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Class 6 English Worksheet-3

A noun is a naming word that is used to name living beings, places, things, ideas and
John is a clever boy.
His honesty impresses everybody.

In the given sentences, ‘John’, ‘boy’, ‘honesty’ are nouns.

Words like man, lady, Shruti, Lucknow, post office, wood, air force, sorrow are also

Identify the naming words:
1. Henry is a prince of Great Britain.
2. Mary Kom is a boxer.
3. Shanu planted a seed.
4. John swims better than Smith.
5. Physics is my favourite subject.

i. Nouns that name persons, places or objects of the same kind are common nouns.
ii. A common noun is a word that does not refer to any particular person, place or
thing. It gives a common name to a person, place, animal or thing of the same
class or kind. Examples: words like book, pen, pencil, boy, river, mountain, town,
village are common nouns.
i. Nouns that name particular places, persons or objects are called proper nouns.
ii. Proper nouns are words which name specific people, things, places or
organisations and begin with capital letters. Sometimes we give names to pets also
(Kitty, Tommy).
Examples: Sachin Tendulkar, Mumbai, India, The Times of India, Park Street, Goa
Circle the proper nouns and underline the common nouns:
1. Rajiv and Priyanka are brother and sister.
2. The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu.
3. He has a dog named Poppy.
4. ‘Othello’ was written by William Shakespeare.
5. The house is on Kings Street.
Nouns that name a group or a class of similar things or persons taken together and spoken
of as one whole are called collective nouns. Examples: army, herd, fleet, bunch, pack
Here are more examples of collective nouns:
A fleet of ships
A pack of cards/dogs/wolves
A suite of rooms
A school of fish
A bunch or bouquet of flowers
A litter of puppies
A library of books
A cluster of huts

i. Nouns that name materials or substances that we see and touch or are ingredients
for making things are called material nouns. Examples: gold, steel, coal, copper,
iron, wood, clay, cement
ii. Material nouns are used in the singular form and no article is used before them.
a. The window is made of glass. (Material noun)
b. Bring a glass of water. (Common noun)

A material noun becomes a common noun when there is an article before it or if the noun
is in the plural form.

Exercise 3
Classify the underlined nouns (collective or material):
1. A large crowd gathered in the street.
2. We were attacked by a swarm of bees.
3. The chair is made of iron.
4. The hungry fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from the vine.
5. Is your shirt made of cotton or silk?
6. There are sixty students in our class.
7. He is a member of our cricket team.
8. Gold is a precious metal.

i. Nouns that name idea or concepts, quality, feeling, some state or a thing which
cannot be touched or seen are called abstract nouns. Examples: sweetness,
honesty, bravery, love, anger, height
ii. When we add ‘ry’ to the word ‘brave’, it becomes an abstract noun ‘bravery’.
Abstract nouns can be formed by adding syllables like –ry, -ness, -ship and so on at the
end of the original words.
Brave + ry =bravery
Lonely + ness = loneliness
Heal + th = health
From common nouns – student –study, servant - service
From Adjectives – kind- kindness, generous- generosity
From Verbs – grow- growth, punish- punishment

Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns made from the words given in the brackets.
1. We were attracted by the _______ of the mountains. (beautiful)
2. Ram extended a hand of ________towards his new classmate. (friend)
3. All _________ was lost between the two neighbours. (bitter)
4. Our _________ knew no bounds when India won the match. (happy)
5. Jane received _________ for not finishing her homework. (punish)


Nouns are also classified as countable and uncountable nouns.
 Nouns which can be counted are called countable nouns. Common nouns are
usually countable. Eg – books, boys, houses, museums
‘A’, ‘an’ and ‘one’ are used with singular nouns. Eg – a pen, an axe
Qualified by ‘many’, ‘a few’ and numbers. Eg – two pencils, a few students, many pens

 Nouns which cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns. Material nouns
are uncountable nouns. Eg – sugar, salt, liquid, gold
‘A’, ‘an’ or ‘one’ are not used with uncountable nouns.
Qualified by ‘much’and ‘a little’. Eg – much water, a little sugar

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.
1. (A few, A little, Much) people attended the function.
2. After (a few, many, much) hard work India has won the cricket match.
3. (A few, Many, A little) sugar should be added to the cake.
4. The charity event was organized by (many, a little, much) eminent personalities.
5. The play was appreciated by (many, a little, much) people.

