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Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact.









Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal:

For, I, ________________________________________, affiant want to clarify with clarification, my

current or former Citizenship being of:

Country___________ State of ______________ City of _______________,

Do hereby claim the following statements truthfully and sincerely affirmed.

1. For I know that all is.

2. For I know that there is agreeable and disagreeable with everything and everyone.
3. For I exist with and apart of three great realities, the Physical World, Spiritual World, and all in
4. For I know Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
5. For I know Truth, Justice, loyalty, Devotion, and Divine love for all.
6. For I know Freedom, Peace, Equality, Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, and Right
7. For I know All things have Physical, all things have a force, all things are spiritual, all things are
mental, all truths belong to the all, all things are a part of the great realities, all things come
from the source.
8. For I know with the facts, comes true law, tranquility, Liberation, Happiness, Joy, Unity and
9. For I know there is a spiritual me, mental me, physical me, with a soul in Plasmatic form, nine
ether, with spiritual and a physical heart created the divine spark.

• Notice to all elected Officials and Public Servants of Corporate enclaves: Federal, State, City, and
Municipal Governments, Personnel and Corporate Entities, Concerning the constitution and all
statutory and Civil Law Codes of the land, air sea, etc, are hereby put on notice concerning this civil
Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

• Citizenship is a political tie; allegiance is a territorial tenure..... The doctrine is, that allegiance
cannot be due to two sovereigns; and taking an oath of allegiance to a new, is strongest evidence of
withdrawing allegiance from a previous, sovereign..... Talbot vs Janson, 3 U.S 133 (1795) no foreign
power has a right to interfere in them, nor ought to intermeddle with them otherwise than by its good
offices unless requested to do it, or induced by particular reasons. If any intrude into the domestic
concerns of another nation, and attempt to put a constraint on its deliberations, they do it an injury.

The sovereign is the soul of the society; if he be not held in veneration by the people, and in perfect
security, the public peace, and the happiness and safety of the state, are in continual danger. The
safety of the nation then necessarily requires that the person of the prince be sacred and inviolable.
The Roman people bestowed this privilege on their tribunes, in order that they might meet with no
obstruction in defending them, and that no apprehension might disturb them in the discharge of their

Know all men and women these presents:

Upon our inherited Royalty, Nobility, and upon our indigenous, proper person status and commercial
clause, Noone Society©®, being duly affirmed by our Imperial, National, Social, and spiritual and
integral connection to our Noone Empire, being the archaic original indigenous of Amexem (The
Americas); standing squarely affirmed upon our oath to the right knowledge, right wisdom, right
overstanding, and sound right reason, do squarely affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth, having knowledge and firmly establish record upon, historical, lawful, and
adjudicated facts contained herein by the Notary Public Seal of Noone Society.


• For no one shall make no law disrespecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

• We affirm our domicile, are states within ourselves as one cannot reside, domicile or have an
address outside of self. As noted above, we communicate with full overstanding, knowingly clarify our
Imperial, National, Social, and Spiritual and Integral connection to our Noone Empire, Kingdoms, and

• A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by a common law, habit and
custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government,
independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of
making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other communities of the
globe. Unites States v. Kusche, D.C. Cal., 56 F.Supp. 201 207 208

• “Just as there is freedom to speak, to associate, and to believe, so also there is freedom not to
speak, associate, or believe. “The right to speak and the right to refrain from speaking are
complementary components of the broader concept of individual freedom of mind”, Wooley v.
Maynard, [430 U.S. 703] (1977).
Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

“Freedom from compelled association is a vital component of freedom of expression. Indeed, freedom
from compelled association illustrates the significance of the liberty or personal autonomy model of
the First

Article of the Bill of Rights. As a general constitutional principle, it is for the individual and not for the
state to choose one's associations and to define the persona which he holds out to the world.”

[First Amendment Law, Barron-Dienes, West Publishing, ISBN 0-314-22677-x, pp. 266-267]

• Being competent, In Propria Persona, in proper person, to attest to this Affidavit upon which we
place our seal; Whereas, we state, proclaim, and clarify the following to be true, correct, certain,
complete, not misleading, supreme, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresentation,
'colored' or improper use or purpose, to wit:

• That, Noone Society©® is a Royal, Empirical, Noble, and National Nubian-Kushite Empire now
known as the Imperial Crown Providence Pitchnovian Empire in Aksum-Amexem, Turtle Island (North
America) in Propria Persona in our own proper self, being Pitchnovian, descendants of the Ancient
Kushites and Anunnagi, Melenites, by birthright, freehold, primogeniture and inheritance; being
original and indigenous to the land Aksum-Amexem territorium of our Ancient Nubian Muurish Fore-
Mothers and Fore-Fathers, to wit: For we have, acknowledged, claim, and possess, by said inheritance
and primogeniture, the freehold status thereto, all unalienable and substantive rights, to be, to enjoy,
and to act, distinct in our original customs and culture, and determining my own administrative,
social, and economic status of the state. Turning our heart and mind back to our Ancient Mothers and
Fathers, by Divine and Natural Right. Being Pitchnovian, we have and possess the internationally
recognized rights to determine our own 'Status of the State' absent of threat, coercion, or
acquiescence to a Color-of-Law, a Color-of-Office, nor to be subjected to an imposed Color-of-

