Formacion 10 Junio A, An, Some Much, Little

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A, an, some, any, many, few, Little, much, a lot of.

A: un, una
An: un, una
Some: algunos, algunas
algo de – Uncountable nouns
Any: ningunos, ningunas, algunos, algunas
Nada de, algo de - Uncountable nouns
There is: hay
There are: hay
Positive Negative interrogative
There is a car there is not a car is there a car?
There is an apple there isn´t an Apple is there an Apple?
There are some cars there are not any cars are there any cars?
There are some apples there aren´t any apples are there any Apple?

Uncountable nouns: Water - rice - cheese

There is some water: hay algo de agua
There is some rice: hay algo de arroz
There is not any water: no hay nada de agua
There isn´t any rice: no hay nada de arroz

Is there any water? ¿Hay algo de agua?
Is there any money? ¿ hay algo de dinero?

Much: mucho(a)
Little: poco(a) Uncountable Nouns
Many: muchos(as)
Few: pocos(as) Countable Nouns
A lot of: much – many

1. How much: cuanto – uncountable nouns

2. How many: cuantos - countable nouns
How much oil is there? 1. There is much oil: hay mucho aceite
1. There is a lot of oil. Hay mucho aceite
¿Cuanto aceite hay? 2. There is little oil: hay poco aceite

How much information is there? 1. There is much information

There is a lot of information
2. There is Little information
How much bread is there? 1. There is much bread
2. There is Little bread
How many people are there in the concert? 1. There are many people
1. there are a lot of people
2. There are few people
3. There are 500 people

How many students are there in class? 1. There are many students
1. There are a lot of students
2. There are few students
3. There is a student

City – cities
Woman – women
Watch – watches
Tomato – tomates
Sheep – sheep
How many cities are there in Colombia? 1. There are many cities…..
2. there are few cities …
3. there are about 357 cities
How many women are there in the park? 1. There are many women
2. There are few women
3. There is a woman
How many watches are there in the bag?
How many tomatoes are the in the fridge?
How many sheep are there in the zoo?

Possessive Adjectives
I my - I have a car. My car is black
I have two children my children are smart
You your - you have a house. Your house is small
He his - he has a girlfriend. His girlfriend is pretty
She her - she has a dog. Her dog is big
-She has a lot of shoes her shoes are new
It its - it has an elevator its elevator is old
-The building has a lift - its lift is old
- it has a river - its river is exciting
We our - we have a president - our president is young
They their - they have a son - their son is 9 years old

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