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SBH0010.1177/2059513120926628Scars, Burns & HealingSohrabi and Goutos


Scars, Burns & Healing

The use of botulinum toxin in Volume 6: 1­–13

DOI: 10.1177/2059513120926628

keloid scar management:

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© The Author(s) 2020

a literature review

Catrin Sohrabi1 and Ioannis Goutos2


Introduction: Administration of botulinum toxin is an increasingly popular procedure in the medical and
aesthetic field. There is emerging evidence that it can influence fibroblast activity and minimise tension
around the scar by virtue of muscular chemoimmobilisation. This review aims to explore the current evidence
base behind the treatment of keloid scars with botulinum toxin.

Methods: A detailed literature review was conducted using PubMed Medline, Embase and Web of Science
databases. Manuscripts were appraised and classified in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute Levels
of Evidence by an independent consultant in evidence synthesis. The results of this search are presented in
descending order of evidence for botulinum toxin as a primary management agent as well as a secondary
adjunct following extralesional keloid excision.

Discussion: On the basis of level 1 evidence, botulinum toxin appears to be equivalent to triamcinolone in
producing a short-term reduction in keloidal volume, height and vascularity. A number of level 1 and 2 studies
also suggest that botulinum toxin may be particularly helpful in alleviating symptoms of keloid associated pain
and itch. There are currently limited studies appraising the value of botulinum toxin in the postoperative
management of keloid scars.

Conclusion: Botulinum toxin may represent a promising agent in the management of keloid scars.
However, further research involving large-scale studies with comparative designs and long-term follow-up
is warranted to delineate the value of this therapeutic modality in scar management protocols.

Botulinum toxin, keloid, scar, management, steroid, tension

1Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK
2Centre for Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London,
London, UK

Corresponding author:
Ioannis Goutos, Centre for Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University
of London, 4 Newark Street, London E1 2AT, UK.
Twitter Handle: @IoannisGoutos

Creative Commons Non Commercial CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction
and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and
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2 Scars, Burns & Healing

Lay Summary
Botulinum toxin (BXT) is a popular product used in a variety of medical and aesthetic interventions. Its
mechanism of action relies on temporarily paralysing the muscles in the target area as well as influencing
the activity of a variety of cell types. We undertook this study to ascertain whether BXT is a helpful agent
for the management for keloid scars. We conclude that there is some supporting evidence that BXT can
be as helpful as steroids in improving the troublesome characteristics of keloid scars including bulk and
redness. Additionally, it appears to have a notably beneficial effect in alleviating the problematic symp-
toms of pain and itch. The evidence behind the role of BXT for the management of keloids after surgical
removal is very limited at present.

Introduction mechanobiology principles, can attenuate the

inflammatory response/associated cellular met-
Keloid scars represent a challenging clinical abolic activity believed to underpin scar
entity and are believed to represent the extreme hypertrophy.10
spectrum of scar hypertrophy due to a number
of pathophysiological processes including fibro- 2. Fibroblastic activity regulation
blast hyperactivity; they differ from hypertrophic
scars in that excessive tissue proliferation occurs A number of studies have provided evidence for
beyond the margins of the original wound, while the role of BXT in the modulation of fibroblast
no spontaneous regression occurs over time.1,2 A activity through a variety of mechanisms including:
number of different management strategies
have been described in the literature including 1. Decreased levels of transforming growth
intralesional/extralesional excision,3,4 corticos- factor (TGF)-β1 and connective tissue
teroid injection,5,6 irradiation7 and cryotherapy;8 growth factor (CTGF) causing inhibition
however, the ideal therapeutic approach has not of fibroblast proliferation.11–13
been unequivocally reached. 2. Altered expression of genes involved in
Botulinum toxin (BXT) is a protein neuro- keloidogenesis including S100A (upregu-
toxin produced by the anaerobic spore-forming lation), TGF-β1, VEGF, MMP-1 and
bacterium Clostridium botulinum,9 which has been PDGFA (downregulation).14
utilised for various indications including blepha- 3. Modulation of the fibroblast cell cycle.15
rospasm, strabismus, hyperhidrosis and facial 4. Prevention of fibroblast-to-myofibroblast
lines.1 While seven immunologically distinct sero- differentiation.16
types exist, BXT-A remains the most widely used
in clinical practice. In exerting its paralytic
effects, BXT-A prevents synaptic acetylcholine Applications of botulinum toxin in
vesicle neuroexocytosis via the proteolytic cleav-
wound healing and scarring
age of presynaptic membrane associated synapto-
somal nerve-associated protein 25.1 One of the There are a number of studies in animals and
emerging applications of BXT includes scar man- humans that provide supporting evidence for the
agement, with a number of proposed beneficial use of BXT in the management of scars. One of
actions including the alleviation of muscular ten- the first animal studies investigated the effects of
sion alongside interference with fibroblast BXT on the cosmetic appearance of unfavoura-
activity. bly oriented scars on the foreheads of six
Cynomolgus macaque monkeys.17 An assessment
1. Alleviation of tension/chemoimmobilisation performed by a panel of blinded facial plastic
surgeons at three-month follow-up revealed a sta-
Tension across a healing wound/scar is consid- tistically significant superior aesthetic outcome
ered a key factor in facilitating formation of in favour of toxin-treated wounds as evaluated on
keloids. By virtue of paralysing the neighbour- a 10-cm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS; P < 0.01).17
ing muscle mass, BXT has the potential to With regards to clinical use in humans, a
reduce the tensile forces created during the number of studies have focused on the applica-
process of wound healing, which, according to tion of BXT-A on healing in facial wounds.
Sohrabi and Goutos 3

