Anaesthesia For Chronic Spinal Cord Lesions

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HIPPOKRATIA 2006, 10, 1: 28-31


Anaesthesia for chronic spinal cord lesions

Kanonidou Æ

Increasing numbers of patients with spinal cord injury present for surgery care. The most important perioperative
risks are autonomic dysreflexia, bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory deficiency and muscle spasms. Patients with
low, complete lesions, undergoing surgery below the level of injury, may safely do so without anaesthesia. An
anaesthesiologist should be present to monitor the patient in this condition. General anaesthesia of sufficient depth
is effective at controlling spasms and autonomic dysreflexia but hypotension and respiratory dysfunction are poten-
tial risks. There is a growing consensus that techniques of regional anaesthesia are safe, effective and technically
simple to perform in these patients. Hippokratia 2006; 10(1):28-31

Keywords: anaesthesia, complications; trauma, spinal cord.

Corresponding author: Kanonidou Z, 3rd Dpt of Anaesthesiology, Hippokrateio G.H. of Thessaloniki, Greece

Dramatic improvements in the care of spinal cord in- Anaesthetic Assessment, Precautions and Management
jured patients have been achieved over the last few de- The assessment of patients before surgery should
cades. Overall mortality decreased from over 80% at focus on the following points:
the time of World War I to less than 2% by the early - Sensory level compared with surgical field.
1980s. The implications of increased survival are an in- - Complete or incomplete lesion?
crease in the prevalence of spinal cord injuries, an in- - Time since injury: spinal shock or reflex phase?
crease in the numbers of patients presenting for elective Risk of hyperkalaemic response to suxamethonium 3
surgery and an ever increasing number of spinal cord days – 9 months.
injured patients who develop further medical conditions - Previous anaesthetic history: especially use of
associated with normal ageing. Although the majority of “standby” anaesthesia. Previous anaesthetic records
spinal cord injured patients currently undergo elective should be located.
surgery in specialised spinal units, the appearance of - Airway and neck movements: particularly after cer-
such patients on operating lists of other hospitals is likely vical spine surgery.
to increase. The distribution of surgical speciality is given - Respiratory assessment: particularly high lesions.
in Fig. 1. Urological procedures are by far the most com- History of respiratory tract infections, intensive care unit
mon, followed by surgical treatment of pressure sores, admissions, etc. Tracheostomy past or present. Vital
orthopaedic surgery and neurosurgery. Operations of capacity should be measured in all patients with lesions
the ‘other’ category include a wide variety of procedures above C7. When in doubt, chest X-ray and arterial blood
like hysterectomy, third molar extraction, laparotomy gases should be ordered.
and electroconvulsive therapy 1. - Cardiovascular assessment: baseline blood pres-
sure, heart rate. History of postural hypotension.
History of autonomic dysreflexia – suggested by
symptoms of headache and sweating when bladder
- Musculoskeletal: spasms, contractures, pressure
- Medications: especially anticoagulants, baclofen and
- Allergies.
- Full blood count: anaemia is common, especially in
the presence of pressure sores or chronic sepsis.
- Urea and electrolytes: to exclude renal impairment.
- Liver function tests: especially where there is
chronic sepsis.
Sedative premedication is not commonly used. Those
Figure 1 Surgical category for procedures in survey patients. patients with higher lesions may be sensitive to standard
HIPPOKRATIA 2006, 10, 1 29

