A Rare Case Report of Large B Cell Lymphoma in Adult Presentation As Intussusception

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Clinics and Practice 2020; volume 10:1292

tion, an evident etiology is established in

70-90% of cases in adults and nearly 40%
A rare case report of large
Correspondence: Hemant M. Jawale, Room
B cell lymphoma in adult of them are caused by neoplasms. Most of no.609, 300 PG hostel, Department of General
presentation as intussusception the lead points in small intestine are benign Surgery, Grant Government Medical College
neoplasms, and malignancy contributes & Sir J.J. group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India.
Tel.: 7021578334.
Amol N. Wagh, Balamurugan Ganesan, only 30%.3 Primary gastro-intestinal lym-
E-mail: hjawale02@gmail.com
Hemant M. Jawale, Rahul A. Mishra, phoma accounts for 1%-4% of all gastro-
Rajeshwari Bhatt intestinal malignancies. Most frequent pri- Key words: Ileo-colic intussusception; B-cell
mary sites are stomach (50%-60%) fol- non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; diffuse large B-
Department of General Surgery, Grant
lowed by small intestine (20-30%).4 About cell lymphoma; ileo-colic anastomosis; R-
Government Medical College and Sir 90% of primary gastro-intestinal lymphoma CHOP regimen.
J.J. group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India are B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, fol-
lowed by T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Acknowledgements: The authors gratefully
acknowledge the Department of General
and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Most common
Surgery, Grant Government Medical College
part of small intestine affected by lym-
& Sir J.J. group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India.
phoma is ileum followed by jejunum and
duodenum.5 Here we present a rare case of Contributions: ANW, conception and design
Adult intussusception represents 5% of
diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lym- of the work, data collection, data analysis and
all intussusceptions. Primary gastro-intesti-
phoma causing intussusception. interpretation, drafting the article, critical revi-
nal lymphoma comprises 1%-4% of all gas- sion of the article, final approval of the version
tro-intestinal malignancies 90% of them are to be published; BG, HMJ, conception and
B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). design of the work, data collection, data analy-
Most common NHL is diffuse large B-cell Case Report sis and interpretation, drafting the article, crit-

lymphoma accounts for 30-40%. Most com- ical revision of the article; RAM, RB, concep-
mon lymphoma causing intussusception is A 50-years-old male, resident of tion and design of the work, data collection,

Hingoli district, referred to the out-patient data analysis and interpretation, drafting the
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL).
We herein report a rare case of ileo-colic department of our institution with two
intussusception due to DLBCL in a 50- months history of chronic abdominal pain

Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
years-old male. Computed tomography and he had also suffered from intermittent potential conflict of interests.
showed ileo-colic intussusception with pos-
constipation and lack of appetite.
He was managed conservatively at the
sibility of neoplastic etiology as a lead Availability of data and materials: not applicable.
point. Hemicolectomy with ileo-colic anas- previous clinic for the obstructive symp-
toms. Pain was localized to right-lower Ethics approval and consent to participate: not
tomosis was done laparoscopically with
quadrant, colicky in nature. His medical applicable.
post-operative chemotherapy.

Subsequently, whole body positron emis- history was unremarkable. On clinical Received for publication: 6 August 2020.

sion tomography-computed tomography examination, abdomen was soft and non- Revision received: 17 September 2020.
verified complete resolution of the malig- tender. Digital rectal examination revealed Accepted for publication: 25 September 2020.

nancy. This study aims to present a rare case presence of soft stools.
of ileo-colic intussusception due to non- Laboratory tests of blood were within This work is licensed under a Creative

Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma in a patient normal limits. Abdominal radiograph Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
(Figure 1) revealed 2-3 atypical air fluid License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
with unusual clinical course and highlight
the importance of not only the timely surgi- levels without obvious bowel dilatation.
©Copyright: the Author(s), 2020

cal intervention but also the significance of Contrast enhanced computed tomography Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
strict adherence to follow up and (Figure 2) done at previous clinic revealed Clinics and Practice 2020; 10:1292

chemotherapy will completely eradicate the ileo-colic intussusception involving up to doi:10.4081/cp.2020.1292

malignancy. mid transverse colon with homogenous soft
tissue density lesion in the mid-transverse

