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ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTER ,NASHIK (A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited ) Four laning of JNRP Section of SH-31 From Km-125 to Km 252.813 MIX DESIGN OF DENCE BITUMINOUS MACADAM Gr-II ( With Rap Material) BY MARSHALL METHOD Asphalt Institute Manual Series No.2 (Ms-2) As per Morth Section -500 and Table 500-10 Grading-II Binder :- VG-40 Bitumen Source of Material :- Pipaliyamandi ( JNRP) ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTER ,NASHIK (A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited ) Four laning of INRP Section of SH-31 From Km-125 to Km 252.813 Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) Gr-II Mix Design (With Rap ) Abbrevations “Specific Gravity Specific Gravity of Bitumen IGaa(Bulk) | Bulk Sp.gr.of combined aggregate _ (App-) ___ Apparent Sp.gr.of combined aggregate — Maximum Sp.gr.of paving mix_ Effective sp.gr.of aggregates Bulk Sp.gr.of compacted mix _ Percentage of absorbed bitumen ___ Percentage of bitumen Percentage of aggregate Maximum percentage paving mix Percentage of voids _ Voids Filled by Bitumen Voids in Mineral Aggregates To® Mix formula - Dense Situminows, Macadam Gr-It CWith Rap) Asphalt Content, Pb 4 4s 5 55 6 Prib= 1.00Pb - 0.87 3.13 3.63 4.13 4.63 5.13 Psm= 25.87 - 0.259Pb 24.834 24.70 24.58 24.45 24.32 Pns = 75-0.75Pb 72.00 71.63 71.25 70.875 70.50 Total 100 100 100 100 100 Asphalt Content, Pb 51 Pnb= 1.00Pb - 0.87 4.23 pele Psm= 25.87 - 0.259Pb 24.55 Eee Pns = 75-0.75Pb 71.18 Total 100.0 BMP Recei PE WD wm = 20-37 10 mm = 14. ar/ Dust +6 WH = 33-527 CRP) =e oe fPirer = I-91. Bnd = 4-287. setae 100 7. NV l ye ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTER NASHIK (Aunt of Aso Bacon nite) DATASHEET JPROvECT FOUR LANG OF INRP SECTION OF SHI ROW Ri 128.00 TO KM 2520 al {OSX FORMULA Gone Biuminous wacaden Grade iaico waa RES = Sas TAT ‘om [are | ms eae | ore | tient | ave oo | taz0 | 47s | 2300 [0300 [oor ‘om | 0 | v0 v0 | co [230 [aso | 2am | vans | ew | aw | oo | a0 | ooo ce aon | om | 1s0_| seme | 15m | v5 | vase | om | om | om [coo erm umf ico | woo [eo | von | sant | aoz0 | saso| roo | ona | sam | ooo | sem | sume | uo [am [un | aa =, a= van | na | o350| tome | a0 [oe [ano | asm | aur | anos | zm | sm | am | om | ox oo [soo | wo | soe | rae | cams | unm [rome paw +0 50010.Compation of nse graded bituminous macasam pavement [weston | 19 | on00 | sown | sooo | waco | see | 1400] a0 tay, MORTEM (our Revson 7) ie Ce verre | woo | wo | es | w | | @ fale tom mx ron | EEH E f seks o8 f a Limi lower iit Upper iit actual Kiran Nika, (tae (ame sig omer a Lae Jee terete lose of casting PROJECT :- Four laning of JNRP Section of SH-31 From Km-125.000 to km-252.813 (A Unit of Ashoka Bulldcon Limited ) PROJECT :- Four laning of JNRP Section of SH-91 From Km-125,000 to km-262.813 ‘Dence Bituminous Macadam Grade ll (DBM) - Mix Design. Jone ot resting _ "ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTER NASHIK ‘(A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited) PROJECT :- Four laning of INRP Section of SHY From Kim-125.000 to km-252.019 ‘Dence Bituminous Macadam Grade Il (DBM) - Mix Design. EERESGEREDGREEEEREEEE , FRRSGRSESTESEIZEE 380 400 450 S00 880 600 650 ‘Btenen Content) [VA Vs Onumen