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General Target
Activities Objectives Persons Involved Logistics Output/Outcome Evaluation
Orientation Date
*Counsel walk-in/ To help pupils/students Year round Counselors, *Counselees will How many among the
called-in/referred recognize & realize his Counselees be enlightened counseled
pupils/students dignity as a child of God &able to cope pupils/students are
(individual / group with their walk-in, called-in or
counseling) To assist Year round problems thus referred?
*Counsel walk- pupils/students in trying capable of self-
in/called-in to find solutions to their direction, self-
personnel, parent/s, problems by providing understanding &
guardian them opportunities & sound decision-
*Counsel alternatives so they can July – making
pupils/students & grow & develop into February Handouts,
their persons capable of self- Worksheets,
parents/guardians direction, sound projectors
with special cases decision-making & self-
i.e. Study Habits, understanding
OFW, Fraternity,
*Assist *To gather necessary January- Counselors, Application Completely filled How accurate are the
parents/guardians information about the May parents/guardians forms, Testing up Application information given &
of incoming pupils/students which materials Form & complete how complete are the
pupils/students in will later be recorded in submitted requirements
filling up application their respective requirements submitted?
forms & gathering Individual Cumulative
of necessary Record
*Fill up new June – Counselors, clerk Application Organized filing of How orderly &
Individual September Forms, ICFs & other systematic are the
Cumulative pictures, ball guidance records ICFs & other records
Folders(ICF) *To provide for a pens, sign filed?
*File, alphabetize, & synthesis of information pens, paste,
section ICF about the individual folders,
which can help him/her envelopes,
discover himself/herself paper clips
leading him/her to
develop into a person Anecdotal
he/she is capable of Information
*Facilitate Filling up becoming June-July Counselors, 1st Sheet Completely filled
of Anecdotal year students & up Anecdotal How accurate are the
Information transferees Personal Data Information Sheet information given?
Sheet(AIS) Sheets
*Distribute & June-July Counselors, pupils, Completely filled
gather Personal teachers up Personal Data How accurate are the
Data Sheet(PDS) of Sheets information given?
pupils to their

*Administer, score, Grades Kinder to Test materials 100% of Grades 4, Were all
& interpret IQ tests *To assist the Grade 6 pupils and 5, & 6 pupils and pupils/students given
pupils/students in June-July 1st & 3rd year 1st & 3rd year the IQ Test?
discovering & students, students are
developing his/her June- July Counselors given IQ test, Test
*Administer abilities, capacities, & Test Materials Report
Problem Checklist potentials thru knowing II year students, Were all students
his/her strengths & counselors 100% of II year given the Problem
weaknesses in order for students are Checklist ?
him/her to use these for Test materials given the Problem
service to his/her August Grade 4 pupils Checklist, Test
*Administer Study fellowmen I year students, Report Were all
Habits Checklist counselors pupils/students given
Test Materials 100% of II year the Study Habits
students are Checklist?
Special groups given the Study
*Administer June-July (OFW, Single & Habits Checklist, Were all students
Personality Test Separated Test Report given the Personality
parents, etc), Test?
counselors 100% of II year
Year round Counselors students are
*Administer battery Test Materials given the
of test to Personality Test ,
teacher/personnel *To appraise the mental Test Report
applicants (CKC & capacity & character Were all the hired
Diocesan) traits of personnel applicants qualified
applicants to determine Hired applicants
if they are qualified for are qualified for
the position they are the position ;
*Facilitate the Initial applying for January - Summative
Interaction& May Counselors, Report How ready are the
Assessment of incoming new Kinder & Grade 1
incoming Kinder & * To assess the mental pupils/students incoming pupils?
Grade 1 pupils and capacities of Incoming Able to How academically
administer IQ & new pupils/students assess/evaluate qualified are the
Achievement Test the readiness of incoming new
to Grades 2 to 6, 1st incoming Kinder students?
year & transferees & Gr.1 pupils and
administer IQ &
Achievement Test
to Grades 2-6,I to
III year applicants
Information- D.CAREER
*Facilitate Career *To develop in each Once a Counselors, Handouts, All How participative are
Homeroom pupil/student month homeroom worksheets, pupils/students the pupils/students in
Guidance Activities wholesome attitudes & advisers, homeroom were able to the given activities?
or Provide Career values to help him/her pupils/students activities, etc. experience the How cooperative are
Homeroom acquire skills to be able activities; the teachers in
Activities to to cope with his/her Homeroom implementing the
Homeroom personal-emotional Activities, Homeroom Guidance
Advisers difficulties and enhance Program?
better relationships
*Career Awareness with others
Program January – Kinder to Grade 6 Handouts,
February pupils, counselors, worksheets,
homeroom audio-visual Were all
*To provide advisers materials pupils/students able
*Career Motivation pupils/students with to experience the
Program information useful for 1st year students, All different activities
their personal, social, counselors, Worksheets, pupils/students prepared or given?
emotional & August – homeroom handouts will experience
educational December advisers activities
*Career Orientation development that prepared for
Program would guide them them & be
towards sound decision 2nd year students, enlightened on
and suitable career August – counselors, LCD, power their personal,
*Career Exploration choice through the December homeroom point social, emotional,
Program different activities advisers presentations, & educational
worksheets capabilities
suitable for the
August – 3rd year students, different career
*Career Preparation December counselors, choices available
Program homeroom Php 5,000.00 in the market
*Career Talk
*Career Counseling 4th year students,
January homeroom

