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ISSUE 2 (MAY 2011)

INK Magazine is a student-led magazine featuring
student works from a range cross the ESF schools,
currently including Island School, West Island School
and Renaissance College.
MAY 2011
The second release of the INK
magazine covers the topic of
‘change’, whether it be
personal, social, technological, po-
litical, environmental, etc.

Cover image by REUTERS/KYODO

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West Island Island Renaissance

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INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 3

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RIGHT: (Back Row)
Pratishtha Kohli Lavine Hemlani Head Editor Iva Liu

Isabelle Ng Jacueline Yip
Catherine Stamp
Mark Lau
Karin Honarvar
Johnathan Leung
Lavine Hemlani Kopal Manglik Plast! Productions Chun Yin San

EDITORIAL TEAM Kabir Sajan Alex Minyoung Park
Head Editor George Jones
George Jones Lorenzo Borje
There is always something about starting a Dear Reader,
project at school that brings excitement and the sense On behalf of the editors team, we would like to
of determination in the student body; it is through extend our heart-felt appreciation for all those involved
the students’ creative responses that contribute to- with the production, printing and distribution of ‘INK’
SOMETHING FROM wards the creation of the Magazine. The INK team Magazine, 2011. From the sprouting of an idea, to a full
THE IHT had worked excessively hard in preparation for the
first publication in May. The first few weeks lagged,
scale production, this magazine has transformed almost
magically within a matter of months.
There is always something about starting a It is a tool that connects students all across ESF, allowing but we quickly gained pace in terms of our organi- We live in a competitive and growing ‘bubble’ of
project at school that brings excitement and the sense their opinions to be addressed, allowing information to be zation, communication, and most of all, getting advanced information, technology and social communi-
of determination in the student body; it is through the passed between student communities across schools. submissions. The Island School Ink Team also ad- cation. Often, what many people are oblvious to is that
students’ creative responses that contribute towards the Last but not least, thanks to the partnership of all ministrates the Ink website, which allows publication behind the crisp new iPhone displays and ergonomic Star-
creation of the Magazine. The INK team had worked Ink members that we have made the magazine possible. to run more smoothly and more efficiently. It is a tool bucks Frappes, we face bigger problems, which require
excessively hard in preparation for the first publication in In the coming years, we hope that the project will con- that connects students all across ESF, allowing their even BIGGER solutions. While an individual, let alone a
May. The first few weeks lagged, but we quickly gained tinue to prosper all across the schools. opinions to be addressed, allowing information to be teenager, can only do so much to help combat these prob-
pace in terms of our organization, communication, and passed between student communities across schools. lems, as a collective, we can take the first step to a global
most of all, getting submissions. The Island School Ink Iva Liu Last but not least, thanks to the partnership campaign of “change” – awareness.
Team also administrates the Ink website, which allows Island School of all Ink members that we have made the magazine With this magazine, we hope to shine light on
publication to run more smoothly and more efficiently. possible. In the coming years, we hope that the pro- issues like global warming, poverty, political dilemmas and
ject will continue to prosper all across the schools. our society’s ever-growing needs. We hope every individu-
al connects with our core ideas – as we all strive to make a
Iva Liu difference.
Island School
With Best Regards,
Pratishtha Kohli & Lavine Hemlani
West Island School

INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 5

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9 In the Face of Disaster by Kopal Manglik
11 Everything Changes by Tanya Buxani
12 The Day After Tomorrow: Can it Happen? by Lara Gander
14 Cell Phones in a Decade by Michelle Li
16 Ending Foeticide by Pratishtha Kohli, Kopal Manglik and Aashna Rungtu
18 The Old and New by Nicole Ng
19 The Future is Stark by Kelly Wong
20 Alone in the City by Yip Wing Siu
21 World Around Us by Carol D’Souza

54 Dynamic by Mikaela Kalmar

INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 7
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OF DISASTER Written by Kopal Manglik
‘Ahh… finally, peace and quiet’ awe-struck. A poor, little white fishing boat was in
the middle of the ocean and was picked up by the
I soaked under the warm, welcoming sun on a
wave and hurled around. A few seconds later the
Patong beach in Phuket on Boxing Day. ‘This is the
wave hit our beach with great force. The sea rose
perfect holiday’.
up like a boiling cauldron of dark murky water. It
It was early in the morning and I was enjoying a then gushed into the buildings and I was knocked
quiet day at the beach with my friends, Rachel and over by its might. I was about to be dragged back
Jasmine. I could feel the soft golden sand and the into the hungry ocean but I hung on to a huge
warm rays of the sun. We lazily crept in and out palm tree for my life.
of dreamy slumber. The sea was a gleaming blue,
A few minutes later, another wave came. This was
waves breaking upon the shore with a soothing
bigger than the first; and I was knocked against a
‘hush, hush’. However, it was eerily still and some-
giant building. It was like being hit by a bus over
thing seemed abnormal. The horizon was so high!
and over again. I could hear the rushing water,
But not giving it another thought, I dozed off. I was
taste the soil and salt and feel the stinging seawater
woken up by my friend’s excited voices. Looking
in my eyes. My bones were crushed together pain-
around I saw what looked like a giant wave span-
fully. Then there was darkness.
ning the horizon.
THE 2004 BOXING DAY TSUNAMI DESTROYED MANY The next thing I remember is waking up in the
LIVES AND HOMES IN THAILAND, SRI LANKA, INDO- Suddenly, the water was drained from the beach.
It rushed away from us at a great speed. It was like
middle of a tiny room filled with many injured

