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A Project Proposal for Barangay Sto. Tomas, Maria
Aurora, Aurora
Partial Requirement for CWTS 1

Prepared by:



Submitted to:

Genaro Aristotle A. Valdez

NSTP Facilitator

May 2021
Project Proposal

I. Introduction

Brief description of the project and its background

A million plastic bottles are bought around the world every minute and the number will jump
another 20% by 2023, creating an environmental crisis. Most plastic bottles used for soft drinks and
water are made from polyethylene terephthalate (Pet), which is highly recyclable (Laville & Taylor,
2017). Plastics are a versatile material that can be a valuable asset to corporate Green recycling
program. Businesses can greatly reduce destructive waste output and cut costs associated with waste
management fees through a Green recycling program with Complete Recycling. The benefit of Complete
Recycling is that it can able to sell materials to. Plastics are often recycled to make items such as clothes,
carpet, containers, bottles, plastic lumber, films, grocery bags, molding materials, and lawn and garden
products, to name a few (Complete Recycling, n.d.).

One deep solution for plastic is Ecobricking for it embody regenerative principles that point in a
healthy direction. An Ecobrick is a plastic bottle packed to a set density with used, clean and dry plastic
to achieve a building block that can be used over and over again. Ecobricks can also be packed with
other non-biological un-recyclables that, uncontained, are toxic to the environment such as styrofoam,
wires, small batteries, etc. Ecobricks are designed to leverage the longevity and durability of plastic, to
create an indefinitely reusable, cradle to cradle, building block. They are made by cleaning, drying and
then packing plastic into a PET drinking bottle. Ecobricks are an exciting way that individuals,
communities, and companies can start their immediate transition from plastic towards ever greener
harmony with the Earth’s cycles (, n.d.).

The proposed program is Ecobrick Training Program for Barangay Sto. Tomas Community with
the theme of "Ecobricks Enterprise: a stepping stone for Economic Well-Being" that will help the
residents of the said barangay especially the out of school youths and unemployed residents to form a
business organization which can be an opportunity for them to develop skills in making ecobricks,
running a business, and earn a living. At the same time they could also help in their very own barangay
to reduce the waste. This project is about forming a small scale business where the out of school youths
and unemployed residents will be the ones to make the ecobricks made out of collected plastic bottles
to be filled with sachet wrappers inside as the raw materials and those ecobricks will be supplied to the
hollow block builders, residential developers, and furniture makers who have the greater skill and
resources to transform the ecobricks to a finished product like various indoor furniture, garden spaces,
walls and even full-scale buildings. Some members of the participants in the program will be trained in
the running of the business specifically in the aspects of management, financing, and marketing. This
Ecobricks Training Program will not benefit only the residents of the barangay but also the environment
for it can remove plastic from the biosphere and out of the ineffective industrial recycling system.
Scope of the Project

The proposed project will focus on the training program for the out of school youths and
unemployed residents of Barangay Sto. Tomas on how to establish a small scale business about
ecobricks and how to earn money from it. The participants will use raw materials such as plastic bottles
and sachet wrappers in making the ecobricks and are expected to learn in the process the aspects of
management, financial, and marketing. There will be tasks that will be done during the allotted days of
the said project - an informative seminar about ecobricks including the benefits of it and the basic
information to know in establishing a business, a preparation for the making of ecobricks, and lastly, the
production of it.

Objectives of Conducting the Project

The proposal aims to:

1. To establish small scale business for the out of school youths and unemployed residents of
Barangay Sto. Tomas.
2. To train the participants in making ecobricks.
3. To train the participants in the aspects of management, financial, and marketing.
4. To raise ecological consciousness to the community.
5. To practice the 3R’s (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) in the community.

Significance of the Project

Barangay Sto, Tomas This proposal will benefit the said community in reducing the wide use of plastic
waste in the area.

Residents This proposal will help the residents of Barangay Sto. Tomas, most especially the
unemployed individuals and out of school youths, to start their own businesses and
to provide a livelihood opportunities for everyone in the community.

Environment This proposal will help promote greener environment as well as build awareness to
the consumption of plastic materials and how it will affect the environment.

Tourism This proposal will help the tourism in promoting the local market.

Researchers This proposal will be beneficial for researchers who are studying the said topic
for reference and for enhancement
Implementing Officers and Teams of the Project

Officers Role

Banaag, John Arwin Communication with the barangay officials;


Tejones, Christine Yvonne In charge In buying the materials needed in the

project, Budgeting; facilitators

II. The Partner Community

Barangay Sto. Tomas is a barangay located in Maria Aurora, Aurora, Philippines.

Barangay Organizational Chart

Barangay Officials

Chairman: Matthew B. Rizal

Councilors: Ramiro A. Opulencia

Jose C. San Pedro
Guillermo C. Tolentino
Jerry S. Dichoso
Gillea Ann S. Oruga
Elizabeth C. Molinyawe
Dee T. Gelli

SK Chairman: Robert Joseph DR. Opeña

SK Councilors: Alpha Amor D. Opulencia

Joshua E. Opeña
Christian C. Suelto
Jeruel B. Canceran
Emilio C. Torrente Jr.
June E. Roxas
Joven John D. Neri

Vicinity Map
Community Profile

Region: Region III
Province: Aurora
City/Municipality: Maria
Barangay: Sto.
Barangay Category: Rural
Land Area: 25.97 hectares
No. of Sitios/Purok: 10
List of Sitios/Purok: Purok 1, Purok 2, Purok 3, Purok 4, Purok 5, Purok 6, Purok 7,
Purok 8, Purok 9, Purok 10


Male: 1,504
Female: 1,545
Total Revenues: Php 4,828,465.69
Local Source: Php 1,000.00
IRA: Php 4,192,100.00
TOTAL: Php 2,083,139.99
TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Php 2,141,370.94

Power Supply: Aurelco
Water Supply: Balibago
Transportation: Tricycle
Communication: Portable Radio, Cellphone

School: Pre-Elementary: Brgy. Sto. Tomas Day
Care Center
Pre-Elementary & Elementary: Sto. Tomas Elementary
Barangay Hall: Barangay Clinic
Church and Chapel
Covered Court
Public Toilet
III. Methodology

The proponents of the proposed project of the Ecobricks Training Program will go to Barangay
Sto. Tomas , Maria Aurora, Aurora to offer the said proposal. It will be followed by an interview with
the key informants of the Barangay like the Barangay Captain and Councilor in charge of the "Kabuhayan
Program". Questions that will be asked will be regarding to the availability of the trash, specifically pet
bottles and sachet wrappers in the community. Also, it will partake in the presence of unemployed
residents and out of school youths. The next step will be conducting a survey with the selected
residents of the Barangay Sto. Tomas, especially the out of school youths and unemployed residents in
order to know who will be the possible participants and if those people are interested to participate if
the project will be implemented. After gathering the information needed, it will be followed by the
preparation of all the requirements for the implementation of the project such as the barangay permit,
venue, facilitators, number of participants, resource person, required materials, and a time schedule for
a systematic flow of the project. For six saturdays, the project will be put into action according to the
time schedule. To end the project, the proponents will ask for the support of the Barangay Officials to
make this project continuously implemented and supported in the community.
IV. Cost Requirements of the Project

Description Amount

Transportation Php 1,200

Resource Person Fee Php 2,000

Snacks Php 1,000

Materials needed:
Dishwashing Liquid Php 200

Total Php 4,400

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