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Describe an example of an loT system in which information and knowledge are inferred from

Devices that are linked together. Networks that are vast. There's a lot of info. That is, in a
nutshell, the Internet of Things. In the ever-expanding IoT ecosystem, there have never been
more objects. Every day, the world becomes increasingly connected, from smart cities and cars
to smart stethoscopes and dog collars. An example for this is activity tracker. These sensor
devices are intended to be worn during the day to track and transmit critical health indicators
such as fatigue, appetite, physical mobility, oxygen levels, blood pressure, fall detection, and
medication compliance in real time. At-home health monitoring helps elderly or disabled persons
live more independently by reducing the number of emergency doctor or hospital visits.

2. Why do loT systems have to be self-adapting and self-configuring?

Self-adapting means that the device's functionalities change in response to the environment. It
will be difficult to provide an accurate output if a device does not modify its condition in response
to the environment. Let me illustrate this with an example. Assume you've installed a camera to
monitor persons passing by your house on a daily basis. Now, this camera will produce
excellent results during the day, but what will you do at night? To clarify, you have a camera
installed at the top of your house, and it is quite difficult for you to travel to the top every day and
alter the camera's settings. Because day mode allows you to observe persons going by in front
of your property throughout the day. At night, you won't be able to see them. Go to the top of the
house and change the setting to night mode to see night sceneries. There is now a solution.
The solution is to incorporate an IoT device. Because of its self-adapting qualities, an IoT device
can be used. This implies that when someone uses it in-camera during the day, it will be in day
mode, and at night, it will automatically switch to night mode to provide a good experience for
the user. This is why IoT systems must be self-adapting in order to accomplish duties according
to the circumstances. The device's self-configuring feature allows it to undertake operations
without the need for human intervention. After the preceding task's output, you do not need to
travel to the device. The device will make its own settings. This feature allows the machine to do
the task without exerting any pressure on the user. Let me illustrate this with an example. As
previously mentioned, the office is a good example. When the owner was not there, these
gadgets shut down the office. As a result, when the office owner goes for a walk, he either does
not say anything or manually locks the office. All of the operations were completed by IoT
devices without the need for the individual to undertake any more work. If you're at home, you
can ask the device to open the door for you. This is something the device will accomplish. If the
device does not have this feature, you must go to the device and execute a new operation, after
which it will perform the next action. When it has completed a single task, you must proceed to
setup it for the next task. This trait is significant in this regard. Typically, this feature is used to
retrieve all system updates without putting a strain on the users. Both of these traits are critical
in IoT devices in this way. These IoT gadgets will never function correctly without them. To put it
another way, if these features aren't present in devices, you won't be able to live comfortably
because you'll have to do everything manually. There will be no action taken by the device.
3. What is the role of things and Internet in loT?

The primary function of Internet-connected gadgets has been to allow individuals to

communicate with one another as well as access online data and procedures. The primary goal
of IoT devices is to generate real-time data that can be analyzed and used to achieve specific
business goals.

4. What is the function of communication functional block in an loT system?

The communication functional block's purpose is to prevent you from communicating a specific
identity. Devices that provide monitoring control functions, handle communication between the
host and server, manage data transfer, protect the system using authentication and other
functions, and interface to control and monitor various terms make up these functional blocks.

5. Describe an example of loT service that uses publish-subscribe communications model.

Publish/subscribe messaging, often known as pub/sub messaging, is an asynchronous service-

to-service communication method popular in serverless and microservices architectures. Any
message published to a subject in a pub/sub model is immediately received by all of the topic's
subscribers. To boost performance, reliability, and scalability, pub/sub messaging can be used
to enable event-driven architectures or to decouple applications. An example for this is an
database events. Declarative definitions for publishing database events, detection, and run-time
publication of such events are supported by database events. To complement classic pull-
oriented approaches to information access, this feature allows active dissemination of
information to end-users in an event-driven way.

6. Describe an example of loT service that uses WebSocket-based communication.

WebSocket provides the ideal setting for IoT-based applications that require dependable, real-
time communications with near-zero latency; not just broadcast, but bidirectional communication
is required, and WebSocket enables this. A WebSocket is a critical piece of software for real-
time communication over the internet. A WebSocket is a bi-directional communication protocol
that has just recently gained popularity with the release of HTML5. As an improvement to a
conventional HTTP connection, a WebSocket uses TCP. This allows full-duplex message-based
communication between the client and server over a single socket, and it's accessible through
HTML5's JavaScript interface. This protocol isn't just a better version of HTTP; it's a huge step
forward, especially for real-time, event-driven communication. WebSocket communication is an
appropriate protocol for the IoT context, where data bundles are continuously transferred across
various devices. A WebSocket facilitates server-to-device communication. A WebSocket library
must be installed on the server, and the WebSocket client and web browser must be installed
on any client or device that supports WebSocket. The messages are sent as binary data that
has been encoded with JSON. We won't have to pool communication data using WebSocket
like we would with a traditional API call. Instead, a real-time push communication setup between
the server and the device is possible. As a result, we can send and receive large volumes of
data in milliseconds.

7. What are the architectural constraints of REST?

The acronyms REST and API stand for REpresentational State Transfer and Application
Program Interface, respectively. REST is a software architecture style that specifies the
guidelines for developing web services. RESTful web services are online services that follow the
REST architectural paradigm. It provides a uniform and predetermined set of rules for
requesting systems to access and change web resources. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) is used to communicate in REST-based services (HTTP). Any web service is bound by
six architectural limitations. Uniform Interface, Stateless, Cacheable, Client-Server, Layered
System, and Code on Demand are some of the terms used. Code on demand is the only REST
architecture requirement that is optional. A service cannot strictly be described as RESTful if it
violates any other requirement.

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