Content ‘SSRRERESESESESECSSESSSSES 800880 300 350 400 450 500 55 600 O50 700 ‘Burman Content) 350 400 450 «Sc 580 800650 Kiara So reit| Remarks A | We OF Empty Sp. Gr. Battie (om 65.13] ( 8 __| Wt OF Sp. Gr. Bottle Half Filed With Material (gm) [90. ¥o) c Wt Of Sp. Gr. Bottle Filled With Water (gm) 129.69 ar Wt Of Sp. Gr Bottle + Material + Water (gm) 143-04 2 Wt. OF sample in air (om) CA QE. 53 F Loss of wt _(gm) (E0-5) NeE6 =i 6 ‘Specific Gravity EF OANA | H Mean Value | gH Remark- syow wee 3c? : 5 Tested By aaa ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTRE, NASHIK ] (A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited) DATASHEET MAXIMUM SP, GRAVITY OF BITUMINOUS PAVING MIXTURES (WASH T 200, asta D 2041741 Job Order No. » ey Grade OF Bitumen — ‘Sample ID No. » — ‘Source of Material - rare Date of Testing ie Aa\oa\aorb Kind of Material: nang Matenhal/p c OBSERVATION SI. No. DESCRIPTION ; ; Remarks, ~1 | % Binder Content ( 2 | Weight of Fiask in gm ” lesan iS 3 | Weight of Mix in gm © | 3994 4 wot of ask Wer cn gm © 2006 | 5 | Weight of Fiask + Water ih gm © lass [ & | Max SP. Gravity of Material (Gmm)=B(B+D-C) 2.806 \ 7 | Average Max. Specific Gravity of Materials 2806 ‘Remarks: sow) eased Tested By =1800 ‘ate of Testing = D2i\va]eorh ‘Cooling ime at room temp. = 60-90 MIN ‘rade of Bitumen VG-UD Cooling time at water-bath = 60-90 MIN ource of Material = ROSEDURE = ‘Soften the material to @ pouring consistency ata temperature not more than 60 °C for tars and pitches and not mare then 80 °C for bitumen 208 the approximate respective softening points Stiri thoroughly unt tis homogeneous an free from air bubbles end water. Pour the melt into the container to a depth of at least 10 mm in excess ofthe expected penetration Protect the sample from dust and alow i to cool in atmosphere at a temperature between 15 to 30 °C for 11/0 2 hours for 45mm deep ~ ner ang 4 to 1.1/2 hours for 35 mm deep container, 058 otherwise specified cary out testing at 2 tempereture of 25 + 0.1°C. “lace it along with the transfer dish inthe water bath at 25 + 0.1°C and alow it remain for 1.1/2 to 2 hours for 45 mm deep container ang 1 41.1/, hours for 35 mm deep container. Fl the transfer dish with water from the water bath to a depth sufficient to cover the mould completely. Remove the transfer dish along with the maui from water bath after specified period of time and put t upon the stand of penetration paratus. ‘Adjust the needle (previously washed, cleaned well with benzene and dried) just to make contact withthe surface of the sample. Ere gum of ne weights of te needle, carer and superimposed weighs ie. the ital moving weight shallbe 100025 grams the pointer to zero, Release the needle for five seconds and measure the distance penetrated, ‘Make at least three determinations at points on the surface ofthe sample not less than 10mm apart and not less then 10 mm from the side the dish, ‘After each test, retum the sample and transfer dish to the water bath and wash the needle with benzene and dry. \n case of material of penetration greater than 225 make three determinations on each of two identical test specimens using a separate 22d for each determination, leaving the needle in the sample on completion of each determination to avoid disturbance of the specimen Description | Reading -1 Reading -2 Reading -3 | Remarks ‘tial Dial Gauge Reading B86 Zg0 | 384 nal Dial Gauge Reading [020 Ore 020 eee | cS ar 3) | — Sia | Remark 7 ASHOKA HIGHWAY RESEARCH CENTRE, NASHIK (A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited) {As Peri: 12051675) (ob Order No Temp of Water-bath °C Sample 1D No Temp. of Bitumen" 2ate of Testing 2ios]2o16 Cooling time at room temp. Srade of Bitumen Ge ud Cooling time at water-bath source of Material = Rate of Heating °ROCEDURE:- [Heat the material to a temperature between 75 to 100°C above its point Sticundt tis {uid and free fom ac bubbles and water. and fier through IS sieve 30. deal havo aha al be Seay ted tied water when texting materials having softening points below 80 °C and pure glycerin for ‘aterial having softening points above 80 °C. Sota tober 227 Sete een bt fe gt nd hop tac of bt a ne op any w 2 alow the bal to pase trough he ag” Sette apres Shown byte emer for ach ig rd bl at he sat he spe suroundng he bat athe he nono 282 ofthe suppor. ary or the botom of theo TEMP. OF WATER THE Tee aes) € (MINUTES) TEMP. OF WATER BATH %. 2|e0|~1)c>]0n) |e} 45] 4/0} r I TEST PROPERTY — = ——SAMPLENO.1 Mean Value = Balint | Ball no.2 Temperature °C at which sample touches botiom plate Oo $3.40 Ss ees ee Ww ‘sted By G Wes i 2 Se ae (A Unit of Ashoka Buildcon Limited) ig DATASHEET iT [AASTHOT 166 ASTID 2174 ‘Sample 1D No = Date of Testing TE We losne Job Order No eed Type of Material + \lesteee Rap mekhid ae EX Sample no. 1 T 2 3 Wt. of sample before extraction Wi gm [se 1230 Wt of sample after extraction W2gm Uy jaue Wt of iter paper before extraction __| W3 gm 22 | See Wit fiter paper after extraction Wa gm BUS 35h Wt of mineral aggregate WS = WAS om 0.32, 0:00 Weer ota mineral aggregate Wa = W2+W5 om Js. | [DUTT {Wt of bitumen extracted W7=W1-W6 gm ua-b 42. 8D %_ Bitumen content in mix (W7Wi)x 100 i a | 24 BUD [Bitumen Content in JMF T Tolerance £0.3% Remark ~ x A [Checked By” TA R EXTRACTIO! Job Mix for RAP by weight of aggregate ‘Step 3- Estimated Percentage of New Asphalt in Mix-The quantity of new asphalt o be added tothe trial mixes of {recycled mixture, expressed as percentage by weight of totwi mix's calculated by this formula; Pn b= ((100-r)*Psbj/100 ns = Pb -((100-75)*3.4)/100 Pb-4.0 aas Pb-45 3.65 Pb-5.0 as Pb 5.5 46s Pb-6.0 515, ‘Step 4 Select Grade of New Asphalt - ‘The percentage of new asphalt, Pb to the total asphalt content, Pb is expresse by the formula '=100"P rb = Pnb-3.15 Ph ao 7a75 Pb -3.65 Pb-4s, sun Prb-415 Pb-5.0 83.00 Pnb-465 Pb-5.5 Bass Pnb-5.15 —Pb-6.0 85.83 Step 5- Percentage of Salvage mix in recycled mix Psm = (2004Psb) (100-7) /100 sm = (100+3.4) (100-75) / 100 25.85 ‘Step 6- Percentage of new aggregate Psn=r 750 age x Step 3- Estimated Percentage of New Asphalt in Mix- The quantity of new asphalt to be added tothe trial mixes of ‘recycled mixture, expressed as percentage by weight oftotw! mix s calculated by this formula; b= (100K rps JPb__ (100-1) Psb ~ToOKLOo 8) — Pnb= (200°100)-75*3.4)Pb = (100-75)93.4 xo0(100-3.4) 1003.4 Pnb= 1.00Pb- 0.87 Pb-s - 087 1.00 Pos - 0.87 “1.00 Peso -087 P55 -087 4.00 Poso 087 ‘Step 4- Select Grade of New Asphalt - “The percentage of new asphalt, Pnbto the total asphalt content, Pb is expresse by the formul R=100°Pnb Pb Re 100 Pnb313 PbO 100 Pnb-363 