NESIA AND INDIA. WITH A MAGNITUDE OF 9.1, IT WAS magic. Then Rachel shook me frantically. There
people. The first thing that struck me was the
smell. The awful, sickening smell! It was the stench
THE WORST TSUNAMI TO EVER HIT ASIA KILLING was a five meter high wave moving in towards us.
People started screaming and running while I sat
of death and illness. As I blinked away my sleep,

MORE THAN 225,000 PEOPLE. Jasmine and a nurse jumped up by my side. The

INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 9

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the floor lined up. I asked here where ered. There were tiny white maggots stroyed it all. We sat all night looking
Rachel was and she said they hadn’t eating up the leg as fresh blood trick- at the building, which, like our hope,
found her yet. I got up slowly as she led out slowly. I thought I was going had collapsed, crying until we sank
pleaded me to stay still. The nurse to throw up. However, we had to go into a disturbed sleep.
glared at me from a distance and mo- on. So on and on we went as the sun
After days of looking for Rachel,
tioned for me to sit back down. But I set. There was a chill in the air and
we finally accepted defeat and went
had to find our friend. things started to quieten down. How
home. Along our way we had come
easily nature could go back to its rou-
It was a lot worse outside. There across many different people search-
tine. It was as if this disaster hadn’t
was rubble everywhere. It was hor- ing for their loved ones. Some found

even happened. Nature moved on
rible to see personal, prized posses- them but most like us were unsuccess-
while we picked up the broken pieces
sions scattered all over the beach. ful. As miserable as we were about
it left behind.
Teddy bears, photographs, watches, loosing our friend, we realised how
beach chairs and slippers just lying Rachel was still nowhere to be found. lucky we were to have survived this
there. We walked up and down the We started walking towards our hotel incomprehensible tragedy.
beach screaming her name as people hoping to find Rachel and maybe
My prayers till today, are sent out to
frantically scurried around trying to our belongings. When we got there
all those who had to experience the
find their loved ones. Jasmine almost our hearts shattered. What had once
lethal tsunami.
tripped over something. When we been an enchanting little resort was
look down we saw a leg with a Nike now nothing more than torn apart
shoe sticking out from the sand. wood and stone. Its inviting entrance
There was not sign of a body. I shiv- had disappeared. The wave had de-

nurse looked like a foreigner. Both people. Around me were the corpses tation.

their clothes were wet and their hair of the young and old, girls and boys,
I sat up with a jerk and felt a blind-
disheveled. Beads of sweat rolled parents and children, tourists and
ing pain in my left leg. It was broken.

CHANGES by Tanya Buxani 9T2

down the nurses pale face. They had locals. All suffering.
My whole thigh was hanging over
a look of concern and tension on
Right next to me was this old man my knee and the bone was visible,
their faces. They carefully helped
with deep cuts and bruises all over cracked in places. The sight was
me up and gave me some water.
As I stuck my mouth out for more,
him. He had a bandage over his head worse than the actual pain. The flesh We change a lot. We change when we A creepy caterpillar gradually and
they took it away saying there wasn’t
which was soaked in blood. He was was as red as fire and it made me sleep, we change during the day, we gracefully, turns into a beautiful butter-
enough for everyone. She had a thick
still unconscious, his face aged with sick. I yelped out loud. The nurse change all the time. Our moods change, fly. An innocent child turns into a cocky
wrinkles. His clothes were tattered quickly came over with a person who our body’s change, even our taste teenager. Technology is constantly
British accent but it was seeped with
and soggy. On the other side I had looked like a doctor. He was stressed
kindness. There was a low buzz of changes. We used to be overjoyed at changing. From radios and automobiles,
a 2 year old girl withering in pain. yet determined. He wrapped my
voices in the air. Everyone was talking
She had lost her arm. There was no leg up efficiently and gave me some
the thought of playing with Lego and to iPods and Ferrari’s. Relationships
in soft, grave murmurs. Then sud- watching cartoons. Now we love hang- change from in love to currently single.
one with her and she was howling. painkillers. It felt a bit better.
denly a lady in the far corner of the
She looked Thai. This was when I ing out with friends and chilling in cin- Change is one thing we can’t control.
room started wailing loudly. She kept All this while Jasmine was with me,
realised the gravity of the situation. emas. We loved hot chocolates, but now
crying out for her child. It was hor- holding my hand and whispering You can’t stop change.
rible. Slowly as I regained my senses
The forces of nature were something we prefer lattes. We miss the delicate
soothing words. She had tears in her
I took in my surroundings. We were
everyone was vulnerable against.
eyes which started slowly falling and
weight of 20 kg, as we are now muscular
There was no way anyone could bodies of 60 kg. Everything changes;
in this room filled with tons and tons wetting the white sheets I lay on.
fight it. However, we all had to work
of people. Injured, dead, distressed There were no beds so we all lay on nothing stays the same.
together to help clean up this devas-

