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SitRep Aug.12-13th 2021, El Ceibo, Petén - Guatemala
-For internal use only-


On July 31st, the U.S. Government restarted the

implementation of immigration restrictions under Title 42,
which authorizes expulsions on the ground of a public health
emergency. Migrants are transferred to the south of Mexico
on airplanes, where they are later transported to the
Guatemala border. People is not formally received by any
Guatemalan authority. Many of them are left without
transportation or communication assistance and are unable
to return to their communities/countries of origin. Many of
them remain stranded in Peten, while many others re-enter
Mexico. On August 12th, IOM Guatemala mobilized a team to
Peten to get first-hand information on the situation.
Situation Analysis (August 12-13 2021) Location: El Ceibo, Petén
A large influx of migrants was observed on the field visit to the'32.1%22N+90%C2%B059'
border post at El Ceibo (see map for location). An approximate 05.5%22W/@15.9707268,-
of 300 migrants per day have entered in the past week, 90.984848?hl=es
returning from Mexico and the United States. Most of the
group are Hondurans, Guatemalans, Salvadorians and Nicaraguans. There are many family units among
the group. The returns are divided in two contingents, one is transferred in the morning and another one
in the afternoon.

As El Ceibo is not authorized as a formal deportation point, no reception center operates there. As a
consequence, at their arrival at this community, migrants are not received by any authority. Only money
traders and bus drivers (offering transportation to Santa Elena) are present in the zone.

Casa del Migrante – Belén (a shelter for migrants) is the only organization providing assistance to migrants
in this village. Its capacity has been surpassed with the large amount of people arriving. This situation is
particularly dangerous for family units, women and children.

According to informants in the area and to the situation observed by IOM team, most migrants arriving to
El Ceibo:

a) Try to re-enter to Mexico

b) Pay their own transportation costs and go to Santa Elena
c) Reach Casa del Migrante Belén in search of shelter. This is the case of most women and family
d) Stay in the community waiting to receive remittances from their families to continue their

Presumably, some of these migrants immediately might contact smugglers.

SitRep Aug.12-13th 2021, El Ceibo, Petén - Guatemala
-For internal use only-

The increase of migrants is also very noticeable by informants in the streets of Santa Elena, the biggest
and closest city to El Ceibo.
IOM Response

• IOM Guatemala mobilized to the border point at El Ceibo to monitor the migrant flow coming
from Mexico: On August 12, a multidisciplinary team from IOM Guatemala (Operations
Coordinator, Senior Operations Assistant and Medical Official) traveled to El Ceibo to collect
information in the area and perform a needs assessment.
• Needs assessment at Casa del Migrante in El Ceibo: a meeting was held with Andres Toribio,
coordinator of Casa del Migrante (CdM). Besides, the following actions were carried out:
o The team evaluated, diagnosed and provided attention to migrants in the shelter.
o Psychosocial first aid has been given to migrants and CdM staff.
o Exploratory interviews on the protection and international protection needs of migrants
were conducted.
o A Water and sanitation needs assessment has been completed.
o A Food needs assessment has been completed.
o A Communication needs assessment has been completed.
• Fifteen cases were referred to the AVR-GT program: fifteen Honduran migrants (11 adults, 4
accompanied children).

• The remote location of the border point makes it hard to provide expedite assistance to migrants.
• There is a lack of equipment and food suppliers in the area.
• Absence of Guatemalan authorities in the area to provide assistance to migrants.
Next Steps
• Humanitarian assistance through Casa del Migrante Santa Elena and Casa del Migrante Belén for
will be provided to the most vulnerable migrants.
• Determine appropriate options to provide humanitarian assistance to the ongoing migrant flow
in Peten during the upcoming months.
SitRep Aug.12-13th 2021, El Ceibo, Petén - Guatemala
-For internal use only-


IOM meeting with Casa del Migrante- Belen Migrants boarding buses in El Ceibo.

Migrants at the border post at El Ceibo. Children in Casa del Migrante - Belén

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