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cAnel coDmo Ccde 20414

r s o 1e2226 2s
Mishnu Raveeoclnan C
7(a) Cienet07 is a DC Machine cuhich ConveaHS Mecharical
Mec haricalenesgy 1S qiUep to
enexqy nto elec2|cal enangy:
ho9enotos by Means o Tolation 1H I5 knouurn a pame

oveExamples o paimemoves are diesel engint 1unbino and

Cuind Mi

ConStructionc detailsg
Dc Cenealor
mainly ConsiGts ol CUO POHs
Thay ane
Stato (or) Siauionaay Pan
Roto (or) Rotating Padt
Cass Secional vieuw ot a De CTeneatoiis Shocu below

SHatoe Conisiso
*Pole Core and Pole _Shoe
F leld Coi
Intep ole sits wiinding

ode 3/9 1302 Paoo 1 shro

Rolo Consist Ot

xAamzicive auinding
h e Ouler | ame oi
Gove O me 9eneiuor )Scalled aJ yoe
In ape Machines Cast Steel 0 7oled Sleel fs CLsed and

Smalles machinas Cas} izon 1S Used as yoke

yORe ot The qenenio? SeaviceshoFolloauing paopase

/t Paovides Aech anical SUPPOst Fo o Polej

It act as a paoHective Co Ves

It Caories he Magneic TUxpaod uc ed by The Poes

Coa 32c44
eanso 622262s
ViondRaveeocaan C
Pole Cove and Pole shoe8-
oi a Dc gen eNzior is Also Called a s Fleid aa qnet
Consisis ot Pole Coe and pt/e Shoe ToProvide
d magnt
low 9eIuciante path For Tme F1ux pole is made by using

Cast i2oh 07 Cast Steel

Supco Tho F iac cuhnoding mcuhich
Pole Cove is used +0

Teid cuinding i s awed to Pacduce The mngetic FIUx u aaneyie

I x poduced by The fheld euirzdling is als o dist aibuted o he
Pole Shoe aL he enl
a rogap and aamat r e , by The use O

pole Cose Thece poles aze laminated to 7edute "he eckty

Cumen loss paocured irfho genoato

Pole Shoes are csed For ServingThe Fellocuing pends

Thay Spaencl Tho Flux in "ho aiaqap

Reduce Tho e u c t a n e O1 Ho FlUx pah

lncreaser Tho CaDsS Sec4iona) aaea

Thay SuPpO
Tho Ffeld Coil

Field Col
he coil cuound OrThe Pole is calledas pole Cott o7Ficy
Cuzoent h a0ug h The coil, a maqnenc
Coil By passing
luy 1s paduced his Coil is also Called as exciHe

Cofl This Coril is mmde UP O1 CoPper caire Ot Comer k

Dafe 13 /3 /ao21 2a 3
espole and Hs cuindng
inbetcween he MCun Poe of a gee
cubichis plated
A Poe
CLtoa is Called Cs Inie pole

Inierole seves ho Follauiny reels

4inp3oVes Commutaion
/t Deduces A matuze acacuon

ho Cuirding cu ouncdec in The 1p SeoiescuI Tha Aau

poeuining Tbis cuinding is also made U12 Ot Coppe e

A oMatUe
The noiating pao1 Ot Th de 9enevaioa 1S Calleda 3 Adrpauc
Aematue iS usad 7o house ho Amatuae cunding S H has

humbe Ot SlojS md deehs On Hs aule Suaface

A o m a i e i Smade b y using 1aroln ledSilion Steel O Deduie

Tro loss

A amauge Cuindin9
Aomaulue cuinding S mede CIp o in sulated higb cCornducli

VHY CopPer cuinding and H is placel Inmo S lo4s C

u r o cuays
is cuocrded in
Co Lne his cuinding

x Cuave cuindin9

ap cuilin is cised Tos low Vol1a9 bigb Can vent qenea

O Chanoi uwave Cunding is USed -o louu Cta7ent biqb
Voltage eherauor
es C222 o2 3201
Vieonu Raveecaan C
The ends ot ho aamctue
culrdliryIs Copneded tCTke Comm
CCiIC ocyeovei
Commutatos s used to collect he caz-
dom amdiune cuinding bis also used +o
ie A C
Cuovent Obtaine T2om aomd tue uind ing
Ioto pe Cuaaent

t has a
cylindaical Stauciune and its Made loy tusipg
wedge Shaped SagmentS

Shaft i Sa veay long olle Cuhich has Very bigh Me chari

Staenghand Fitied to a corioal Paai o4 to geera
H 1S mounted orho
bea aing s Rotcuin
post Ot"mo
Jenerauo liee aomattune Coze a mture uinding cnd