8 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 9
Photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox


CAN IT HAPPEN? Written by Lara Gander

The world is in a state of flux. It is including the build up of greenhouse we would be in an everlasting Ice that in the next hundred years, the The consequences and effects of sures to be taken. We do not need to
changing constantly and not always gases.. The effects of climate change Age. However, too much greenhouse temperature will rise from 2 to 10 Global warming are both terrible and wait for the government to find solu-
for the better. Yes, natural changes depend upon how drastic the changes effect is dangerous; our planet’s sur- degrees and such a change in the devastating. Polar ice caps have been tions for us; each individual can kind
have been occurring for eons with are, how fast these changes are and face is becoming too warm, causing climate would bring catastrophic predicted to melt, causing an increase their own way to help. The goal is to
the Jurassic Age giving way to the Ice how easily the world can adapt staggering climate changes. changes to the planet in forms of in the sea water levels. Rainfall is due bring global warming under con-
Age, the Victorian Age, the Age of around them. Yet, scary though all extremist weather. to increase in some places more than trol by cutting down on the release
Global Warming is now the great-
Reason, the Iron Age and more. Yet, this sounds, there is still time to act others, thus affect- of carbon dioxide and other heat-

est threat to the world, greater than
what we are going through now is now, before we experience the worst ing farming every- trapping “greenhouse” gases into the
international terrorism, the UK
change on a new scale; change that is consequences ever. where. We only atmosphere. Our individual efforts

change is
Government’s chief scientific adviser,
rapid and detrimental and dangerous need to recall the are more important, for in places like
To recap a bit, let’s go to the root of Sir David King, has said. Reducing
not just for future generations, but for devastation caused Canada and the US, individuals re-

the most
the problem: what is Global Warm- greenhouse gases emission is a must
our own generation too. by tsunamis, the lease over 100, 000 pounds of carbon
ing? Global Warming is when the for survival, since without immediate
current flooding dioxide per person per year. Reduce
Global Warming. The Greenhouse
Effect. Climate Change. These words
earth heats up, the temperature
rises – and this can have detrimental
action, floods, drought, hunger and
diseases such as malaria will kill mil- severe in Brisbane, the our use of oil, gasoline and coal is a

problem we
uncharacteris- huge start. You can also do simple
are being bandied about with in- effects on everything from rising sea lions of people around the world.
tic snowfall that things such as walking or taking
creasing frequency. And yes, we’ve levels to droughts and natural disas-

are facing
The level of carbon dioxide has halted all trans- public transport, rather than private
all read about their potential threats. ters.
risen significantly since the Industrial port in Europe cars and choosing energy efficient ap-
But most of us are adept at ignoring

The Greenhouse Effect is different: Revolution began in the mid-1700s, over the Christmas pliances. With these goals and ideas,
bad news. Yet, while these changes to
this is the warming process that traps rising more than 30%. The aver- holidays just past we can start to make a newer, cleaner
our planet cannot be denied, little is
gases such as water vapour and car- age world temperature has risen one to see what is hap- atmosphere.
being done to halt their dangers.
bon dioxide and is an essential com- degree Fahrenheit (F) during the 20th pening.
Make a difference. Help the world.
There is no longer any doubt that ponent for the Earth’s atmosphere. century. This might not seem like a Sir David King, The UK Global Warming Save the planet. It is, after all, the
it is happening; our world is getting Without the Greenhouse Effect, our lot; however it is the largest increase government’s chief scientific needs drastic mea- only one we’ve got.
ever warmer, due to various factors planet would be uninhabitable, and of the millennium. It is predicated advisor.
10 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 11
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at least 1,500 submissions are received by the Apple store more and more obsolete or broken cell phones are also
daily; paying the Apple company US$6.8 billion just on dumped into landfills. How does this damage the environ-
apps. ment? As well as taking up a lot of space in landfills, cell
phones contain a large amount of toxic chemicals. These
During 2000, many people were concerned about the
toxic chemicals are released into the environment when
safety, health and environmental issues cell phones may
the cell phone has incinerated. Authorities warn that
cause. As the cell phone evolved and continued to amaze
these substances can cause a range of human health ef-
buyers, little people are still concerned about those is-
fects, including damage to the nervous system, reproduc-
sues. There are still some people which closely study the
tive and developmental problems and cancer.
increase of cancer risk cell phones create. Out of 2,200
cancer patients that were tested between the ages of Throughout the past decade, cell phones have been an
20-80, 905 of them had a malignant brain tumour and increasingly large part of our lives. Some say that they
just under 1/10 of them were heavy cell phone users. make cell phones more like laptops now; only 51% of cell
However, most scientists have come to the conclusion that phone users only use the call function on the phone, 49%
wireless phones are not a health-risk. use cell phones for features other than calling. Although
cell phones are one of the contributors to climate change
Photo courtesy of What do you do with an obsolete or broken cell phone?
and can cause serious human health damage; without
My guess is that without even thinking, the cell phone is
them, human beings wouldn’t be where we are at now.