The answer key of worksheet - 3 will be attached with worksheet - 4.

Class 6 Hindi Worksheet-3
Class 6 Punjabi Worksheet-3 (for Chandigarh & Panchkula Branches)
Class 6 Punjabi Worksheet-1 ( for Mohali & Zirakpur Branches)
Class 6 Sanskrit Worksheet-1 ( for Panchkula Branch Only)
Class 6 S. St. Worksheet-3 (History-Civics)

Chapter – 2 The River Valley Civilisations

(Part 1 Summary)
Dawn of Civilisation

The rise of cities in the Bronze Age ushered in the dawn of civilisation. City life requires
efficient administration, language and script, and forms of worship and cultural
expression. The sum total of such aspects of organised life in a society is called

The earliest civilisations developed along river valleys. This was because of the
following reasons.

 The rivers provided an ample supply of water, which could support large
 The lands near the rivers were fertile and various crops could be grown with ease.
 Rivers were important means of communication because long roads did not exist.
The first civilisations are hence called river valley civilisations. They developed
in Africa and Asia between 3500 BC and 2000 BC. Their sites are located in:

1. Mesopotamia in the valley of the river Tigris and Euphrates

2. Egypt in the valley of the river Nile.
3. Harappa and its surroundings in the valley of the river Indus.
4. China in the valley of the river Hwang-Ho.

In ancient times, the land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, now in Iraq, was
known as Mesopotamia, meaning ‘land between rivers’. Mesopotamia included three
regions – Sumer, Akkad and Assyria .Around 3000 BC, some of the towns of Sumer
emerged as powerful city-states ( independent states each consisting of a city and the area
around it).Thus, Sumer became the seat of the earliest civilisation of the world.

SOURCE MATERIALS – The literary source materials include clay tablets bearing
cuneiform script. The archaeological sources are the following.

 Remains of buildings such as ziggurats, temples, administrative buildings,canals

and reservoirs.
 Inscriptions on a pillar bearing Hammurabi’s code of laws.
 Artefacts and other goods like bronze tools, weapons and vessels.
TOWN PLANNING A Sumerian city usually consisted of -

 A sacred area
 A walled city
 An outer town

 The king, the priests and the king’s officials formed the highest class in
society. They lived in the sacred area. The king made the laws and was also the
chief priest.
 The middle class, mainly landowners, craftsmen and merchants lived within
the walled city.
 The slaves formed the lowest class and lived in the outer town.

THE ZIGGURAT at Ur, now in ruins, once looked like this.

OCCUPATIONS – The Sumerians were mainly farmers. They were probably the first to
grow wheat. To control the annual floods, they built dykes, dug wide canals and created
artificial reservoirs. They mastered skills such as metallurgy, pot making, cloth making
and glass making. The Sumerians were the world’s first traders. They were also the first
to use wheeled transport. Carts on roads and rafts on canals were the chief modes of

RELIGION – The Sumerians were nature worshippers. The main temple of each city
was built on top of a stepped pyramid called ziggurat. It was usually dedicated to the
patron god, representing a natural phenomenon. The Sumerians believed in life after
death. Things of daily use were buried with the dead.

SCRIPT – The Sumerians were the first to develop a script for keeping records. The
letters were wedge shaped and hence the script is called cuneiform.



 The Sumerians counted using the sexagesimal system.It was a numeral system
with 60 as its base. We still use this system for calculating time
 .By observing the movements of the sun and the moon, the Sumerians calculated
the length of the day. They divided the day into 24 hours and the sky into 12 parts
coinciding with the zodiac signs.
 They devised a lunar calendar based on the movements of the moon.
 Their year fell just 11 days short of the solar year and provided fairly accurate
information about the seasons. This was important to the people as most of them
depended on agriculture.

