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Bahasa dan

Sastra English

Arranged by :
 Kartika Rabbani
 Deby Rhomadani
 Tiara Enjellina Dewi
SMA Negeri 1 Seluma Tahun
Ajaran 2020/2021
First of all, we thanks to Allah swt. for the mercy given. Because of that,
we were able to complete this task project.

In making this assignment, we got a lot of information and support from

friends and Ms. Siti Nadiroh S.Pd as the supervisor. We think that without their
support, this assignment project might not be completed. Therefore, on this
occasion I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the various parties
involved and who have participated in the preparation and improvement of this
task project.

We recognize that this project is far from perfect. Thus, constructive

criticism and suggestions for improving this assignment project are very happy to
be received.

Hopefully this project can be useful and become a medium of learning for
students in “SMA Negeri 1 Seluma”
Tais, November 2020

Online Learning Policy Title

Online learning is learning that is carried out electronically using

computer-based media or mobile phones via a network. Now students
must carry out learning activities from home because of the corona virus
as a form of prevention. Finally, various alternative learning methods
such as online learning were implemented. Currently, online learning is
an issue that students debate. Some of them think that online learning
is necessary, while others think it is not necessary.

Some of them consider online learning to provide more benefits.

First, online learning can be done according to the convenience of the
students. Second, online learning is more practical, meaning that students
do not have to travel to school at a certain time and place.Third, online for
learning is an alternative during social distancing to limit social interaction
and break the chain of spreading the corona outbreak.

On the other hand, some of them argue that online learning brings
more disadvantages. First, there are many piling assignments given by
the teaching teacher. Second, learning online consumes a lot of internet
data, which lower class economic students object to because their parents
also do not get income due to this corona virus. Third, the learning
material is difficult to understand because there are teachers who give a
ssignments without explaining materials to students.
In conclusion, online learning remains an important thing at this time
for the prevention of the corona virus and the government also urges not
to hold meetings that involve large numbers of people, closing schools and
universities, to public places. However, to cover all the short comings of
online learning, the government should provide free internet data or quota
to students and teachers to support this online learning.

Kebijakan Pembelajaran Online

Belajar online adalah suatu pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara elektronik
dengan menggunakan media berbasis komputer atau handphone melalui sebuah
jaringan. Sekarang para pelajar harus melakukan kegiatan belajar dari rumah
karena adanya virus corona sebagai bentuk pencegahannya. Akhirnya, berbagai
alternatif metode pembelajaran seperti pembelajaran secara online pun diterapkan.
Saat ini, belajar online menjadi masalah yang diperdebatkan para pelajar. Beberapa
dari mereka berfikir bahwa belajar online itu perlu, sementara yang lain
menganggap tidak perlu.

Beberapa dari mereka menganggap belajar online memberi lebih banyak

keuntungan. Pertama, belajar online dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan kenyamanan
para pelajar. Kedua, belajar online bersifat lebih praktis, artinya pelajar tidak harus
menempuh perjalanan kesekolah pada waktu dan tempat tertentu. Ketiga, belajar
online menjadi alternatif selama social distancing untuk membatasi interaksi social
serta memutus rantai penyebaran wabah corona.

Disis lain, beberapa dari mereka berpendapat bahwa belajar online memberi
lebih banyak kerugian. Pertama, banyak tugas-tugas menumpuk yang diberikan
oleh guru pengajar. Kedua, belajar online banyak menghabiskan data internet yang
mana pelajar ekonomi kelas bawah merasa keberatan karena orangtua nya juga
tidak mendapat penghasilan yang disebabkan virus corona ini. Ketiga, materi
pembelajaran sulit dimengerti karena adanya guru yang member tugas tanpa
menjelaskan meteri kepada siswa.
Kesimpulannya, belajar online tetap menjadi hal yang penting pada saat ini
untuk pencegahan virus corona dan pemerintah juga menghimbau agar tidak
mengadakan pertemuan yang melibatkan banyak orang, penutupan sekolah dan
universitas, hingga tempat-tempat umum. Namun untuk menutupi segala
kekurangan dari belajar online, pemerintah sebaiknya memberikan data internet
atau kuota gratis kepada para siswa dan guru untuk mendukung pembelajaran
secara online ini.

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