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Website ta/liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. TiengAnhFP 6n thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéing Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: Nhém Tiéng AI 50 Cu hdi vé diéu kién/cdu uc trong Tiéng Anh co dap an va giai thich chi tiét Phan Vill: CAU DIEU KIEN / CAU UGC ( CONDITIONAL SENTENCES/ WISH SENTENCES) EXERCISE 1: Chon dap n chita 16i sai cf duge sia lai: 1. If we(A) have time (B) in the weekend, we (C) will come (D) to see you. 2. (A)if we had (B) known (C) that you were in hospital, we (D) would visit. you. 3. If Thad (A) knew (B) his address, 1 (C) would (D) have told you, 4. IFA) am you, 1 (B) would (C) follow (D) his advice, 5. He can (A) pass (B) the exam if he (C) studied (D) hard. EXERCISE 2: Chon dap an dung nat a hoan thanh cac cau sau: 6. If Thad free time, 1 some shopping with you, Adid B.willdo ——C. woulddo_ D, would have done 7. Ifyou, English well, you will communicate with foreigners. A.speake B. had spoken C, speak8_D. spoke 8, Ifhe had known her telephone numbers he__her. A. had rung B. would have rung €. would ring D, will ring 9. Unless she, {She will be late for school. Achuried —Boburries —C. will hurry D. is hurrying 10, would have given hitn this present, if 1__him, Avhad meet B.hadmet —C. meet D. met 11, Twould have Visited you if L___busy with my homework ‘A.hada't B. hadnt been C. wouldn't be. wasn't 12, If you had caught the bus, you__late for work, A. wouldnt have been B. would have been . wouldn't be D. would be 13, Will you be angry if L your pocket dictionary? A.stole B. have stolen were to steal D. steal 4 If as [told her, she would have succeeded. Website tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. 'Nhém Tiéing Anh én thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéng A *n thi TOEIC — IELTS: Website ta/liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéing Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: A. she has done B. she had done C. she does: D. she did 15, Ifthe wall weren't so high, ___it up to take my ball down, A.climbed B. could climb Cis climbing D.elimb 16. Ihe. the truth, the police wouldn't arrest him, Avtells B. told Chad told, would tell 17. Ifyou press that button, what___? A.would happen B. would have happened . will happen D. happen 18, Would you mind if L the windows? Aopen B. opening C.opened—_D. would open. 19, Ifthey. me to their wedding party, I wouldn't refuse A had invited B. invited invite D would have invited 20, If Twere you, L this job, A. accept B. will accept C. would have accepted D. would accept 21. If my mother. me up, I will eatch the bus. A. doesnt pick B. didn’t take C. not pick Dy hadn't picked 22, If John had played for our Football team, we__the match, A. would win B. will win cowin D, would have won 23, Ifthe weather is nice, I__for a walk. A. will go B. go would go D. would have gone 24, If you had tried your best, you__the final exam, A. wouldnt fail B. wouldn't have failed CC. won't fail D, hadn't failed 25. If she had money, she that house. A.would have bought —_B. could buy C. will buy D, had bought 26, If Thad a map, ___. A. can get lost B. wont get lost Website tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: https://www Nhém Tiéng Anh TOEIC = IELTS: Website ta/liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. TiengAnhFP Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: én thi TOEIC— IELTS: n Tiéng Ai C. wouldn't have got lost. wouldnt get lost 27, would not have read your diary if you___it in such an obvious place. A.didnt hide B, hadn't hid C. hadn't hidden D. not hid 28, The problems would be solved if the government__some measures. A.takes B. took Chad taken D, would take 29, Iwill help you if you___my seeret. A.kept B. will keep C. keep D. would keep 30, . the accident would not have happened yesterday, A. If Nam drives more carefully B.If had Nam driven more carefully C.Had Nam driven more carefully . Unless Nam had driven more carefully 31, Td give up my job if L__a big prize in a lottery Awin B. won Chad won, wotild won 32. T'ilhelp you if A. you told me the truth B. you tell me the truth will tell me the truth D, you have told me the truth 33, She didn't hurry so she missed the plane, A. If she hurried, she wouldn't miss the plane. 