magnetically treated seeds. When large
when there is an appropriate combination of magnetic numbers of Ethiopian land races were evaluated for
field and exposure time. Kavi [1983] reported that in drought tolerance, it was found that the tolerant
ragi (Eleusine coracana Gaertn) seeds, exposure to genotypes produced more root weight, root volume
100 mT magnetic field changed its internal potential and rooting depth compared to susceptible check
energy and suggested that by selecting a suitable [Anbessa and Bejiga, 2004]. Serraj et al. [2004] also
combination of magnetic field and exposure time, it suggested that deep and prolific root systems are
may be possible to get higher yields. Also, it appears associated with enhanced tolerance to drought in
that there is a window at 150 mTand 3 h exposure where chickpea. Hence, the greatly improved root character-
the magnetic field negatively interacts and reduces the istics of plants from magnetically treated seeds may
seedling traits compared to untreated controls. play a role in drought tolerance of the crop. Rajendra
The reduced conductivity of leachate from seeds et al. [2005] have observed a significant increase in
exposed to 50 mT; 2 h, 100 mT; 1 h and 150 mT; 2 h mitotic index as well as 3H-thymidine incorporation
fields compared to control (Table 2) indicated a greater into DNA in seeds of Vicia faba exposed to 100 mT
seed coat membrane integrity. However, exposure of power frequency electromagnetic field. These are clear
barley seeds to 37.5 mT field had no effect on leakage of indications of enhancement of growth of germinated
cellular electrolytes [Gusta et al., 1978]. In soil, percent seedlings exposed to magnetic field. It is postulated
emergence was not affected by magnetic field exposure, that the ion-cyclotron resonance may interfere with the
although the field emergence index increased margin- Ca2þ ion sequestering and thereby enable the increase
ally compared to control. This is in accordance with our in free Ca2þ concentration in the system. The increased
laboratory observation where the speed of germination Ca2þ concentration may signal the cell to enter into
was increased due to magnetic treatment. Similar early mitotic cycle. Also, increased uptake of Ca2þ ions
enhancement in speed of germination due to magnetic in rice seedlings grown from seeds exposed to pulsed
field exposure of seeds has been reported in maize magnetic field was found responsible for better leaf
[Florez et al., 2007], in rice [Carbonell et al., 2000], and growth, meristematic tissues in stems and roots
in wheat [Bhatnagar and Dev, 1977]. Podlesny et al. [Saktheeswari and Subrahmanyam, 1989].
[2004, 2005] confirmed the positive effect of the Exposure of dry chickpea seeds to certain
magnetic treatment (30 and 85 mT) on the germination combinations of static magnetic field and durations of
and emergence of both broad bean and pea cultivars. As exposure significantly increased laboratory germina-
a result of magnetic treatment, plant emergence was tion and field emergence characteristics. The root

TABLE 3. Effect of Magnetic Field on Rooting Characteristics of 1-Month-Old Chickpea Plants Grown in Soil Under Green
House Condition

Magnetic field (mT) Total length (cm) Surface area (cm2) Projected area (cm2) Volume (cm3) Average diameter (mm)
Control 94.1 8.29 2.64 0.053 0.280
50 (2 h) 197.7** 17.88** 5.69** 0.123** 0.300NS
100 (1 h) 170.9** 16.44** 5.23** 0.130** 0.318**
150 (2 h) 207.0** 18.38** 5.85** 0.130** 0.282NS
LSD at 5% 13.9 1.32 0.42 0.015 0.022
NS: not significant at 5% level of probability; *significant at 5% level of probability; **significant at 1% level of probability.

578 Vashisth and Nagarajan

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