Interview Protocol - (Abrina)

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Interview Protocol

Name of the Teacher: Elizabeth C. Purification

School: IBC
Grade level taught: Preschool and Elementary


1. What Mother Tongue (MT) are you using in your class?

Answer: Well, it depends on a subject my subject is physical education, science, arts
and music. We used English.

2. Are you using the MT as a language for teaching (MOI) or as a subject?

Answer: I’m using Mother Tongue as a medium instruction sometimes when
students don’t understand I repeated it using Mother Tongue.

3. Do you use instructional materials in the Mother Tongue? Please enumerate.

Answer: I am not teaching Mother Tongue in elementary but when I’m teaching
I’m using instructional material is very important because some student learned
from something they’ve seen it like visual aid and pictures.

4. Do you find it easy or difficult in using the Mother

Tongue as a medium of instruction or a language of teaching why?
Answer: Yes, most of my students are speaking in English but I have some students
are Tagalog or Filipino sometimes when I observed them they are not paying
attention. I used Filipino well but yes, it is easy to use to Mother Tongue especially
most of the students understand the same language.

5. If you are teaching MT as a subject, do you find it easy or difficult

Answer: I bet it would be difficult because probably no one can speak Mother
Tongue perfectly. Learning MT is like a lifetime.

6. Do you use the Mother Tongue in singing songs ? or reciting poem ?

If yes, please write title of the song, or the title of the poem .
Answer: Singing Christian Song most of the time. Title is the Goodness of God.

7. Do you find your learners enjoying the lessons with the use of Mother Tongue? Yes
or No describe their reactions .
Answer: Yes, they enjoying lessons especially when it is express with feeling very
well. I’m handling kids they want expression, they like real things heard from you.
How you say it with feeling and how you understand the word.

8. Are your learners learning? Yes or No?

Answer: Yes, especially when I talked to them repeatedly of what you are saying.
Interview Protocol
Name of the Teacher: Elizabeth C. Purification
School: IBC
Grade level taught: Preschool and Elementary
9. Is the MT you are using, the same as your own as a teacher? If no what is your
Answer: Well, obviously Filipino and English I’m also using it.

10. When did you start teaching MTB-MLE why did you shift to MTB-MLE?
Answer: Mother Tongue is not my major subject therefore I’m not teaching Mother

11. What are the things that are favorable or not in MTB-MLE? Please enumerate.
Answer: N/A.


More learning
Interview Protocol
Name of the Teacher: Elizabeth C. Purification
School: IBC
Grade level taught: Preschool and Elementary

Submitted By:
Submitted To: Professor Andraea Therese Tica
Submitted On: 10/12/2021
Subject: Teaching Mother Tongue
Interview Protocol
Name of the Teacher: Elizabeth C. Purification
School: IBC
Grade level taught: Preschool and Elementary

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