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Abbie Faye E.

Name:____________________________ Date:_____________________
September 5, 2021

CAS 101 (Purposive Communication)

Communication Processes, Principles, and Ethics

1. Recall the first time you engaged in a public oral presentation. What were the different
factors that you considered at that time? Relate how challenging it was for you especially
when viewed by different kind of audiences. Share your experience with a partner.
 I remember my first public oral presentation way back when I was in Grade 5. I
remembered being clammy and anxious that what if I stutter? What if I don’t
make any sense? Will they understand me? It was difficult especially I, was a shy
2. What are communication models? Why do you think they were introduced?
 Communication models are systematic representations of the process which helps
in understanding how communication works can be done. They were introduced
because communication models help identify and understand the components and
relationship of the communication process being studied. It is also used to
understand how the receivers will interpret the message.
3. How does one model differ from the other/s?
 Linear model is a one way communication where the sender only sends messages
and the receiver only receives messages. The lack of feedback from the receiver is
one major drawback of this model. In this type of model, the sender is the active
member and the receiver is the passive one.
 Transactional Model refers to the exchange of messages or information between
the sender and the receiver where each take turns to send or receive messages.
Feedback is taken as a new message. Senders and receivers interchange roles.
 Interactional Model or knows an Convergence Model is an exchange of ideas and
messages takes place both ways form sender to receiver and vice versa. It
emphasizes feedback indicating that communication is not a one-way but a two-
way process. Instead of information being sent one way, from the sender to the
receiver, both participants send information back and forth. In this model,
however, feedback is not simultaneous and usually takes time as this model is
mostly used for Internet.
4. If you were to choose a conceptual model for communication, what would you prefer and
why? How can you be guided by any of these models when you communicate?
 I would prefer the transactional model because it is an interpersonal mode of
communication which I enjoy because my thought process is more active in
getting and sharing ideas. It could guide me by getting simultaneous feedback as I
would know how to react or what changes I should make on the approach of
5. How do the principles of effective oral communication differ from those of effective
written communication? Do they have similarities?
 The principles of oral communication are to ensure that you will be able to
communicate one’s though clearly and concisely as a speaker to the audience
while the principle of written communication are to guide you how to write your
thoughts on paper clearly, concisely and to keep you’re speech simple when
needed to keep your readers engaged and interested.
6. How can one observe ethics in communication?
 By respecting each other’s points of view and tolerate disagreement, guided by
their own morals and values, proper use of language and being honest, fair and
have integrity with one’s words.
7. Why is it important to have a code of conduct or a code of ethics?
 It is important because if the public views someone as not trustworthy, it can
compromise a professions reputation.

Task: Effective Oral Communication

View on Youtube the speech of President Rodrigo Duterte at Philippine China Trade and
Investment Forum Beijing, China on October 20, 2016.

Do you think the five principles of effective oral communication were followed? Which
ones were followed? Which ones were not? Why or why not?

What advice would you give to make the speaker more effective? Write your thoughts on
the space below.
The president is able to follow the corresponding principles; state his purpose clearly,
delivered the message completely, be specific and prompt with his response and deliver
his speech naturally and with confidence. These principles are evident in the speech of the
president as the audience was entertained, attentive and engaged for the entire session.
Although, in my perspective. There is one principle that he wasn’t able to accomplish. It is
to make the discussion short as he was too wordy with his statements and has a lot of
unnecessary Segway. I would suggest that he should be direct to the point and avoid unessential
words so his speech will be considerably more concise.

Task: Effective Written Communication

Read the translated English version in 2015 President Noynoy Aquino’s speech on the
Mamasapano incident below then write your reaction to it. Do you think the speech followed the
principles of effective written communications? Why or why not? What advice can you suggest?
Write your answer on the space provided after the speech.

[This is the English translation of the speech delivered in Malacañan Palace on

January 28, 2015]

I stand before you today to report on what we know about the incident in Mamasapano,
Maguindanao, last Saturday and Sunday. I do this not because I wish to preempt the
board of inquiry tasked to uncover the entire truth, but because you have a right to know
what we know at this point.