colon - possibility of neoplastic etiology as

lead point of intussusception, suggested
Introduction histopathological correlation, multiple Grossly, the resected specimen (Figure
enlarged enhancing right paracolic nodes, 3) was congested and gangrenous.
Intussusception is described as invagi- terminal and distal ileal loops proximal to Histologically, the tumor was arising from
nation of the proximal intestinal segment intussusception showing mild dilatation submucosa arranged in diffuse loosely
(intussusceptum) within the lumen of the suggestive of bowel obstruction. cohesive sheets and nodules. The tumor
distal intestinal segment (intussuscipiens). Both ileum and transverse colon were cells were medium to large with scant cyto-
Although, intussusception is common in resected 5 cm from the intussusception plasm, vesicular nuclei with prominent
children, it represents 5% of all intussuscep- laparoscopically using endo-stapler. The nucleoli. Eosinophils and eosinophilic pre-
tion and 1% to 5% of all intestinal obstruc- resected ends were brought together by cursors were noted admixed with tumor
tion in adults.1 The pathogenesis is believed using stapler and side to side anastomosis cells. Nuclear pleomorphism seen. Mitotic
to be secondary to an imbalance in the lon- was done, the enterotomy site was closed activity (2-3/10 high power field) and areas
gitudinal forces along the intestinal wall with PDS. The specimen was removed by of necrosis were present. The tumor was
which can be caused by either a mass acting midline exploratory laparotomy along with reaching up to the serosa and both resection
as a leading point or by a disorganized pat- removal of nine lymph nodes near the site margins were free of tumor. Two out of 9
tern of peristalsis (e.g., an ileus in the post- of intussusception and appendix as well. removed lymph nodes were involved by the
operative period).2 Unlike pediatric popula- Post-operative course was uneventful. tumor and showed similar histomorphology

[page 96] [Clinics and Practice 2020; 10:1292]

Case Report

suggesting high grade hemato-lymphoid stalsis and drags the attached bowel wall ical lead point. Most lead points in the gas-
malignancy - possibilities of: i) high grade segment with it (e.g., pedunculated tumors, trointestinal tract involve primary or
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (diffuse large B- such as adenomatous polyps or lipomas). In metastatic malignancy, lipomas, leiomy-
cell lymphoma); or ii) granulocytic sarco- trans-mural process, a focal area of bowel omas, adenomas, neurofibromas, postoper-
ma. Immunohistochemistry is mandatory wall does not contract normally. Peristaltic ative adhesions, Meckel’s diverticulum, for-
for confirmation and typing. forces in the adjacent or opposite bowel eign bodies, vascular anomalies, lymphoid
Immunohistochemistry showed tumor wall are then able to rotate the abnormal hyperplasia, trauma, celiac disease,
cells were positive for CD20, CD 3, CD 5, segment inward, causing a kink, which sub- cytomegalovirus colitis, lymphoid hyper-
CD 10. In contrast, immunostaining for sequently acts as a lead point (e.g., sessile plasia secondary to lupus, Henoch-
CD30, BCL 2, cMYC, CD23 and cyclin D1 malignancies, local inflammation, surgical Schönlein purpura, Wiskott-Aldrich syn-
was negative. Ki-67 showed high prolifera- suture lines, flaccidity associated with drome, appendiceal stump, or inflammatory
tive index. These findings led to a diagnosis gluten enteropathy and lymphoid hyperpla- fibroid polyps (IFP).9 Less commonly,
of Germinal center type of diffuse large B- sia). Extraluminal factors cause an adhesion malignant lesions may act as lead points
cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the terminal that binds one side of the bowel and causes with metastases being the most common.
ileum. a focal area of abnormal peristalsis or kink- Malignant intraluminal causes of small
Patient came from a remote area there- ing, which then acts as a lead point (e.g., bowel intussusception include primary
fore he was referred to the oncology unit inflamed Meckel’s diverticulum or appen- leiomyosarcomas, adenocarcinoma, GIST
near his hometown for adjuvant chemother- dix).6 tumors, carcinoid tumors, neuroendocrine
apy. Patient was instructed to follow up reg- Adult intussusceptions are classified tumors, and lymphomas.10
ularly and strictly adhere to the treatment. into three major types according to their site Most common extra-nodal site involved
Patient received a total of 6 cycles R-CHOP in the alimentary tract: entero-enteric which
regimen with frequency of every 21 days. by lymphoma is gastro-intestinal tract
is limited to the small bowel, ileo-colic or accounting for 5%-20% of all cases.11
Patient endured the chemotherapy with no

ileo-cecal in which ileum invaginated
complications. Whole body PET-CT done Gastrointestinal lymphoma is usually sec-
through the ileo-cecal valve and colon-colic

