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Case firs Hlanfers ys. Clp 1 a eee VA rofee, pepimey was, japtrmed 4% foe BR raf it flaw GM exishng fe — depreitney en its WAT ond bSf bebillbies por He gear 2Lir. Pebhiner prroferfed Moe ag ssment phe ter lack gh el and fac fasl Dax. Leb bina aac cogently pecetid, 6 permal assessment nehis, rec hing payment ot VAT deperency Gud BS, epitiener, raelasiyt or Sureharge and inferest. Pebbiner piled a pretesh ahah was dened py fhe Ing Begional Beery Lesne: Low the pet timer v¢ lake yor BS) aud U7 held: Wp. fhe Seerubvaben op peatimes fox ha bili ly okpends on Hye fox feahvenT te 4 [Eee Stop pusivess- 7 was fe Othe views Hat Ye _ servees pendered py paunsheps pall ander fhe gue pal. Sepovifire oe “cole or exchange ox cerubiy” piisee bande Seehine L2ECMD ep He Tax Coole o¢ phy) Case: C/b us CAuilier Pawnshop 2 fer: ae oe ay (44: fhe Lt rsstned pnd Yo. [§-41 sich was faripied py Pha kp. f2-H ipo sing a SK. [endins inpecfors fax tn paubstops. — eld ted He principal eppicek ahi ty ee aad incidentally cceepfing perseral property — a _sceupity 72 fhe loan. nee paiyn shops bora ee ee lending, imesfars epeechua, achae bee, ales pecame subgees fo documentary stamp fakes: Dssue- WOW pawnspops included fhe fern kinding esters yer the palpase Ge pmpesa a perecntage 7 ander fhe MIRC. Held Wb. Fe SE pe af cuen tush He RMA were tented in accordance ut the po- wer oe fe Clb, they cannof secu aalminige rabies rebngs_ar csrcalars prof: camsipent with fhe lew conght fo be applied 4 spank) Mela ee en with He Law pty saftrd. Le_cany at Col, Congress can repeal er Gmind the lw: fae: peed ae Oy Fe, fhe CLL rssred b/d No. /§-41 tick wae cfaripied by Phd Wp 2-4 impp- ing a &0 fending inyestors fax on pars Ips. Ee Dee a fig ff 26 pawnstops 16 fending monty af jr ol aaa aud incidenfally aceepfng persona! 2) as seeupify for is. Sow eon ac epee lstedline, imesh “1s fp opie, ee alse peeoue subgect fo documtrfipy stomp faxes. (Ssve- WW paunstops included Lhe ferm lending, investors gor the purpose Gb mpasire, pe percentage = ander fhe MIRE : Held” Wb Fe Se fel af even Pugh fe Bd were seated mn accordance wtp }pe po- wer oe He Clb, they camo sce calminge bradbive pobings ar cares lars nop comsicfert with pe law Lough: ho be applied A poulf LMG) a WI He GU). iy Sing Lp Cart, Dh Daly Cong St Can prepa! a Guntnd Pe lw: LY A eS ee ee il et ae en Peters ip. proved of Cle hy Copan, 6 Lereign corpopahor Laly organieed tn _ dance with fhe laws g pel eae - pan. fy 2001, 6f auaiked 2 Fre valunfar ascessment prog oe Blpander Revenue Begalehing €-22 por ifs 1495 and ‘ 2200 neat bay Gnd dacintr bay, Spam, x Gad 1} Leen page fax i Fred a BLuls 2 2200, Paying 4 pal ce MG bf, is ee ee Seve lJOV fhe fe, Dyer LOSS. peep a fer Purposes OF Comps pin Z ofa TOGO TSE ISIS AYP a Whe, Poll prelydle Specie] Erm! S108. an SR PESSENGESS oe bed: Agcirmabve. Seehy, WelAD oe Lif Steps