On Saturday, January 24, a group composed of members of our Philippine National

Police’s Special Action Force headed to Barangay Tukanalipao, Mamasapano,
Maguindanao. Their mission was to serve outstanding arrest warrants to two notorious
terrorists who have long been pursued by authorities, namely Abdulbasit Usman and
Zulkipli Bin Hir, alias Abu Marwan. According to the most recent report of the NDRRMC,
44 of our policemen died in the process of fulfilling their duties, while 16 others were
injured, including 3 civilians.

As President and as father of this country, I am greatly saddened that our policemen
had to lay down their lives for this mission. Without question, these people are heroes;
they who willingly put themselves in danger to address threats to our security; they who
were wounded; they who gave their lives in the name of peace. To honor those who
perished, I am declaring a National Day of Mourning to symbolize the sorrow and
empathy of our entire country.

Marwan and Usman are not common criminals. There is a long string of outstanding
warrants for their arrest. There are no less than 8 outstanding warrants against Usman
alone, while there are no less than 2 for Marwan. One of the earliest warrants was
issued in 2002, which means that they were already being pursued when I was a
member of Congress. Allow me to clarify: When a warrant is issued against an
individual, all officers of the law are obligated to serve it. This is precisely why, since
long ago, our security sector, including the AFP, PNP, and NBI, has undertaken multiple
operations to capture Marwan, Usman, and other terrorists.

These agencies are not always required to obtain my approval for each and every one
of their operations, because it would be impractical for them to wait for my clearance
before proceeding. My duty: to make certain that they are carrying out their
responsibilities. There are times when certain matters are elevated to my desk so that I
may give guidance, give a more holistic view of the situation, or explain its wider

A few examples of this are: our response to rogue MNLF elements in Zamboanga, the
capture of individuals high on our list of Most Wanted Persons, and the assault on our
peacekeepers in Golan Heights. In the Golan Heights case, the decision of whether or
not to depart could not simply be left to our battalion commander there. As the person
primarily responsible for foreign relations, I had to be consulted to make certain that we
are likewise upholding our obligations to the United Nations.

Marwan is part of the Central Committee of the Jemaah Islamiya, which was
responsible for the Bali bombing in Indonesia. In this incident, two consecutive blasts
occurred, which meant that first responders and individuals who had not left the area
were also affected. 202 people died, and Marwan was a suspect in this case. In
Cagayan de Oro in 2012, Marwan attempted to replicate this modus; the second bomb
did not explode, as it was discovered ahead of time, yet 2 people still died as a result of
this incident. There are allegations that, in 2006, Marwan, along with Umbra Kato, led a
plot to plant a bomb to assassinate then-Governor of Maguindanao, Andal Ampatuan.
Marwan’s membership in international terrorist networks means that he has the capacity
to acquire the knowledge, the equipment, the funding, and the necessary safe havens
for his fellow terrorists. This is why he was considered the primary target of the
operation. Usman, on the other hand, is connected to nine bombing incidents in
Mindanao. He is the primary accused in the bombing in General Santos City in 2002, in
which 15 people died, and 60 were injured.
Together with another terrorist named Mawiyah, Marwan and Usman committed several
acts of terrorism in various parts of Mindanao. They are also both known bomb-making
trainers. There are reports that they run factories of improvised explosive devices, which
they sell to fellow terrorists. They have injured and killed many people, and they
continue to threaten the safety of our citizens as long as they roam free.

I emphasize: It is stated in Article II, Section 4 of our Constitution that “The primary duty
of government is to serve and protect the people.” This is why, when our police force
uncovered the precise location of Marwan and Usman, they decided to take action and
serve the warrants of the two individuals. Our authorities gathered actionable
intelligence. They found not just the region, the province, or the municipality, but the
very house in which the two were hiding. Not acting on this knowledge would make it
possible for Marwan and Usman to escape, which would mean that the long process of
gathering information would have to start all over again.

It was past 4 in the morning when the SAF reached the stronghold in which Marwan and
Usman were hiding. In the encounter that followed, the primary target, Marwan, was
allegedly killed. Upon hearing the gunshots, Usman and his cohorts fought back. There
were also non-combatants spotted in the houses in which Marwan and Usman were
located; it was necessary for our forces to close the distance to avoid involving the
innocent. Marwan’s house was the first attacked; Usman responded, and the element of
surprise, which was necessary to avoid detection, was lost. This is why the SAF
decided to withdraw and rendezvous with their companions, who were securing their
exit route from the area where the encounter occurred. It appears that it was during this
withdrawal when the bloodiest part of the clash happened.

