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Molecular Bonding

There are three major types of chemical (HCCH), triple bonds are not
bonding. These bonds are all important in found in biological systems.
the functioning of a cell.  The bonds can be between the same
element (e.g., C-C bonds) or
 Covalent Bonding
between different elements (e.g., C-
 Non-Covalent Bonding
O, C-N, H-O).
o Ionic Bonding
 The nature of the covalent bond is
o Hydrogen Bonding
determined by the number of
electrons shared and the nature of
Covalent Bonds the two elements attached.
 Aromatic Compounds – Involve the
 are the strongest. sharing of electrons between atoms
 One atom fully shares one, two or that form a ring. The shared
three electrons with another atom., electrons form a partial (1/2) double
forming a: bond between each atom in the ring
 Single bonds – Two atoms structure. Aromatic compounds
attached by a single have unique geometrical properties
covalent bond have free and absorb ultraviolet light.
rotation about the bond.
 Double bonds – Two
carbons attached by a Formation of a covalent bond
double covalent bond can A covalent bond is formed between two
only undergo 180-degree hydrogen atoms.
rotations and the atoms
bound to these carbons are Covalent bonds involving electronegative
constrained to lie in the atoms often result in polar molecules. The
same plane as the carbon bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen
atom. Rotation about the atoms of water
carbon-carbon bond has are polar, due
structural implications for to the fact that
molecules in which they are oxygen is
found. electron
 Triple bonds – Although withdrawing
carbon can form triple and hydrogen is willing to give up its lone
bonds, such as in the electron. The double bond between carbon
compound acetylene and oxygen atoms in a carbonyl group is
polar, for the same reason that the oxygen Because the enantiomers have identical
attracts the electrons to itself. functional groups attached to the chiral
center, they have identical physical and
Geometry properties -
The overall shape of molecules depends on except for the
the geometry of the bonds that are formed direction they
between atoms. The shape of a molecule rotate plane
can have a large effect on its biological polarized light.
activity, often small changes in the shape of Experimentally,
a molecule will make it biologically inactive. the enantiomers are distinguished by the
direction of rotation of plane polarized
 D (dextro) form – The enantiomer
that rotates light to the right
 L (levulo) form – The enantiomer
that rotates light to the left
While enantiomers usually undergo
Planer chemical reactions in an identical fashion,
biological systems are capable of
discriminating between these structurally
(definition) When identical groups attached different molecules because biological
to a carbon are arranged in multiple ways systems themselves contain chiral centers,
such that two of the resulting structures are such as in amino acids.
non-superimposable, they are mirror
Bioselectivity – The ability to discriminate
images of each other.
between the enantiomers. The chemical
Tetrahedral – Bonding geometry of the world has been narrowed by the selective
carbon atom in which can covalently bond use of specific enantiomers (in this case
to four groups. only D-glyceraldehyde) by biological
Chiral center – Also called asymmetric systems.
center, in which there are four different
groups attached to the carbon, hence two
unique arrangements of the groups around
the carbon atom are possible. Non-Covalent Bonds

Enantiomers – The two arrangements of Ionic Bonds

groups around the carbon are mirror Ionic bonds form between oppositely
images of each other. It is impossible to charged atoms. No electron sharing or
superimpose these two mirror images, transfer occurs. The atoms are attracted to
consequently they are distinct molecules. each other due to their opposite charges.

Strong electrolytes – ions that are Hydrogen bonding is a critical bonding in
completely dissociated in an aqueous the cell. It is the principal bonding that
solution. holds the tertiary structure of proteins,
carbohydrates and nucleic acids together
Spheres of hydration – The ions become
and the overall stability of these molecules
encapsulated by water spheres to form
is due in part to the cumulative effect of the
polar interactions to satisfy the charges on
large number of hydrogen bonds found in
the ions.
the functional structures. Hydrogen bonds
The biological are found in and between a variety of
world is very ionic molecules. For example, the enormous
and the spheres of number of hydrogen bonds between
hydration are strands of cellulose provide the strength
important in a cell and structure of the plant cell wall.
because they
maintain the separation of the many ions of
the cell from each other. The sphere of Hydrophilic Interaction
hydration must be broken in order for The nature of polar molecules is that they
binding to take place with a specific binding contain electronegative atoms,
partner. consequently they are capable of hydrogen
Previously, water was described as having a bonding with aqueous or polar solvents.
high dielectric constant. This property that Because polar molecules are generally
is a measure of the polarity of the covalent water soluble, they are referred to as being
bond within the molecule accounts for the hydrophilic, or water-loving. The one-
separation of ions by polar molecules such carbon alcohol, methanol, is an example of
as water. The force of attraction between a polar molecule.
two oppositely charged ions is inversely
proportional to the dielectric constant. Thus,
water with a high dielectric constant Hydrophobic Interaction
decreases the attraction between opposite The final type of interaction occurs between
charges. This is physically explained by the neutral, hydrophobic, or water-fearing,
ability of polar solvents to form ordered molecules. These molecules do not interact
hydration layers around ions. with water and are characterized by a
complete lack of electronegative atoms. In
aqueous solutions the hydrophobic
Hydrogen Bonding molecules are driven together to the
Hydrogen bonding occurs between partially exclusion of water.
negatively charged electronegative atoms,  For example, shaking a bottle of oil
and partially positively charged hydrogen and vinegar (acetic acid in water),
atoms that are attached to electronegative such as in a salad dressing, results in
atoms such as oxygen, nitrogen or sulfur. the oil being dispersed as tiny
droplets in the vinegar. As the

