Set 4 Walking On Cable

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Walking on cable

A man did a dangerous thing. He walked on a cableover the Grand Canyon.

The cable was 426 metres long. It was 457 metres above the ground. It was very
hard and dangerous. There was no safety net. The biggest problem was the wind. It
moved the cable.

It took him 22 minutes. People on the other side welcomed him. He said that he had
been afraid.

Wave and policemen

There are storms in England. Some people like the weather. They watch the sea.
Policemen watch it, too.

People are close to the sea. The waves hit the rocks. The water gets on people. They
get wet.

One area in England is flooded. The army helps those people.

Windsurfers like a storm

The weather is very bad in England. There are storms there. Most people are home
because they don’t like it. Some people, however, like the weather.

These people are windsurfers. They are very good at windsurfing. They are the best
windsurfers in the world. They compete in a competition. The competition happens
only when the weather is bad.

A man from France wins. He is very happy. He says that the weather is crazy. A man
from Brazil is second. A German is third.
Woman works in her wedding dress

A woman from China had a wedding. She works as a TV reporter. Then there was an
earthquake in China. She left the wedding. She wanted to report about the earthquake.

This woman didn't change out of her white dress. She interviewed people in it. People
filmed her. They put the video on the internet. People say that she's pretty. They say
that she is the most beautiful woman in a wedding dress.

The reporter returned to her wedding. The wedding finished. What do you think she did
after it? Yes, she went back to work.

Animal in an ear

This story is about a woman from Taiwan. She is 48 years old, and she cannot hear
well. She must use a hearing aid.

She puts the hearing aid on a table. There is some fruit on the table, too. A larva lives in
the fruit. It gets out of the fruit. It gets on the hearing aid.

The woman takes the hearing aid. She puts it in her ear. The larva gets in her ear. The
woman’s ear is in pain. She goes to hospital. Doctors see the larva. They put the larva
away. The woman is fine now.

Cyclist on a motorway

This happens on Tuesday morning. A man rides his bike. He has a phone with him. The
phone tells him to go on a motorway. The man does so.

There are a lot of cars on the motorway. It is morning and people go to work. The police
can see the man. There are security cameras at the motorway. One policeman goes to
the man.

They talk. Riding a bike on a motorway is illegal. The cyclist must pay £50. The cyclist
leaves the motorway and rides home.

Money underground

A couple from California is lucky. They walk their dog. They see something. It is a metal

They take it and open it. They see that it is full of gold coins. The coins are old. They are
from the 19th century. They find more coins. Now they have 1,400 gold coins. The coins
are worth $10 million.

We don’t know who buried the coins. The couple will sell the coins on the Internet.

Girl saves her father

An American man has an accident. He is in the garden. He is cutting a tree with his

He looks away for a second, and he cuts his arm. He loses blood. He sits down and
tries to stop the blood. His daughter is with him. The man has a phone, but he cannot
use it. His daughter helps him. She calls for help.

An ambulance comes and helps him. His arm will be fine in six to eight months.

Leopard in a hospital

This story is from India. A leopard comes into a hospital. It injures a photographer.
People start to panic. Soldiers are called.

People are scared. A market is closed. There are no people in the streets. The schools
are closed. People wait for new information. They want to know if they can open the
market again.
Things like this are normal in India. The big cat’s habitat is getting smaller. The
animals move into cities sometimes.

Train almost hits a woman

This happens in the Netherlands. There are some people at a level crossing. They want to
get to the other side.

The barriers begin to close. They run across the tracks. They are safe. A woman wants to
do this, too. She thinks that she has time, but she does not.

She gets on the tracks. She sees that a train is coming. She jumps back. She is lucky. The
train does not hit her. She is fine.

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