A split-scar, double-blinded randomised control VAS score (four articles; P < 0.00001). It should be
trial (RCT) of 14 patients undergoing facial noted that several of the study findings within this
reconstructive surgery revealed that the early meta-analysis have been presented within the pre-
postsurgical administration of BXT-A (compared ceding section of our review.19,20,22,25 In consider-
with 0.9% normal saline) yielded narrower facial ing the emerging value of BXT in the management
surgical scars at six-month follow-up (P = of scars, this work aims to evaluate the current
0.001).18 In a further two studies, the postopera- available evidence on the efficacy of BXT in the
tive administration of BXT-A was found to pro- management of keloid scars.
duce a statistically significant improvement in
median VAS score compared to placebo at 6- and Methodology
12-month follow-up (P = 0.003 and P < 0.001,
respectively).19,20 Another study of 30 patients A detailed literature review was conducted in
receiving BXT-A injection within five days after PubMed Medline, Embase and Web of Science
primary closure of vertical forehead lacerations databases using the following keywords: ‘botuli-
in comparison to placebo showed an improve- num AND scar’ and ‘botulinum AND keloid’. Our
ment in Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS) scores (P = search retrieved 87 citations; all abstracts were
0.003) and a reduction in wound width (P = screened by both authors to ensure relevance. A
0.007); these findings were further supported by total of 11 studies (nine English and two Chinese)
improved quantitative scar discolouration meas- were identified in accordance with the inclusion
urements (P < 0.0001) at six-month follow-up.21 criteria (human studies involving patients present-
The beneficial effects of BXT-A on scar quality ing with one or more keloid scars). The two
have been similarly reported in the cleft lip field. Chinese articles were translated via a professional
One double-blinded RCT of 58 patients with lip academic translation service before inclusion in
scars reported the administration of BXT-A to the study. The selected papers were appraised and
result in an improvement in VAS score and classified according to the Joanna Briggs Institute
reduced width in postsurgical scars (compared Levels of Evidence with the help of an independ-
with normal saline; both P < 0.001).22 Another ent research consultant in evidence synthesis.
study involving 60 patients revealed that the imme- Collectively, the findings of this review are pre-
diate postoperative administration of BXT-A pro- sented separately for BXT as a primary agent
duced cleft lip scars ranking more highly with (Table 1) and as a postsurgical adjunct (Table 2)
regards to quality and aesthetic appearance based in descending order of evidence.
on six-month postoperative photography.23
In addition, the efficacy of BXT-A in the sur-
gical management of hypertrophic scars has been Results
similarly demonstrated in a double-blinded RCT Botulinum toxin as a primary
of 17 median sternotomy patients. Results at six-
month follow-up showed an improvement in VSS
management agent
score and scar width measurement in compari- Level 1.  Shaarawy et al.28 performed a randomised
son to normal saline (P < 0.05).24 double-blinded comparative study in 24 female
In another split-scar double-blinded RCT patients to evaluate the effects of repeat BXT-A
involving 15 patients with fresh thyroidectomy injection versus intralesional (IL) corticosteroid
scars, the use of BXT-A within 10 days of surgery therapy on keloid scars (level 1c). Patients were
significantly improved the quality of postsurgical randomised via a computer-generated random
scars as measured via a modified Stony Brook sequence into two groups: group A, receiving IL
Scar Evaluation Scale in comparison to 0.9% steroid (10 mg/mL triamcinolone) repeated
saline (P < 0.001).25 A preliminary report on the every four weeks for six sessions, and group B,
use of BXT-A in hypertrophic scar healing has receiving IL BXT-A at 5 IU/cm3 repeated every
also identified a favourable effect.27 eight weeks for three sessions. The total treat-
A meta-analysis involving the collation of nine ment duration was six months with a non-signifi-
RCTs on the use of BXT-A for the prevention of cant difference between groups with regards to
hypertrophic scarring in the maxillofacial/neck baseline age, disease duration, Fitzpatrick skin
area has also been identified in our literature type and keloid volume (P = 0.201, 0.957, 0.673
search.26 A statistically significant difference was and 0.940, respectively). Assessment was per-
identified in favour of toxin-treated wounds in formed via the recording of objective parameters
terms of scar width (three articles; P = 0.003), (hardness, elevation and redness), subjective
patient satisfaction (two articles; P = 0.006) and complaints (itching, pain and tenderness) on a

Table 1.  Botulinum toxin as a primary management agent.