Commutat cos aoe Placed oy en Tho Shoft

RsUshas aoe Usel tO COlect
acu Nt F 2omCopmit-
to SUaily Tt is ade o1 Casbon 0 97apbite
and it is in h Shape O+ 7ectangulan b voR.

Dade 13/7o2/ Pans, S

18(A) Relation betaueen Line VolHage and Phase VoHage is
S Hanne cHion 8-

F 1qie S houus a baatel 3 Pbase Staa Connectedl syStem

Tro e m 7eneraied inThe Thoee Phases aeERN EYN

and EBNequal h
magnHCde but di'splaced 2.0F oomn
Cno andhon

VPt Line Votage ie,VolHag le betueen
phase ad heuLDel

ie) ERN EyN EBN Vph

Vph ine VolHage ie, vol tag e betcue er
phaje and ne tnal

Uhe voHage 3
ie VRy =YB V
VL Line Vo ltage ie, voltage betwe en lin
VRYVRN ENy Phaso7 Scay
ERN EYN Phaso clift erente
-V V Veb2 Yh Y/
Cole 320414
Ranao 1o2222%

Vishnu Raveecclaon C

Va Vpb
V3 VPb

Sipilany Vye -EyN-BV

= Va Vpb

= V3 Vpb

/ ene in a balanted 3thase SHa Connectiop

Line voHage
V= V VPb

19A) Consi aucAion
SiePRe moto7 Conslsts of tuO Main RaoiS Called Statoo and

SHat or is a S tationaay paot O1 This moi e Als


Stato ConSisiS oI Þles cu bich l'Smade

cIsin SllCo
Steel amimnaUions The se poles ane cuwound Cuilh an exHing

Cal Consides ci sBeppes oior having 4 Poes cul two

puios O1 ex ciling Coils Those poles ae Madeda sPa Rad

SThis isshocun inT folouiny Fi9 3 2


Dade 13/9la02
Raol Coa)moving Poo CUhich haiho
Role 1S roting
CUindiing CommuaUO O bousho But This
Fae s peaman ent Iy
yster hau fwo end Fare One

g n e t i S e d a S o u h pole anelhe Oiho7 Fate 15 noThpole

i Sucha a m -
souh Pole ot 7o40 Usually aligned
e h a H Ses Cinde hooT poe H Sai01due Ho palnciple
O+ Eleiomage}x altaction and Vite Veisq

Cuhonever Tho exciHation
O1any One lndinq is qiven,lt
eneaaies hoalh pole on That cuincdting and aulo maticaly
Indutes a souh Pole
oDhe OPPbSiHe Side cuinding
IDbis S tepea Moto2 cuiTh 21 Slator poe ard 2 volo7
poes aoe Clied hen ho cn91e O 7otation O? a0t00(0a)

Step angie lp) ts qiven by

BNS -N y360
NS -N7

3 60
24x 2

2/3 x36o"

The 701oa is aolated 10 an

Hente Fos each inpuL Puise,
angle when Input peise qiven fo Rand
P Pole,
a asN and S Poie especii vejy.
Code S2044
gso 1622262
h i s is shocunI
Herce oHO Seis Hse vevdically
Frg 3 3(ser)

ArLa bi s int puilse +o Sand & poes e nThey ac s e

as Hand S poles espectlvely and hante Tho oto guns

Shown in FI 9 (3 3)
heanuiclotkcuise cloection This is

Hen(CThe voto
h o n aiter ,9en Input pulse 10 Dand R.
ushe tauns qo in ho aniiclock cuwise clis ecion
Thisis shocw

ing/9/33) Stepa )
est-ater Alteohis excitation input puise i9tie aand
S PoIe, ThoarsTha. ooloa again ootales qo inThe Same
Onticlockuise clibect ion Tbisis Show in Fig(3 3( Stepu
b This auay h e Stepper Moi0) gives Step by S1ep