See WE. Pereenfgae fey oe ZB a ea 7, ar ferl, GLO [eeeH bs: fap soe. to S, 2 Ste ae france pro mulea fed. buveme Pegyls bins Mp. fie 2052 whi SCP IDES 1G. “Se fectip is ee ae 2 is, Comman Camites IS? dpe Ye. Same Ge fpe BBE ales lating ae Ll Bing Le. a aes eee : seen ve ces Seeman es be a Letom majnferas a depot or bulk: pled ab the bisohae Pihpoct Compl ik Gud thyoseh be depot At pas _cngaged cae ae welling of JLese| puele fo yessele used jn commercsal prsping, pr rel arom Manila, [bey Pe from pect iped a lehfer con Lhe cppiee of Mavatas Paya respondent Toby Tangco, 2 B = __ corpora tigr was Gs: a exes pelahiz phe frgules COVELIN Sale op diese! stebing the bobe| amount of Pb 255,06; La fp. Zssne- Wop fhe LOV s empoyere/ —ndlery LOS. fo jnpase pusimgs faxes ar tnpipes engagid jn cele Lake hwe prota é fe ll” Jey _ Evidertly, Seepin [33 preserpaes fhe finifaping om fhe capacity op l fe exeraite bperr faxing pourers ofr WItt g56n ‘0 phen time we LOE Case: CLE yo. Phones S feel! _ faefs: tl fil a CLE LS repend ee ee pard on salesop gas and pael oils 4s varias mper ee eee all, den, fe ze Cy vo. 4, Lhe. as Lespordeat tffed. 4 Mofo for a ISD LE, ee ee WON Shell 6. oe (Cate mee _ pegord par pray merit op phe excie 2 eS kh? The Sypreme Court om i Apri) 20/2, taled tat 74 ped = Pea Ling Pilipines Shell % Paefs: Zz va A G42, z, the, DO, om pebbim eet op te Philppine Pacing lub, declared Yuff and vord Mumerpal 2 ay aes Mo. 922-0742, ofher wie Lupa as fe Malas Pere Cake ied provides, Da fer ale, gor the schedule of peal estate, pus/- cipalty op Miakah af pates fisher fhan ase fn Prefro Hanils. Peveme Code - Zssye. WOW [FG nen? eee " fest [8 PLEXSSG py Held: = We anes Gapers Wy; b peby boner. zs ie G86 4 Geers re / preeepy & fex- P4g¢r Pay ple 4 complant aesaihy pe Val “fy F He © nance Gn, Preying_ per a_pebind of ifs perecizo Qverpaymenps Case: Coca-Coly, Pofhlere be. Danita facts: = ab The City Mayor o¢ Manip, epprayed Gx crdinanct HO. FICE amended cér- fain seehios of fax ordinance 10 F95U- by incpeasing the tax pates appli DE ae a neo coepating within the Jenrtoris/ taurishiction oe the City x Plame. Lssue- LIOW Ex Ordinance OLE 1s pall and Vou, He, lf YEE v3 andispuftd, trom fhe Fa ce the case Phat fax ordinance 0-Titg as afpeady peen declared by te DOT Se cepe far, Oe ord de 5495; Mh 48 Pol) ard Wad and affoup fega] cpp tet doe 4s LEE, or LATE. 3A, z batten bbe re gusremint at say oraivine $e ubhshed po- 3 consecapin Jas GS aired iy Cad) * Case: Windanag Sep, pee ae im terfe pee es none aes ees vate Gals ve 2005, Davao Cty enacted an ordintanret Wht- a refel hers Ope nef cabgeel fo the new \ fax rate op [%). pr bhe old pape of 5% of |p. The ph hime rs. wie ep are repailes. LPS 4 ‘rhb, ia Pht ety pled Pos pebhirm, agai lug We erence as Vialafyt op See 10 ge foe lb ities provides Phat fhe marimuyn adrspaud whhred can pe apphd nee ce, ve) ova 1% th, O56 or Ol op foe mayer pam