Authors Level of Patient clinical criteria Study design Outcome measures Follow-up period Outcomes

Shaarawy et al.28 Level 1c N = 24 Group A (12 patients) received Lesions were assessed by two Follow-up was A significant decrease in lesion volume
Age range of patients was 10–53 IL steroid injection (10 mg/mL blinded dermatologists on the performed at 7 was reported (82.7% reduction for
years, with post-traumatic or triamcinolone), basis of objective parameters months (end of group A and 79.2% for group B) as
idiopathic keloids. Keloid duration was every 4 weeks for six sessions/or until (hardness, elevation, and redness) treatment). well as keloid height and redness
in the range of 0.5–6 years (average complete and subjective complaints (itching, in all patients at 7-month follow-up
duration = 2.8 ± 1.474). improvement of the keloid. Group B pain, and tenderness) on a scale when compared against baseline
(12 patients) of 0–3 (P < 0.01). There was no statistical
received IL BXT-A injection 5 IU/cm3 (none to maximum complaint). significance between groups for all
every 8 weeks for three sessions or Keloid volume was also measured. three parameters. Lesion softening was
until complete improvement of Patient satisfaction was subjectively reported to a greater extent in group A
the keloid. Total treatment duration graded as unsatisfied, satisfied (statistically significant improvement;
was 6 months. and highly satisfied. Photographs P < 0.01). Reduction in subjective
were taken before treatment and at complaints was significantly greater in
7 months (end of treatment). group B (P < 0.01). In group B, 75% of
patients were highly satisfied with the
end result vs. 50% in group A.

Rasaii et al.29 Level 2c N = 23 (40 keloids) Keloids were randomly assigned Keloid height, vascularity, Assessment Both groups 1 and 2 demonstrated a
Mean age of patients was 23.3 ± 1.2 to one of two groups: 1 (IL pigmentation and pliability were of keloids was similar decrease in lesion height (P <
years; mean keloid duration was 11.2 triamcinolone acetonide plus assessed via a blinded investigator performed at 0.001 for both), vascularisation (P =
± 0.6 months. normal saline placebo) and 2 (IL via the VSS assessment scale at baseline, through 0.003 for both) and pliability score (P
Inclusion criteria: presence of ⩾ 2 triamcinolone acetonide with BXT-A). baseline, sessions 1–3, and at sessions 1–3, and = 0.033 and P = 0.005, respectively)
keloids. Triamcinolone acetonide 1-month follow-up. Keloid height at a single 1-month after intervention when compared
Exclusion criteria: pregnancy, breast (20 mg/mL) maximum dose was 40 was measured using callipers. follow-up visit. against baseline. A significant decrease
feeding, neuromuscular junction mg; BXT-A (20 U/mL) and 20 U BTX-A Severity of pain and itching were in pain and pruritus scores was noted
disease, patients having previously were injected per session. Injections measured via a VAS. in both groups compared to baseline;
received neuromuscular junction were performed every 4 weeks for albeit a greater reduction in score was
blockers, previous medical and/or a total of three sessions (12 weeks obtained in group B over group A (P
physical keloid treatment 3 months in total). < 0.001).
prior to BXT-A injection.

Scars, Burns & Healing
Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Level of Patient clinical criteria Study design Outcome measures Follow-up period Outcomes

Li et al.30 Level 2c N = 32 (85 keloids) Lesions were randomised into one of Keloid volume was measured via Injections were No statistical difference was noted
Sohrabi and Goutos

Age range of patients was 7–55 years three groups: (A) IL betamethasone the creation of lesion-specific performed three in all groups following the self-
(mean = 23.5 ± 5.4 years). with BXT-A; (B) IL betamethasone alginate impression moulds; times, once every 2 assessment of lesion volume, hardness
Inclusion criteria: dimensions = ⩽ 4 with fluorouracil; and (C) IL hardness was measured via a weeks (6 weeks in and appearance (P > 0.05). Statistical
cm in diameter and ⩽ 2 cm in height. betamethasone alone. Injections durometer (an average of three total); assessment significance was recorded between
Exclusion criteria: pregnancy, were performed via a high-pressure measurements was taken). Itching was made at the groups A and C for pain and itching (P
lactation, previous drug/laser/cold needleless injector; all three groups and pain were measured via VAS; end of course ⩽ 0.05), while no statistical significance
therapy (past three months) or received treatment every 2 weeks, lesion appearance was graded completion. was recorded between groups A and B,
radiotherapy (past two years), infected repeated three times. Group A using a patient subjective scale as and groups B and C (P > 0.05).
skin lesions, digestive/endocrine received a single BXT-A injection, well as photography
disorders. subsequent injections contained
steroids only.

