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Jennylou Rosales
Jocelly Tupas
John Gabriel Dondon
Neña Nica Pansib
Vhynes Cadavos

1. What is the background and profession of Ms. Duckworth?

- The first Thai American woman to be elected to Congress was Angela Lee
Duckworkth, the first person to be elected to Congress born in Thailand, the first
woman with disability to be elected to Congress, the first female double amputee
to be elected to the Senate, and the first female senator to be born in office. She
was born in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 12, 1968, and educated at Hawaii
University, Singapore American Academy, Jakarta Intercultural School, and
married Bryan Bowlsbey. Her profession is an American academic, psychologist,
and author of popular science. She is professor of psychology at the University of
Pennsylvania, Rosa Lee and Egbert Chang, where she studies grit and self-

2. What struck her about her best and worst students?

- Getting courage means having toughness and displaying the character's

strength. With real grit, a person has passion and perseverance. Objectives are
described and carried through. For a person who works very hard to follow
through with promises, there's real grit. It is not a word you hear very much. Grit
is vital because, regardless of what talent and intelligence apply to and beyond, it
is a force for accomplishment and achievement. Talent may be nothing more
than a dream unmet.

3. What did she observe about her student’s performance and what was her

- She observed about the student’s performance is that IQ is not the only
difference between her best and worst students because some of her best
performing students did not do well in IQ test while other students got a good IQ
test scores. So it made her think that everyone of her students can be good if
they work hard enough and her conclusion is that what we need in education is a
much better understanding of students and learning from a motivational

4. What was the question that formed her study?

-The question that formed her study was "who would be the successful in the
future?" While she was observing her students, She realized that every student
have different level when it comes to learning and doing some tasks. Some
students are good at doing task while others are not good.

5. In what various places did she encounter to conduct her study?

- She teaches seventh graders math in the New York City public schools and
there she realized that every one of her student could learn the material if they
worked hard and long enough and then she went to graduate school to become a
psychologist. She tried to predict different people and in all those very different
contexts, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. And it
wasn't social intelligence. It wasn't good looks, physical health, and it wasn't IQ. It
was grit.

6. What does “grit” mean? How is it related to success?

- Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals. According to Ms.

Duckworth it is "sticking with things over the very long term until you master
them." In a paper, she writes that "the gritty individual approaches achievement
as a marathon; his or her advantage is stamina." She suggests that when it
comes to high achievement, grit may be as essential as intelligence. That's a
significant finding because for a long time, intelligence was considered the key to

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