o l a t i o n accoding toTho input puise Tho diaection ol o i i o n

Can be De veased by chanqing The citaecionot Co oent iothe

S equee ot eYCHation Ot Siato? Plaes Foz CloCkwtse

dnecilon and anilclockuise di7ecilonis qlve beiou


Step 1
sTer 2
Dode 13 9/do2
SHep 3 Slep

SR ass>RSp-S Ssa
Anti-clockCuise ciaection
RSP Ssa-> psR >& 35

photo elect aic Senso38-

phodo elec1aic Sensor is a devie hai overaieI ulhena

ighting on id oa abSeme O1 light orilhu Same cwkan lighe

ConducilVHY hdu
alls Cn hose S DeIstl Vit y Od

act as a Conacy 1 ype SwNCh

Changed a s may
faMple F oo Pholo e lecraic Sensod

Lighr DePendent Resisto» (LDR)

Pholo Cide
photo t7ansitor
OPlo CoUPe
ReAsa o 2 2 262 Code 32044
VIshnu RaveenceunC
L ght Deperdent Resisioa WoRs based ormo light Falling on
14 ts2 Sisicnce C hanqes based on ho falling Ot lighu on 1)

VCoious Symbols LDR is qiven below

Photo Diod.e
Phoio dlode is a PN
Junction cliode cuhich 9ves
even iH is
3evesse biasedcwmh light
output when-
Fall on H Symbo7
and (onslvceHion O1 is 5toun beluw

Pholo taansisto07
Photo taanslsio IsHUaned ON, CWhn a light Fcus or Tme
a s e emHes )
untbn Oti Vaoiow 1
yPe o1 Svmbols
One qives belouw

Ccxde 13 lao21
Cuhan a light Þaocuteed byinF aared LED Falls on me base
17ansiS/er Is
CoHte' 7uneilon Ct ma oansis H0 7fho
hen Tho coleci0 Oulput oF photo 1aansisio
Can ON
accIHS and peaFoma task Tha
laives Some C

Schamadic diaqpaOt oplocoupl ea iSshowh beloc


20A) Full wave Decifier
Arnse f
aansf orme
Fu cwave 7ecifiea Consis1 Of Center tapped
and lwo ditdes Dand D2 1t Convest Posi tive and noyative
hun Cy cles CH Tho input A C i o pa vating D:C
2 ecuies s Shoun belau

n o 12
Coca 32044
Renso. 16222 62t

Ndnnu Raveendaan c

posHive and
bustng posiHive haH Cyele ho 1eminalA is
BBhegative Now clbde pI ConduGAS and D2 cloes ho1 Conclu

So ho cu 2vent F lous Thaoub load

Duaing nagative haH cletle Tha 1 eminal Bispos}Hire

and A S negative NoCw cliodo D2 Cord ucd s D does not

Conduci So Tmoceunrens Flouws Thoough Tho lbad

Hence duaing Lom hai Cycle Tme cooseni f lous ThaPou

Ta laaard H IS Unaizeciioral a s shocu beou

InPut cuave Foa

DLT 6uput cuave Foam

CUhun D1 Cond uciS
m Out put uuave F om
Chon D2 Cond uCES

OLt Put Culave Foa)


Recifcation etf
Ciency 1s
more Then hai a t Hal4 cwave

Ripple attO7 is less man Thad ot Ha14 cuave 2ectitie

Pode: 13 9ldo2r Po13

Peak Invevse VoHage (PI V CH adiodl e lS HCuice ha

hasol cliode dsed in HaiF cvave 7eciIf ea

Due 4o use of Ceive tapped taanFoarney bis Ciacwt

IS Cosily

qAnss Riachotl's Lacusg
Ri3chotS Laus ae sed to Solve"Tha CoroPlicased eleci3ka
Cocw Theve ave two kichon's Latus y ane
achoHs Curvent LaulkCL) 2 kjachow's vottaye

kiochot 5 cusnent Lawl kcL) -

kiachotH'S(Uncnt Law Siates Thar 'ina

nade, ho Sum
Incomirmg Cuozents (S equal to Ta Su nmoi
Tho alqebæaic Sum O CuzeRLS Meetlng a t annde ( o )