Popescu et al.31 Level 2c N = 42 On each patient, one half of a keloid Lesion appearance was evaluated Follow-ups at 3 A more pliable scar formation was
Inclusion criteria: recent open surgical scar was randomly assigned to either via blinded observers at 3- and and 6 months after noted in BXT-A injected scars (in
intervention; scar length in the range toxin or saline injection group. 6-month post-treatment sessions injection were contrast to those having received
of 5–11 cm. BTX-A (2 U in each of multiple points using a VAS. Patient satisfaction performed. saline alone); thus, significant aesthetic
as separated from each other by a rating was also reported. improvement was noted at 3- and
minimum of 2 cm) was injected for 6-month post-injection follow-ups (P
all toxin group scars. Control group < 0.017 and P < 0.022, respectively).
scars received normal saline in an Subjective patient satisfaction was
identical manner. reported as being either good or

Zhou et al.32 Level 2c N = 58 A single lesion was assessed Clinical photographs were noted Follow-up at A greater reduction in VAS was seen
Inclusion criteria: skin lesion thickness per patient. Group 1 received IL before and after treatment. 3 months was in the joint treatment group (51.3
(1–5 mm)/surface area ⩽ 10 cm2, betamethasone with BXT-A and Pain and itch severity were performed. % reduction) at 3 months; statistical
pain and itch symptoms, and no prior topical hyaluronic acid (28 patients). recorded via a VAS once per significance was noted between both
keloid treatment. Group 2 received IL betamethasone month. Keloid thickness was groups for VAS at 1-, 2- and 3-month
Exclusion criteria: previous keloid and topical hyaluronic acid (30 measured using colour Doppler assessments (P < 0.05). The difference
treatment in the last 3 months, patients). 0.2 mL/cm3 betamethasone ultrasonography and recurrence in keloid thickness at 3 months was
systemic or local infection, tumour, was injected every 4 weeks for a of itch symptoms and of the lesion statistically significant between groups
immunodeficiency/autoimmune total of three consecutive times (12 was subjectively assessed by the in favour of the joint treatment (46.8%
disease, pregnancy. weeks in total); BXT-A was injected patient once a week, and then at vs. 16.7% reduction, P < 0.05). Pain,
around the keloid at an interval of 1 3-month follow-up. itch and scar bulk recurred in the
cm and concentration of 4 U/point control group at post-injection week 2.
(not exceeding 100 U) after steroid


Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Level of Patient clinical criteria Study design Outcome measures Follow-up period Outcomes

Zhibo et al.33 Level 2d N = 12 Before BXT-A IL injection, any pre- Response to therapy assessment Assessment was Therapeutic outcomes were recorded
Age range of patients was 16–45 existing treatment was discontinued was achieved via patient performed at the as excellent in three, good in five, and
years. Keloids of any scar size and for a minimum of 3 months. BXT-A satisfaction and symptoms, start of BXT-A fair in four patients (no treatment
duration were included; the number injection (35 U/mL) with a total photographic record and of injection (day 1), at failure).
of keloids per patient was in the dose in the range of 70–140 U was observations (regarding keloid size, 1 and 3 months, and Patient satisfaction was noted as being
range of 1–3 and with a lesion size in used per session. Injections were height, induration and flattening) during follow-up at very high. No signs of relapse were
the range of 1–6 cm. Lesion duration performed at 3-month intervals via an independent observer. 1 year. noted at 1-year follow-up.
ranged from 9 months to 25 years and for a maximum of 9 months (three Patient satisfaction was graded
location included chest, shoulder and injections in total). on a 5-point scale comprising no
earlobe. improvement, poor (up to 25%
improvement), fair (26%–50%
improvement), good (51%–75%
improvement) and excellent
(76%–100% improvement).

Gauglitz et al.34 Level 4c N=4 Total dose of BXT-was in the range of Objective measurements including Keloids were No significant alteration in the
Inclusion criteria: keloids previously 70–140 Speywood units per session. macroscopic appearance, assessed at baseline macroscopic or morphological
resistant to any prior therapy (e.g. Injections were administered directly morphology and keloid size (height and after each appearance of the keloids were noted.
cryotherapy, IL corticosteroids, into the keloid every 2 months for and volume) were performed via injection session Objective
silicone sheets) and persisting for > a maximum of 6 months (three 3D optical profiling (at baseline and over a period of 6 optical profilometry revealed no
2 years. Any pre-existing treatment injections in total). after treatment). months. No further significant change in keloid volume
was discontinued for a minimum of 6 follow-up was or height.
months before the study. noted.

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Table 1. (Continued)

Authors Level of Patient clinical criteria Study design Outcome measures Follow-up period Outcomes

Robinson et al.35 Level 4c N = 12 At any one time, 20–100 IU BXT-A Lesion size, colour, consistency, Repeated BXT-A A completely flattened keloid scar
Age range of patients was 9–47 years were injected (dose was dependent patient symptoms and of any injections over was reported over an average of 11
(mean age = 30 years). Nine patients on keloid size and location). Eight further keloid progression was 2–43 months (time months of repeated BXT-A injections.
had central chest/sternal keloid and patients received concurrent recorded via VSS. taken to observe a Two patients developed recurrences
the remaining three had scars on the alternating intradermal triamcinolone completely flattened adjacent to the previously
neck, thigh and cheek. Patients were therapy alongside BXT-A injection. scar). No further treated areas. One patient experienced
treated with conventional treatments follow-up was skin atrophy with ulceration and
for an average of 1.5 years (range = noted. eventual keloid recurrence (due to
0–6 years) before the study. Aetiology concurrent steroid therapy). One
of scars included: surgery, burns and patient, having received intense pulsed
idiopathic. light therapy, developed an ulcer and
of eventual keloid recurrence.