vat ag (SY ‘ssc WOW fhe ordinance Wolafe Ste [4 oe LOE held A Lhe. a At ‘of chimney ge sae nf, prestnt - Lf Legusrimengt oe canoe pe Said be dd bay ordinant WAS Imposed py actordgne ee Poe provi hms. ae pe lbe: Cae, Laps, Co rc. Hm. Jonanap fe ee pene etn i [ye Coa tS) of tlre . aa es eae eraper [He 7 a phe municipal ity approved an Ofdh- Z panet 10.23 Ws leh Lewes ond co- ets “pram Sorflonks = Gnd mangactyers 4 far oe be 32 cenfave por every pothfe sethimks corked. Zasne WOW phere i Lyege- Ga. (Il. O;/ MING OWES. me ly. There is no tndlae. ofe- ieee Coombe b delegation L25is/a ye me s ers mar pe kefeseded fy al a IE, pen tS 19 eee ae : METIELS OF (264) Wancetn. Aim allows Case: £580 Uk. Pascor Z facts: eam es one _ Le Hh, Auugermenf Gna! Comins, Carp. was created ty PP Me FA ad granted 4 pranchise under POEL Sebseguertly, under POLLS Lhe scrernnurt abled it bo pegilafe and cenfraliee E al games of cfance anthopred by existing franctuse of perrarf Z : Ly Vata ooh peliet,. eit Lesue: TOW if pas snpuded infy the LGUs right fo impest. local fares : and freenst pees, which Is recognised ieee inca by aw Held: aiiue o Ne. Tpe Lb Uk LG L fe smpoge yetnce pees gu "camble? pas [o z peen peyoked. fs eErhy ES a twtr OF LEY fo pegulate gambler tora the erent 2 rane pst, [jeznses, perv ts was wrtpd) wr bey PDB) se: Peps; Cola ve. NE, DOD a pei te fae. Se . ‘| Feps: Cola has Storage pacility in the City ite faan por its sopt-dpin bs mae nupactaped jn Coby. Produc; gto ps pactlty ape. sold fo Consumers in the sad crt, The Ch 9 en frG9 peep tel- hance Wo. HO which im, iced & ax on Sealers ch, ged ba st- L ng Sok oh yin bes me carbone dein be. she: WOW the fay jrposed fy atdinanct Mb, as eménded vilebys pe enipormity, Leguirerenp : Ls i DEVS pene Dee ataded, angeitly singks Gap aaenty and for Con s1g BEES OF lif Sift. fe. Sey: : | Case: Pefpon us. Tangcd : | | Faefe: ___ 2etun mamfyas. 4 Lepot ar Luk plant af fhe Mavofes beh part Complex jo Mavotes. Throw pat depot it pas engagtel in $pt thing of Best] phele fo yessefe td ya _caommetrel4al pisping ta and Ground Pan, Bay nee Mee, yeped, onder LEC fo impose pudrest payes Held The com), OVEL Sly pages A] te cormpecs, in GtiT2 oe Stehion [330 ho¢ fhe LEC cond apheapiht, o¢ Af 232 fhe’ ZAR See = a _ The Plunieipal Board Mean Ponder were seeking pe fecla- ration of rilitey o¢ phe opd mane por the peason phat it yolafes. c pubhicatyon peguirement Lesye: upaf law spall govern pubheabion op far orlinahee ty tye DMunterpal Board _ Held: _ Te paced Hal one i 4 special ei law sb pe conshfete] a: Creepy fo fhe general pole. The Bbevised arter op Wanle speaks of Ofdyinance fh Gere, | wpereas tbe Local fox Code pelates Santee ordinances [tying ar tn po- S72. eso, enaefed Ordinance fo. ove ase: Pra cpessivt Dw Corpl ye. Quezon City i: ! cone aebs: oe j ; i _ Lhe Cry Comes) oe BC passe. on ordinance notin a6 te Marke, Cade On. whep imposed £4 Saptrwislin