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Simplicity and complexity

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2010 Phys. World 23 (02) 36


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Complexity: Striving for simplicity

Simplicity and complexity

Research in complex systems can reveal the workings of everything from the human immune system
and power grids to the social web. James Crutchfield and Karoline Wiesner wonder if there is a
common theme to such work and ask where the field should go from here
James Crutchfield Is anything ever simple? When confronted with a com- plex systems – ensembles of dynamic, interacting ele-
directs the plicated system, scientists typically strive to identify ments that exhibit robust collective properties – and
Complexity Sciences underlying simplicity, which we articulate as natural the struggles to define complexity reveal a trend in the
Center in the Physics laws and fundamental principles. This simplicity is what broader scientific community to become explicitly fo-
Department, makes nature appear so organized. Atomic physics, for cused on how nature is organized. That trend is driven
University of
example, approached a solid theoretical foundation by an enthusiasm for finally building a conceptual
California, Davis, US,
and is a faculty
when Niels Bohr uncovered the organization of elec- framework and experimental methods that directly
member of the tronic energy levels, which only later were redescribed acknowledge nature’s diversity of form.
Santa Fe Institute in as quantum wavefunctions. Charles Darwin’s revolu-
New Mexico, US. tionary idea about the “origin” of species emerged by Defining complexity
Karoline Wiesner mapping how species are organized and discovering The fact that nature exhibits robust organization is
is in the Centre for why they came to be that way. And James Watson and a familiar one. From inanimate complex systems (such
Complexity Sciences Francis Crick’s interpretation of DNA diffraction spec- as critical phenomena in condensed-matter systems)
and School of tra was a discovery of the structural organization of to animate systems (such as the collective nest-build-
Mathematics, genetic information – it was neither about the mole- ing of wasps) to the fragility of today’s engineered
University of cule’s disorder (thermodynamic entropy) nor about the systems (such as the “route-flapping” that plagued
Bristol, UK, statistical randomness of its base-pair sequences. Internet bandwidth in the early 1990s), organized com-
e-mail k.wiesner@ In 1948 the mathematician Warren Weaver, who was plex systems appear almost everywhere. then director of the Rockefeller Foundation, wrote Yet although we know it when we see it, have we
a famous essay entitled “Science and complexity” in made progress in defining organized complexity? Is
which he rather boldly claimed that while “the 19th identifying simplicity with organization anything more
century was the century of disorganized complex- than a tautology? More practically, do we understand
ity…the 20th century must be that of organized com- these concepts well enough to measure their associated
plexity”. Indeed, research on complex systems had properties? A quick review of the literature reveals that
progressed on many fronts during the 1940s and 1950s, there is no shortage of answers. Indeed, the list of poss-
which witnessed the temporary efflorescence of sys- ible ways of measuring complexity grows longer with
tems science, cybernetics and theoretical biology. In every decade. These range from new proposals to
hindsight, however, we know that Weaver glimpsed finally nail down the field’s earliest challenge – which
only the beginning of a new era of science – what came boiled down to the question of how random is a coin
to be known as the science of complex systems. Perhaps flip really? – to a plethora of ways to capture concepts
Weaver, who died in 1978, would be disappointed of organization, such as “regularity”, “sophistication’’,
to learn that, at the start of the second decade of the “hierarchy” and even “semantic content’’. Is this di-
21st century, the exact nature of organized complexity versity real and necessary or only apparent?
remains the subject of ongoing debate. This seeming Tower of Babel is a liability, having led
What remains prescient, however, is Weaver’s insight to criticism of the field both from within and outside.
that organization plays a key role across the sciences. A closer look, though, reveals a good deal of progress.
We think that the appearance of complex-systems sci- It turns out that some measures of complexity are bet-
ence at the end of the 20th century was not an accident; ter defined than others, some are more revealing than
rather, it was inevitable. The intense interest in com- others, while some are easier to estimate from data.
One accepted milestone is that we already have well-
The intense interest in complex defined (and closely related) measures of randomness,
such as entropy (in the field of thermodynamics, meas-
systems and the struggles to define uring degrees of disorder), Shannon information (in
communication, measuring degrees of unpredictabil-
complexity reveal a trend in the ity) and Kolmogorov–Chaitin complexity (in compu-
tation, measuring the size of the minimal computer
broader scientific community program required to produce an object). Weaver ac-
knowledged this progress when coining the phrase
“disorganized complexity’’.
to become explicitly focused on how Thanks to these advances, when defining disorgan-
ized complexity, we can now refer to it as “randomness”,
nature is organized reserving the term “complexity’’ to mean structure,
Physics World February 2010 Complexity: Striving for simplicity