premedication doses, although delayed gastric empty- carries the theoretical risk of worsening muscle spasm.
ing may reduce the effect of oral drugs. In some centres, No depolarising neuromuscular blocking agents are
pre-operative medication is given to prevent autonomic commonly used to facilitate tracheal intubation but their
dysreflexia, e.g. oral nifedipine 10 mg, 1 h before sur- use beyond an initial intubating dose is rarely required.
gery. Spinal cord injury is associated with renal impair- Anecdotal evidence and personal experience suggest that
ment, which may result in reduced clearance of some the doses required are lower in spinal cord-injured pa-
drugs2 . tients2, 3. Most authors agree that suxamethonium may
be used safely in the first 72 h after injury and few would
“Standby Anaesthesia” deny that elective use of suxamethonium is safe after 9
The loss of sensation caused by spinal cord injury months4, 5, 6.
means that many patients could undergo surgery with- A wide-bore intravenous cannula is recommended.
out anaesthesia and without feeling pain from the op- It is common practice to give 500-1000 ml of crystalloid
erative site. Approximately one-fifth of cases are con- before induction to reduce the likelihood and severity
ducted with this technique of ‘standby anaesthesia’. The of hypotension after induction. All fluid losses should
choice of this technique depends on various factors: be diligently replaced. It is important that basic moni-
• Site of surgery and level/completeness of lesion. toring devices are applied before induction and remain
• Likelihood of autonomic dysreflexia: autonomic in place until after recovery. Invasive monitoring is not
dysreflexia is more likely in patients with cervical lesions considered necessary on a routine basis. Central venous
and in those who have a past history of the phenom- pressure measurements are difficult to interpret but
enon, either during surgery or in daily activities. pulmonary artery wedge pressure measurement may be
• Likelihood of spasms: patients who are frequently a useful guide to fluid administration during major sur-
troubled by spasms usually require anaesthesia for con- gery in compromised patients2 .
trol during surgery. Rapid sequence induction is not routinely employed
• Patient’s willingness. for elective surgery. Although gastric emptying is slower
• Previous anaesthetic history: many spinal cord- in spinal cord-injured subjects, no significant increase in
injured patients have had multiple procedures and may the incidence of regurgitation of gastric contents has
regularly undergo surgery without anaesthesia. been demonstrated. The technique of airway manage-
Local infiltration anaesthesia is useful to allow sur- ment is largely the same as it is for non-spinal cord-
gery to take place in areas of incomplete sensory deficit, injured patients. The laryngeal mask airway is the most
particularly for body surface surgery. Local anaesthetic commonly used technique in all categories. Theoretical
solutions containing adrenaline should be avoided be- reservations that this should lead to an unacceptable
cause of the greater sensitivity of the spinal cord-injured incidence of aspiration have not been borne out. . Tra-
patient to catecholamines. For all operations on spinal cheal intubation may be difficult in those with fused cer-
cord-injured patients, regardless of anaesthetic tech- vical vertebrae and bradycardia may occur on intuba-
nique, it is recommended that the usual precautions are tion, especially during the phase of spinal shock. This
taken, such as the necessary presence of an can be prevented by the prior administration of atro-
anaesthesiologist, venous access is secured and moni- pine7, 8.
toring is in use throughout the procedure3. Several authors have pointed out the advantages of
intermittent positive pressure ventilation; however, posi-
General Anaesthesia tive pressure ventilation causes a greater drop in blood
There are no special considerations that favour the pressure in tetraplegic patients, particularly when com-
use of any particular induction agent (Fig. 2). Ketamine bined with myocardial depressant drugs like halothane.
Spontaneous ventilation is usually appropriate for short
operations. Many patients with cervical lesions have
borderline lung function and hypoxia and hypercapnia
are likely if some patients are allowed to breathe sponta-
neously2, 5, 9.
The threat of pressure sores makes generous pad-
ding at all pressure points essential. Silicone pads and
pillows are preferred. Limbs should be well secured to
prevent injury from spasmodic movements. Spinal cord-
injured patients have a greatly reduced ability to gener-
ate heat after surgery. For this reason, prevention of
hypothermia during surgery is of great importance.
Humidification, fluid warming, superficial hot air blan-
kets and operating in a warm ward are all recommended2.
Figure 2 Induction agent used in survey patients receiving gen- Where autonomic dysreflexia occurs during surgery,
eral anaesthesia, grouped by level of lesion. management should begin with removal of the precipi-