Uyesugi et al.36 Level 4d N=1 100 U of BXT-A diluted with Pain (via a numerical pain scale Follow-up period of An overall improvement in the
An 80-year-old with a single, large preservative-free saline was injected of 0–10), pruritis, injection 5 weeks after BXT-A patient’s pre-existing symptoms was
anterior chest wall postoperative in a fan-like distribution. side-effects were all assessed. injection. reported, as well as of a decrease in
keloid. Physical examination comprised a the subjective patient pain score (from
visual inspection and light touch 6/10 to 0/10).
examination. No change in pruritis nor any side
effects were observed. On physical
light touch examination, less allodynia
was identified.

IL, intralesional; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale; VSS, Vancouver Scar Scale.

Table 2.  Botulinum toxin as a postsurgical adjunct.

Authors Level of Patient clinical criteria Study design Outcome measures Follow-up period Outcomes

Pruksapong Level 2c N = 25 The toxin group was Scars were assessed by Follow-up was VSS improvement was noted
et al.37 Inclusion criteria: patients injected with a single two plastic surgeons performed at days in both groups at 1-, 3- and
aged > 18 years with at least intradermal BXT-A dose at using the VSS during 7 (initial injection) 6-month follow-ups (P <
two keloid sites or one site ⩾ 1.5 units/cm scar length 7 the preoperative and 14, as well as at 0.001). The toxin group VSS
10 cm in length and requiring days after stitch removal. period, as well as 1, 3 and 6 months. outcome was more favourable
revision/excision. Control group received during 1-, 3- and than the control group at
Exclusion criteria: allergy to triamcinolone (10 mg/mL) 6-month follow-ups. months 1 and 3 (6.22 ± 1.72
BXT-A/lidocaine, pregnancy/ at a dose dependent upon Pre- and postoperative vs. 5.89 ± 1.83, P = 0.347) in
breast-feeding, previous the wound size and was photographs were also a non-statistically significant
BXT-A injection within the performed 7 days after stich taken. manner, whereas the control
last 6 months, systemic removal, as well as after 1, 3 group fared better in the sixth
medical conditions, and 6 months. follow-up month (5.33 ± 1.87
anticoagulant/antiplatelet vs. 4.11 ± 1.96, P = 0.010).

Wilson38 Level 2d N = 80 A single dose of Postoperative adverse All patients were In all cases, improvement
Patients with longstanding 5-fluorouracil (0.4 mL of events were noted reviewed once per against the pretreated state
keloids (of at least 1 50 mg/mL solution was via subjective patient month for 2 years, was noted. Partial wound
year) were excised in an infiltrated per cm of wound reports. A subjective with the follow-up dehiscence was reported in
extralesional manner with tissue) was injected with scoring technique was period in the range one patient, recurrence in
minimal undermining; age BXT-A (20 IU of a 50 IU/mL used to report patient of 17–24 months three (3.75%) patients and
range of patients was 16–42 solution) into the wound improvements in (mean = 19.6 widening of the scar was
years (mean age = 24.7 edge on postoperative cosmetic outcome. months). reported in 11 patients. Using
years); the male:female ratio day 9 in intradermal and a subjective scale, 67 (83.75%)
was 3:5. Regarding location, subdermal planes. patients reported a significant
26 were pre-sternal, 20 facial, The total 5-fluorouracil dose improvement in aesthetics, 10
14 truncal, 12 earlobe and 8 was kept < 500 mg, while (12.5%) a slight improvement,
upper limb keloids. BXT-A was kept < 140 IU. 3 (3.75%) reported an
unchanged appearance.
Scars, Burns & Healing
Sohrabi and Goutos 9