A few centuries after the decline of the Sumerian civilisation, another great civilisation
arose in Mesopotamia. This was the Babylonian civilisation, covering both Sumer and
Akkad. It was in many ways a continuation of the Sumerian civilisation. Hammurabi was
one of the Babylon’s greatest rulers. He ruled from 1792 BC to 1750 BC. He is
remembered for his code of laws. The laws covered every aspect of life, and punishments
were based on the principle of ‘tit for tat’. However, justice was in favour of the rich and
the upper class.


Answer the following questions

1. What is the meaning of the name ‘Mesopotamia’? Which regions did

Mesopotamia include?
2. Why did early civilisations flourish in river valleys?
3. What led to the emergence of a civilisation in Sumer around 3000 BC?
4. How did the Sumerians control floods?
5. What were the chief modes of transport used by the Sumerians?
6. Mention two main features of Sumerian religious beliefs.
7. What was Hammurabi’s greatest contribution to world civilisation?
Fill ups

1 The Sumerians were probably the first to grow ________.

2. A ziggurat was built in honour of _______
3 _______ was one of the greatest rulers of Babylon.
Class 6 Science Worksheet-3 (Biology)

Topic: Cell

Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living beings. It was discovered by
Robert Hooke. M.SChleidon, Theodor, Schwinn and Rudolph Virchow gave cell theory.
Main points of this theory are:
1. All living beings are composed of cells.
2. Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living beings.
3. All cells come from the division of pre-existing cells.

Living organisms are divided into three types based on number of cells present in them:
1. Unicellular - made of single cell. Eg. bacteria, paramecium
2. Few celled- Eg. volvox, spyrogyra
3. Multi cellular - eg. Human beings and plants


Cells are very small in size. Can be seen under a microscope only. Smallest cell is
of bacteria. Largest cell is of ostrich's egg. In human body smallest cell is of RBC present
in blood and largest cell is of nerve cell.


Cells vary greatly in shape:

1. Biconcave or circular - RBC are biconcave so that they can easily pass through the
blood capillaries and transport oxygen
2. Amoeboid-white blood cells have this shape so that they can squeeze through the
3. Long - nerve cells are long to conduct messages from receptor cells to brain.
4. Bean shaped-guard cells in stomata of plants, so that they can open and close to allow
entry and exit of water.

Q. 1 fill ups
1. ________ are the longest cells.
2. ________ is the example of unicellular organism.
3.________ have biconcave shape.

Q 2 Give reasons
1. WBC are amoeboid in shape.
2. Nerve cells are very long.

Q. 3 Answer in brief
1. Define cell
2. Give three points of cell theory
Class 6 Maths Worksheet-3

To round off a number to the nearest tens, we follow the given steps:-

1. Look at the digit at ones place of the given number.

2. If the digit at ones place is less than 5, then replace the ones digit by 0 and keep all
other digits of the number as they are.
3. If the digit at ones place is 5 or greater than 5, then increase the tens digit by 1 and
replace the ones digit by 0.
For example (i) 68=70
(ii) 534=530
 For rounding off to nearest hundreds, we will see digit at tens place and to round off
to nearest thousands place, we will see digit at hundred’s place and will follow the
above mentioned steps.
for example: 4759 = 4800 (Nearest hundreds’)
= 5000 (Nearest thousands)

Q 1 Round off each of the following numbers to their nearest tens:-

a) 77 = 80 b) 913 c) 12052 d) 999

Q2 Estimate each of the following to their nearest hundreds:-

a) 1246=1200 b) 32057 c) 53961 d) 555555

Q3 Estimate each of the following numbers to their nearest thousands:-

a) 5706 = 6000 b) 1378 c) 47,599 d) 109736

Q4 Estimate the following products by rounding off each of its factors nearest to
hundred’s place:

