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Where does the story take place?

At a school.

Who are the main characters?

Rossy, Gabriel and Enmanuel

What are the main events?

A girl who cannot socialize and a boy who does not know how to
declare his love.

How does the story end?

Happy and fair xD.

The story is about a shy girl (called Rossy) who finds it difficult
to establish conversations with other people and they call her the
"rare", in her classroom there are two boys who always annoy her
and they are Enmanuel and Gabriel, they always make fun of of
her, how she dresses, how she behaves, etc.
Until one day Enmanuel goes out of line and throws things at
Rossy, she goes to the bathroom crying and Enmanuel feels
guilty, who picks up his things, while he picks up his things, he
finds a certificate of divorce from his parents, Enmanuel, having
gone through that, feels bad and goes to Rossy to apologize, from
that day on, Enmanuel tells Gabriel that and they decide to stop
bothering her and help her in her problems.
Over the weeks and months, she became close friends with
Gabriel and Enmanuel, began to have new friends and stopped
being so shy.
In the course of helping, Enmanuel was attracted to Rossy, but he
didn't have the guts to tell Rossy how he felt about her, so Gabriel
organized a dinner for both of them and they were able to spend
more time together, talk and get to know each other. more, which
gave him the opportunity for Enmanuel to have the courage to tell
Rossy how he felt and they became boyfriends.

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