1-month post-chemotherapy to evaluate the ondary to the widespread nodal diseases.
which is confined to the colon.7 The pre-
disease status concluded that there was no Primary gastrointestinal lymphoma, consti-
senting symptoms are nonspecific, and the
evidence of any FDG avid residual/recur- majority of cases in adults have been report-

rent lymphomatous nodal lesions or any ed as chronic, consistent with partial
other FDG avid extra nodal lymphomatous
deposits proved complete resolution of the
obstruction. Colicky abdominal pain (85%-
100%) is the most common presenting
disease. symptom in patients with intussusception,
followed by nausea (41%-75%), vomiting
(35%-70%), bleeding (16.4%-27.3%), and

diarrhea and constipation (22.5%-69%). In


Intussusception occurs when a segment contrast to intussusceptions in children, pal-

of bowel and its associated mesentery (the pation of an abdominal mass during clinical

intussusceptum) invaginates into the lumen examination is reported in 9.1% to 62.5% of

of an adjacent bowel segment (the intussus- adult patients with intussusception. The

cipiens). While intussusception is a leading most common age of presentation is around

cause of intestinal obstruction in children, it the fifth and sixth decades of life with a
adds only 1%-5% of all obstructions in slight male preponderance.8

adults. As opposed to children, adult intussus-

Intussusception in both pediatric and ception is idiopathic only in 10% and asso-

adult patients may be caused by an intralu- ciated with identifiable cause in 90% indi-
minal, mural, or extraluminal process. The viduals. Adult intussusceptions mostly arise

most easily understood mechanism by from the small bowel, about 50%-75% are
which intussusception occurs is when an caused by benign lesions. Up to 90% of
Figure 1. Plain radiograph of abdomen
showing atypical air fluid levels (black
intraluminal mass is pulled forward by peri- adult cases have a well-definable patholog-

Figure 2. Axial images of contrast enhance computed tomography showing the caecum and ascending colon showing the intramural
small bowel segment (black arrows), giving the typical ‘target’ sign appearance.

[Clinics and Practice 2020; 10:1292] [page 97]

Case Report

tutes only about 1%-4% of all gastrointesti- tions, perforation or diarrhoea.15 Although the intussusception must be successfully
nal malignancies. Almost 90% of the pri- intussusception is a rare condition, most identified and then carefully reduced (in
mary gastrointestinal lymphomas are, histo- common lymphoma causing intussuscep- children) or resected (adults).
pathologically B cell tumors. Most common tion is diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.16 In contrast to pediatric patients, where
primary gastro-intestinal lymphomas are The pre-operative diagnosis of adult intussusception is primary and benign, pre-
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma followed by intussusception is challenging because the operative reduction with barium or air is not
Most common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is clinical presentation is often vague and the suggested as a definite treatment for adults
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma contributes condition is rare. An exact diagnosis can be The hypothetical risks of primary manipula-
around 30-40%.Certain risk factors have made by detailed history and clinical exam- tion and reduction of the affected bowel
been implicated in the pathogenesis of gas- ination and certain imaging modalities such include: i) intraluminal seeding and hemor-
trointestinal lymphoma including as X-rays, ultrasonography (US), computed rhagic tumor spreading; ii) perforation and
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), human tomography (CT), magnetic resonance seeding of microorganisms and tumor cells
immunodeficiency virus (HIV), coeliac dis- imaging (MRI), enteroclysis, endoscopic to the peritoneal cavity; and iii) increased
ease, Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni), procedures, diagnostic laparoscopy, scintig- risk of anastomotic complications. Azar et
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), hepatitis-B virus raphy, angiography, capsule endoscopy, and al.10 report that, for left-sided or rectosig-
(HBV), human T-cell lymphotropic virus-1 FDG-PET/CT. Abdominal radiographs are moid cases resection with construction of a
(HTLV-1), inflammatory bowel disease and the first diagnostic tool as obstructive colostomy and a Hartmann’s pouch with re-
immunosuppression.12 symptoms dominate the clinical picture in anastomosis at a second stage is counted
Primary malignant tumors of the small most cases. Ultrasonography is considered securer, particularly in the emergency set-
intestine accounts for less than 2% of all as an important tool for the diagnosis of ting whereas for right-sided colonic intus-
gastrointestinal malignancies. Lymphoma intussusception in both adults and children. susceptions, resection and primary anasto-
represents 15%-20% of all small intestine Typical imaging features include the target mosis can be carried out even in unprepared
tumors and 20%-30% of all primary gas-