chucked into your garbage bin, with all the rest of the
rubbish. As the number of cell phone users’ increase,

IN A DECADE Written by Michelle Li

Amidst our rapidly changing world, influential gadgets from 1923-2010 in People usually refer to the growth of
the abilities and trends of cell phones the highly critical TIME magazine. technology by studying the mind-
are developing just as fast. The first Being the first ever cell phone which whopping statistics and changes
mp3 cell phone, the Samsung Up- could play music, it transformed of the internet; but here are some
roar was released during 2000; and every other cell phone which was interesting facts on cell phones. In the
it really caused uproar. With a price released after it. 2001 was a year of year of 2000, only 1 out of 10 people
of US$399, it had no Wi-Fi, no GPS,
no apps, no camera, a battery life
of approximately 130mins of talk
important discoveries for cell phones;
3G was introduced and the first
camera phone the Sharp J-SH04 was
in the world owned a cell phone; by
2009, that figure grew to 6 out of 10
people. During 2009, the world sent
time, and had the storage amount released in Japan. The Apple Com- over 4 trillion texts (imagine 12 zeros
of 64MB. For our generation, this is pany’s iPhone 3Gs was a hit when after that 4), an increase of 23,500%
probably the worst phone you could it was first released in 2009 and it from the year of 2000. The major
ever dream of getting; but at that had everything the Samsung Uproar drawback is that 40% of young
time, it had the same effect on hu- lacked: Wi-Fi, apps, a camera, GPS adults in America admit to frequent
man beings as the Apple Company’s and it had the battery life of 5 hours texting while driving; which is results
iPhone has on us presently. The of talk time and the storage amount to 2,600 annual deaths from cell
Samsung Uproar was even named of 16GB. The iPhone however, only phone related accidents. The number
one of the all-time greatest and most had the price of US$199. of phone app purchasing has soared,

14 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)

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Ideally, there should be an equal number of males subsidise female education to advocate the rural citi-
to females. Theoretically there would be too, as the zens to send their girls to school without “wasting”
probablity of giving birth to either gender is equal, money. Once they have the education they would be
if it weren’t for human intervention. In societies all able to work and therefore earn a living. Over time,
over the world, the ratio of 103-106 boys for every the fundamental perception of women and their
100 girls has been recorded through the ages. It has value in society will be changed. The patriarchal
been stable for such a long time that it appears to be legal system should be altered to give equal rights
normal. However things have changed dramatically and oppurtunity to women in all aspects of life. By
for the worse in the past 50 years. With ratios as abolishing laws that prevent daughters from inherit-
distorted as 123 males to 100 females, change is not ing property the citizens will not feel a need to have

an option, but a necessity.  male heirs. Women should be more involved in the
public life and their importance should be acknowl-
In the modern world women are pioneers, may it be edged everywhere from politics to media to everyday
law, medicine or fashion, women’s rights have never life. 

been better. If this is the case, then why are there
women in the world who allow female foeticide to If the world can come together to combat global
ensue? Do their own consciousnesses not haunt warming, war, famines and AIDS, then why not
them for destroying their own children, regardless female foeticide? 
of their gender? The answer to this is difficult, some
Written by Pratishtha Kohli, Kopal women are forced into submission by their families,
Manglik and Aashna Rungta on the other hand, most women willing allow their
daughters to be murdered due to their fears of the