mixture settles, the oil collects in based on structure. Balancing the ratio of
larger and larger drops until it only polar and non-polar elements in a structure
exists as a layer, or phase, above the to estimate the chemical nature of any
vinegar. compound.
A similar effect occurs in biological systems.
As a protein folds to its final three- Amphipathic molecules
dimensional structure, the hydrophobic
parts of the protein are forced together and Are molecules that have a distinct non-
away from the aqueous environment of the polar, or hydrophobic region, and a distinct
cell. Similarly, biological membranes are polar region. These molecules do not form
stabilized by true solution is water. Rather, the non-polar
the exclusion parts are forced together into a non-polar
of water aggregate, leaving the polar part of the
between molecule to interact with the aqueous
layers of phase. Detergents and long-chain carboxylic
lipids as we acids are examples of amphipathic
will see later. molecules.

The hydrophobic effect does not involve

direct bonding between the non-polar
molecules, it is an entropy driven process.
Processes that increase the disorder of a
system are more favorable. When a
hydrophobic molecule is truly dissolved in
water, the water forms a highly ordered ice-
like shell around the compound. When the
hydrophobic molecules contact each during
separation of the aqueous and non-polar
phases, the ordered water is released and van der Waals Interactions
become highly disordered. The increase in
This interaction occurs between any two
disorder of the released water molecules is
surfaces that are in contact. The force is
responsible for the spontaneous assembly
actually an electrostatic one that occurs as a
of many biological systems, such as proteins
result of a momentary fluctuation in the
and membranes.
charge on one surface. This charge causes
the other surface to momentarily assume
Mixed Non-polar/ polar molecules the opposite charge, leading to a net
attractive force. If one of the surfaces has a
There are instances where even molecules
permanent dipole, due to the presence of
with electronegative atoms will not be
electronegative or electropositive atoms,
water soluble. Computer algorithms are
then the attraction is stronger. The strength
currently used to predict water solubility

of van der Waals forces depend on the energy associated with it, on average
contact surface area; the larger the area approximately 100 kilocalories/mole
the larger the interaction. (kcal/mol). The non-covalent bonds, ionic
and hydrogen, and hydrophobic
interactions, have approximately 5
kcals/mol associated with each of them.
Thus, the non-covalent bonds that have
been introduced have approximately 20
times less energy associated with them and,
thus, are more easily broken individually.
However, hydrogen bonds generally form
extensive networks, and the total energy
At the molecular level, van der Waals associated with the network is the sum of
interactions can contribute 10s of kJ/mol of the individual interactions.
energy. At the macroscopic level van der
Waals forces can become quite large. For
example, the common gecko generates
sufficient van der Waals forces due to the
large surface area of its foot pads to walk
on the ceiling.

When NaCl dissolves in water, each atom

becomes surrounded by at least 20 water
Energy Associated with the Bonds
molecules. As NaCl there is 5 kcal/mol of
Each of the bond types represents a energy associated with the ionic attraction
measurable amount of energy. To break a of the cation and anion, but when a Na ion
bond, the equivalent amount of energy is surrounded by 20 water molecules, there
must be expended. In metabolism, bonds is 100 kcal/mol of energy associated with
are broken in molecules, such as glucose, to just the Na ion. Thus, NaCl in an aqueous
"release" the energy. The cell utilizes this solution is energetically more favored than
energy to drive other energy consuming NaCl as the ionically bonded molecule due
reactions. The covalent bond has the most to the resulting hydrated state.

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