(a) 1291 x 592

Rounding off 1291 to nearest hundreds = 1300

Rounding off 592 to nearest hundreds = 600

Estimate Product = 1300 x 600 = 7, 80,000

(b) 5281 x 3491
(c) 1387 x 888


1. The digit ....... has the highest place value in the number 2309.
2. The digit ....... has the highest face value in the number 2039.
3. The digit ....... has the lowest place value in the number 2039.
4. Both Indian and International systems of numeration have ....... period in common.
5. The bigger number from the numbers 57, 631 and 57,361 is ........
6. The smallest 4-digit number with 3 different digits is ........
7. The greatest 4-digit number with 3 different digits is .........
8. 7850 cm = ...... m
9. The number 5079 when estimated to the nearest hundreds is ..........
10. The estimated value of 9999 to the nearest tens is ...............
Class 6 Computer Worksheet-2

1 FAT File Allocation table
2 NIC Network Interface Card
3 HP Hewlett – Packard
4 ODBC Open Database Connectivity
5 CMS Content Management System
6 COMPUTER Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and Used under Technical
and Educational Research
7 AV Antivirus
8 BSNL Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
9 FD Floppy Disk
10 URL Uniform Resource Locator
11 BHIM Bharat Interface for Money
12 NPCI National Payments Corporation of India


1 Pyra Labs Company that created the Blogger service in 1999
2 Jack Dorsey Founder of Twitter
3 Deep Kalra Founder of makemytrip, online travel booking in India
4 Kunal Bahl Co-founder and CEO,, an e-commerce
5 Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal Co-founder of Flipkart.
6 Suvir Sujan Co-founder and Managing Director at Nexus Venture
7 Vijay Shekhar Sharma Founder, One97 Communications and Paytm—a mobile
wallet and e-commerce marketplace.
8 Marissa Ann Mayer CEO and President of Yahoo
9 Ajit Balakrishnan Founder of
10 Ajay Bhatt Co-founder or Co-inventor of USB


1 Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V Copies the text and paste from one place to another
2 Ctrl + X, Ctrl + V Cuts the text and places to a new place
3 Find a text Ctrl + F
4 Replace a text Ctrl + H
5 To Preview a mail merge Alt + Shift + K
6 To merge a document Alt + Shift + N
7 To print the merged document Alt + Shift + M
8 Move to the next adjoining cell Tab Key
9 To edit a mail-merge data document Alt + Shift + E
Or Opens a data source for mail merge
10 To select a Paragraph Triple-Click on the Paragraph
11 To insert a merge field Alt + Shift + F
12 Cancel the command and close the dialog box ESC Key

i) Founder of is ___________
ii) _________ is co-founder of USB.
iii) CEO of snapdeal is ______________.
iv) ____________ is the president of Yahoo.
v) _______is the founder of Twitter.
i) BSNL stands for Basic Services Nigam Limited.
ii) Antivirus is abbreviated as ATV.
iii) Full form for FD is Floppy Disk.
iv) URL is abbreviated as Uniform Resource Locator.
v) FAT means File Allocation Table.
i) Short cut key to Cancel the command and close the dialog box is ……..
a) Backspace key b) Tab key c)ESC key
ii) Which key combination is used to find the text?
a) Ctrl+S b) Ctrl+F c)Ctrl+N
iii) We use …… short cut key to preview a mail merge.
a) Alt + Shift + M b) Alt + Shift + U c) Alt + Shift + K
iv) Which key combination is used to replace the text?
b) Ctrl+R b) Ctrl+H c)Ctrl+Y
v) ……… Short cut key is used to insert a merge field.
a) Alt + Shift +F b) Ctrl + Shift + M c) Alt + Shift + 9
Answer Key of Previous Worksheet
Answer Key of English Worksheet-2
2. Do your work with sincerity.
3. Where is the cat hiding ?
4. The sweeper sweeps the floor.
5. Einstein was a great scientist.
6. It is never too late.
7. Where do you live ?
8. What's the name of your school ?
9. I have many friends.
10. Where are they from ?
11. What a beautiful painting it is !