Like so many others, I have many questions surrounding the incident, and I expect the
board of inquiry to uncover the truth behind this incident. In the briefings the PNP gave
me about the continuing operations against Marwan and Usman, I repeated countless
times the need for proper, sufficient, and timely coordination. The terrain covered by this
operation is complicated: muddy, with swampland, and there is even the need for our
SAF to cross a river to reach their destination. There are also many other forces
scattered in the area: the BIFF, MILF, and even a Private Armed Group. Even if the
MILF and BIFF now constitute two different groups, many of them are related by blood
or by affinity. Strangers cannot just enter their territory. Our troops needed to enter
quietly and carefully; otherwise, their targets may have been alerted.

It is precisely because the forces of the SAF were much smaller than the surrounding
numbers who could intervene that it was important for the Armed Forces to be ready to
position their troops, resources, and equipment like cannons or artillery, should our
police require support. They needed sufficient notice to place their troops where they
would be of greatest assistance. In these kinds of encounters, had the assistance of the
Armed Forces been necessary, they would not have been able to mobilize and arrive at
a moment’s notice, especially because the members of the 6 th Infantry Division, who
were nearest to the action, have other duties.

To my repeated reminders about the necessity of coordination, the director of the SAF
answered, “Yes Sir.” All that he said was that operational security, or the restriction of
information only to those who needed to know, was likewise necessary. Even then, I
underscored the need to alert other branches, or their respective heads; the notification
must come at the appropriate time, with complete information, for them to make the
necessary preparations.

I wonder: how and why could it have happened that the notification of the AFP
battalions close to the operation only came close to the time of jump-off, or even after
our forces had already jumped-off? The problem there was that the soldiers who were
members of the battalion assigned to guard the main supply routes to this location were
scattered in different areas. In simple language, the notification to the AFP came too
close to the time of the encounter, thus making it difficult to determine if they were given
enough time to prepare, had their assistance been necessary. If my order to ensure
sufficient coordination had been complied with, then perhaps it was pushed to the limit,
resulting in very minimum compliance. In fact, I was surprised to learn that the heads of
the Western Mindanao Command, or even of the 6 th Infantry Division, had only been
advised after the first encounter involving Marwan and Usman; the SAF forces were
already retreating, and the situation had already became problematic.

Now, on the MILF: We have already made such great strides because we trusted one
another. We have already proven that we can work together: in 2014, a Japanese
national was rescued in Maguindanao; in that same year, we were able to prevent the
explosion of a bomb in Maguindanao. I have also read the statement of Chairman Al
Haj Murad about the Mamapasano incident; the MILF’s formation of a Special
Investigative Commission in order to determine the details of the incident constitutes a
good first step. I am hopeful that the MILF will show, in the soonest possible time, even
more concrete evidence of their solidarity in the pursuit of peace, towards the pursuit of
truth, and the accountability of those responsible.

Let us also avoid spreading rumors and fueling speculation about the incident. The
Bible itself says: The truth shall set us free. There is already a board of inquiry assigned
to uncover the whole truth. Let us wait for the results of their findings.

We have already come such a long way in our quest to realize the peace that we have
long desired for Muslim Mindanao. All sides exhibited great trust to reach this point. The
incident in Mampasano has already given rise to those who want to take advantage of
this tragedy to undermine that trust; they wish to derail the peace process. There are
even some already calling for a halt to the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law in the
House of Representatives and the Senate.

This should not happen. The success of the entire peace process is contingent on this
law. If this law is kept from being passed at the soonest possible time, the peace
process will be derailed; the status quo will remain. If that happens, we cannot hope for
anything but the same results: Citizens who take to the mountains after losing hope;
individuals kept from gaining justice who instead choose to exact violence on their
fellowmen. It would be as if we helped Marwan and Usman to reach their goals. Do we
want to return to the point when communities are ready, at a moment’s notice, to flee to
evacuation centers, because of the threat of an encounter? If this were to happen, who
would benefit? If the peace process were derailed, how many more graves would we
have to dig? How many more children will idolize Marwan; how many will want to grow
up to be Usman; how many engineers will choose to build bombs rather than buildings?
Let us also remember: The members of the SAF lost their lives while fulfilling their duty
to maintain the peace. If the peace process fails, if we return to the status quo, or if the
violence were to worsen, is this not the exact opposite of the cause to which they gave
their lives?