hardships and segregation that the daughter will
face. According to a recent article on one
woman matter-of-factly reported, “[her] mother-in-
[fee-ti-sahyd]  law picked up the baby and started feeding her milk
[from a bottle]. I knew what she was doing. I cried
–noun and tried to stop her. But she had already given her
milk laced with the poisonous juice. Within minutes,
the act of destroying a fetus or causing an the baby turned blue and died.” Such cases are seen
abortion. throughout rustic India, China and North Korea
where the government is unable to keep a check on
such activity. 
Imagine a world without women. common Indian saying suggests. The Indian gender ratio of 917
A world with no JK Rowling, no Over the years, the preference of women to 1000 men. In China, South Korea is a leading role model that exempli-
Mother Teresa and no Marie boys over girls and the recent tech- every year there are 13 million fies the solution to female foeticide. It is stated in
Curie. No sisters, no daughters, no nology of detecting the sex  has bachelors who will never be able the March issue of The Economist that in 2000
mothers. Such a world exists. lead to an ‘insane, unpardonable to marry, due to the lack of wom- the South Korean sex ratio was as unstable as the
crime’; foeticide. In the Kharua en. Numbers like this are cropping current Chinese sex ratio. The ratio was 124 males
In rural villages in depths of village, Madhya Pradesh, there is up all around the world, and little for every 100 females. South Korea was facing the
India, China and Africa, women not a single girl under the age of is being done about it. A lack of dilemma with the deaths of unwanted baby girls.
are not allowed to live. A woman 10. They were all brutally killed education and outdated traditions Through the most effective and widespread method,
is a burden - for eighteen years a before they even got to take their cause such atrocities to be over- education, the ratio now lies at a more even propor-
woman personifies waste. Waste first breath. The first eighteen looked in many parts of the world. tion. South Korea changed its culture and percep-
of money, waste of education, pages on Google come up with China’s one child policy could also tion of women and made the people realize the
waste of food. A woman is a news about India when the phrase be blamed.  It skews family life cruelty of their acts. With female education, anti-
load, she will one day be given to ‘female foeticide’ is registered. On by making the parents choose the discrimination suits and equal rights ruling, South
another family, along with expen- the nineteenth page, one article gender of the child and distorts Korea is now working towards a balanced society. 
sive and unaffordable treasures. about China appears, but then the country’s sex ratio heavily with
“Raising a daughter is like water- resumes to India until the twenty- disastrous consequences. Firstly, to stop this immoral crime, countries need to
ing your neighbours’ garden” a fifth page. raise the value of girls which can be achieved only
through education. Countries must encourage and
16 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)
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by Kelly Wong

It is difficult to leave what you know

Behind in the past, when you leap ahead,
To the unknown, the uncharted, the new
Many a person have too felt this dread.

While some try to deny the coming times,

They labor and struggle to reject it.
What is uncertain can never be fine
And so change they can never permit.

But no one can know what the future holds

It can come possessing both light or dark.
Who can predict what is hidden in store?
Inevitable, the future is stark.

Change will deliver times both good and bad,

For whatever it brings, it must be had.


18 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 19


20 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)
BY YIP WING SIU INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011) 21
hong kong past and present
A DECADE’S 5 Cyborgs? – People have begun controlling robotic limbs and
computers that operate through nerve signals with their minds. A

man named Petruzziello became the first person to make intricate
movements with a robotic limb in 2009.

The first decade of the twenty-first century effectuated heterogeneous transformations and prom- 4 New Source for Stem Cells – Embryonic stem cell
research has caused noticeable controversy over the years. How-
inent changes from a social, environmental, political, and economical perspective through people, ever, scientists have figured out how to manipulate mature adult
through circumstances, but more importantly, through discoveries. It is these innovative discover- skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells.
ies that perhaps alter our knowledge, our lifestyle, and our tomorrow.

Here are the Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of the Decade:

3 Water on Mars – The presence of water on Mars has been
confirmed, through a spotting of white powder, which was later
10 Dwarf Planet Pluto – Based on the astounding discovery
of Eris – a minor planet 27% bigger than Pluto – in 2005, what
confirmed as water ice, in soil. This kindled the flame of hope that
someday, some form of life may use this water supply to survive.
humans had believed for 76 years was the 9th largest body to orbit
the sun was reclassified as a dwarf planet, redefining our solar
2 Human Genome – Every human cell has a collection of
23 pairs of chromosomes, also known as the human genome.
A completed version of the entire human genome was mapped,
Dinosaur Tissue Dug From Bone – The discovery
9 of soft tissue in the fossilized femur of a T. rex’s bones exposed which may aid in the discovery of inventive ways to cure diseases
in the future. In addition, this has led to mapping of various animal
amino acids resembling that of a chicken, corroborating the link
and food product genomes, including pigs, dogs, bees, corn, and
between dinosaurs and birds.

