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Sales Mkt_potl Dlrs Slsstaff Comp_act Service_stf Cust_bse

5 25 1 6 5 2 20
60 150 12 30 4 5 50
20 45 5 15 3 2 25
11 30 2 10 3 2 20
45 75 12 20 2 4 30
6 10 3 8 2 3 16
15 29 5 18 4 5 30
22 43 7 16 3 6 40
29 70 4 15 2 5 39
3 40 1 6 5 2 5
16 40 4 11 4 2 17
8 25 2 9 3 3 10
18 32 7 14 3 4 31
23 73 10 10 4 3 43
81 150 15 35 4 7 70
Sales Mkt_potl Dlrs Slsstaff Comp_actService_stf Cust_bse
Sales 1.000
Mkt_potl 0.945 1.000
Dlrs 0.908 0.837 1.000
Slsstaff 0.953 0.877 0.855 1.000
Comp_act -0.046 0.140 -0.082 -0.036 1.000
Service_stf 0.726 0.613 0.685 0.794 -0.178 1.000
Cust_bse 0.878 0.831 0.860 0.854 -0.015 0.818 1.000

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.9885316049
R Square 0.9771947338
Adjusted R Square 0.9600907842
Standard Error 4.3910240671
Observations 15

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 6 6609.485 1101.581 57.13269 3.91E-06
Residual 8 154.2487 19.28109
Total 14 6763.733

CoefficientsStandard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%Upper 95% Lower 95.0%

Upper 95.0%
Intercept -3.1729821166 5.813394 -0.545805 0.600084 -16.57869 10.23273 -16.57869 10.23273
Mkt_potl 0.2268507674 0.074611 3.040443 0.016052 0.054797 0.398904 0.054797 0.398904
Dlrs 0.8193835739 0.631266 1.298 0.230457 -0.636319 2.275086 -0.636319 2.275086
Slsstaff 1.0910359278 0.418122 2.609371 0.031161 0.126844 2.055227 0.126844 2.055227
Comp_act -1.892695405 1.339712 -1.412763 0.195427 -4.982077 1.196687 -4.982077 1.196687
Service_stf -0.5492514146 1.568233 -0.350236 0.735204 -4.165603 3.0671 -4.165603 3.0671
Cust_bse 0.0659448416 0.195002 0.338175 0.743935 -0.383731 0.515621 -0.383731 0.515621

Unstandardized Coefficient
Coefficients s
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -3.173 5.813 -.546 .600
Mkt_potl .227 .075 .439 3.040 .016
Dlrs .819 .631 .164 1.298 .230
Slsstaff 1.091 .418 .414 2.609 .031
Comp_act -1.893 1.340 -.085 -1.413 .195
Service_stf -.549 1.568 -.041 -.350 .735
Cust_bse .066 .195 .050 .338 .744
a. Dependent Variable: Sales
Upper 95.0%
97.7% of the sales is explained by the independent variables
Sales=0.066*Cust_bse - 0.55*Service_stf -1.89*Comp_act +1.09*Slsstaff +0.82*Dlrs + 0.22*Mkt_potl - 3.173

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