fee op 6 pec‘ ple C2 ft Le ar [ease FELL, e/t ane market spaces jn GC. th Case 2 pailape. og QELS ie oe te market spaces fo pa 2 aX por pyree emeecatie manths, tye city shall revoke the permit o¢ the privately _avntA market fo operate. Zssye. WOW phe Saperissan fer Is Gn income fay o- LELASE ee Held Lis &. freense pee A beense fee js jnppesed uA ye CXESCISE A, the polce power primaply\eo Porpos. ga leton, able tau S tapostd tmcler phe fring power marily Lor Parpares 3 Fer/sing Leyeriyes- 2 Case: PLLT Vs. ah of feo x fiefs: is Lhe City oe Bacolod nade ¢ ey assessment gm PLOT Be PIE nent og prancpise pox Le, o tht Ci ty Cemply)> ng There ay , PLDT. B 4a paying Phe, City krenchise Ba trom Phe Gea, re an hl tbe Hird quarter of 199g at ae bine __Lssue. WOW Sechim 22 x2 pA 25 operates fp exempt pe- a Lomer PLOT Erom fpe Paymert a Vi Eranchise. fax pn pose fy tbe 2spondent City of ag ‘i bl: flo. Sechiom 23 oe PA a ee cannot pe consikefed os faving, antnched pebbieneré pranepise. SO 4 é& ent ble YEE cxcrnp tion grom phe japesibion op flocs tranchse faxes, as Htaboes pot ppray that Cmapece jafended O appey Case: Tet fh) ve. Cy Teacup ree | _Faefs: oe ; Pee 138 Aamespe Cop Porahion. e473 cof 10 phe Praripachy: eS 22g, mpor fon, exporfirg a S wptofesq~ Ling_ 0; wn products, wtije pes- _pondeats are He foes/ Ge coment Gil ods g he Cy y Maka charead an Be im votnbobjme BF e Chlyt Caz othe City of Hakaf, = Le, ee Ha SUDCELS. LES ye, _ pebhimer DP _L[FFE, Pasi ess. tenes fer 196 Zp L Held: ie a ace ey essaifed Dees ps per VERSED, cand pesporalenke. Cs Bessuper Gnd Chop op he prow De a 774, yy Bt Ore pee/ é ane fe Mp intr pan Siarece free pad ja fie amount a PY, 33) c 3g facts: i anen espondert BA-Lepanfo Cando winiun Corporation conshfufed jn gceordance with condomimun, a eb owns and folds #, \b foe condonintom of the (BA-Lepanto strahed so Mla feafy Crfy. Leene Wow fhe £7, in feciding Cae hn prim a Pens) ofa py fest by 2 fees/ TEES whdes Sec- OS fe L60 Held i 2 peuiew poker py fhe ETC wer the dens) op the yo fest by the focal] preasurer would Fall within Pee coupe Brena, Juriidic fon : : z | asc: Wafione) Dev Co. ve. Cet City | Tae MBC is GB GOEO Gi hopred (2 engage jn cormvereral, yaa) PUNING, & PET Gad Ones enters Pris: ZS) oD con dy bnafory cconspaic gepelopment, ap Impoe~ font poblhe IL popesest- at WOW He Wc. ett pt prom real estate foxes Held: No As ahead, eatrepfed. Ome. ot bbe principal jesnes Betope Le <_poterpretation gp toe PIOUusIIg of toe assessment Jay, fhe pre- carsor op the peal éctote Tox Code and fhe Local Eapemmtnf Cocke a a rst bb ppine Ioducfia], Co D rsa ey Gas e a Lek; WOME IS 4 SpanJee Of pelne concession under PA __3£% 65 amended, a Contra wasteland gperate AL pipelmes: = Re arlginal Pipeline cimcesgim WES Dran: ‘ed jn (8, aad LtnthedL ly [he energy ae ‘a tory Lard ty (FG2- Sshe” DAW fhe pebpamer ss 9 _

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