'B.If she had hurried, she mighteatch the plane, G.I she had hurried, she wouldn't have missed the plane. D. She didn't miss the plline because he hurried. 34. Ifhe doesnt tell me‘the truth, I will never meet him again, ‘A. Unless he tells me the truth, then I will never meet him again. 8B, Unless he tells me the truth, or I will never meet him again, C. Unless he doesn't tell me the truth, I will never meet him again, , Unless he tells me the truth, I will never meet him again. 35. | Ididit work hard and I didn't get good results. A. IE Dworked hard, I would have got good results. If Thad worked hard, Td have got good results. If Thad worked hard, I would get good results D. If I worked hard, 1 would get good results, 36, You drank too much coffee, that's why you couldn't sleep well. AIF you drank less coffee, you would be able to sleep. B, You drink much coffee and you can sleep. nh mién phi: httpsi// Anh: https://www HPT QG: https://www n thi TOEIC — IELTS: Fanpage Thich Nhe Nhém Tiéng Anh Website tai liéu, hoc Ti ‘Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: Ni 37, 38, 39. 40. 4 2. 4, 45 n Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC TS: ©. You wouldn't sleep well if you hadn't drink any coffee D. You could have slept well if you had drunk less coffee. Keep silent or you will be punished by your teacher. A. If you don't keep silent, you will be punished by your teacher. B.If you keep silent, you will be punished by your teacher. C.If you didn't keep silent, you would be punished by your teacher. D. If you hadn't kept silent, you would have been punished by your teacher. don't have enough money; otherwise I would buy that. bag, A.If didnt have money, I would buy that bag. B.If Thad much money, 1 wouldn't buy that bag C.If Thad enough money, I would buy that bag. D.If I didnt have money, I won't buy that house. Susan is tired now because she got caught in the rain last night A. If Susan got caught in the rain last night, she would be tired. 8. If Susan hadn't got caught in the rain last night, she Wouldnt be tired now. C.If Susan hadn't got caught in the rain last night, she wouldn't have been tired. last night and she still felt tired. She has to go to school so she can't meet you. . Susan got caught in the A. If she doesn't have to go to school, she ean feet you. B.If she didn't have to go to school, she could meet you. She meets you if she doesn't have to go to school. D. She can meet you if'she didn't have to goto school Ifonly |__him now. A. meet B, met C have met. would meet Linda wishes she__~ her car A hasn't Sold \.B. hadnt sold C. doesnt sell. wont sell Twish if a holiday today. A.were B.willbe Cis D. had been It yery crowded here. I wish there__ so many people. Acaren't B. werent —C. havent been D. isn't He's a very brave man "Yes, I wish I__his courage.” Achave B. had C. will have —D. would have had "Lwish this city___so noisy." know. I wish we__in the countryside." Acisnit- live B. wasn't live C. weren't live D. weren't - lived Website tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. Nhe h On thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC IELTS: iéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. TiengAnhFP Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéng nth TS: 47. Ifonly ___you wanted to invest money in business last year. ‘Ahad known B.knew C.haveknown ——_D. know 48 regret behaving so impolitely with her and she was disappointed A. Unless I behave so impolitely with her.she would not be disappointed 8 Provided that I did not behave so impolitely with her, she would not be disappointed. €.I wish Idid not behave so impolitely with her. D. If Thad not behaved so impolitely with her, she would not have been disappointed. 