scale of 0 (none) to 3 (maximum complaint), as of particular interest. However, the very short
well as measurements of keloid volume. Patient follow-up period employed represents a major
satisfaction was evaluated (unsatisfied, satisfied limitation.
and highly satisfied) and photographs were taken In a similar study, Li et al.30 conducted a ran-
before and seven months after treatment. A domised single-blinded study of 32 patients with
reduction in keloid volume in all patients against a total of 85 skin lesions with dimensions ⩽ 4 cm
baseline was reported (82.7% for group A, 79.2% in diameter and ⩽ 2 cm in height. The three
for group B; P < 0.01), with a similar trend limbs of this study comprised: group A, receiving
observed with respect to a decrease in height and IL betamethasone with BXT-A; group B, receiv-
redness (P < 0.01); however, no statistically sig- ing IL betamethasone with fluorouracil; and
nificance difference was noted between groups. group C, receiving IL betamethasone alone (level
Interestingly, softening of all patients’ lesions was 2c). Steroid was injected at a volume of 1 mL
reported at seven-month follow-up, albeit to a (containing 6.43 mg of betamethasone dipropi-
greater extent in group A (hardness score of onate and betamethasone 2.63 mg sodium phos-
0.167 ± 0.389 vs. 1.25 ± 0.621 for groups A and phate), while fluorouracil was administered as
B, respectively, P < 0.01). Results regarding the 0.5 mL of 2.5 g/L and BXT-A delivered at vol-
subjective improvement of itching, pain and ten- umes of 0.5 mL. In the combination groups, all
derness assessment were more favourable in agents were mixed before loading into a high-
group B and were noted having started two pressure needleless injector. Injection spots were
months after the initiation of treatment spaced 1 cm apart and three treatments were
(P < 0.01). On completion of the study, the per- performed every two weeks. Of particular note,
centage of highly satisfied patients was greatest in group A mixtures included BXT-A (max dose
those receiving BXT-A (75% vs. 50%). Overall, 100 U) only in the first treatment, while the
treatment was generally well tolerated by patients remainder were steroid based alone. Keloid vol-
in both groups. Skin atrophy and telangiectasia ume was measured via the creation of lesion-spe-
were evident in three patients receiving IL ste- cific alginate impression moulds, and hardness
roids during the follow-up period (25%), while was assessed via a durometer (average of three
no patients receiving BXT-A suffered post-study measurements). Itch and pain were measured
side effects. using a VAS and lesion appearance was graded
using a patient subjective scale. Keloid photo-
Level 2.  Rasaii et al.29 performed a study with 23 graphs were also obtained. On study completion
patients (a total of 40 skin lesions), comparing the (six weeks), no statistically significant difference
effects of IL triamcinolone acetonide injection was noted among groups with regards to lesion
plus placebo-normal saline (group 1) vs. IL tri- volume, hardness and appearance (P > 0.05).
amcinolone acetonide plus BXT-A (group 2) Although statistical significance was demon-
(level 2c). A maximum of 40 mg triamcinolone strated between groups A and C for pain and itch
(20 mg/mL) and 20 U BTX-A was injected per (P ⩽ 0.05), this was not observed between groups
session for all patients, and a single injection was A and B, or B and C (P > 0.05). The authors con-
given every four weeks for a total of 12 weeks cluded that the combination of betamethasone
(three injections in total). To assess the effects of with BXT-A resulted in a more favourable effect
BXT-A, keloid height, vascularity, pigmentation on the sensory symptoms associated with keloid
and pliability were assessed via a blinded investi- scars when compared to betamethasone alone.
gator at baseline, sessions 1–3 and at one-month In another study, Popescu et  al.31 per-
follow-up. All variables were scored using the VSS formed a placebo-controlled study of 42
apart from pain and itch severity, which were patients with lesions in the range of 5–11 cm in
measured using a VAS. No statistically significant length (level 2c). For each patient, one half of
difference against baseline was reported between a keloid scar was injected with BXT-A (2 U in
groups with regards to lesion height, vascularisa- each of multiple points, each separated by 2
tion or pliability score; nevertheless a significant cm), while the other half was injected with nor-
decrease in pain and pruritis score was noted (P mal saline. Scar appearance was evaluated by
< 0.001). Although these data appear to indicate blinded observers at three and six months and
that IL triamcinolone alone and in combination patient satisfaction assessed using a VAS. On
with BXT-A yield similar short-term beneficial examination, the tendency to form keloid scars
effects with regards to a reduction in keloidal was maintained in the regions of scar tissue
height, redness and pliability, the statistically sig- injected with normal saline. Conversely, areas
nificant influence on symptomatic relief is treated with BXT-A demonstrated more pliable
10 Scars, Burns & Healing