Note: Subject is underlined and predicate is in bold.
1. Birds fly in the sky.
2. The baby is sleeping.
3. The horse likes to eat hay.
4. My mother loves to sing songs.
5. At one corner of the hall stood Jack.
6. The teacher taught us a lesson.
7. A beautiful butterfly floated over the bush.
8. The students studied hard for the test.
9. All the children are ready for the trip.
10. He managed to reach home on time.

Answer Key of Computer Worksheet -1

MCQ Answers
Q1. A (Left) Q2. D(docx) Q3. B (Footer)
Q4. A (Save as dialog box) Q5. C(Paper Orientation) Q6. C (Superscript)
Q7. A (Close the current windows Q8. D(All of these )
Q9. D(Top) Q10. A(1and 1)

Answer Key of Hindi Worksheet 1 & 2
Answer Key of Punjabi (Chandigarh & Panchkula Branches) Worksheet-2
1. ਲਗਾਂ:- ਷ੜਕ, ਗਮਲਾ, ਨਹਸਰ, ਅਲਮਾਰੀ, ਗੁਲਾਬ, ਕਬੂਤਰ, ਦ੃ਵਤਾ, ਷੄ਨਾ਩ਤੀ, ਦ੅਷ਤੀ, ਔਰਤ।

2. ਲਗਾਖਰ:-

 ਗੇਂਦ :- ਮ੃ਰ੃ ਕ੅ਲ ਇਕ ਬਸੁਤ ਷੅ਸਣੀ ਗੇਂਦ ਸ੄।

 ਅੰ ਗੂਰ :- ਮ੄ਨੰ ੂ ਅੰ ਗੂਰ ਬਸੁਤ ਩਷ੰ ਦ ਸਨ।

 ਹਦਿੱ ਲੀ :- ਹਦਿੱ ਲੀ ਷ਾਡ੃ ਦ੃ਸ਼ ਦੀ ਰਾਜਧਾਨੀ ਸ੄।

3. ਦੁਿੱ ਤ ਅਿੱ ਖਰ:-

 ਆਲਹਣਾ

 ਹਿ੍ਸ਼ਨ

 ਷ਵ੄ਮਾਨ

Answer Key of Science Worksheet-2 (Chemistry)

1. Anything that occupies space and has mass. Solid, Liquid, Gas.

2. a) Wood, Fruits b) Steel, Nylon

3. Solid Liquid Gas

 Molecules tightly packed Loosely packed Very loosely packed

 Definite shape Take shape of container No definite shape

 Fixed volume Fixed volume No fixed volume

4. Solid – stone, wax, butter, salt, sugar.

Liquid – oil, milk, blood.

Gas – L.P.G, oxygen

Answer Key of Maths Worksheet-2

Ans 1. Ascending order

1) 23, 45, 324, 468, 640
2) 380, 432, 645, 800, 980
Ans 2. Descending order
1) 7529, 7357, 533, 335, 53
2) 8651, 6548, 6000, 321, 250
Ans 3. Greatest 5 digit number: 99999
Ans 4. Smallest 6 digit number: 100000
Ans 5. 23, 24, 32, 34, 42, 43
Ans 6. 315, 351, 135, 153, 513, 531
Ans 7. 706 + 760 + 607 + 670 = 2743 Sum

Answer Key of Geography Worksheet-2

Ans 1. A map is a flat, symbolic representation of the earth or a part of the earth’s
surface and it is drawn to a scale.
Ans 2. Title, direction and scale.
Ans 3. A compass is a device consisting of a magnetic needle that is free to swing
around. The needle always points north and south when it is at rest.
Ans 4. A scale is the ratio between a unit distance on the map and the actual distance
on the ground.
Ans 5. A map is a flat, symbolic representation of the earth or a part of the earth’s
surface and it is drawn to a scale whereas some maps are drawn freehand. They are
not drawn according to scale. Such a map is called sketch.
Ans 6. North, South, East and West are the four cardinal points.
Ans 7. The science of map making is called cartography.
Ans 8. Maps use symbols to show different features some of these symbols have
definite or fixed meaning. They are called conventional signs.
Ans 9. It is used to find the exact location of a place on a map.

Answer key of this worksheet will be given with the next one.

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