Organizational Change Readiness

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Organizational Change Readiness


What are we doing?

Describe OPIF nationally (vision and context) and by department (scope


Why are we doing this survey?

The success of any potential implementation of OPIF will rely heavily on how
effectively we can……………………….

How are we doing it?

Describe how we might implement the local OPIF project plan...

The surveys can be anonymous, unless you choose to be individually identified.

However, we do need to gather information on such things as …………………. in
order to ensure that we provide the right support to the right group of people.

If you wish to remain anonymous, please print the attached form out, complete it in
pen and post back to xxxxxxx. Alternatively you can complete the form electronically
and send via e-mail to xxxxxx. No record will be kept of which person sent back
which reply, if you choose not to include your name on the actual survey.

Please note that due to the tight deadlines, replies received prior to xxx will be
greatly appreciated

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to complete the survey?

No, but if you do, you will be helping the project team identify the support needed by
staff to make the OPIF project successful.

How long will the survey take

The questionnaire should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

Can I be identified by my reply?

If you complete a paper copy, you cannot be identified and we would not seek to do
so. Responses will only be seen by the Project Manager.

Will the results of the survey be published?

Will my colleagues have to complete this survey also?
Yes and explain the types of dept – if the survey is small we cannot identify business

For each question, two responses are given with a range of responses between them. Please mark the most appropriate box.
The closer the box is to the answer, the stronger you agree. For example, if you felt that the information gathered on youth crime
have enables you to do your job effectively to a large extent, you would complete the questionnaire as follows:

Ex1 Does the information gathered on budget Not at all Very much so
allow you to do your job properly?

If you have no view on a particular question, please leave it blank.

Business Case for Change

A1 Are you aware of the OPIF project? Not at all aware Very aware

A2 Do you understand the objectives and goals of Not at all well Very well
the OPIF project ?
A3 How important is the OPIF project to achieving Of no Essential
your vision of implementing the mission and importance
vision of the department?
A4 How achievable are the objectives of the OPIF Not at all Entirely
project? achievable achievable

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Vision for Change
B1 Do you understand the contribution the OPIF Not at all Very much so
project will make to the vision?

B2 Do you understand the change that an Not at all Very much so

implemented OPIF will make to the way that
agencies carry out their work ?

C1 Do you think your Leadership Team is committed Not at all Very
to the success of the OPIF project? committed committed
C2 Do you think that your Leadership Team has the Not at all Very much so
right people involved to make this change

C3 Do you believe your OPIF local manager to be Not at all Very committed
committed to the success of the OPIF pilot? committed

C4 Do you believe that your OPIF manager will help Not at all Very much so
you to understand how you can support and
adapt to changes needed to implement OPIF?

C5 Will you be able to support your OPIF manager Not at all Very much so
through this change process?

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D1 How effective is communication from the Very ineffective Very effective
Leadership Team to people involved in

D2 How regularly do you receive communication on Hardly ever All the time
changes in the way you perform your tasks?

D3 Do the messages you have heard on OPIF make Less More

you feel that you will be comfortable about what comfortable comfortable
the project will mean to you?

D4 What is the most effective way for you to receive E-mail 0 5 most useful, 1 least useful
communications? (Please prioritise with 5 being
the most useful and 1 being the least useful. If Intranet 0
you are completing the form electronically, please Memos 0
select the number from the drop down menu to
the right of the box) Newsletters 0
Meetings 0
Casual Conversation 0
Other (please specify)

Page 6 of 11
Individual and Team Capacity
E1 Is your job role clearly defined? Not at all clear Very clear

E2 Do you receive the necessary training and Not at all Very much so
support to enable you to do your job more

E3 Do you understand how the OPIF project will Not at all Very much so
affect you?

E4 Are you confident that you would receive the Not at all Very confident
relevant training and support to enable you to fulfil confident
any new activities/ role effectively within OPIF?

E5 As an individual, how quickly do you adapt to Over a long Almost

change? period of time immediately

E6 As an organization, how quickly do you think that Over a long Almost

your organization adapts to changes? period of time immediately

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Organizational Design
F1 Are your reporting relationships clear (others Not at all clear Very clear
reporting to you and you reporting to others)?

F2 Do you think the decision making is effective? Very ineffective Very effective

HR Practices
G1 How often do you have reviews with your line Never Very often
manager to discuss objectives and priorities?

G2 Are the relationships between you and the Very ineffective Very effective
strategic managers effective?

Internal/External Events
H1 Have previous change initiatives achieved their Not at all Very much so

H2 Do you think that your organization is undertaking Not enough Too much
too much or not enough change at the moment? change change

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J1 How do you feel about the culture within your Backward Forward looking
organization relating to change? looking

Unresponsive Responsive

Directive Involving

Overall average:

Additional Questions

K1 In your experience, what has helped change

projects to be successful within your organization

K2 In your experience, what has limited the success

of change projects within your organization ?

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K3 What do you think will be critical to the success of

K4 What do you think could limit the success of


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i) How long have you worked at your department?

Less than 2 years

2-7 years
More than 7 years

ii) Which business unit (name and location) do you belong to?



iii) The following information is strictly voluntary.


E-mail address

Phone number

Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this form. If you have completed it electronically, please save and
return via e-mail to xxxxx. If you have completed a paper copy, please send it to the address printed on the first page.

DSWD Performance Measurement IA Tool 11

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