CAS 101 The Flight From Conversation

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Name: Abbie Faye E.

Lee Course: BSNED 1-D

CAS 101
The Flight from Conversation – Sherry Turkle

Read the Essay and form group of four members. Discuss each of the following.

1. What is Sherry Turkle’s argument? Do you agree with it?

Yeas I agree with her, she argues that we are losing our interest to have face to face
conversations as some are too afraid to start one and desperate to have a connection through
technology as we focus ourselves to social medias, emails and the likes.

2. What are your reasons if you disagree with her argument?

Of course there are always pros and cons about things. For me, the only thing that I would
disagree on her argument is that these platforms helps us to have conversations with our loved ones
especially when they’re at the other side of the globe as having face to face conversations nowadays is
not that convenient as to just calling someone through these new ways of communication.

3. Does social media make us isolated and lonely? How?

Not really isolated as we still meet a lot of interesting people and have conversations and
connections with them, but we can be lonely sometimes as that would be because of the things that we
see the other people posts all their picture perfect lives and we start to compare our lives to them and
that’s how it will get lonely.

4. Does social media encourage us to be concerned social beings? Why? Why not?

Yes, because we see a lot of social issues in the form of videos, articles and photos and that
makes us aware of the issues that certainly concerns us and it helps to spread awareness throughout the

5. Is sending text messages a form of conversation?

As long as they exchange messages with each other then yes, it is.

6. What are the advantages of texting?

Texting provides us convenience, time to construct our ideas to be concise and accurate as
oppose to just speaking it out and to filter our tones.

7. How do you define genuine conversation?

For me a genuine conversation is having the sincerity and engaging interactions between both
parties either face to face conversations or online conversations.

8. What are the benefits of face to face conversation?

. Having a face to face conversations leads us to knowing the mood of the conversation, if they
enjoy it or they’re not interested as we can see it in their actions, facial expressions, body language and
the likes as we can adjust on how to engage in certain situations.

9. How often do you have conversations with your family and friends?

I always have conversations with my family as we are close knitted and outspoken when it
comes to speaking our minds and that’s how we bond as a family. As for my friends, we don’t talk that
much as some are busy with their lives and finding who they are and their purpose.
10. Do you have trouble conversing? Have you observed other people having trouble conversing?

Sometimes, as I can be outgoing or introverted at times and having to hold a conversation

sometimes is hard especially when you are running out of subjects to talk about and yes, I observed that
my sister is having trouble conversing with other people as she has social anxiety or when she doesn’t
know the person yet.

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