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Prinsip Dasar Model Dispersi Gaussian

Dr. Didin Agustian Permadi

Find my publications here:
Some Available Dispersion
Stationary Source Models:
• Gaussian plumes: ISC, AERMOD
• Gaussian puff: CALPUFF
Line Source Models:
• Gaussian: Caline3, Caline4
• Non-gaussian: street canyon
Urban Air Quality Models:
• Urban air shed (UAM-V)
• Modeling systems: ADMS, AirViro
Long-range Transport Models:
• RAIN Asia
• Model3, CMAQ, CAMx

Source: Kim Oanh, 2006

Model kualitas
udara paling
kompleks (CTM):
CHIMERE  linux
based  untuk
penelitian S2, S3 
untuk AMDAL
cukup dengan “user
friendly tool”
Permadi et al. (2012)

January 2020 (IPCC-A2) January 2020 (IPCC-B2)

January 2006

CMAQ/MM5 for Regional Impacts of Surface Ozone in CSEA

Stabilitas atmosfir

γ > γa γ = γa γ < γa γ<0

Height (m)

Unstable (extremely stable)

Temperature (°C)
Source: Kim Oanh, 2006
Pasquill stability classes
Day Night
Incoming solar radiation Could cover
U at 10 m
(m/s) Mostly clear
overcast or
Strong Moderate Slight or ≤ 3/8
≥ 50%
<2 A A– B B G G
2–3 A- B B C E F
3–5 B B–C C D E
5–6 C C–D D D D
>6 C D D D D

A = extremely unstable G = extremely stable (used for

B = moderate unstable radioactive source only)
C = slightly unstable
D = neutral
E = slightly stable
F = moderate stable
Source: Kim Oanh, 2006
Instant values for σy and σz in meters

Parameters Stability condition Equations

σy Unstable σy = 0.14 (x)0.92
Neutral σy = 0.06 (x)0.92
Stable σy = 0.02 (x)0.89
σz Unstable σz = 0.53 (x)0.73
Neutral σz = 0.15 (x)0.70
Stable σz = 0.05 (x)0.61

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Z- axis 1
Conc. ∝
Y- axis wind speed (u)

X- axis
Gaussian Plume Dispersion
Gaussian plume dispersion equations
Q   − y 2    − ( z − H ) 2 
C ( x, y , z ; H ) = exp  exp


2π ⋅ U ⋅ σ yσ z   2σ y    2σ z
2 2
 
Q = emission rate, g/s

Major assumptions Virtual source

• Transport along X
• Normal distribution
along Y and Z
• Constant wind in
domain for average
time period
• Can not use for calm
condition (U<1 m/s) H = hs + ∆z
X- axis

Source: Kim Oanh, 2006

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Dispersion coefficients
Z- axis 1
Conc. ∝
Y- axis wind speed (u)

X- axis

Gaussian Plume Dispersion

Crosswind concentration profiles
at plume centerline height
H = 50 m SO2 conc., µg/m3
H = 150 m H = 50 m and 150 m
Stability Class B

x = 0.5 km x = 1.0 km x = 2.0 km

Source: Kim Oanh, 2006
Vertical concentration profiles
at plume centerline
H = 150 m
SO2 conc., µg/m3 Stability Class B
Receptor height (z), m

x = 0.5 km x = 1.0 km x = 2.0 km

Source: Kim Oanh, 2006

Concentration profiles along the plume
centerline at x-direction and z-direction

Ground level concentration

Source: Kim Oanh, 2006
Example: A coal-fired power plant located in a tropical city (urban
dispersion). It produces SO2 200 g/s and release it at a single stack. In a
sunny summer afternoon (Stability Class B), the wind is westerly with the
speed of 4 m/s at the top of the stack. The stack effective height is 100 m
with the internal diameter of 2 m. The flue gas has temperature of 125 °C
and pressure 1 atm. The ambient air temperature around the stack is 25 °C.
Calculate SO2 concentration at the ground level at the downwind distance of
4 km and 150 m cross wind distance.