tating stimulus, if possible. Most episodes appear to be injury, 76% of paraplegics and 56% of quadriplegics were
brief and self-limited and in most cases no specific treat- sexually active. The incidence of pregnancy in spinal cord-
ment is required. Dysreflexia occurring under general injured women is increasing75 and maternal age at deliv-
anaesthesia is best treated with increasing anaesthetic ery is falling15, 16.
depth in the first instance. Where drug therapy is re- The physiological changes that occur as a result of
quired, nifedipine and labetalol are used most com- spinal cord injury are exaggerated by pregnancy. With
monly, though propranolol, midazolam, spinal anaes- high lesions, orthostatic hypotension may be prominent
thesia and transdermal glyceryl trinitrate patches were and further reductions in respiratory reserve may oc-
all used on survey patients. Spasms can occur during cur. Increased minute volume and oxygen demand, along
general anaesthesia if the patient is too lightly with a reduction in functional residual capacity and poor
anaesthetised and can usually be managed by increasing cough may precipitate pneumonia or respiratory fail-
the anaesthetic depth. Muscle relaxants are rarely re- ure. Menstruation often ceases for 6-18 months after
quired for this purpose9. Priapism may complicate ure- injury but usually resumes and fertility in spinal cord-
thral instrumentation in males. This response may be injured women approaches normal8 .
abolished by deepening the anaesthesia or by careful Urinary tract infection is extremely common in the
administration of metaraminol10. spinal cord-injured parturient and is strongly associated
Special attention to body temperature and respira- with the use of catheters. Premature labour is commoner
tory function is required after general anaesthesia. in spinal cord-inured, parturient particularly with high
Tetraplegic patients are best-nursed supine. Autonomic thoracic and cervical lesions and in many cases may be
dysreflexia may occur in recovery and may require drug precipitated by urinary tract infection. The anaemia com-
treatment 2, 9. monly seen in spinal cord injury often worsens during
pregnancy and is associated with the development of
Regional Anaesthesia pressure sores. Such sores can arise after less than 2 h of
Spinal anaesthesia has been recommended3, 8, 11, es- sustained pressure. Aggressive prevention and treat-
pecially for urological surgery. Its advantages are the ment of anaemia is recommended, with transfusion or
reliable prevention of autonomic dysreflexia and avoid- iron supplements. The risk of thrombo-embolic compli-
ance of some of the hazards of general anaesthesia. cations is further increased during pregnancy 17.
However, it may be impossible to determine the level of Ideally all spinal cord-injured patients should be seen
the block and it is not known whether the usual dose/ antenatally by an anaesthetist to discuss intrapartum
response characteristics are seen in spinal cord injury analgesia and make a respiratory assessment. Parturi-
patients. Technical difficulties may occur, as a result of ents with spinal lesions below T10 are likely to experi-
kyphoscoliosis, previous spinal surgery, inability to flex ence pain during labour and those with lesions between
the spine due to spasms and bony deformities. The rec- T5 and T10 may at least be aware of contractions. Uter-
ommended dose for routine use in urological surgery is ine contractions are a potent trigger for autonomic
1.5-2.0 ml of hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine3, 9. dysreflexia and the incidence is greater with higher le-
The use of epidural anaesthesia is widely reported sions. Autonomic dysreflexia is reported up to 85-90%
as being less satisfactory. Failure to block sacral seg- of parturients with lesions above the T6 level. In many
ments and missed segments resulting from distortion of cases, the development of autonomic dysreflexia is the
the epidural space are the most likely explanations, to- only clue to the onset of labour. Intrapartum morbidity
gether with an inability to assess the block accurately. appears to be related to the degree of hypertension. A
Another problem is the difficulty of meaningfully as- variety of techniques have been employed to control
sessing the effect of a test dose, which could lead to a autonomic dysreflexia in labour, including a range of
total spinal. The only common use of epidural anaesthe- antihypertensive agents and general anaesthesia, but the
sia in spinal cord-injured patients remains the preven- measure employed most commonly is epidural analge-
tion of autonomic dysreflexia during labour 9, 12, 13. sia. Introducing an epidural catheter may be difficult
Brachial plexus block is a useful means of avoiding because of spasms and distorted anatomy due to spinal
general anaesthesia for upper limb surgery. The axillary cord injury or difficulties with patient positioning. Moni-
approach is probably preferable to the supraclavicular toring the level of the block is often difficult but the
approach, given that a pneumothorax is more than usu- adequacy of the block can be judged by the quality of
ally hazardous in spinal cord-injured patients with bor- blood pressure control. Epidural block is not commonly
derline lung function. In patients with cervical lesions, a associated with hypotension, provided there is appro-
nerve stimulator may give neither the sensation of para- priate fluid loading and the block is established slowly.
esthesia nor the familiar pattern of twitching in the hand, Autonomic dysreflexia may occur up to 48 h after deliv-
especially if roots of the brachial plexus have been dam- ery and it is often appropriate to leave the epidural cath-
aged in the original accident2. eter in situ for this time. The headache and hyperten-
sion of pre-eclampsia may occasionally be mistaken for
Spinal Patients and Obstetrics that of autonomic dysreflexia. If epidural anaesthesia
McCluer14 found that of 227 women with spinal cord fails to control blood pressure, nifedipine, hydralazine
HIPPOKRATIA 2006, 10, 1 31

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