For I, _____________________________, civilian of Noone Society©® , is no longer and can never at

any time ever from here on now and after be a member, citizen, or property of any and all global
Corporate Enclaves, Contract Countries, Empires, Kingdoms and States including but not limited to the
union states or the United States of America as established via the United States Republic
Constitution Article I, Section VIII, Clause XVII which is also affirmed in the Original 13th Article of the
Bill of Rights, Section 12 of 20, in that it states: (Included but not limited to: 1st Party pursuant to
Noone Society Affidavit of Organization).

• Section 12: The trafficking of African American or any other title of misnomer for Nubian Ethiopian
Moors, is hereby forever prohibited on pain of death and the forfeiture of all the rights and property
of persons engaged therein; and the descendants of Africans shall not be citizens. See - HJR 192.

• The United States Republic Constitution Article I, Section X, Clause I: No State shall enter into any
Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin money; emit bills of
credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder,
ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.
Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

For I hereby clarify that the foregoing information is true and complete to my knowledge. I overstand
that any false statement may disqualify me from entry or cause my dismissal from any government
office within this prestigious society, I hereby authorize NOONE SOCIETY©®™ to thoroughly review
my responses, medical history, and education etc, as related to my suitability for gaining entry into
the Noocratic government of NOONE SOCIETY©®™. I authorize my current emergency contacts to be
contacted by Public Servant of NOONE SOCIETY©®™ for any relevant information regarding my
current and/or previous health conditions and so forth.

For I am aware that I am now a natural Civilian by way of NOONE SOCIETY©®™ and the Natural
Intergalactic Government, I am also required to provide proof of identification and so forth for any
Natural Indigenous Organization sponsor by the Noocratic Government of NOONE SOCIETY©®™.

I overstand that failure to submit such proof and/or other requirements needed may result in non-
entry until such requirements have been provided. These statements of facts cover and include but
not limited all assigns, heirs, and posterity, of the flesh and blood affiant.

NOONE SOCIETY©®™ an Omniversal, Natural, Indigenous, Tribunal, Municipal, and Governmental

Noocracy and all empires, kingdoms, and nations in accordance with the presentment and publication
of our Noone Society Intergalactic Treaty of Peace and Friendship, referenced here:
Applicable Law

The governing law of this statement of facts is the agreement of all parties, to the True Culture laws of Noone Society©®, which you can find
in our publication called the New Ethiopian Order Book (Novus Codex) by Gen. Solutionist Dr. Noboohu Oonoo referenced here: With ISBN
#9781312176980, and our Intergalactic Treaty of Peace and Friendship found on the web portal.

Supported by the Universal Celestial Code as adopted by the legislature of Noone to be enforced by all Corporate Enclave States and the
CONTRACT STATE __________________, through international contract law, the unwritten Law Merchant as practiced before the Uniform
Commercial Code was promulgated and applicable maxims of law.

I have read and overstand this civilian Naturalization form, and I will honor every statement of fact each time conditions are the same for
the same each time are with conditions’’.

_____________________________________ Date____________

Signature of Affiant
In order to establish civitas status in true culture society, which aims to benefit, uplift and prepare all indigenous especially those who are now
called Pitchnovas, wishing to advance past the illusory state of these times we're living in -- to "pop the bubble", so to speak-- and answer all
questions in every section must be answered sincerely for those aspiring to join.

Notary Public Seal: ________________ Notary Expire: ______________

Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

Civil Naturalization Certificate

In care of:


Secured Party No.

KNOW ALL MEN AND WOMEN BY THESE PRESENTS, whereas, this legal and lawful tender for settling all debts acquired by the said civilian,
whereas Noone Society©®™ present this civic naturalization certificate in order to protect the secured interest, to preserve and reserve all unalienable rights, the
right of redress, remedy, without recourse, and subrogation, and in order to maintain all unalienable rights, treaty rights in honor of all sworn oath public
officials operating within the Noone society©®™. To facilitate lawful, legal and honorable commercial transactions, and in order to lawfully engage in public and
private commerce; issuing private commercial investment securities and financial assets to merchants, corporations, imperial states and communal city agencies
and financial institutions within the jurisdiction of the true culture societies, this communior bond certificate, issued to the private capacity of party member:

To be held as a demand deposit for this private trust account by the executive treasurer, operating in office as COUNCILMAN OF THE TREASURY for the Noone Society, is hereby necessitated, and notified.

