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Non – verbal communication

Discuss the elements / components of non- verbal communication

Communication without using words is non – verbal communication. Usually we use non – verbal
communication to supplement (to add) to the verbal communication. Sometimes non – verbal
communication communicate by itself. One can with his own understanding of non – verbal
communication tell if someone is lying or trying to impress someone. Since non – verbal
communication has a very broad range, it is confusing. For instance a frown on someone’s forehead
means tension but it might be possible a person has a headache.

Non – verbal communication has four components/ elements.

Body Language:

Much of what we communicate to others without using words is through physical movements of the
body which is called body language. Most of the basic expression and gesture are universal. People
laugh when they are happy, cry when sad or stare when angry. Nodding the head indicates ‘Yes’ and
shaking of the head form one side to another indicates ‘No’ .When one is in doubt and does not
understand something he simply shrugs his shoulders.

It is concluded in one of the research that overall communication is perceived in 3 main ways.

55% visually Includes body language, and how you look.

38% vocally How you sound, and how you speak.

7% verbally The actual words you speak.

So, body language is the most important part of our communication. It is the communication of
personal feelings, emotions, attitudes and thoughts through body movements. The way we sit, stand,
walk, use our hands can tell what kind of person we are.

Another area of body language is physical appearance i.e. our clothing, hair and adornment (jewelry,
cosmetic etc.)

Space Language:

Space language is such a meaningful signal in business as well as in the society. In general, the
distance while talking depends on personal relationship. The distance of space indicates interpersonal
relation and closeness of rapport, yet, the same distance may be applied among lovers or fighters
expressing different from non – verbal communication parts of body.

The distance may be classified into:

a) Close or intimate (where bodies can come in contact with each other also) space ranges from
physical contact to 4 feet. For e.g. space between mother and a kid or between two friends.

b) Social space ranges from 4 feet to 12 feet. For e.g. space between the neighbours or colleagues
c) Flying or avoiding distance ranges from 12 feet to the range of seeing and hearing. For e.g. space
between political leader and the public.

Para language:

Para language means ‘like language’. The study of paralanguage focuses on how you speak rather
than what you speak. It is concerned with sound of speaker’s voice which signals the way the words
are delivered. To understand the paralanguage read the following series of statements emphasizing
word in it.

Have you seen my new book?

Have you seen my new book?

Have you seen my new book?

Have you seen my new book?

Have you seen my new book?


We do not communicate with gestures, signs and expressions alone we also communicate through
silence. It is said,

“Silence is more eloquent than words”

For e.g. an employee requests his boss for the raise into the salary but the boss remains
silent. It signifies refusal. Silence can convey feelings like anger, disapproval, lack of interest
etc. very effectively.

The most effective use of silence can be done by giving a slight pause before or after making
important point in the speech. Silence before speech creates anticipation in the mind of
listener while pause after speech means something very important has been said.

So, from the above points it can be said that non- verbal communication is as
important as verbal communication.

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