49, I wish I____to the movies with you now. A.can go B. went C. had gone, have gone 50, __it not been for the heavy rain, we would have gone camping. Alf B. Had CShould ——_D. Unless ANSWER KEY: 1. B(in=>avion) Dich nghia: Néu chimg t6i c6 thoi gian vio ngay eudi tun thi ching tdi sé dén gap ban. (Cu diéu kién loai 1) 2D ovould visit Dich nghia: Néu ching t6i da biét ring ban nim vign thi ching t6i da dén thsi ban. (Cu diéu kign Losi 3) would have visited) ww (knew => known) Dich nghia: Néw toi da biét dia chi cita anh ta thi t0i dindi cho ban. (Cau diéu kién loai 3) 4. A (am => were) Dich nghiia: Néu t6i 1A ban thi ti sé lun theo Toi Khuyén cia anh ta. (Cu diéu kign loai 2) S.C (studies Dich nghia: Anh ay c6 thé thi dau néu anh ay cham hoc. (Cau diéu kién loai 1) 6c Dich nghia: Néw tdi c6 thoi gian tanh thi toi sé ei mua sim voi ban, (Can dieu kign loai 2) studies) naw Dich nghia: Néu ban noi tiéng anh tét thi ban s€ giao tiép duge voi ngwrdi nude ngodi. (CA diéw ign loai 1) 8B Dich nghia: New anh ay da biet 56 din thoai cita 66 ay thi anh ay dé goi cho c6 ay. (Ca digu kign loai 3) % B Dich nghia: Néu ¢6 ay khéng nhanh lén thi c6 ay sé mudn hoc. (Can dién kién loai_ 1) 0 B Dich nghia: Toi di dua cho anh Ay mén qui nay néu toi di gap anh Ay. (Cn dig ign loai 3) 1,hgc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Eng Anh: https://wwaw facebook com/ThichTiengAnhFP HPT QG: https://www n thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh iéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. TiengAnhFP Nhém Tiéng Anh én thi THPT QG: N TS: 1B Cw tic cd diéu ign loai 3: If-+$+ had +PP.., $+ would have + PP... (tréi v6i thure t 6 qua kit) Dich nghia: Toi da dén ‘ham ban nén t6i da khdng ban kam bai tp vé. nha. mA Cn tric cf diéw kign Loai 3: If+S+ had +PP.., S+ would have + PP...... (tri véi thute t 6 qué kit) Dich nghiia: Néu ban dt bait xe buyt thi ban di king nmudn gids Lam. BD Can tric cfu diéw kign loai 1: 1+ $+ V(hién tai)... S + will + V (bare-inf)...(¢6 thd xy ra) Dich nghia: Ban sé gidn néu minh Liy trm tir dién be tui cfia ban, chic? 4B Chu tric cfm diéu kin loai 3: If+$+ had +PP.., $+ would have + PP... (tréi v6i thre &'qua kit) Dich nghia: Neu c6 iy da Tim nur ti ndi véi 6 dy thi c6 Ay dai than cng, \ i. B Cm tric cfu diéw kign Loai 2: Dich nghia: Néu bite tuimg khéng qué cao thi t6i 66 thé leo Lén dé Lay qua bong scudng. 6 B Cn tric cf diéw kign Loai 2: If +S + V2led/ were... $+ would /eould + V (bare ~ inf) Dich nghia: Néu anh fy néi ase thie thi cénh sit sé khong bat anh ta, mC Cu tric edt diéw kien toa L If+S+ V(sles) #05 S+will + V (bare-inf) Dich nghiia: Néw ban &n mit dé thi diéu gi sé xiy ra vay? 8 € Would you mind + if +8 + V2/ed....? Djch nghia: Ban c6 phién néu téi mé cita 96 khong? » B Dichnghia: Nén ho moi tdi den tiée cutéi cia ho thi t6i sé khong bit chéi. (Cau diéu kign loai 2) 2 D Djch nghia: Néu ti 14 ban thi ti s8 chip nln eng vige my. (Cau diéu kign Logi 2) ite tai nh mién phi: Anh: https://www HPT QG: https://www n thi TOEIC ~ IELTS: Nhém Tiéng Anh gc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Anh: TiengAnhFP : https://www nttps:// aA Dich nghiia: Néu me t6i khong dén don t6i thi ti sé bat xe buyt. (Céu diéu kign Toai_1) 2 D Dich nghia: Néw John 4a choi cho d6i bong cia chiing t6i thi ching t6i da thang tran am. (Can dieu kign loai 3) BoA Dich nghia: Néu thoi uw Dich nghia: Néw ban da cé ging hét st thi ban sé khéng trot ky thi. (Cu diu kién toi 3) gp thi toi sé di dgo. (Cu digu kign Logi 1) 2. B Dich nghia: Néu c6 ay cé tién thi cd Ay sé mma ngéi nha 46, (Can diéu kién loat 2) 2% D Dich nghia: Néu ti cd bin dé thi t6i sé Khong bi lee. (Cau diéu kign Toa 2) 7. € Dich nghia: Toi da khong doe nhat ky cia ban nén ban da khéng cat né 6 noi dé thay. (Caw diéw kién Loa 3) 2%. B Dich nghia: Nhting vin 48 s8 duve gi quyét néu chink phi thu hin mét s6 bign phap. (Cén dieu kién loai 2 » C Dich nghia: T6i sé gitp ban nén bon gitt bi mat ea tdi, (Cu diéu kién loa 1) a Bao ngit can diéw ign loai 3 Had +$+V3/ed...., $+-would have + V3/ed....