scar formation, and a significant aesthetic congestion at the site of injection was reported in
improvement at both three- and six-month fol- one patient receiving BXT-A.
low-up (P < 0.017 and P < 0.0222, respec- Zhibo et  al.33 performed a prospective,
tively). Subjective patient satisfaction was uncontrolled study in 12 patients to evaluate
additionally rated as being either good or the effects of BXT-A for the treatment of keloid
excellent for the BXT-A scar segments. Overall, scars (level 2d). IL BXT-A at 35 U/mL (with the
the authors suggested that the use of BXT-A total dose in the range of 70–140 U per session)
may represent a suitable alternative to conven- was administered at three-month intervals for a
tional keloid treatments, using low BXT-A maximum of nine months in total. Response to
doses. However, no follow-up period beyond therapy was assessed via a patient satisfaction
six months was employed to assess the longev- 5-point scale ranging from no improvement to
ity of the observed effect as well as keloid scar excellent, alongside photographic records.
recurrence. Additionally, observations were made by an
Zhou et al.32 conducted a study with 58 patients independent investigator with regards to keloid
to compare the additive effects of using BXT-A in size, height, induration and flattening; assess-
conjunction with IL betamethasone and topical ments were performed at the start of BXT-A
hyaluronic acid in the treatment of a single 1–5 injection (day 1), at one, three and twelve
mm thick lesion (level 2c). Participants were month follow-up. Overall, therapeutic out-
divided into two groups: group 1, receiving IL bet- comes with BXT-A were deemed excellent in
amethasone with BXT-A and topical hyaluronic three, good in five and fair in four patients (i.e.
acid (joint treatment); and group 2, receiving IL no patients experienced failure of therapy).
betamethasone and topical hyaluronic acid (con- Keloid regression from the periphery, lesion
trol). Betamethasone (a mixture of betametha- flattening and a reduction in keloid size were
sone dipropionate and sodium phosphate) was noted in all patients, while one-year follow-up
injected at a concentration of 0.2 mL/cm3 (maxi- revealed no signs of relapse. However, despite
mum 1 mL/lesion) once every four weeks for 12 the authors having concluded towards BXT-A
weeks in total, while BXT-A (100 U/mL) was being an effective and safe treatment for the
injected around the keloid lesion at 1-cm intervals management of keloids, the study itself com-
(4 U per point); hyaluronic acid was applied daily prised a small sample size and lacked an appro-
on the keloid surface. Adverse reactions and pho- priate negative control.
tographs were recorded both before and after
treatment, while the severity of pain and itching Level 4.  Gauglitz et al.34 investigated the effects of
were recorded using a VAS once per month. IL BTX-A for the treatment of four patients with
Keloid thickness was also assessed via colour therapy-resistant keloids (level 4c). The total dose
Doppler ultrasonography (average of three meas- of IL BXT-A was in the range of 70–140 Speywood
urements); the re-emergence of itching and/or units (Azzalure – approximately equivalent to 28–
keloid thickening was assessed subjectively by the 56 U BXT based on a 2.5:1 Dysport to BXT ratio)
patient once a week and then at the three-month per session every two months for a maximum of
post-injection follow-up. On completion, a greater six months (three injections in total). A 3D optical
reduction in VAS score was noted in the joint profiling system was used to objectively measure
treatment group (51.3% reduction) at three- differences in keloid height and volume at base-
month follow-up, while a statistical significance line as well as after each injection session. In the
was identified between both groups at the one-, present study, repeat BXT-A injection was not
two- and three-month assessments (P < 0.05). shown to significantly alter the macroscopic
Additionally, the joint treatment group was found appearance, morphology or keloid size/height. In
to fare better with regards to the reduction of scar line with these clinical data, expression of the pro-
thickness (P < 0.05). Of note, subjective com- liferating cell nuclear antigen marker following
plaints were reported as having recurred in con- BXT-A therapy was not observed, and the tran-
trol group patients at two weeks after injection, scriptional activity of genes excessively activated in
but not in the joint treatment group. Although keloid scars was unchanged.
patients in the control group and seven patients in In another study, Robinson et  al.35 investi-
the joint treatment group suffered an adverse gated the effects of IL BXT-A for the treatment of
reaction (including telangiectasia, hyper/hypo- 12 patients with resistant keloids over a five-year
pigmentation and purpura), this incidence was study period (level 4c). This study involved the
not statistically significant between the two groups use of 20–100 IU of toxin (dose dependent on
(P > 0.05); self-limiting localised subcutaneous lesion size and location) with eight patients
Sohrabi and Goutos 11