8 Existence of Dark Matter – Direct evidence through the

observation of the Bullet Cluster has substantiated dark matter’s 1 Climate Change – Glaciers have been melting much faster
than expected, contrary to what scientists had originally pre-
existence, although scientists still cannot say what exactly it is.
dicted, leading to consequences such as flooding and rising sea

7 Ardi – Researchers have come across “human/chimpanzee

ancestors” remains supporting the theory of evolution from 4.4
As an illustrious man once said, “Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and
thinking what nobody else has thought.” Considering these exceptional breakthroughs, we can
million years ago, comparable to the small-brained skeleton Lucy. only conclude that we
Ardi walked on two legs, ate many different foods, and was a have succeeded at this
skilled tree-climber. multifaceted task yet

6 “Alien Planets” Seen - A colossal exoplanet that may

sustain life has been seen in the Keck Observation orbiting Fom-
alhaut, a star 25 light-years from the Earth, leading scientists to
wonder how long it will be until we locate extraterrestrial creatures
gazing back at us.
10 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)
What To Wear? How To Do Your Hair? The 90’s saw a rise in short strapless dresses, heels with bows, mullets with racing stripes and big hair.
Tuxes were no longer outrageous pinks or blues but where now black with wide coloured waist bands
reflecting their date’s dress colour. Despite a change in hair styles and outfits, the classic corsage and
Every year we face a dilemma. A dilemma greater than exams. A dilemma greater than coursework. boutonniere still remained.
A dilemma greater than meeting deadlines. We are faced with the dilemma of what to “wear to the
Finally, we arrive here today, in 2011. Where thanks to our ancestors, we have been blessed with a
spectrum of stunning dresses, fitted tuxes, amazing venues and in hindsight better taste. So whether
Within the past century the prom has become a universal event, a social phenomenon, designed to you love it or hate it, lets make the 21st century a fun, fashionable and fabulous era of proms.
eradicate exam stress. However, it would be fictitious to say that planning ones outfit for the prom is
relaxing. So lets take a journey. A journey back through the 1900’s to see how our ancestors, with all
of their wisdom, attempted to solve this ancient issue, this ancient dilemma.

In the early 1900’s the prom began appearing in high schools across America. The first proms were
modest and inexpensive socials, where under the watchful eyes of their teachers and parents, middle-
class teens sipped tea with such precision in the fear that they would ruin their Sunday best.

Fast forward to the 20’s and 30’s, and the prom had evolved into an annual affair with a ‘prom
committee’ instructed to plan the prom. Both planning and attending the event had become the social
norm, boasting community spirit and citizenship. The prom was quickly becoming a much anticipated
tradition with photos and articles documented in local papers and yearbooks. Outfits remained
unchanged with everyone still wearing their polished and conservative Sunday best.

During WWII the prom phenomenon was postponed when many men went off to fight. The prom
was temporarily replaced with a much less expensive class banquet where teenagers donned their
best clothes and danced. Then in the late 40’s and throughout the 50’s, as if to celebrate the end of
WWII, proms began to resemble the modern prom of today. Gaudy streamers and helium balloons in a
magnitude of colours littered school gyms whilst bands recited popular Elvis songs. In the 50’s women
opted for white dresses with long and conservative hem lines. Then with the introduction of ‘Prom
King and Queen’, competition was at an all time high. It was quintessential for a girl to be the best
dressed and mandatory for a boy to have the coolest car.

The proms of the 60’s and 70’s rivaled weddings. Teenagers began hiring limos, titivating their hair,
purchasing pricey corsages and buying expensive pastel and floral outfits. Proms were now being held
in prestigious locations and recognised worldwide. Due to the sophistication and the importance of
the prom, President John F. Kennedy in 1963 postponed a fundraiser that was initially scheduled on
the same night, in the same venue, as a high school prom. The prom had clearly become an integral
component of high school and society.

It is a commonly known fact that the 80’s accommodated outrageous poofy princess gowns in an array
of fluorescent, metallic and primary colours. It was the era of more is more. Girls drowned themselves
in bows and ruffles under a thick layer of technicolour make up. The boys followed a similar colour
palette when choosing their shoulder pad fitted tuxes, and like girls, they too ruffled their hair making
themselves look effortlessly chic.
How to plan for the Apocalypse

Fact: The apocalypse is going to really suck for a lot of people. You do not need to be one of those people. For
you, the apocalypse could be the defining moment of your life. This article is just a rough starter for anyone This won’t even happen. If you are seriously considering planning for this then I doubt you would survive
smart enough to plan ahead for all the eventualities. NOTE: Reading this does not count as planning for all anyway. Don’t trust me though. I mean, what would I know? I’m not a dead Mayan.
eventualities, actually planning counts for that.

Gordon Penny
There are a lot of variations of apocalypses; here are just a few possibilities.

First off the most obvious apocalypse, Zombies.

Assuming you are not bitten by zombies (good odds, given how much time I’m guessing you spend
indoors) you are going to have to survive until the military, who somehow let this become an apocalypse,
gets their act together and rescue every one with a full orchestral background. Count how many exits
your house or flat has that don’t involve plummeting hundreds of feet onto concrete. If this number is 1
or below this can be problematic seeing as the undead horde will definitely smell delicious brains from
miles away and begin piling up in front of your door in both senses of the word. If your house does not
have enough food to last two weeks, leave and get some non-perishables. NOW. As long as you don’t try
and leave your (relatively) safe house you might make it through and be part of the glorious new society
that will arise from a species traumatised by such a devastating global event. You could be stuck for a
long time so also storing up entertainment is good. (Monopoly is a BAD idea, buying the Peak at the
start of the game will cause your friends to throw you to the zombies) If you survive for all this time,
congratulations! Almost everyone you know is dead and has recently tried to chew your face off.