Gaussian plume dispersion with reflection

Q   − y 2    − ( z − H ) 2   − ( z + H ) 2 
C ( x, y , z ; H ) = exp  exp

 + exp
 

 2 
2π ⋅ U ⋅ σ yσ z   2σ y    2σ z 2
2σ 2
    z 

Q= 200 g/s x= 4000 m

U= 4 m/s y= 150 m

H= 100 m z= 0m
Dispersion coefficients

σz = 2000 m

σy = 800 m
Q   − y 2    − ( z − H ) 2   − ( z + H ) 2 
C ( x, y , z ; H ) = exp  exp
2   
 + exp
 

2π ⋅ U ⋅ σ yσ z   2σ y    2σ z 2
2σ 2
    z 

Q= 200 g/s x= 4000 m σy = 800 m

U= 4 m/s y= 150 m σz = 2000 m

H= 100 m z= 0m

200   − 150 2    − (0 − 100) 2   − (0 + 100) 2 

C (4000,150,100;100) = exp  exp  + exp 2 

2π ⋅ 4 ⋅ 800 ⋅ 2000   2 ⋅ 800 2    2 ⋅ 2000 2   2 ⋅ 2000 

= 9.76 ×10 −6 g / m3
= 9.76 µg / m 3
Maximum ground level in-line
• Effect of ground reflection is to increase the ground-
level concentrations
• Turner developed a graphical format to estimate
maximum concentration
• Maximum value of the parameter Cu/Q is plotted
versus the distance to the maximum concentration,

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Maximum Cu/Q as
function of stability
class and effective
height in meters

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Maximum ground level in-line concentration

The position of maximum concentration can be

found using a following equation:

σ z = 1/ 2 = 0.707 H

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Example: Sulfur dioxide is emitted at a rate of 160 g/s from a stack with an
effective height of 60 m. The wind speed at stack height is 6 m/s, and the
atmospheric stability class is D for the overcast day. Determine the position
downwind on the center line at ground level where the maximum
concentration will occur, and determine the maximum value in micrograms
per cubic meter
Gaussian plume dispersion with reflection

Q   − y 2    − ( z − H ) 2   − ( z + H ) 2 
C ( x, y , z ; H ) = exp  exp

 + exp
 

 2 
2π ⋅ U ⋅ σ yσ z   2σ y    2σ z 2
2σ 2
    z 

Q= 160 g/s Stability class = D

U= 6 m/s Center line y = 0 m

H= 60 m Ground level z = 0 m

Source: Wark et al., 1998

The position of
concentration is

σ z = 0.707 H
= 0.707(60) = 42.4

when σz = 42.4 m,
xmax = 1.55 km

Source: Wark et al., 1998

Graphical method

when xmax = 1.55 km

 Cu 
  = 2.7 ×10 −5 m −2
 Q  max

(2.7 ×10 −5 )(160 ×10 6 µg / s )

C= = 720 µg / m 3
(6 m / s )
Source: Wark et al., 1998
Mari Berlatih
Gas SO2 diemisikan (batu bara dengan kandungan S 10%) dari sebuah
cerobong (diameter 1,5 m) dengan debit 200 g/s dengan kecepatan
vertical emisi gas buang adalah 12 m/s (tanpa alat pengendalian
pencemaran udara). Temperatur emisi gas buang adalah 300ºC dan
temperature udara ambien adalah 27 ºC. Tekanan udara adalah 1 atm
dan berat massa fluida adalah 29 g. Cerobong memiliki ketinggian
(hs=60 m). Kecepatan angin pada ujung cerobong adalah 6 m/s dan
stabilitas atmosfir adalah D. Cerobong ini terletak di daerah perkotaan
(urban).Tentukan dengan menggunakan SCREEN View untuk
menyelesaikan soal di bawah ini:

a) Pada jarak berapa dari sumber konsentrasi maksimum akan terjadi?

b) Berapa konsentrasi maksimum gas SO2 pada titik tersebut?
c) Evaluasi dampak lingkungan terhadap kualitas udara dari kebijakan
kebijakan berikut:
- Instalasi FGD untuk mengurangi emisi SO2 sebesar 95%
- Penggunaan bahan bakar dengan kandungan SO2 rendah (S : 5%)

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