Environmental Science Lesson

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Plastic or Planet?

That is the question.

Table of Contents

01 02 03
Engage Explore Explain
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
Learn how plastics are made.
topic of the section topic of the section

04 05
Extend Evaluate
Here you could describe the Here you could describe the
topic of the section topic of the section
How are plastics made?
How are plastics

Choose an activity from the next slide to

complete, be able to ask a question and
discuss one thing you learned with your
Watch: How It’s Made (Plastic Bottles)
Watch: How is Plastic Made (Mystery
Science) What was one fact you learned? What
questions do you still have?
Read: Plastic, Encyclopedia
Britannica Definition (switch from Kids to
Students for grades 6-8).
Washed Ashore

In the next activity, you will visit an art

museum dedicated to recycling trash and read
an article on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Afterwards, create an Instagram Post on
Canva. Decide if you will advertise the
museum or create an infographic on the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch.

*Teachers/students if Canva is unavailable to

you, you can draw this assignment on a piece
of paper.
Explore Washed
Ashore’s Website.
Discover past and
present exhibitions
and how people can
get involved.

Afterwards, visit this

link to read about the
Great Pacific Floating

Images come from @washedashoreart on Instagram

03 Workshops

In this activity students will attend two virtual

workshops answering two separate questions.

Students can be separated into groups to

review the material. Have them work for 10
minutes on each question and then switch.

This lesson will prepare them for looking at

graphs in the next section.
Which countries
create the most trash?
● On the next two slides, examine (read
and think) about what the graphs are
describing. How are the graphs
similar and different? Be prepared to
write your thoughts down on a paper
or discuss with your group.
How can we minimize and
monitor the amount of
pollution in the water ?
Visit and read!

Click the image

to travel!
End of Lesson Activity
After reviewing the graphs and Raleigh City
website, write down two things you learned
and one question you still have. Turn this
into your teacher!
Virtual Graph Gallery Walk
What to do
In this activity students will examine three
graphs and then answer questions at the

Suggestion: Have students discuss in a

group the questions instead of writing them
down. Students could record their
discussion on FlipGrid.
1)What kind of information can you gather from the data in these graphs?

2)Are the graphs similar? Are they different?

3)Which graph was the most interesting to you and why?

How do we get rid of the
plastic currently littering our
streets and oceans?
Create a Prototype: Website
Students will create a mockup of a
website (prototype) in which they answer
the question “How do we get rid of the
trash currently littering our streets?”.
Examples might be creating a petition to
create a law enforcing recycling in more
cities, creating an infographic describing
plastic pollution, or creating a virtual art
gallery of recycled art.
Create a Prototype: Website
You can insert images on
the screens with your own
work. Just insert, add
image, and center.

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