Meteor and/or Asteroid Strikes.

To be honest, the best preparation for this is just to be on the opposite side of the planet, once the Earth
has been rocked, things won’t be so hard as long as you have a greenhouse. To grow plants. Yes, sadly
in the future where the Earth has been hit by a meteor, everyone is going to have to cut back on meats
and focus instead on plants that are easy to grow. I’d tell you to start now and learn how to cope with
a vegetarian diet and what foods to eat but really you want to enjoy what little time you have left with
meat. So, if anything, eat even more meat and save animals from the pain of dying in a meteor or asteroid
ravaged Earth. You’re doing them a big favour.

Climate change, all the environmental collapse that would typically come along with your standard
catastrophic destruction of the ecosystem.

Living next to sea is not a good start for this, drowning being a bad way to survive. Living in the middle
of a continent and stocking up on leather coats (clothes of the future) is much better. As with all the
other scenarios, stocking up on canned food is essential especially once the droughts start hitting and
they can’t farm any more cocoa, living without chocolate may be hard at first but remember, it only gets
worse. So cherish that (relative) bliss in the beginning. Eventually you will run out of canned goods (this
may be a good thing) and you will have to rely on your own food. As with the meteor strikes greenhouses
are the way to go, unlike the asteroid collision, there may still be grass so meat is still an option making
this a far more enjoyable apocalypse. Starting a small kingdom in the hills though, and becoming a cruel
allegory for modern social ills, is and never will be a smart plan.
10 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)
CENTRE BACK: Carles Puyol (Barcelona/Spain)

Take this stat line: On the way to winning the world cup, Spain conceded exactly ZERO goals in
the knockout stages. WOW. The Barca captain, along with his club and country partner Gerard
Pique, made the Spanish rearguard near invincible, and even chipped in with the crucial header
against Germany in the semi-finals which took Spain to the World Cup Final. He isn’t the young-
est player, or the fastest, but it’s not for nothing that he’s earned the nickname El Muro (The Wall)
over the years.

CENTRE BACK: Nemanja Vidic (Manchester United/Serbia)

A wise man once said, “VIDIC. THAT BEAST.” A wise woman once
said, “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG VIDICCCC <3!!!!” OK, maybe they
weren’t that wise. But the bottom line is, Vidic is one heck of a de-
fender. With the inconsistency of Rio Ferdinand with him in the United
lineup, he needs to be. Good in the air, solid on the ground, a great

1/2 PAGE AD leader in the defense, Vidic is a player any team would want play-
ing for them, and a player any team would NOT want playing against
them. Not to mention, he shares my birthday too.

LEFT BACK: Patrice Evra, Manchester United/England

This guy is a demon. I had a big debate over whether I should include him or Ashley Cole but I
think Evra just manages to win out but the slimmest of margins. Why? I can’t pinpoint the reason;
it’s just a gut feeling. Both players are blessed with great speed, attack effectively, are great one-
on-one tacklers, and manage to, really, take up two positions every time they take the field.

Right wing: Lionel Messi, Barcelona/Argentina

Lionel Messi is the best player in the world. This is a
fact, not an opinion. Despite his “poor” showing in the
World Cup for Argentina (by the way the only reason he
BY ANONOMOUS didn’t score is because opposition keepers suddenly
became amazingly brilliant when Messi tried to score),
Below is a team that could take on anyone in the world, complete with the best players and for- Messi has terrorized defenses for the best part of his
mation around. career, and the little guy is also a team player – El Clas-
sico, anyone? Don’t forget though, that he is only 23.
FORMATION: 3-5-2 Yes. That is scary.
GOALKEEPER: Iker Casillas (Real Madrid/Spain)
Center Midfield: Xavi, Barcelona/Spain
Captain for club and country, Casillas has already won everything there
is to win as a player, and since he’s only 29, you can expect him to win You know Barcelona? That team which won everything there was to win two sea-
many more trophies before his career is over. One of the best goalkeep- sons ago and is threatening to do it again this season? Well they do have the
ers in the world for many years now, his goalkeeping was an integral best player in the world. Indeed they have 6 of the 11 players on this list. Well, the
factor in Spain’s championship run in the World Cup 2010, whenever the genius running the show is Xavi. The man just broke the record for most Barcelona
Spanish goal was threatened. As quite some of our female classmates appearances, is the most brilliant midfield genius (arguably of all time), and is the
would agree, it doesn’t hurt to be good looking either… heart of the current Barcelona domination.