( If +S + had + V3/ed....S-+ would have + V3/ed...) nghila: Néu Nam da Téi xe en thén hon thi hém qua tai nan sé khing xay 1a a. B Dich nghia:TGi sé b6 vide néu tdi gidh gidi thudng 1dn trong cube x6 s6. (Cu didu kign Losi 2) 2B Dich nghia: Toi sé gitip ban néw ban néi vi ti sw thit. (CA diéu kién loa 1) m € Dich nghiia: C6 éy da khong nhanh lén nén cé ay da nho may bay, (sr viée Gtrong qua khit) => Néu cd dy di nhonb Ién thi c6 Ay sé Khong nh my bay. (Cau dibu kiém loai 3) MoD Unless = If. not Dich nghia: Néu anh dy khong néi véi toi sw that thi ti s8 Khéng bao git gap anh Ay atta. (Cn didu kign nién phi: Anh: https://www HPT QG: https://www TS: httpsi//www iéng Anh mién phi: Anh: TiengAnhFP nttps:// IELTS: loai 1) 3. O2&B Dich ngh chim hie va tOi da khing thé dat ket quit t6t > Neu t6i dat chim hoe thi tid dat ket qua tot, (Cau diéu kign loai 3) 3%. ~D Dich nghia: Ban da wong qua nhiéu cd phé, dé la ly do tai sao ban khong thé ngit ngon. => Ban dat c6 thé ngit ngon néu ban udng it ea phé honé (Céu dieu kign loai 3) aA Dich nghia: Gittim lang hode ban sé bi giéo vién phat, => Néu ban khong gitt im Hing thi ban s8 bi giso vién phat, (Cau dién ign loai_ 1) aC Dich nghia.- Téi khéng c6 di tiéme néu Khong thi tdi sé mma céi til dé, => Nén t6i 06 dt tidn thi t6i sé mua edi tii do, (Ca diéu Kin Loai 2) » B Dich nghia: Bay gies Susan thi met béi vi t6i qua c6 Ay gp. mua, => Néutéi qua Susan da khéng gap mura thi bay gid c64y sé Ehng mét, (Cau diéu kién hén hop: loai 3 + loai 2: su vige 6 qua kit ning két qua hién tai) 0. B Dich nghia: C6 Ay phi di hoe nén c6 Ay Khéng thé gap ‘ban. => Néu c6 fy Khong phii di oe thi o6 Ay 66 thé pap ban. (Can diéu kigm loai 2) a. B Dich nghia: Gié nbw bay gid t6i gap anh Ay. (Can wée 6 hién tai) 2B A,C, D sai cdu tric Dich nghia: Linda wée ¢6 ay da khong bén 6 16 ofa minh. (Can wée 6 qua Kin) aA Dich nghia: Ti wée hom nay 1a ngay nghi. (Cén ude 6 hig tal) oA Dich nghia: 6 day qué dng dic. T6i ude khong e6 qué mhiéu ngudi. (Cau ude hién tai) 45. 2B Dich nghia: “Anh fy 1a mot ngusi din ng rit dting cém."" Ving, t6i wée tdi e6 dhage Long ding cm cia anh fay." (Clim mde 6 hign tai) 46. 2B Dich nghia: T6i woe thanh pho nay khong qua on ao.” T6i biet. T6i woe ching ta song 6 Website tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Eng Anh: https://wwaw facebook com/ThichTiengAnhFP HPT QG: https://www 5: Fanpage Thich Nhém T Nhém Tiéng Ant Website ta/liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. TiengAnhFP 'Nhém Tiéing Anh én thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéing Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS: ign qué” (Cau ude 6 hign tai) nA Dich nghia: Gia nhue toi da biét nfm ngodi ban muén dé tu tién vio vige kinh doanh, (Ct wee 6 qué Khe) 4. D Dich nghiia: Toi hdi hin x cur xi qua bit Lich sur véi c6 dy va 66 Ay da tit vong, ‘Neu toi de khong cur xt qué bat Lich su véi CO dy thi cO dy da khong thit vong. (CA digu kién loai 3) 0 B Dich nghia: T6i use bay gid t6i di xem phim voi ban. (Cau ude hign tai) 50. -B Had it not been for ~ If it iad not been for: Néw khong. vi Dich nghia: Neu khong vi troi mua to thi ching toi da di cam tai, (Dao ngit voi cau diéu kign loai 3) Website tai liéu, hoc Tiéng Anh mién phi: Fanpage Thich Tiéng Anh: https://www. 'Nhém Tiéing Anh én thi THPT QG: Nhém Tiéng Anh luyén thi TOEIC — IELTS:

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