Is it not true: In facing this challenge, in order to realize peace, should we not link arms
more tightly, and pursue with greater determination the next steps in the process, like
passing the BBL; forming the Bangsamoro Transition Authority; widening opportunities
for all; and correcting a political system where a few benefit to the detriment of the
majority of our countrymen?

To the families of the SAF members who perished: I fully sympathize with your grief. I
know that this grief may be accompanied by worries about your future, especially if your
loved ones who sacrificed their lives were also your breadwinners. I guarantee: The
state will give the maximum assistance it can, within the limits of the laws and rules. On
this occasion, I also take the opportunity to appeal to the public: If possible let us extend
our utmost support to the bereaved, and maximize the help we can give to the families
of those who fell, in recognition of the valor of these heroes who gave their lives for the
realization of the peace we have long desired.

In the face of our grief, in the face of the desire of some to exact revenge, in the face of
the threats to destroy the trust we have forged over such a long period of time, today,
our ability to show compassion to our fellowmen faces a great test. This is why, to all of
my countrymen who desire peace, from lawmakers, to the members of the uniformed
forces, to the leaders of the MILF, to our countrymen in the Bangsamoro, and to every
decent Filipino: Let us show what heights a country united by a single aspiration can
reach. Let us ensure that the ultimate sacrifice made by some members of the SAF
does not go to waste. We will gain justice, in time, through the right processes, and
without letting go of our dreams to realize a widespread and lasting peace.

Thank you, and good evening to us all.

In my perspective, I believe that all of the principles for effective writing

communication has been followed as it stated its purpose for what this report should be,
it’s clear and easy to understand, concise as there is no unnecessary details in other words it
sticks to the point, has the correct tone for the said intention, no offensive languages, has
complete and factual details, and has attention to form e.g introduction, content and conclusion
and has been clearly proof read.

Task: Code of Ethics

The code of ethics in the workplace should be carefully thought since it will guide the
employees in assessing what is right and wrong for the business. If you were to put up your own
business, what values would you incorporate in your company’s code of ethics?

Build Trust and Credibility - The success of our business is dependent on the trust and
confidence we earn from our employees, customers and shareholders. We gain credibility by
adhering to our commitments, displaying honesty and integrity.
Respect for the individual - We all deserve to work in an environment where we are treated
with dignity and respect. We are committed to creating such environment as it will bring out the
full potential of an individual, which in turn, contributes directly to our business success.

Avoid conflicts of interest - We must avoid any relationship or activity that might impair our
ability to make decisions when performing our jobs. We may be faced with situations that would
conflict with our own personal or family interests but we owe a duty to the company to advance
its interests when the opportunity do arises.
Promote substance over form – sometimes we are faced with decisions we would rather not
have to make. In this company, we must have the courage to tackle the tough decisions and make
difficult choices, committed to do the right thing this will mean doing more than the law requires
merely because we can pursue a course of action does nmot mean we should do so.

Deepening Activity

Presume that you are doing business with a company that does not observe ethical
actions. Think of ways on how you can improve the ethical climate of the company.

Create a code, many professions requires us to work to a consistent ethical code or code of
practice. It is to identify values to guide the employees on how to work together and engage with
customers or society.
Engage with the employees and customers – they are likely to get invested if they get involved
in developing the code of practice. Carry out some engagement sessions with your colleagues
when updating the policies so everyone could feel as a part of the company.

Reinforce the benefits of the code – having a strong ethical code is important. But it need to be
consistent to work well. They need to be achievable and desirable to make a better
working environment for the workplace but doesn’t compromise the integrity of the
individuals in any way.

Be a good role model – leaders should be a good moral example for their subordinates as they
will set examples for the workforce to do well and treat everyone no matter what
position they are in the company.

Train your employees – there is no point in having an ethical code or conduct for your
workforce if they don’t know what it is or why it’s important. You need to emphasize
what’s at risk and what is the potential consequences of breaching it could be. It also need
to be clear on how your colleagues can adhere to the code. Training in the company’s values
and ethics regularly so that they will know how to uphold the integrity of the firm in
certain situations,
Reward ethical behavior – the employees would likely to act with integrity and value honesty in
others if their actions are held in high esteem. A good way of promoting the value of
following the company’s ethical code is to reward who does it well.

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