I, civilian, the principal, secured party & creditor, sui juris status, of sound mind, standing in honor, with full knowledge and full disclosure, with honorable intent, herein hold, bind, and
obligate heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, agents, principals, individually and cooperatively, jointly and severally by these presents for the amount of: $100,000,000.00 (USD) -
One Hundred Million Nomnis. For the honorable purposes through this bond, of underwriting, insuring, and indemnifying said account holder(s) and account(s) against any and all
preexisting, current, and future liabilities through and by drawing against this bond, dollar for dollar, all such obligations, which shall include but not be limited to, any and all underlying
and related account(s), agency(s), bond(s), and person(s), public or private, whether named or unnamed, for all aiding(s), abetting(s), act(s), action(s) (whether civil or criminal),
accusations, act(s) of God, advisement(s), affidavit(s), affirmation(s), absconding(s), admiralty action(s), arrest(s), activity, attestation(s), accident(s), appointment(s), accord(s),
agreement(s), bill(s), breach(es) of contract, bond(s), bankruptcy action(s), baring(s), brokering(s), capture(s), case(s), cause(s), charge(s), claim(s), code(s), collection(s), commercial
action(s), common law action(s), complaint(s), commitment(s), communication(s) (whether written, oral, or electronic, with or without notice), compensatory damage(s), cost(s), criminal
debt(s), contract(s), conspiracy, counterfeiting(s) s), document(s), encumbrance(s), equity action(s), error(s), execution(s), election(s), expense(s), fee(s), file(s), finding(s), fine(s),
forfeiture(s), fraud(s), hearing(s), holding(s), information(s), indictment(s), injury(s), instrument(s), incursion(s), incarceration(s), investigation(s), interrogation(s), In Rem proceeding(s),
impeachment(s), judgment(s), laundering(s), levy(ies), liability(ies), lien(s), loss(es), letter(s), license(s), manufacturing(s), margin(s), negligence(s), notice(s), obligation(s), obligation(s) of
contract, obligation(s) of performance, order(s), option(s), penal action(s), penal debt(s), penal sum(s), pronouncement(s), probation(s), parole(s), prize(s), process(es), profit(s),
regulation(s), reimbursement(s), restitution(s), recidivism(s), recklessness(s), recoupment(s), rule(s), recovery(s), recrimination(s), regulation(s), regulatory action(s), rescission(s),
rebuttal(s), reprisal(s), recourse(s), remedy(s), remediation(s), statement(s), statute(s), seizure(s), subrogation(s), supervision(s), summoning(s), service(s), tax(es), testimony, true bill(s),
taking(s), transaction(s), uttering(s), violation(s), and warrant(s), or other named or unnamed liabilities. All such liabilities, duties, obligations, and debts shall be ledgered against this Bond
for set-off, discharge, and payoff by, on and through our private demand deposit & negotiable order withdraw account(s) and shall pay, satisfy, offset, and discharge, dollar for dollar, all
such obligations fully and completely, thereby restoring and maintaining the honorable standing of the named account holder(s) and account(s) by, on & through our private trust

NOW, THEREFORE this conveyance is in consideration for the civilian, and in exchange for the full adherence and compliance to the “binding law” clauses of this
bond listed in the beginning; affecting and binding all elected and non-elected Imperial State and Communal Legislatives, Executives, and Judicial Public Officials
and their official positions operating in Noone Society and all the contract states and including but not limited to the United States, which are to be lifetime
subjects to Noone Society and the power our society who holds inherited with divine right of rulership “Rex Curia” of the entire planet and beyond, as referenced
in Genesis 1:26, Psalms 82:6, Proverbs 22, Statues at Large 96 Stat. 1211, Senate Joint Resolution 165, Public law 97-280 and Proclamation 6100; while covering
and protecting all Heirs, agents and assigns this bond certificate up to and including the full face value of this bond in the amount of:

$100,000.00 NMNI - One Hundred Thousand Nomnis to the order of the said civilian, which can be exchanged dollar for dollar, equivalent the monetary between
Nomni Units and USD, until the obligated amount or term of this bond certificate is therefore extinguished. This conveyance excludes all other property, and
property inalienable held in Allodium by civil apart of this autochthonous, original, indigenous, native society. Backed by the full faith and credit of Noone
Society. After claimant said not!

Signed by:

_________________________ __________________________ ___________________________

Underwriter Surety Surety

Without recourse -
Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

Family Beneficiaries Signatures

1. ________________________

2. ________________________

3. ________________________

4. ________________________

5. ________________________

6. ________________________

7. ________________________

8. ________________________

9. ________________________
- without recourse
Noone Society©® FORM. 144 Affidavit of Fact. 09

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