7 encion I5 2eTD

E xplaniong -

kichotHS Curent lau elates Ho he Curaenu Ossocu

ina nei cuok Cwheae 1Cwo Co mere Ci'cu
Cuinhany 7uncion
u 14
Code 32044
Repnso \2222
Vishn Rave endreo C
Clemenss ae Connecte) doqeman suuh aj oncion 1s
Called a s Nodo Consider Lou Conduct OS Caaying
Ot 2 l3 and TY Meeting at anod2x

4AsLogic functicns used in PLC Systtn
t5 7 AND loqic
In Tho AND Loic, If aul ipput1Save'i(ciose )Tho out pur

CUi be i Con) oha rcuise, cut put cuill be lo' (ou)

Tho Svmbol laddes diagmm and 1cih table Shown below

Taub talble
Open OPen
c losed OPeD
OPen closee Of
Closedclosed C

Dode t3 I7o21 2 0 0 15
5 R logic
In OR Loqic SystenNI IF any ono loa) move inpul s ase (1)

Closed Tho outpui is 1'(oN) on Tho lhouCy 14alThe

InPuts ase lo' (open ) Tho ouput cil be 'o (ot1) The

ymbol lddes diaqsam and toub table a oe qiveh beiou


y As
Ladde Loqic diayoam


Open open ott
OPen closea
Close Open

Cloy Clo O


/bAns biaec on line Stabers t (D-o L Stasiea)

his SHtotes Is Iged Fo Mo40as havin lessha

5H:P oauin
Code 32 ou4
erso t622 2 6 2 s

ViGhnuRavee rolaon c

Tha Phase

Mai n PUse(stont

OF Pusb

TAnse eMaqentic Field imiensiHY?

*aqnearaic. magetic Field IniensHy isclefined asThe roane

Mo-lveF oce pe Kunit lenh

It is 2epresentel by a Lette H
1ts unit is ATIM
je,Magnetic Fieicd jiensHy H

Dak 13/3 l8a2)

3Ans Appliction O Seavo MOtoas
*Radas 1oacking and guidane SysieM
Leoe pPouer applications Suthas in
doboticsS Mahine
IbStunmant Servo (Contoo lTho per inx-y Decoaders
CompuLte delaia equiPMent ( hand elisk devices Poines
Small Si3e MoIODS ave ust
Fov a(uaqing au lleil 2in
and P7oCessin Machines

BAnss Poinipe Ot IDVeole
A VolHage invetea is
clefincd as
any mverte incuhich
ho Croa Connecies abc
VoHage SuDCe (The ven
impendenc ideauy 2 e thDougb Semi
Coducio Suhe
dinecy toThe paimamy Tho Conduet hirachacl cliaeay
H6The paimaay Ot Tho
tansfo omos
)2Ans Eaolbng9
E aobing eans1o C r e e t all MeHal hon Ctarent
Casoying paolso1 aial egu pent i0mo qoound by

1/cay low Deisiance. le 9)

Reso l6 22262 t 320u4
Vishnu Raveenglnan
meiallc elecsalc MHO bd y, Melalic Coveaing of
Cunde 9a aurd Cables 3Pinket Outlet heutuoal Cul7e

etc Tols baings The body ot Tho elecrolcal appeaaus

to 2ero Potepticl-to avolc/ Tho shock to Tho OPeadO

ImPo otande c easlhing

To avoid Tho electaic Shock o burman
bod y
To avoid Tho opsk ol Flaæ due t oeasih leskage Cuosane
To Pootect Tho laoge buidin Foonm lightni
To Con Glant The lino Voltage
Haaciontelerhnw ond teiegvarb Tho eosth
Cuine is Used C DelarN ConducioT


G Ans
LEP Coysiab(oagoinr
apsepicle (Ca) Lquld
Caal liUm
and llium p hoSphde
Maueaals a s e Csead Cused
ConSumes lessPoue
2 Consumes MOae Pouwe lHe imne 15 low

i l e i m a is
CUiDnot emil O genea
Cmts li9ht cuhen
t e light Hwill aHeD
exiearaily a vailable

Colu2 It 1S Found onl y i

Red, Coeen yelloDC
1i 9 t s aae Found depends Mnochaome ih nauDe
CIPon h MatCalcal tusad

Dede: 13/2lae21

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