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Katigbak, Fedrick A.


Positive and Negative Environmental Impact of Covid-19


All of us are facing this corona virus for the first time. I’m hopeful that with the right
combination of faith, caution and pragmatism and we will resist the pull of panic. We should
treat others with respect and kindness. Let us to thoughtful about what we say and do. Let’s be
the kind of people who are still working. We don’t have choice about the existence of corona
virus. But we do have choice about how we respond to it. We should follow all the front liners
want us to do. Just stay at home and stay hydrated. Always sanitize ourselves and have social
distances. The corona virus pandemic gets worse. Although invaluable preparation time was lost,
our government is now taking decisive steps to fight the virus with a decentralized strategy that
locally executed, state mandated and federally funded. Last week, the fight against this virus
takes a heavy economic and human toll. Social distancing is critical to help flatten the corona
virus curse so that our health care system is not overwhelmed. This action means schools,
offices; restaurant and other business will be close. The more viruses relate closures, the greater
the need for a continued response from our government, but they will continue to do their job so
that this virus doesn’t damage our national spirit.

As a student, I will follow the steps to prevent the virus. I will wash my hands regularly
with soap and water. I will cover my nose and mouth when I cough and sneeze. I will follow
the social distancing and I will stay at home and self- isolate from others if I feel unwell. Lastly,
I will not touch my eyes, nose and mouth when my hands are not clean. The true preventing
thing from happening in the first place. Stay hydrated.


Those articles underpins that Covid-19 truly has positive and negative effect on nature. It
said to be that the Covid-19 is a surprisingly positive turn of events on the grounds that the air
contamination diminished and our mom earth is recuperating itself from the mischief that we
individuals did. Furthermore, now and again there are sightings were in certain creatures are in
the urban regions. Additionally the abatement of the ozone harming substance outflow is
something worth being thankful for in light of the fact that it will reduce the seriousness of
environmental change to our planet. In a perception in China the carbon emanation get lower
than expected and for me that is an uplifting news since we realize how urbanize China is and
seeing that outcome shows we can battle environmental change and reduce it impacts. No doubt
those things will add to the recuperating of our condition however for me those constructive
outcomes are insufficient I'm certain that after this emergency everything will return to what our
condition are when there is no Covid-19 pandemic. So after this emergency we have to think on
how we can ensure more our condition governments need to take activities to proceed with those
beneficial outcomes. We individuals ought to participate and think on how we can save our

Yet in addition this Covid-19 pandemic has negative impacts to the earth. The volume of
waste has been developed in light of the fact that a portion of the reusing offices have been shut
due to the lockdown. When there's no waste administration implies all the waste won't be reused
or reused and it can make issue our condition, similar to it can cause flood in light of the fact that
those waste will be stuck in water channels. On account of the stoppage of reusing offices a few
eateries and stores quits utilizing recyclable sacks and utilize plastic packs rather and for me that
is very disturbing realizing that plastic is the most widely recognized contamination on Earth.
Likewise in view of this lockdown the online buys and supper conveyances increments. All
things considered those bundling and food holders are signifying the issue, in light of the fact
that on this emergency squander the executives business can't give an assistance to diminish and
control squanders. There is additionally expanded of clinical waste since a great part of the
individual defensive hardware that medicinal services proficient utilized can be worn once and
all things considered it can't be reused and will signify the waste issue. For instance in clinics in
Wuhan were the Covid-19 all beginnings they created 200 tons of waste for every day during the
flare-up. Furthermore, those individuals whose errand is to secure nature can't carry out their
responsibility as a result of the lockdown and that is a chance to certain individuals who illicitly
cut trees and chase some jeopardized creatures, all things considered biological systems can
disappeared and uneven. So after this emergency government and we individuals should take
activities about our condition. Our condition is significant; we can't survive without our
condition and we should preserved and secure it for our people in the future.

Covid-19 the worldwide pandemic has significantly influences practically the entirety of
the nations on the planet. The quantity of cases builds step by step and furthermore the quantity
of passings, yet altogether there are a bigger number of recuperations than passing’s so it implies
that the recuperation rate from the pandemic is high. The birthplace of the crown infection is
China, where in everything begins in one of their region which is Wuhan. The crown infection in
Wuhan, China quickly spread all through the nation and now practically the entirety of the
nations on the planet experiences the ill effects of this pandemic. Also, from this second there
still no antibody to fix the crown infection. So for us to be protected from this crown infection
we have to take prudent steps, social separating is an absolute necessity to decrease the spread of
the infection, wear cover in case you're heading outside, keep a solid way of life and have an
appropriate cleanliness without fail. Covid-19 is a savage infection it assaults the safe framework
so essentially of the passing’s and cases are regularly senior residents since they have a
powerless invulnerable framework. Be that as it may, not just us who are influenced by this
infection likewise our condition is influenced in certain elements. So our educator in
Environmental Science gave us an assignment to put forth a defense learn about it. The subject
of this contextual investigation is about the positive and negative effect of this Covid-19
pandemic to the earth.

COVID-19 is a worldwide pandemic and genuine danger to human wellbeing which stop
the monetary exercises, anyway it is additionally considered as a "Surprisingly beneficial turn of
events", where contamination is lessening and nature is recovering itself. This positive effect on
condition perhaps brief however governments and people ought to gain from this lockdown on
the most proficient method to lessen contamination on long haul premise (Muhammad, 2020).
As the corona virus pandemic unfurls over the globe, compromising lives and overturning the
world economy, it's likewise profoundly affected the earth. Researchers first saw a diminishing
in quite a while discharges in China, where the pandemic started. Starting at now, nearly the
entire world is encountering this pandemic. What's more, the Philippines is the number who has
the most elevated case in the Southeast Asia. In any case, the thing is this pandemic has positive
and negative effect when it comes in condition. With respect to positive side. Lessening air
contamination can decrease both environmental change and COVID-19 dangers yet it isn't yet
clear which kinds of air contamination (assuming any) are basic dangers to both environmental
change and COVID-19. Littler districts have stopped reusing programs because of the dangers
related with the spread of the infection. Continuing to the negative side. With an ever increasing
number of shoppers confined at home, there have been an expanding number of online buys and
feast conveyances made. There has additionally been an expansion in clinical waste.


We are not by any means the only one who is influenced of Covid-19 likewise our
condition. Covid-19 effects adversely and decidedly to our condition. It is acceptable to see those
constructive outcomes, yet for me those beneficial outcomes won't keep going long and I think
after this emergency everything will return to normal so activities is expected to proceed with
those beneficial outcomes. In the adverse side I realize a portion of the pessimistic impacts will
be get out after the emergency realizing that there's no more lockdown, however in the waste
issue I figure it very well may be diminished yet for me squander issue is ceaseless and without a
doubt after this emergency urbanize urban areas will be occupied again and individuals will
definitely come out to their homes and return to their standard doings. This Covid-19 worldwide
pandemic truly instructs us that there is as yet an answer on how we can ensure our condition; we
individuals and enterprises ought to gain from this emergency and understand that we can in any
case spare our planet from the environmental change. Governments ought to learn and take
designs after this Covid-19 emergency, in the event that we need to draw out those constructive
outcomes and take out those negative impacts we ought to be progressively restrained residents
even there is no emergency occurring and ultimately accept those beneficial outcomes as an
inspiration that still there is a path on how we can ensure and monitor our condition.

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