PbS 300 Pnb-4.13 Pb-S.O +100 Pnb-4.63Pb-SS 100 Pnb-5.13 Pb-6.0 3.43 aaa ass 543 85.50 Step 5- Percentage of Salvage mix in recycled mix Psm=_100(100-F) = _(100-1)*Pb 100-Psb 100-Psb Psm= _100(100-75) - _(100-75)*Pb 1003.4 100-34 ors PSm= 2688—- 0-259 Pb Psm=25,87- 0.259*Pb 25.88 Pem= “100 Pabae Pao 100 Pib3.4 bts 100 Pib.4 PSO 00 Paha 00 bas pbs Step 6 Percentage of new aggregate Paseo r- ((rPb)/100) ns =75 -((75*Pb)/100) Ps =75: 0.7506 175 pao 175 Phas 175 ps0 275 1-75 P60 2483 24.70 2458 28.45 72.00 71.83 mas 7088 7050 ATR Infraproject Pvt.Ltd. GRADATION Project Name -JINRP.Project Sample Descipton Milling matemtal ‘Source - HMP 160 TPH Plant, Date ofSamping = 18) eg)gorb Chainage ot Haritam pate! Date olTesting — tglog|ao16 Weight of Sampie - 10000 9ms Checked By Kiwan Nikam UsSieve | wtRetained gr.| % Retained asx nae Limits aco o 0 © 206 “VL 86-50 vas Gis 149 98.94 19.0 Gob 6.06 3.44 98-al 19.90 Q03) 20.8) QBbo0 Y1-40 AWE 4Aq0 Ago [ Aé.so | 39.50 336 \260 12-60 89.10 10.90 0.300 Hao ee) 46:80 3-80 Oo%s Qas Qasr Ga:05 | o.as Par as oO. + 2 ye sy Note 3 Qemm Sieve tery Matevia| QUALITY ENGINEER axel awe ea ATR Infraproject Pvt.Ltd. GRADATION Project Name ~J.N.RP.Project Sample Description - Ernm4 dust Source ~HMP 160 TPH Plant, Date of Sampling z 's lo} 2016 Chainage Tested By ~ Hariyam Patel Date of Testing Weight of Sample 1000 oms Checked By LS.Sieve WtRetained gr.| % Retained a eS Limits Lxea oO © a00 RE: OO o oO 006 13.0 o 0 00 13.20 ° oO oO. ae 8A 0.2q 0.89 L3G testo | tee) 14-40 6.300 ASB 45.80 63.50 0.0% aac 29-50 92.00 Pan Ao ae a 4 xeon a> ‘QUALITY ENGINEER o% of MATERIAL ENGINEER ATR Infraproject Pvt.Ltd, GRADATION DBM ~TL Project Name -INRP Project Semple Description =~ Rommm Aggregate Source - HMP 160 TPH Plant Date of Sampiing 1s\o3)20\b Chainage -_— Tested By Havivam Patel Date of Testing 18 oa | 2016 Weight of Sample 10.006 9m¢ Checked By Kian Nikam, \S.Sieve WtRetained gr] % Retainea | Cumulative % eed i. Limits a.c ° oO ° \oo 26S © oO oo \oo 19.0 \a04 1B. oy (e.ay 81.34 \39 S303, SS.03 | Fa.24 RE-46 AAS asa as.as 99.49 ©. 8) 236 ss oss 99,34 O26 ©:306 © ° ° ° 0.035, ° ° ° o ey 0 ° ° o = i) yon QUALITY ENGINEER MATERIAL ENGINEER ‘ . ATR Infraproject Pvt.Ltd. GRADATION Dem Gr. IT Project Name -JINRP Project Sample Descrntion = Lome Aqaveqate Source - HMP 160 TPH Plant Date of Sampling 1893 Q016 Chainage Tested By - Harivamy patel Date of Testing 12] es/aor6 Weight of Sample 0,00e9ms Checked By Kier) Nuikarn ‘LS.Sieve WtRetained gr.| % Retained —— e Limits 34.5 ° © } Loo Vv 26.50 ° ° Oo 100 19-0 o oO 0 Loo 13.26 6e O68 6.68 99.92 ANTS 4812, 4819 48-80 Qo 3-36 ° oO oO } 8.300 o © o. © 8. ofS oO 6 oO o Par 120 4 a’ oe a ak > OK s a Re ye é QUALITY ENGINEER: & MATERIAL ENGINEER ¥ ~ ~ = = ATR Infraproject Pvt.Ltd. GRADATION Project Name ~ J.N.R.P. Project Sample Description =~ Di leg, Source ~ HMP 160 TPH Piant, Date of Sampling = 18 Jos) 20) 6 Chainage =. Tested By - Harieam Pate Date of testing 18)O9]z016 Weight of Sample. Sqg ars. Checked by — Kiran Nu kary LS.Sieve WeRetained gr. | % Retained ex es Limits Retain assing -Goomm oO 5 o 106 —200mm| 6 O Ss loo C-lsp mm! Ae be Rs | 9856 Oove | 36 10.0 Hes 88: SO Pai 86.5 - 4 uve sworn, en oo a a ey pol QUALITY ENGINEER oectl™ is MATERIAL ENGINEER w

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