RIGHT BACK: Dani Alves (Barcelona/Brazil) Center Midfield: Andrés Iniesta, Barcelona/Spain

Brilliant attacking, just as brilliant as a defender, Alves is the best right back in the world thriving Simply put, Iniesta is Xavi’s right hand man. And the only reason he is a right hand man is be-
on the best team in the world, playing on the same side as the best player in the world (Messi). cause he plays with Xavi. Iniesta’s silky skills and eye to pick a pass are second only to Xavi.
That right side combination has been a source for many goals for Barcelona, and is probably the Actually, scratch that. His skills are better than Xavi’s. If you watch a Barcelona game, try to count
most deadly attacking combination of right back/wing in the world. It’s one of the big reasons the number of times Iniesta loses the ball over the 90 minutes. I’ll bet you it’s a very low number.
Barcelona thrashed Real Madrid in El Classico recently (Alvaro Arbeloa had no chance).
Left wing: Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid/Portugal Yoga – What is it really?
This guy is a complete package of flashiness, skill, power, aerial Why do we do yoga? Is it simply just to become more stretchy or flexible than our friends? Or is it
ability and speed all mixed into one. Remember those days at just for the satisfaction of exercising, to make you feel better about yourself? Many people imagine a
Manchester United many years ago when he tried to do those yoga class as a group of women stretching on a soft, colourful mat – but yoga isn’t that effortless and
skills and failed miserably nine times out of ten? Well now, they straightforward.
succeed nine times out of ten. Throw in a devious freekick (al-
though that still miserably fails nine times out of ten) and you Although many people are taking up yoga as a physical exercise, it is actually a form of physical and
get a player on course to break Spanish league scoring records mental discipline; originating from India. What we know of yoga – the practice of physical postures
(ahead of Messi, even though both of them, if they keep play- and poses is in fact accurately described in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India as Asana. Asana
ing like this, will thrash the scoring records), and one of the most is only one of the eight limbs of yoga; many of which are actually spiritual. In Sanskrit, the primary
exciting players in the world. definition of ‘yoga’ can be translated as ‘union’. The word originally comes from the Sanskrit word
‘yuj’, which means “to yoke” or “to connect”. Yoga is to connect and to find union between the body
STRIKERS: and mind, between God and the individual, between the yogi master (also known as a Guru) and the
Center Forward: David Villa, Barcelona/Spain young novice.

The last Barcelona/Spain player I will put on this list. Seriously. Actually, Many people consider yoga as a religion – which it is not. Although yoga has been historically as-
Villa’s place on this team was the least secure of the Barcelona/Spain sociated with three of India’s greatest religions; Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism; it was created to
players. He was pushed to the brink by many other top strikers, so many strengthen your bond between God and to disentangle the built-in glitches of the human mind. It
I don’t care to name them all now. But having scored numerous times in makes no difference if you are to use yoga to become closer Jesus, Krishna, Muhammad, the Bud-
game-changing fashion for Spain and Valencia before taking his talents to dha or Yahweh. In the #1 New York Times Bestselling book “Eat Pray Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert – the
Barca, Villa can easily be seen as one of the top strikers in the world. author had written about her recovery from her divorce; in which she had traveled to 3 places to do
so. One of those places was an Ashram in India, a place where Yogi Gurus live and teach. She ven-
Center Forward: Didier Drogba, Chelsea/Ivory Coast tures to the Ashram to be able to cure her mind from all the negative thoughts that had come about
from her divorce and to experience the divine union with God. She realized that yoga had helped
This, on the other hand, was an easier pick than Villa. Drogba’s form has admittedly dipped lately,
calm the battle that was taking place in her mind and that when you are actually encountering the full
but on song he is a powerful war machine terrorizing opposition defenses. He is probably the
power of yoga; you can feel this blue electrical energy pulsing through your body. That is the energy
best African player right now, although Samuel Eto’o could make a case for that too. Drogba
of God.
was an integral part of Chelsea’s success over the past two seasons, and I know that the day he
doesn’t play for Chelsea due to whatever reason is a good day for their opponents. The energy that pulses through a yogi’s body during intense meditation is called kundalini shakti. It is
actually called many different names; depending on where in the world you come from. In Japan, they
call it ki, whilst the Chinese Buddhists call this energy chi, and Christians call it ‘The Holy Spirit’. The
Aborigines of Australia describe it vividly as a serpent in the sky that enters into the medicine man’s
body and gives him powerful and unfathomable powers. In many places, such as India, kundalini
shakti is considered a dangerous element of yoga to play with unsupervised; as an inexperienced
Yogi could literally not survive after an experience like that.

Yoga is of such complexity that this one essay cannot cover all the amazing aspects of this topic. Not
only does it benefit your health; it can treat your mind and soul. It can connect you with God, giving
you the divinity of union between your mind, body and soul.
carolyn ching
andrew song spread

54 INK Magazine | Issue 2 (May 2011)

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