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Promotion costs

About the food discount, in the first week we will apply 65% discount for the
first 8000 orders and 30% for the next orders:

=> Total food discount is: (65%*8000+30%*9350)*90000=720.450.000 VND

In the second week, we will apply 50% discount for the first 10000 orders and 30%
for the next orders:

=> Total food discount is (50%*10000+30%*11680)*90000=765.360.000 VND

In the third week, we will apply 50% discount for 12000 orders Divided into 2 stages,
the first stage is sale for 10000 orders and the second one is sale for 2000 orders:

=> Total food discount is 50%*12000*90000= 540.000.000 VND

In the third week, we will apply 30% discount for first 20000 orders => total food
discount is 30%*20000*90000=540.000.000 VND

About the shipping fee promotion:

The first week, we will offer 100% discount for the first 8000 orders and support 50%
shipping for the next orders.

=> Total shipping fee = 8000*20000+9350*10000=253.500.000 VND

The second week, we will offer 100% discount for the first 10000 orders and support
50% shipping for the next orders.

=> Total shipping fee = 10000*20000+11680*10000=316.000.000 VND

In the third week, we will offer a 100% discount for the first 12000 orders and 50%
for the rest divided into 2 parts. The first part is 100% discount for the first 10000
orders in the downtown districts, the second part is 100% discount for the first 2000
orders in the suburban districts.
=> Total shipping fee = 12000*20000+10000*15100=391.000.000 VND

The fourth week, we will offer 100% discount for the first 15000 orders and support
50% shipping for the next orders

=> Total shipping fee = 20000*15000+10000*18875= 488.750.000 VND

We apply the gift of 40k with each new account created. Assuming that there is about
50000 new customer

=> Total gift for new account created cost = 50000*40000= VND

=> Total food discount = 2.565.810.000 VND

Total shipping fee promotion: 1.450.050.000 VND

=> Total promotion cost = 6.015.860.000 VND

3. Driver costs: Tuan

The first week's number of orders is 17350. Average daily will be 2479 orders. As we
focus on central districts first, therefore, drivers will delivery food in short distance
which results in the number of drivers running 20 orders will higher than 15 orders.
Assume that the number of drivers running 20 orders is 70% and the number of
drivers running 15 orders is 30%. We get (2479*70%)/20= 87 drivers who run 20
orders, (2479*30%)/15= 50 drivers who run 15 orders. The number of drivers who run
20 orders for the first week is 87 drivers, and the number of drivers who run 15 orders
is 50 drivers.

=> Driver cost is (50*10.000+87*20.000)*7= 15.680.000 VND

In the second week, the number of drivers running 15 orders is 62 drivers. Number of
drivers running 20 orders is 108 drivers

=> Driver cost is (62*10.000+108*20.000)*7 = 19.460.000 VND

From the third week, we operate promotion campaign to suburban districts, therefore,
the number of driver running 15 orders will increase, and we assume that the number
of drivers running 20 orders is 60% and the number of drivers running 15 orders is
40%. We get (3871*60%)/20= 116 drivers who run 20 orders, (3871*40%)/15= 103
drivers who run 15 orders.

=> Driver cost is (103*10.000+116*20.000)*7 = 23.450.000 VND

In the fourth week, the number of drivers running 15 orders is 129 drivers. Number of
drivers running 20 orders is 145 drivers

=> Driver cost is (129*10.000+145*20.000)*7 = 29.330.000 VND

Total driver cost: 87.920.000 VND

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