Fred Lyon/Science Photo Library

pattern and regularity. More to the point, a good meas- molecule can adopt – what is known as its “landscape” Disorganized
ure of complexity captures kinds of organization. This is – using concepts from complex systems. The degeneracy complexity
a necessary complement to understanding randomness, of structurally distinct physical states was resolved using Even deciding the
as it enables us to ask questions like how much organ- network analysis and information theory. In particular, exact randomness of
ization does a system use to produce its randomness? the researchers found that measuring the structural a coin flip is subtle.
That organization and randomness are complementary complexity of a protein’s conformational fluctuations
properties is familiar to computational physicists, who gave new insight into the memory that proteins store
use pseudo-random number generators to emulate fair (2008 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105 536).
coin flips – ideal randomness. While giving similar Meanwhile, Dowman Varn of the Sante Fe Institute
degrees of effective randomness, though, different in New Mexico and one of us (JC) discovered that
generators can be very differently organized. That is, structure embedded in disordered solids can be ex-
they are different algorithmic structures that use dif- tracted directly from experimental X-ray diffraction
ferent amounts of memory organized in different ways. spectra of quasi-1D materials, called polytypes (2006
So, would Weaver be disappointed? Will “organized Acta Crystallogr. B 63 169). This “chaotic crystallog-
complexity” forever evade understanding, as some sug- raphy” of noisy spectral data revealed that polytype
gest? A number of recent experimental and theoretical structure consists of systematic mixtures of multiple,
successes demonstrate otherwise: measures of com- competing crystal types and their faults.
plexity can be calculated, estimated and interpreted in On the mathematical front, recent work by the
ways that are meaningful to specific scientific problems. present authors and others has begun to show that
For example, Chun-Biu Li and colleagues at the Uni- complexity measures fall under the umbrella of com-
versity of Chicago recently mapped the number of dif- munication and computation theories. It turns out that
ferent possible conformations that a long-chain protein various underappreciated aspects of Shannon’s ori-
Physics World February 2010
Complexity: Striving for simplicity

Collective behaviour ginal information theory are key to breaking a system’s systems to gain quantitative and qualitative insights
Pedestrian traffic organization into degrees of information storage and into collective group behaviour. Such work has even
flows, such as those degrees of communication capacity, and to monitor- led to the development of strategies for controlling
during the “hajj” ing the extent to which these are present but encrypted large numbers of people in panic situations, such as
pilgrimage to
in a system’s behaviour. during fires in crowded buildings, and in the annual
Mecca, have been
These results, and many others, suggest that organ- “hajj” pilgrimage to Mecca, where over two million
successfully analysed
using tools from
ization – defined in terms of a system’s structure and faithful are in motion.
the science of measurable using extensions of Shannon’s information Tracking the focus on organization through the re-
complex systems. theory – is a unifying theme in the science of complex cent history of science, the field of complex systems
systems. It is now not only desirable but possible and itself appears much more organized than at first sight.
practical to develop a systematic and implementable We suspect that the field is ripe to take a substantial
theory of organization. In addition to continuing ex- step forward, if its members are willing to identify com-
perimental applications, the mathematical results sug- mon goals. Today, many scientific communities regu-
gest a range of future conceptual developments that larly do just this – be it astroparticle physicists vying for
delve more deeply into Shannon’s communication the- new facilities or semiconductor firms coordinating to
ory and also his theory of secrecy systems. They will find develop ever-smaller and more powerful integrated
important roles in analysing complex interacting net- circuits. The question is whether the complex-systems
works, for example. community should attempt such a road map. This effort
would not only put past advances in new light, but crys-
Forced integration? tallize goals and ways to reach them.
Reflecting on nature’s organization at different scales In July 1991 the Nobel-prize-winning condensed-
– from fundamental particles to biochemical and matter physicist Philip Anderson wrote in Physics Today
brain processes – is not such a new idea. Until recently, that “we complexity enthusiasts (perish the thought
however, most work was focused on specific complex that we be called complexity scientists!) are talking, at
systems, such as the Internet. But now that we can least for the most part, about specific, testable schemes
quantitatively compare disparate complex systems – and specific mechanisms and concepts. Occasionally,
thanks to recent work on complexity measures – we we find that these schemes and concepts bridge sub-
are in a position to discover the mechanisms through jects, but if we value our integrity, we do not attempt to
which low levels of organization successively give rise force the integration’’.
to higher and higher levels – just as atoms form mole- Given the field’s progress since then, which suggests
cules, molecules coordinate to form cells, and cells that we can identify common themes, and its rapidly
cohere to form biological organisms. increasing diversity, which threatens to Balkanize
We believe that the brave new frontier, however, is the field, it is time for us “complexity enthusiasts” to
in applying complex-systems tools to the social sci- revisit Anderson’s concerns. We believe that an at-
ences. There, complex-systems science may finally tempt now to integrate different schemes and con-
overcome the long-appreciated limitations of adapt- cepts will not be forced at all, but will help researchers
ing the physical sciences lock, stock and barrel to a to make progress. We are particularly hopeful about
domain where observables are unclear and where the novel perspectives the field could lend to solving
energy – the currency of physical theory – is not a uni- the daunting challenges that confront societies that
versal fundamental. A notable example is work by construct ever-more complex socio-technical systems
Dirk Helbing and colleagues at the ETH Zurich, who – systems with emergent properties, such as correlated
have successfully analysed pedestrian traffic flow using risk, that we often do not anticipate, sometimes with
mathematical and computational tools from complex disastrous effect.
Physics World February 2010

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