or doughnut sign in the transverse view and bowels.
trointestinal lymphomas. Stomach is the the pseudo-kidney, sandwich, or hayfork Compared to surgery alone, adjuvant

most commonly involved site followed by sign in the longitudinal view. Overall, the chemotherapy or radiotherapy can signifi-
small intestine and rectum.13 Most common sensitivity of US is 98% to 100% and speci- cantly improve event-free survival. The
site involving in lymphoma of small intes- ficity is 88%. Computed tomography is cur- Danish lymphoma study group18 found that

tine is ileum (60%-65%) followed by rently considered as the gold standard tool surgery in combination with chemotherapy
jejunum (20%-25%), duodenum (6%- us
in confirming intussusception, with the is superior to any other treatment combina-
8%).14 The clinical presentation of small reported sensitivity of 58% to 100% and tions in localized disease. The use of
intestinal lymphoma is non-specific symp- specificity of 57%-71%. Computed tomog- chemotherapy for localized disease is
toms, such as colicky abdominal pain, nau-
raphy showing Bowel-within-bowel config- unclear, but it is offered under the assump-
sea, vomiting, weight loss and rarely acute uration suggested by mesenteric vessels and tion that lymphoma is a systemic disease

obstructive symptoms, such as intussuscep- fat compressed between the walls of the requiring systemic therapy. The current
small bowel is pathognomonic of intussus- chemotherapeutic standard of care is

ception. MRI is reserved for selected candi- cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vin-

dates in whom inconclusive CT findings or cristine, and prednisone, with or without rit-

an atypical sonographic appearance sug- uximab. Surgical resection combined with


gests pathological lead point, such as lym- this chemotherapy has been shown to inde-
phoma.17 pendently improve overall survival for
Treatment of choice in adults is surgical intestinal large B-cell lymphoma.19 Salemis

resection of the involved bowel segment, et al. reported a case of jejuno-jejunal intus-
since the lead point could be malignancy, susception caused by a primary B-cell non-

which could not only metastasize but also Hodgkin’s lymphoma for that resection
attenuates blood flow, leading to necrosis of without reduction was performed. But the
the involved bowel. Some significant clini- patient refused the post-operative adjuvant

cal conditions and findings on imaging can chemotherapy. Seven months later, he came
assist the surgeon faced with adult intussus- with upper gastro-intestinal bleeding, and
ception to confidently proceed with surgical the diagnostic assessment disclosed gastric
exploration: i) intussusception with associ- infiltration of large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s
ated signs or symptoms of clinical obstruc- lymphoma. Despite chemotherapy he died
tion, ii) intussusception with a lead point of disseminated progressive disease 7
mass appreciated on cross-sectional imag- months later.20 However, we counselled and
ing studies, and iii) colon-colic or ileocolic instructed our patient about the significance
intussusception given the high association of adjuvant chemotherapy post-operatively
with malignancy in many of these cases, and educated him to adhere to strict follow-
particularly ileocolic. In the setting of up. We referred the patient to the cancer
colon-colic or ileocolic intussusception, institute near his hometown, and kept trac-
preoperative colonoscopy can frequently be ing him frequently. We made sure our
pursued to confirm the presence of patholo- patient completed 6 cycles of R-CHOP reg-
gy and/or malignancy. When indicated, sur- imen without fail. After successful comple-
Figure 3. Resected specimen showing the
gery may be performed laparoscopically or tion of chemotherapy, one month later
gross findings of ileo-colic intussusception

open, depending on the skill and experience whole body FDG-PET/CT was done. The
(black arrow) along with excised lymph

of the surgeon. Regardless of the approach, scan revealed no evidence of residual lym-
nodes (white asterisks) and appendix
(black asterisk).

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Case Report

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