August - 4th year students,

January counselors Php 8,000.00

*Facilitate *To develop in each July - Pupils/Students, worksheets, All Were all
Homeroom pupil/student February Counselors, handouts, pupils/students pupils/students
Guidance Activities wholesome attitudes Homeroom audio-visual will experience experience the
and values to help Advisers materials the prepared prepared activities?
him/her skills to be able activities;
to cope with his/her Group Dynamic
personal-emotional Activities
difficulties and enhance
better relationships
with others
*Post prospectus of June - 4th year students, Application Were all 4th year
the different *To guide graduating March Counselors forms, posters, students able to
colleges/universities students arrive at a prospectus, All 4th year decide what
*Process college sound decision in flyers students will be college/university
applications choosing the able to decide they will enroll in?
*Provide college/university they what
information about will have to enroll in. college/university
different they will enroll in.
*Maintain a mini Year round Counselors, magazines, Are the reading
library in the *To endow counselors Librarians pamphlets materials varied,
Guidance Office with relevant Availability of relevant and recently
information and varied and published?
enhance their Yearly Php 25,000 relevant reading
* Conduct a professional skills. Counselors, PA materials; mini Is there a maximum
seminar on effective board, parents, library attendance and
parenting *To help teachers, resource participation of
parents/guardians speakers Maximum parents/guardians?
become effective Handouts attendance of
*Conduct a Christian parents. Counselors, parents/guardians Is there a complete
seminar-workshop teachers attendance of
for teachers *To equip the teachers teachers?
with basic counseling Year round Complete
*Provide the AT skills. Counselors attendance of Were the AT provided
with summative teachers with all the reports?
reports on *To update/inform the
accomplished AT on the present Summative
activities condition/status of the reports
different concerns of
the pupils/students.
*Admission *To promote the November- Counselors, Php 5, 000 All Day Care Were all Day Care
promotion school’s V/M, December Student Leaders Centers, Centers and
philosophy and Elementary elementary schools
objectives, and its schools in the City covered?
coming admissions. of San Fernando
and nearby towns
will be covered

*Testing January- Counselors, Test Materials Able to How ready are the
* To assess the mental June incoming new assess/evaluate Kinder & Grade 1
capacities of Incoming pupils/students the readiness of incoming pupils?
new pupils/students incoming Kinder How academically
& Gr.1 pupils and qualified are the
administer IQ & incoming new
Achievement Test students?
to Grades 2-6,I to
III year applicants

*Interview of the January- Counselors, Application All qualified Were all qualified
applicant and their *To gather pertinent June incoming new requirements pupils/students pupils/students and
respective information relevant in pupils/students, were interviewed their respective
parent/guardian the admission of the parents/guardians and submitted parents/guardians
pupil/student complete interviewed?
Were all the

*Assist January- Counselors, ESC All incoming first Were all the ESC
parents/guardians *To assist incoming first June students, requirements year students requirements
in accomplishing year students and parents/guardians were assisted in submitted?
the ESC application parents/guardians in their ESC
their ESC application application.
*General June Teachers, LCD, Power All concerned Were all concerned
Orientation/Re- *To inform the school counselors, point individuals will individuals attended
Orientation of community about V/M, parents/guardians, presentation attend. the orientation?
Pupils/Students philosophy and pupils/students
objectives, student
*Parents’ services, school
Orientation personnel, BSG,
policies, rules and
*Teachers’ regulations of CKC

*Section 1st year
students *To assist Last week Counselors All 1st year Were the students
pupils/students to of May students are placed in the right
progress satisfactorily sectioned section?
from one educational according to their
experience to another abilities & schools
they came from

*Counsel Quarterly Counselors, All Were all

pupils/students pupils/students pupils/students pupils/students
who are slow who are slow concerned counseled?
learners/under- learners,
achievers/with underachievers,
academic difficulties with academic
difficulties are
I.FOLLOW-UP counseled
*Follow-up previous
counselees To assess the extent to Year round Counselors, All counseled Were all
which the pupils/students pupils/students pupils/students
pupils/students were are followed up counseled followed
helped up?
*Interview new
pupils/students To assess how the 1st quarter Counselors, new All new Were all new
pupils/students are pupils/students pupils/students pupils/students
adjusting to their new are interviewed interviewed?
school environment
*Follow up
underachievers, To assess how far the
pupils/students pupils/students are Quarterly counselors, Counselees will Were all
with academic improving in their pupils/students be able to cope underachievers,
difficulties(coping studies with academic with their pupils/students with
concerns) difficulties or who academic academic difficulties
are difficulties counseled?
graduates & school To determine what Counselors, Questionnaires All graduates, Were all graduates
leavers additional needs graduates, school school leavers are school leavers” needs
graduates or school leavers helped responded to?
leavers have that the
school can still respond

*Guidance Services
Evaluation To determine the extent March AT, Advisers, Evaluation All Were the different
to which the guidance pupils/students Form pupils/students guidance services
services were will be able to evaluated?
implemented and have evaluate;
served the summarized
pupils/students report
*Make a profile of
CKC pupils/students To come up with 1st quarter Teachers, Cumulative Were all pertinent
general profile of CKC counselors, folders, information gathered?
pupils/students i.e SES, pupils/students personal data General profile of
Religion, OFW, Single sheets, survey CKC
Parents, Separated forms pupils/students
parents for program
*Conduct Need
Assessment to To determine the needs 1st quarter parent/guardian, Questionnaires Summarized data Were all concerns
Parents/Guardians, of parents/guardians, teachers, presented? Were
Teachers, teachers, counselors, there programs
pupils/students pupils/students for pupils/students developed to cater to
program development the concerns?
*Collate evaluation
forms of principal, To provide an Last counselors, Evaluation Summarized data Were all teachers,
coordinators & assessment of quarter pupils/students Forms principal, &
teachers personnel’s efficiency in coordinators
their work evaluated?

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