receiving concurrent alternating intradermal tri- 5.89±1.83, P = 0.347), whereas the control group
amcinolone therapy alongside BXT-A. Overall, fared better in the sixth follow-up month (5.33 ±
the observation of a completely flattened keloid 1.87 vs. 4.11 ± 1.96, P = 0.010). However, a num-
scar was reported after an average of 11 months ber of limitations exist within this study including
course of BXT-A injections (range = 2–43 the protocol design, which incorporates a single
months). Interestingly, reported side effects dose of BXT-A in one arm and repeated steroid
included keloid recurrence (two patients), skin injections in the control arm.
atrophy with ulceration (due to concurrent ster- Another study in this category of evidence
oid therapy; one patient) and ulcer formation (level 2d) reported the effects of a single prophy-
resulting in keloid recurrence (after intense lactic 5-fluorouracil dose (0.4 mL of 50 mg/mL
pulse light therapy; one patient). per cm wound with a maximum dose < 500 mg) in
In another study, Uyesugi et al.36 reported a sin- combination with BXT-A (20 IU with a maximum
gle case of a large anterior chest wall keloid (level dose < 140 IU) nine days following keloid exci-
4d)treated with a total of 100 U of BXT-A injected sion.38 In total, 80 patients presenting with long-
throughout the scar in a fan like distribution. At standing keloids of at least one year in duration
five-week follow-up, the patient reported having and a variety of underlying aetiologies were stud-
experienced a significant improvement in subjec- ied, including surgery, trauma, cosmetic piercing
tive symptoms and substantial reduction in pain. and cutaneous infections. All keloids had previ-
Interestingly, visual inspection revealed no change ously undergone therapeutic attempts involving
in keloid appearance; nevertheless light touch triamcinolone injection (72 patients), topical sili-
examination revealed reduced allodynia of the scar cone gel (32 patients), previous surgical excision
and surrounding skin. (30 patients), laser resurfacing (four patients) as
well as irradiation (34 patients), and were followed
Botulinum toxin as a postsurgical up once monthly for a mean period of 19.6 months
(range = 17–24 months). A subjective post-treat-
adjunct ment improvement was noted in most cases, with
Level 2 83.75% of patients reporting significant improve-
ment, 12.5% slight and 3.75% no improvement.
Pruksapong et al.37 performed a prospective con- Scar widening was identified in 11 (13.75%)
trolled study in 25 adult patients presenting with patients alongside 3 (3.75%) cases of recurrence.
at least two keloid sites or one site exceeding 10 Transient local adverse reactions, including pruri-
cm in length, requiring scar revision/excision tus, pain, burning and residual post-inflammatory
(level 2c). The scars were excised completely hyperpigmentation, were noted in 26.3% of
under local anaesthetic and primary wound clo- patients during post-injection weeks 2–4.
sure was performed with subcuticular closure or
simple interrupted stitches in higher tension
areas. To evaluate the effects of BXT-A, each Discussion
patients’ two scar sites were randomised to either The rationale for the application of BXT in the
toxin or control group. The toxin group was management of keloid scars rests on its potential
injected with a single BXT-A intradermal dose (1.5 to minimise tension around the scar as well as
U/cm scar), seven days after stitch removal, while influence the activity of fibroblasts, which are
the control group was injected with triamcinolone implicated in the pathogenesis of scar formation.
acetonide (10 mg/mL) seven days after stitch Our work investigated the current knowledge
removal (initial injection), repeated in the first, basis pertinent to BXT as a potential primary
second and third month thereafter. Follow-up was management agent for keloid scars. There is level
performed at day 7 (initial injection) and day 14, 1 evidence to suggest that BXT-A may be equiva-
as well as one-, three- and six-month periods using lent to triamcinolone in terms of producing a
a VSS by two blinded plastic surgeons. No statisti- reduction in volume, height and redness of
cally significant difference was found in the mean keloid scars following a seven month follow-up
preoperative VSS between the control and toxin period. Additionally, BXT appears to be associ-
groups and both groups showed a statistically sig- ated with more favourable outcomes in terms of
nificant improvement with both interventions at pain and itch control, alongside subjective
all follow-up timescales. The VSS outcome in the patient satisfaction scores when compared to
toxin group was reported as more favourable than steroid injections.28 Three level 2 studies have
the control group at months 1 and 3 in a non-sta- also suggested there may be additive value to the
tistically significant manner (6.22±1.72 vs. use of BXT-A with IL steroids in terms of
12 Scars, Burns & Healing

alleviating pain and itch compared to steroid musculature and attenuate fibroblast activity, both
injections alone,29,30,32 as well as of an effect on of which play a role in the pathogenesis of keloid
the reduction of keloid scar volume.32 Two fur- scars. Results so far appear to provide some evi-
ther studies in this category, one intraindividual dence that BXT may have an equivalent value in
intervention/placebo and one prospective improving the height, volume and vascularity of
uncontrolled, appear to point towards toxin keloid scars, as well as confer a notable sympto-
monotherapy rendering pliability to keloid scars matic benefit when compared to steroid injections.
at six-month follow-up.31,33 However, one of the However, the currently available data on BXT as a
main shortcomings of all studies is the short fol- postoperative adjunct after extralesional excision
low-up periods employed (12 months maxi- is extremely limited. Significant shortcomings of
mum), which provides little supporting evidence studies in the field include the small cohort sizes
with regards to the long-term therapeutic bene- appraised, the short follow-up periods employed as
fit. Another notable limitation is the interexperi- well as of the heterogeneity of outcomes measured.
mental variability in BXT-A and steroid dose At present, the use of BXT for scar management is
used, as well as of the thickness and width charac- perhaps best supported in the context of research
teristics of the keloid scars selected for study trials. Further high-quality studies are therefore
inclusion; these factors may account for the awaited to further define the role of BXT in keloid
observed differences in reported outcomes. scar management protocols.
However, one of the proposed advantages of
BXT-A as a primary agent appears to be its poten- Acknowledgements
tial association with a reduced incidence of side- The authors would like to acknowledge Ewelina Rogozinska,
effects frequently observed with local steroid research consultant in evidence synthesis, for her assistance
injections;32,33 this may form a sensible rationale with the categorisation of the included studies into levels of
for the inclusion of toxins in management proto- evidence.
cols for keloid scars. Given that the majority of
data is currently based on small-scale trials, cau- Declaration of conflicting interests
tion should be taken when interpreting these
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest
with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publica-
There are only two level 2 studies appraising tion of this article.
the value of BXT-A as a postoperative keloid man-
agement adjunct. In the first study, a single intra- Funding
dermal injection of BXT-A seven days after suture
removal was found to be inferior to four injections The author(s) received no financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
of triamcinolone at six-month follow-up using VSS
scores.31 The second reported encouraging results
following the use of a single combined injection of ORCID iDs
5-fluorouracil and BXT-A on the ninth postopera- Catrin Sohrabi
tive day after extralesional excision of keloid scars. Ioannis Goutos
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Botulinum Toxin Type A in Prevention of Hypertrophic Scar

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